Chapter 11 : The Girl & The Blacksmith (Part 3) (Edited)


It was yet another rather loud morning at the Houston's household.

Adam and Sheila were having face to face with two soldiers who were standing in front of the house and their yell was loud enough to wake up the kids.

"Ughhhh...what in the world?" Rei grunts and woke up from his bed after hearing the ruckus from outside.

'It seems, Mom and Dad again...didn't we solve the problem yesterday?' Ray came out and spoke to him.

Rei yawned and got up from his bed, 'I don't know...maybe Iris and the others came to our house and make a ruckus.' He guessed it while he went out from his room and downstairs with Emily followed him from behind, who also woke up from the loud voice.

"Mommy...Daddy... did something happen?.." Emily asked with yawn. Her voice was soft and she's rubbing her eyes to chase away the sleepiness.

"Yeah, Mom...Dad...what happen?"

Rei asked the same and yawning as well.

"Hm?" From the corner of his eyes, he noticed the two soldiers who were standing right before his parents.

'See...I expected it.' Rei thought of it.

Ray chuckled, 'Heh, lucky guess.' Then he approached them.

Sheila turned around and surprised to see her two children waking up, "Ah! Ray.. Emily.. i-it's nothing~" As she walked to them, petting Emily's head affectionately, "And good morning~ did you both sleep well?~"

"Mhm..~" Emily nodded and looked up at her mother.

"Yes, mom..." Rei yawned again.

Seeing these two being sleepy, made Sheila relaxed and smiled, "Now now~ how about we eat first~ I'll be making the breakfast~" she said to them as she carefully carried Emily up into her arms.

"Ray, make sure to talk about it with your father~" Sheila spoks to him before she bring Emily to the dining room.

"Hmm? Okay, mom." Rei gazed at her as she walked by him, then he stood behind his father by the entrance.

"So, what just happen, Dad?" Rei asked while looking up to his father.

Adam looked nervous when he noticed him, "Ray...uhhh...the truth is...these soldier came to bring a reward for you." He explained while still very much in shock.

"What reward?" Rei asked while being clueless himself.

Adam looked at him being like this, just made him sighed as if he was worried for nothing.

"Of course, the reward for helping them with the subjugation of that [Boss Monster]." He explained it again.

Rei looked calm despite after he heard that, "Oh, that case, we just have to accept it." he replied with another yawn.

'I see, so they hide telling my parents that I was the one who helped them fight the [Boss Monster].' Rei thought of it.

'How mixed bothe the truth and lie.' Ray commented.

Adam scratched the back of his head, "Well...there is a problem."

"Hmm? What kind of problem?" Rei asked while being curious of why his father acting this way.

"The problem is...they are giving us 100 gold coins for the reward." Adam continued his words while showing his a big bag filled with gold coins in it.

Rei coughed as soon as he heard the amount of gold coins they would receive, "Buhhh!!– say what now...?!" He turned his head so fast to look at the two soldier.

He felt more awake now getting shocked by the news, "Wait... I only helped them!" Rei shouted out.


Then one of the soldiers stepped forward and addressed him with a nod and wide smile.

"No, Ray-sama...your sacrifice towards others was...brilliant!" The soldier start to act.

"Especially, when you let your friend run away and you held back those monsters on your own until we arrived...which is makes our heart move!(lie)" the soldier said with tears on his eyes.

Rei were more shock by seeing him acting to lie, 'What is this weird...acting?'

Then another one stepped forward.

"Yes just as he even go out of your way to protect our young lady! amazing! You even sacrifice your life for a stranger without hesitation! I was moved!(lie)" the other one gushed while in tears.

Rei seemed further puzzled as he just stared at them, 'Where am I...who am I?'

'Kiritsuka, wake up!' Ray seemingly tried to shook his body but fail.

The two soldiers then smiled at him, "So our young lady felt so grateful for your bravery and wanted you have these rewards." They said simultaneously.

After they finally ended the story.

Rei, who was standing there, opened his mouth in shock.

'These guys..... these guys.... these guys just shamelessly lied!! What kind of acting was that?! It's true, I did fought that monster...'

'But, I fought that monster–ALONE!!—'

Rei wanted to shout in his on what in his mind, but he must stay hidden.

