Chapter 2: The Memories & The Status (Edited)

The Houston family had been a blacksmith from generations to generations, passing their techniques, improving it, and their duty to help the village, by creating and repairing their tools for their daily life work, such as farming and hunting.

The Blumund village located far away at the near border between human world and demon world. They live secluded and can only rely to themselves. That's why Houston family needed for their surviving.

It was early in the morning, the sun had rise, the birds are chirping and a sound of hammer could be heard...





















The sound came from at the workshop of the Houston family business.

And the culprit was Rei who is currently forging his own sword. He start by swinging his hammer towards the blade with his tiny hands and arms, but it was unbelievable sight to see that he still 6 years old.

Because, it had been been a week after the day when Rei came into this world.


1 week ago.

It was at night after Rei's possessing his new body succeed, he is currently looking at his own [Status].


NAME: Kiritsuka Rei

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler]

Level: 1

[HP: 100]

[MP: 10]


EXP : 0/1000









Blacksmith Mastery Lv1

Sword Mastery Lv1

Battle Instinct Lv1



" this my status?" Rei questioned himself.

"It is said that, I'm level 1 and my job is [Blacksmith]." Then he sighed.

"I guess even there's someone else possessing this body, my [Job] still remain [Blacksmith], just like what Houston told me."

Then his eyes moved to see the other parts of his status, "...?!! What the?" And something caught from his eyes.

Then his eyes widen a bit after seeing some words on his status.

"In the [Skill], I already got [Sword Mastery] and [Battle Instinct]."

"Is this the [Skill] that Houston mention?"

"It seems I got some skills other than [Blacksmith Mastery].'

'Since it already sound from my job as [Blacksmith].'

"But I never thought I got skills, is it because the influence from me? Or is it something else?" Rei pondering himself about how did he managed to get those skills.

Until he remembered, the lingering pain from his left eye.

" it because of those memories that he gave it to me? it possible to gain skill after receiving those memories??" Rei was deep in his thought, after thinking how is it possible or not, he simply gave up on it.

"I guess that's the only explanation for it."

He muttered, as he soon starts to moving his body a bit by stretching his arms and legs. He also tried to jump and walking around the room.

"Hmmmm....I guess there's nothing wrong with the body, no deformity nor any lackness, or distinct trait that makes me the [Child of Misfortune]."

"Though, all except the eyes of course...."

He looked at the mirror again to see his eyes have two different colors, as he start moving his hand to touch his face to look and feel if this is a dream.

"Now this is creepy, how the heck his face looks exact the same as my face back on Earth."

"...?! Is he my Doppelganger?!" Rei was surprised that fact, but he then laughed after making a joke of himself.

"Hahaha, well that can't be true." Rei muttered until his eyes shifted towards something.

Which he found a small X scar on his forehead near to his left eye when he brush away his bangs.

"Hmmm, how did this body get this scar? Is this the reason how I got possessed his body?"

Rei slowly held his head with his right hand and closed his eyes, "How about I check out his memories first, let's see here....hmmmm..." then suddenly he could see some image in his head.

An image of Ray Houston from his recent memories and the memories he received.

"I is this his memories before he pass out?"

The image shows him where the young Ray Houston trained his sword by swinging it towards a training doll.

"It's like watching a recorder and it is quite different feeling when Houston mentioned it words by words."


In that image, it shows Ray still training even at night and not stopping until he fell off into exhaustion.

Rei gulped, "Woah, I guess he did trained from day to night without resting, I guess those are from his dedication and hard work towards this training."

The image soon changing, as this time he had body of 29 years old of him, trained his sword still the same but on different spot.

"This is...I guess it's mixed with his time when he was a soldier? Hmmmm....I don't know since it's quite blurry to see." Rei muttered as the image of his training indeed blurry.

Then the image changing again, where this time Ray Houston is now shouting and fighting against people.

Rei widened his eyes, "I can see, is this the experience from the war and fights he had?"

"I guess the future I will face, later on.....will be a bumpy road."

Then the images ended there.

"I guess that's all, he sure have a lot of things to keep it from." Rei muttered.

But that was far from over.

After he take a deep breath and opened his eyes then looking down at his own hands.

Once again, he close his eyes while trying to clenching his hand and focusing a deeper memories.

And that is...

"Hmmm ....I see."

The memories of this body, before Rei possessed into this body

"An accident ...."

The accident that he mentioned, that is the scene that he saw in image.

Where there's a young boy who went to help his mother and his little sister to collect some herbs in the forest. They plan to use those herbs to create health potion and sells it.

But on their way home, a monster that looks like a boar assaulted them without a warning and so the young boy got hit by one of their charges attack after protecting his little sister before helps arrives at the scene.

"I see...." Rei suddenly smiled after seeing the scenery, "Like I told you, you aren't that pathetic."

Despite from all those rambling about him being pathetic, weak and coward. Ray still have the brave heart to face on a boar to protect his little sister.

Then the memories was cut short after that.

"I guess he passed out after being hit by that boar and haven't woke up ever since that day."

"Now I am wondering, how many days he have been unconscious? I can feel how weak I am now."

When he could see his body looks skinny and it seems because of sleeping for many days, which he didn't get that much nutrition. When he thought that he is weak he begin to smirk.

"Well, at least it won't hinder my plans to become stronger, and the goal I have been set on."

"Since all I need is to eat and train, my body."

"But first let's check the status again...and test out some skills that I have."

He slowly moving his neck and cracking it a bit while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hmmmm...let's see here." Then he stared down at his [Skill List] in his [Status] right now.

"From the way I read it, [Blacksmith Mastery] and [Sword Mastery] needs a tool for them to [Sword Mastery] need a sword to know the feeling."

