Chapter 10 : The Girl & The Blacksmith (Part 2) (Edited)

"A KNIGHT??!!"

A loud voice could be heard from Rei's room as they were discussing about Rei's decisions and choice on what he want to do in the future.

Iris and both of her maid, Silvi and guard, Harson were suprised after hearing his declaration.

"W-wait... but you are a [Blacksmith] right?" Iris asked to confirmed him again, and even using her [Status Appraisal] to checked it again.

"Yes." Rei replied calmly.

"And you want to be a [Knight]??" Iris asked once more.

"And yes." Rei replied again with smile.

'Such a weird answer...' Iris thought of it

'But a [Knight]? Somehow...why does he sound similar to—" A look of realization dawned on her face but it turned into hesitation in a split second, "—should I ask him? No...I'm still not sure if he's [him].'

Iris thought to herself as she stared at him.

But Rei stared back towards her eyes, "I can't tell you the reason why I choose to be a [Knight], but I have my way to accomplish that, so you don't have to worry." As he sighed while rubbed the back of his neck.

Iris looked conflicted after hearing that, "I see...but I am still curious about your reason to be a [Knight]."

Rei laughed awkwardly, "Hahaha...I'm sorry Iris-san, but if there there's another question or request, I am willing to answer you and accepted it." As he answered.

Iris sighed, "I see...then since you insisted, I understand but unfortunately, I don't have anymore question left to ask nor a request." While she gave up and stood up from her seat.

"I see, that is unfortunate indeed." Rei replied while smiling.

"But...before that..." Iris searched his face before she added, " there that anything you want to ask?"

When asked a question such as that, Rei fell silent.

And he responded, "What led to you to say that?"

Iris rubbed her right cheek with her hand, "Hmmm~ I don't know~ Maybe...ever since we started our discussions?~"

"Because to appear to be waiting for an opportunity to say something to me, am I right?~"

When she asked that question, Rei's lips curved up forming a smirk.

Rei shrugged, "Well as expected, you are quite sharp Iris-san." He commented.

Iris folded both of her arms across her chest, "Right back at you~" She replied.

Then she tilted her head to make her look closer to him, "Now then, is there anything you need from me? Ray-sama~" She said, while flashing a cheeky smile.

Which made Rei leaned back and made him sweat a little due her being close to him.

'This girl is quite crafty, not only having an abnormal pressure from before, but now she looks like trying to seduce me.' Rei thought of it.

'You sure have one scary girlfriend there... Houston.' While he talked with Ray inside his mind.

Ray sighed, 'Well, she was a talented child ever since she's might be suprised.'

'The fact that she was once referred to as one of the academy's geniuses in the future.' He explained.

Rei sighed 'Well, I can see that for sure.' He claimed.

'But...somehow.' Rei hesitated to continue.

'Somehow...?' Ray repeated.

'Somehow...when we talk, I felt something familiar from her.' Rei commented.

'Is it because...your emotion and memories are being influenced by me?' Ray replied.

But Rei shook his head, 'No...I don't think so.'

Ray is silent for a while, as if he's considering his words. When they snapped back into reality.

Rei decided to finally tell her what he wanted.

"Why don't we make a deal?" He asked.

"A deal?" Iris repeated while tilting her head more, "How amusing~"

"Yeah, I want you and your people to keep a secret about this." Rei answered.

"I mean...all of this, from me planning those all, until killing that [Boss Monster]." Rei explained his favor.

Iris' eyes widened at that, "Why do you want us to kept them as a secret?"

"Because...I don't want others to know, especially to my family." Rei replied.

"And why is that?" Iris asked again.

" will kept them from the danger around." Rei answered her.

Iris leaned back and looked at him, "If you are talking about a monster, you already killed the source of it."

"No...I'm not talking about monster." Rei looked serious, "I'm talking about—" he said something unexpected.

Hearing the words that came from a child no less, they were surprised by it.

Iris closed her eyes and nodded, "I understand, it does sound dangerous."

Then she would smiled at him, "But if you want to make a deal, don't you need an equivalent exchange for me?"

"Since you did rejected us not too long ago—" but before she could continue.