' looks weird now.' Ray spoke while he noticed when their father was suddenly trembling.

"Dad...?" Rei called him out but soon he noticed.

That his father, Adam was crying after hearing such a tale of bravery coming from his son.

"M-my brave you are..." Adam cried and trying to wipe his tears away.

Rei looked more shocked to see him being like this, ' shouldn't believe them easily!'

But Adam cried once more.








After a few minutes, Adam stopped crying.

" can continue." While he act nothing happen.

Rei sighed, 'Now are we gonna do with the money? I think it's still too much for us and our family.'

'That's true...having too much money can be a hassle, especially in the village.' Ray spoke.

Rei was deep in his thought, 'Hmmm...I have an idea.' Then finally he gave his words to Ray.

'Hm? That's not a bad idea.' Ray answered.

And so, Rei step forward and forced up a smile while he stared at the soldiers again.

"Say mister, can you tell me how many people you have brought mister?... I couldn't tell how many that time..." Rei trailed off, looking genuinely innocent in front of them.

The two of them exchanged confused glances at his question.

"Uhhhh...including us, we have 20 people with us." One of the soldiers spoke.

"Hmmm...I see." Rei smiled and turned around to his father while he lifted his both hands, "Dad, could you give me the bag?"

Adam blinked, puzzled with his request but he gave the bag to him anyway, "S-sure??"

Rei took a bag and smiled towards him again, "Thank you dad! Now, wait for me!"

Then, he quickly went back inside the house, leaving the three grown men standing by the door–somewhat perplexed with his behaviour.








After few minutes had pass, Rei walked out from the house with three pouchs in tow.

Then he splits the pouchs evenly to the three of them—one for his father, the soldiers and for himself.

"...??" They all confused by his sudden action.

But when they opened the pouch, "...?!" They looked so shocked.

"R-ray-sama?! T-this is—?"

Rei smiled, "I divided the reward. 40 for Dad and Mom, 40 for the soldiers and 20 for myself." Then he replied to them.

As their eyes opened wide, especially the soldiers.

"W-wait—why are you giving this to us!?" One of the soldiers asked.

Rei looked at him, "Hm? Of course for your reward as well, but don't forget to divide them evenly by two gold coins for each of you." Then he explained it.

"No no no—! I mean, why are you giving this much money to us!?" One of the soldier spoke.

"Y-yeah! With that money, you can buy anything that you want!" And the other spoke the same.

Rei blinked while looking innocently as he tilted his heads and start to spoke. "Like I said, this is a reward for you all."

"A reward...for us?" One the soldier asked.

Rei nodded, "Yes, if not for you soldiers came to help, I would be dead by this is a reward for all of you!"

"So, 20 gold coins are enough for a kid like me and besides, what could a child possible do with that amount of money?" He explained as if an adult never speaks in such profound terms as he did.

This surprised the soldiers and left them speechless.

Then he turned his gaze towards his father.

"As for the rest 40 gold coins, I want it to give it to my family."

"I want to repay them for everything they did for me, since they supported and cared for me, which makes me happy every day."

"And! I want Dad, Mom and Emily to be happy and eat a lot good food everyday!" When he told this to his father, he seemed like an innocent child who wanted to make his family happy.

And it made his father cry once more.

"H-how can he be so kind to us?!" One of the soldier react dramatically to his words and bright smile.

"G-guhhh!! what with this light!? S-so bright!" The other soldier reacted the same as he could see the bright light that radiating from behind him.

"How can our son...become an angel." Adam spoke while he continue to cry.

Meanwhile, Rei just stood there watching them over-reacting from his act.

'Yeah, it seems I overdid it.' Rei thought of it.

'Yeah, you did.' Ray replied.


After few minutes, the soldiers bowed at Rei.

"Thank you very much for your kindness!! Ray-sama!!" The two soldiers shouted, while their tears seemingly fall from their eyes.

Rei somehow felt guilty for acting that way while rewarding them.

" don't have to thank me, since I should be the one who should be thanking you all, for coming all the way here to help our village." Rei replied with a smile.


As soon as he said that, their eyes started to get even more wet from the tears.

'W-why are they crying even more?!' Rei panicked when seeing them cried again

'Even though he is younger than my little sister...' One of the soldier thought as he cried.