"But what is this [Battle Instinct]? Does it have to do with battling?"

"Hmmmm, let's try it first and test if this could work ...."

He slowly taking a deep breath and let it out slowly while closing his eyes.


Without him knowing, [Battle Instinct] have been activated because [Passive Skill] doesn't required any motion or technique.

He suddenly felt where his sense start getting sharp, from his surrounding.


Then he start to sense someone below from this room and there is 3 people who are sleeping in separated room.

"Ohh!...I could sense them! Even with my eyes close, I can feel it as if I am looking pass through the walls and floor towards them."

He slowly smiled as his hearing gotten better too, he could hear something better like crickets sound from the outside from here and the wind as well.

"I see....I get it now, so this is [Battle Instinct], it allows me to increase all my senses to see and hear my surroundings better."

"And since it is still level 1, does that mean I can sense more better after it level up ??"

Rei sighed, "well I will know when I level them up ..."

"Now then the status .... it does looks like RPG game system .... and it's a good thing that I played them before ..."

He slowly read the instructions from the system.

"Let's see, there is [STRENGTH], [AGILITY], [VITALITY], [INTELLIGENCE] and [SENSE]."

"[Strength] it's name is related to my raw power or strength, [Agility] something related to my speed."

"[Vitality] is something related to my stamina or HP, [Intelligence] is related to my mana or MP."

"And lastly is [Sense], it's related to my sensibility? hmmmm....does it mean like Dexterity in RPG terms? if it is, then I might need to put my point on them for my plans."

He finally finished assessing his status and his memories. It's time for him to bring out his plan and goal.

He started holding his chin and deep in his thought.

"Now then, let's start with the plan."

"The first plan will be...that I need to start by focusing on my [Blacksmith mastery] skill by increasing it level until a certain level or maxed level."

"The reason is because my [Job] as a [Blacksmith] doesn't allow me gain powerful strength that could help during the fight."

"So, to fill the gap of my strength, I need a powerful weapon to fill them in."

"The second plan, will be where I need to train my body and level up my [Sword Mastery] or any other skill that I learn in the future."

"The reason is connected with the first plan, because being too dependent with powerful weapon can be also fatal, since if I lose my weapon during the battle."

"It will be my loss since the gap had become wider."

"I don't know there is a limit for it for a [Blacksmith] to level up their other status."

"Which is why, I need to increase my [Strength] and [Sense] first."

"The third plan will be info gathering information, from materials, hidden treasure and all other things."

"The reason, is that I need a knowledge, since before starting something new and unknown, you need information, books and maps."

"With these knowledge, it can also help the first and second plan from before."

"So I will ask Houston when he woke up and share all his information he had from the future."

He begin to smirk again while thinking of drying all the information he will get from Ray.

"The fourth plan, I need to join the [Adventurer Guild]. Since this is fantasy world, there should be one."

"The reason is, I need to make a name and reach the highest rank, since I can gather more information which also help the other plans too."

"But making a name might be too risky, because it can be dangerous if people I know start getting targetted because of my identity being exposed."

"Which is why I need to use a fake name and hid all of my information."

"And last but not least, that old man did told me that this world based on otome game."

"If I remember, Otome Game is a game where a girl met multiple handsome guy, right??" Rei muttered for being unexperienced of this matter.

"So, I guess I might meet these people, or there will be a school or academy, for the this game happen."

"Knowing my age, I might need attend there so I probably need a nomination from the guild as the famous adventure or something, if that is possible." Rei sighed.

"Well, I guess that's all! Uhhhh...I feel tired...never knew reviewing and planning everything could be this tiring."

He began to strech his arms after planning those plan and calculating them.

"Now then, I have 10 years before reaching 16 years old."

"It might the appropriate age to go to school, so before that, I need to become strong...strong enough to pave away anything that goes into my path."

"But wait, if there's a school, when will the war start at?" Rei blinked for a moment and gave up again from thinking too much.

"Hmmmm... maybe I will ask him about that too later."

He sighed again after knowing he have limited information of future, but at least to him that still enough info for today.

"Well it's a big plan....I don't know if it's going to work out, but yeah, I don't mind it."

"Because this is the path that I choose, since all I need to do is to work hard and prove it to that god, that I will be the strongest knight even I'm a blacksmith!."

He felt determinate and gripping his both hands and lift it on the air.

But by the time he finished creating his plan, he felt something bright coming from his left side and he could see the window already opened.

"Hmmm? it morning already?"

He didn't noticed that the whole night had pass. He could see the sun had rise, as the sun light covering the whole room.

He slowly walking towards the window with his hand covered a bit of his eyes since its too bright for him. But then after that his eyes widen after seeing the view.

"Woah ....!"

His eyes sparkled after seeing how beautiful the view was, he could see the green forest and mountain that surrounding this village, the beautiful blue sky, the bright light from the horizon that coming from the sun, as the warm breeze welcoming his arrival to this world.

He couldn't imagine that this is actually reality for him and he pinched his cheeks to wake him up if this is really dream. But of course, he felt the pain on his cheek.

"Hahaha...I guess I really am in fantasy world."

He gave off a small laugh and couldn't help to be amazed of this world he will be living. He smiled at the view.

"Now then .... what should I do—"


Before he finished his words, his [Battle Instinct] activated on its own and sensing that someone approaching this room.

'Is there someone? but I can hear that this person is running towards this room ....'

As the sound stopped in front of the door room...


His head quickly turned around and looks towards the door as he brace himself while gulping his dry saliva to see who it is.


As the door was opened, a little girl shows up in front of him with her teary eyes....


To be continued...