"Then, let's do exchange." Rei interrupted her.

Iris looked at him, "Exchange?? What kind of exchange?~"

Rei lifted his hand as if he's offering it to her.

"Like I told you, it is a deal."

"In the next 10 years, how about I forge you the strongest weapon that is perfect for you." Then he gave her the answer.

Iris widened her eyes once more, "The strongest weapon?~" then she would laugh, "Pfft....Hahahaha~ you sure love to joke Ray-sama~"

Rei shook his head, "I'm not joking." Then he would answered her with a confident smile on his face.

When Iris saw the confidence coming from him, her lips curled into a smirk.

"Fine then!~ in the next 10 years, I will be waiting for that weapon~" Iris accepted that deal.

"But! if it's weaker than any weapons that was forge by the finest blacksmith in the kingdom."

"You will be working for me!" Iris didn't back off with the deal, instead it turned into a gamble.

Rei chuckled seeing her being confidence as well, "Heh, deal."

Iris started to approached him and took his hand to give him a handshake, ultimately sealing their deal.

"Ojou-sama, may I speak?" Harson requested, earning a nod of approval from his mistress.

Then he slightly bow, "Thank you." While he approached Rei, "We still need to discuss something, regarding the monster you defeat not too long ago"

Harson stepped forward to them as Iris went back to where she sat before.

"What you encounter before... [The Dark Wolf Leader] is a [Unique Monster]." Harson mentioned it.

"[Unique Monster]...?" Rei repeated it.

"Yes...[Unique Monster], is higher version of the original monster that have unique ability and high intelligence...these kind of monster only appear once in this world." Harson explained.

"So, does that mean, this is a rare case?" Rei asked.

"Yes...and but this is more than rare case." Harson hesitant to answer him.

"Because...the one you fought was also a [Boss Monster]."

"Which mean, the monster that you defeated, was..."

"A [Unique Boss Monster]." Harson mentioned its name.

" you were saying that thing was a [Unique Boss Monster]?!"

Both Ray and Rei are shocked as soon as they heard that while Harson simply nodded.

'[Unique Boss Monster] different than [Unique Monster] that was born at first.' Ray intercepted.

'Why is it different?' Rei asked.

'Because, it's a [Boss Monster] that was evolved into [Unique] one.' Ray explained.


'Evolution begins with the environment which made them adapted to the place where they born at.'

'The second part is the intelligence which they gained after defeating a greater size monster, which evolves them into that type of monster.' Ray explained it again.

'So...I can guess that [Dark Wolf Leader] was a boss monster at start, but evolved due the environment which is near to the border of Demon Realm.'

'It cause them to evolved into having dark element and corrosion skill.' Ray concluded.

'No wonder, it was too strong and especially the size of that monster is even bigger than the [Forest Wolf] I fought.' Rei replied.

'Yeah...but it was my fault for underestimating that monster to be a regular boss.'

'It's fine, we don't have much time to think about it, because we defeated it.'

While Rei is deep on his thoughts, Harson begin to speak again.

"But just as you said, I won't ask you any further regarding your knowledge about the [Boss Monster]'s appearance in the forest." He added.

"Ah..yes, thank you for that." Rei nodded.

"And for the monster's corpse, excluding the head parts that has been blown off, from the skin and the rest of its body can be used as material."

"This materials are in good condition, so you can either use them or sell it." Harson concluded.

Iris decide to join in, "So, what is your choice?"

When Iris asked him about that, Rei sighed and looking straight at her.

"Then, I'm gonna use it instead." Rei spoke.

"Are you sure? those matierals could be sold for at least 50 gold coin, if we auction it, you can get more than that." Iris explained.

But Rei shook his head, "...Even if I wanted to be a [Knight], I am still a [Blacksmith]."

"Beside, I promised someone to use the corpse as materials, so I cannot hand it over." Rei spoke as if he was addressing someone who wanted it.

'Kiritsuka, you remember?' Ray felt touched after hearing it, cause he still remember of what Ray cursed towards the beast.

Rei would smile after that statement.

'Someone?' Iris repeated.