'I will follow you the rest of my life!! Ray-sama!!' While the other soldier somewhat made a decision on his own.

And that made Rei shivered for a moment, 'W-what was that?'

Then the two soldiers stood straight and giving him a salute.

"W-we won't forget this kindness!!" They spoke simultaneously.

Rei laughed awkwardly, " don't have to." He replied monotonous.

Then he reminded of something, "Oh right! Before you both leave, can I meet the young lady?" He requested.

The two soldiers exchanged glances as they smile and nodded their heads.

"Of course, you can follow us!" They replied as they turned their back to him then led him to where their young lady is currently at.

Rei smiled and looked at his father.

"Dad, I will be going for a while and you don't have to worry! I will be back as soon as possible." He shouted to his father to assured him before he left with the soldiers.

And his father just smiled back at him and watched him go.

"Yeah! Don't be late!" He replied to him.

Sheila came out from behind and wrapped her arms into his as she watched her son walking with them.

Adam held her close, "It appears our son is gradually growing up...." as he spoke.

Sheila smiled after hearing her husband words, as she held him close. "Yes...yes he is~"


Meanwhile, Iris and her peoples were preparing to leave.

They were packing their stuff and luggage, then tied them on top of the carriage.

But when she was about to enter the carriage.


She heard someone called her name from a far.

"Hmmm?" Iris stopped and turned to see Rei walking from behind the two soldiers which she had previously sent to give him his reward.

Her expression brighten up, "Ray-sama! What are you doing here?" She asked him.

Rei stood before her, as the two soldiers bowed at them before they went back to their post.

"I wanted to see you, before you leave." Rei replied with a smile.

Upon hearing his response, made her cheeks slowly reddened.

"I-i see..." Iris softly brushed her hair aside, exposing her ear as if she is feeling the heat, " is your condition?"

Then she asked while she stared at him up and down examining his body.

Rei grinned, "I'm fine now! After having a good sleep." He proudly replied.

"I-i see..." Iris replied as she somehow doesn't know how reply him anymore.

Then silence filled the air between the two of them.

'I-i don't have any topic to talk!!' Iris panicked within her mind.

"Ummmm, about the boss material...can I know, when can I see them?" Rei spoke while he looked around.

Iris surprised when he started a topic, "A-ahh, about that..I was about to go and brought them to you myself after packing my stuff.

"So, I never expected that you would come to me first." Iris replied to his question.

"I see, then, I should be thanking you for helping me, Iris-san~" Rei spoke with a gentle smile.

Which made her flustered, "T-that's okay! H-how about we check the materials together!" And she kept stuttering her words.

'Ughh...that smile is unfair! It makes it made me hard to forget after what he said yesterday' Iris was in her thought, remembering him for calling her cute.

'B-but I need to calm down!!' She tried her best to calm.

Then she started to lead the way with Rei following her from behind.

After that, they arrived at in front of a huge box that the nearby soldiers brought down.


Then they opened it for them.

"Ohhhh!" Rei was surprised to see what was in it.

The box contains an enormous black fur, numerous fangs, and multiple gigantic dark claws.

Then Rei examined them one by one.



[The Dark Leader Wolf's Fur]

Grade: Rare

Type: Material

A dark fur from a wild beast that contains mysterious dark energy.



[The Dark Leader Wolf's Claw]

Grade: Epic

Type: Material

A claw coated with dark energy that can corrode everything it touch.



[Wolf Fang]

Grade: Uncommon

Type: Material

A fang from a ferocious beast that roam at night.


'Wow, there are 34 Fangs... from the normal wolves; 1 enormous Fur skin and 12 Claws from the boss.' Rei counted it.

Then he had a deep thought about these materials that he receieved, 'Hmmmm...I guess I just can make this and that....what do you think about it, Ray?' He asked for his opinion.

'Hmm...that's not a bad idea, but it need a quite long time to forge it.' Ray replied to his idea.

'I see, then how about this?...'

Rei continue to his talk with Ray within his mind.

Meanwhile, Iris leaned her head to his side and glanced curiously towards him. 'He looks pretty serious...' as she continue to stared at him.

But her cheeks warmed again the longer she stared at him.

'And somehow....he looks quite charming...from this close.'