"Also, don't I need to continue to improve my skills? Since, I promised our young lady here." Rei said again, moving his gaze towards her.

Iris couldn't come up with an answer. She eventually sighed and gave up with a smile on her face.

"You really that confident?" Iris asked.

Rei showed his confident smile once more, "Yeah I am that confident, if I miss such opportunity to obtain such rare material."

"As a [Blacksmith], it would be a waste, wouldn't it?" He grinned cheerfully at her.

Iris widened her eyes as her cheeks became warm when she saw a glimpse of someone familiar to her coming from him.

"I really good at persuading me here." Iris complimented him.

"Let's just say, it is a wisdom for my start to become a [Knight]." Rei replied with smile.

"You sound more like a [Merchant] than a [Knight]." Iris replied to his joke.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Rei chuckled hearing it.

Iris smiled again, "Then, I will send the materials tomorrow morning before we leave." She said while getting up from her seat.

"Thank you, but wait!" Rei stopped her from walking away.

"Hm?" Iris turned around to look at him.

"There's one more thing and this will be the last one." Rei spoke while he sounded hesitant.

"Y-yes?" Iris was confused by his sudden words.

"Iris-san." Then he called her name and his gaze slowly turned to Iris.

"Y-yes?!" Iris was surprised from the sudden confrontation, as she stood straight and focused her attention back to him

When Rei opened his mouth, "May I know the reason for you to come here?" He asked her that.

"Huh? That's..." Iris slowly calmed down but she didn't know how to answer this question.

"I'm still wondering, why would someone like you to know about this village that was located near to the border." Rei eyed her suspiciously before he continued.

"Even though my action have been strange, don't you think it is more stranger, for you to be interested about this village?" Rei's eyes begin to look serious as he still looks suspicious of her.

'Oi Kiritsuka! isn't that too much—!' Ray shouted at him from his mind.

'—Could you shut up for a moment, Houston...this is important.'

'Of course, I'm still grateful for her to save us, but...I still can't let this slide about this, because there's too many holes about her situation.' Rei explained.

'Kiritsuka.' Ray couldn't utter any words, because it was the fact that she did come to this place was the most suspicious of all.

Iris shook a bit after seeing his suspicious gaze. She stayed quiet for a while, beads of sweat slowly formed on her cheek.

'This is hard...I need to come up with a good excuses.' Iris sighed before she looked up to meet his gaze.

"The truth is, I got an information from someone about this village...that...."

"There will be a [Stampede] that might shows up here." Iris answered.

Both Silvi and Harson widened their eyes in suprise as soon they heard it.

"Huh?! W-wait...This is the first time I ever heard this Ojou-sama!" Harson spoke.

"Yes, Ojou-sama! Why didn't you tell us?!" Silvi was the same.

Iris made a complicated look towards them. "It was when I was sleeping at night, I suddenly heard a voice in my dream."

"In that dream...I saw this village was overrun with monsters and everyone is being devoured one by was scary."

When she explained, she looked away as her body began to tremble, as if she was there–experiencing all of it.

Iris wrapped her arms across her chest, hugging herself. Both of her companions exchange worried glances with each other before Silvi stepped forward to approach the young lady and pulled her in warm embrace. It was quite a heart-warming sight and Iris gradually calmed down.

"It's okay...Ojou-sama...Silvi is here..." Then she comforted her.

Harson stayed silent while he watched both of them while Rei continue to stare at Iris.

'Say... Houston...does she has a skill that allow her to see future before?' Rei asked him.

Ray shook his head, ' far as I remember, she doesn't have it....why are you asking that?' Ray asked.

'Her story sounds fishy...I mean, it's hard to believe that you got all that in a dream.' Rei spoke.

'I think so too, but we can't tell whether she is acting or not...without prove.' Ray agreed.

'But thinking it back...I mean, isn't it strange that a six-year-old child could defeat a big monster?' Rei jokes to him.

Ray would laugh, 'Hahaha...that's true.'

'Let's just ask her when the time comes.' Rei replied.

Meanwhile, when Rei was busy discussing with Ray about it in his head.

Iris yelled in her mind. 'That was close as hell! Good thing I came up a nice excuse...nice acting me!!'

Even though they were suspicious with each other, they're still not in the same page at all.

After some time, Rei opened his mouth to speak.

"I see...I'm sorry for doubting you and once again, thank you for lending your help to this village." Withour hesitation, he suddenly bow his entire body in 90 degrees.

"N-no!! y-you don't have to bow your head! I-I mean you're the one who defeat the monster! the problem is already solved!" Iris was getting flustered because of his sudden action.

When Rei lifted his head a bit and saw her like that, it makes him smile.

"Iris-san." Rei called her.

"Y-yes??" Iris stuttered.

"You really are cute." Rei smiled at her and it made Iris even redder.

"R-ray-sama! w-what do you mean by that!" Iris stuttered once more.

"Hahaha~ I was telling the truth though."

"D-don't tease me!"

Rei laughed out loud while the girl pouted her lips, this time they truly looked like two children playing together.

Silvi and Harson were watching the two of them as if the serious conversation they took were long gone.

As times had pass by, Iris and her people went back to their camp as Rei seeing them off.

"Ray-sama, I will be waiting for you in the next 10 year. So make sure you keep it~" Iris repeated his promise with a smile.

"I will, and don't worry I will keep that promise." Rei replied while smiling back at her.

As they left, Rei went back to his house and celebrated his recovery with his family. Despite all of that, his parents didn't ask anything at all and just went through with it as if they understood Rei's thoughts and feelings.

On that night, Rei stayed awake as he talked with Ray while watching the night sky and the moon that glows bright in the dark.

'Say Kiritsuka...' Ray spoke.

"Yes?" Rei replied.

'We did killed that thing right...?' Ray asked him to confirmed it again.

Rei smiled while still looking up at the moon, "Yeah we did."

'We saved them, right...?' Ray asked him again.

"Yeah we saved them." Rei answered.

Suddenly suddenly tears start falling from Rei's right golden eye.

'They are still alive...right?' Ray asked him once more.

"Yeah." Rei just simply answered him with smile.

'I'm sorry...I was really scared...I'm scared to see that horrible scene again.' Ray cried after knowing that his family could live for another day.

"Yeah, I know." Rei understood his feelings, while tears start falling from his left red eye too.

Ray continue to cried out his feelings that he have been holding it up.

'But yeah...I still couldn't believe it, that we actually did defeat that feels like a dream.' Ray spoke.

"It wasn't a dream at all...Houston." Rei replied.

Ray sobbered a bit, then wiped his tears, 'So...what is your plan after this?'

"Hmmm, I'm planning to train myself furthermore."

"After that fight, I realised that I was still lacking in both stamina and strength." Rei explained.

"So, I'm gonna be stronger than before." Then he stated.

Ray looked at him, 'Indeed...we need to become stronger than before.'

"Yeah! So, I'm going to do my best on training and after that, I going to leave the village to gain more experience." Rei replied.

"That's sound fun." Ray replied to his plan.

"But, what about you?" Rei asked him, since he doesn't know what is he planning.

'Well, I am stuck with you, so I don't have anywhere to go." Ray spoke.

Rei laughed, "Hahaha! That's true, but you still need a plan you know, and I will help!"

"Don't worry, I do have a plan but after, when we get out from the village.' Ray replied.

"Oh! what is it?" Rei asked curiously.

'Of course, that would be secret.' Ray replied.

"Eeehhhhhh, seriously? Come on! Spit it out!" Rei acted like a child in tantrums.

Ray shook his head, 'No can do, you need to get stronger first...then I'll let you know about it.'

"Really?!" Rei replied while sound so excited.

"Yes, really." Ray replied to assure him.

"Then, I guess I need to double my training for that!" Rei confidently stated.

'Then, I'll help you with that training.' Ray said.

"Of course! But thank you for that." Rei replied.

Rei slowly stretched his arms as he walked to the bed. He laid down on it as he looked up at the ceiling before finally closing his eyes.

"Goodnight Houston."

"Goodnight Kiritsuka."

After that, Rei eventually fell asleep with a satisfied smile on his face.

To be continued...