But when she realize of her own thinking about him.

'No no no!' She shook her head and turned her back to him while crouched down and holding both of her cheeks to hide her embarrassment.

'W-w-what am I thinking!?!... c-calm down!... he's still a kid! But I am also a kid! Ughhh...this is frustrating!' She ruffled her hair, attempting to clear her mind.

Then she turned her head a bit and start to take a peek at him who still in his deep thought.

'But...why does he remind me...of someone?' as her lips slowly curved into a smile, she watched him from the side.

Due to this atmosphere, the soldiers who were around them had the same thought together.

'Ahhh... Youth...'


Finally, Rei packed all the materials and brought them to the workshop with the help of few soldiers.

Then he went back to Iris who is about to leave.

When she was about to go inside the carriage.

"Iris-san.' Rei called her name one more last time.

She stopped again and turn around to responded to him.

"Yes, Ray-sama?" Iris replied to his call.

"Do you like to read a book?" Rei asked her while looking a bit nervous.

"Hm? Yeah...I do read them, when I was bored." Iris answered but she was curious of something, "But...why?"

When she asked, Rei took something out from behind him with a smile, " this is for you."

What he gave, was a simple bookmark with beautiful purple flower inside of it.

"T-this is...?" Iris was suprised after receiving this gift from him.

"I know our meeting was short...but I still want to repay you with I don't know what to give.

"So, I grabbed this flower when I had the chance and made this for you." Rei explained to her.

"It also, to make you remember of me..." he continue his words while he smiled at her.

Iris went tomato red almost immediately. "U-ummm...a-are you sure...that is okay, for me to keep this?" She asked him once again.

"Yeah... I mean I made a lot of this before for my Mom and little sister, using the flowers that I brought from the forest."

"And I choose this one specifically for you, who had the same name as this flower." Rei explained while his gaze shifted towards her.

"And that is...?" Iris took a glance at him.

When their eyes locked, his smile grew.







"It's [Iris]."


Suddenly something struck into her heart and her face couldn't get any more red while a smoke slowly came out from her head.

"T-t-then I-i-i shall accept it.... R-r-ray-sama..." Iris stuttered her words.

Rei who seen her reaction, start to laugh, "Hehehe~ you are so cute like this, Iris-san~"

Iris pouted her cheeks, "D-don't tease me like this!"

Rei looked at her, as suddenly he knelt down with one leg and kept his face fixed to the ground.

"Let's meet once the future, [My lady]." Rei spoke in a warm voice and acted as a knight in front of the princess.

Iris softened her expression, "Yes, Let's meet again...[My future knight]~"



The two of them looking at each other after hearing her words [my future knight].

Now it was Rei's turn to turn as red as her.

"N-no! t-that's n-not what I mean!!" Iris shouted.

"I-i-it's fine!! y-you don't have t-to worry about that!" Rei replied quickly.

As the two of them continued to stare at each other, unaware of being watched by the people around them.

When they realized their stares, they flinched and looked away.

"A-ah! u-umm... I should be going now..." Iris said shyly and bowed her head a bit before going inside the carriage.

"Y-yeah..." Rei just scratched his head.

But then when she was about to step in, she looked at him.

"I'll make sure to treasure this..." Iris whispered and finally went inside the carriage then leave the village.

Rei heard it and widened his eyes. His heart beats faster and noisily against his chest.

'What....with this feelings...'

This is the first of time of his life, feeling like this.

The one who understood those feelings very well, was Ray.

He just stayed quiet and let the young boy figure it out himself.

'How youth...'


Meanwhile, when they were on their way back to the kingdom.

Iris was having a deep thought about something, while she stared at the flower bookmark that Rei gave it to her.


'Do I...really deserve to have this?'

'Even though I only helped you defeat that's frustrating...'

'That I couldn't kill it alone...'

Iris remembered of that time when Rei was about to be eaten, she used her skill [Restrain].

'But it is no use to think it over...' Iris shook her head while she gazed towards the window beside her.

'Sometimes I wonder, if someoday, when you know that I'm not the Iris that everyone know...'

'Will you be able to stay with me?'

Inside the reflection of the window glass from the carriage, it shown her eyes color changing from blue-sky color...













Red-blood color...

To be continued...