Chapter 19: The Villainess' Secret Plan (Part 1)

In front of [The Magic Tower], there were an army of soldiers standing in line and the one who lead them was none other than The Duke Henry von Welford.

The man was wearing a black armor and a black cape that matched his hair.

"Mage from the Magic Tower!! I request you to hand over my daughter!! Or we will launch a raid to get my daughter back!"

While he shouted, Rowan and Silvi was standing behind the line of the armed and ready-to-battle soldiers.


"What is it my granddaughter?"

"What should we do to Henry-sama...he doesn't seem to wanna hear our explanation...or stopping this."

"Well if I have to say, you shouldn't bother him or trying to stop him...because he's still the second strongest swordsman before me and he also the most stubborn disciple that I ever had...I still remember how he begged to be my student for 5 days straight in front of my house without eating or sleeping..."

"Uwaahh...5 days? That's a high level of stubbornness sound possible considering he would do this for Ojou-sama."

"Yeah and seems staying there as their maid made you change, huh?"

"What do you mean by that Ojii-sama?"

"You change, like, you become softer. Is it because of that little girl?"

"Yeah...because to me, she is like my precious little sister...who saved me just like Ojii-sama and Obaa-sama did. Well at first it was pretty hard to understand her, but slowly...I know Ojou-sama is the kindest of all the noble children I met."

"Hahaha! Well she's plenty strong too, it makes me wonder where did she get those power, and why would she hide it from us."

Silvi shook her head.

"Even if she's hiding it from us, I trusted her that she won't use it for evil."

"Hmmmm, you really trust her that much huh? Even though she's still 6 years old."

Silvi turned her head to look at Rowan with a warm smile.

"Of course~ since she is my lady that I serve~"

Rowan smiled at her, he couldn't help but feel happy for her.

"But there's something that makes me wonder Ojii-sama..."

"And that the hell is she related to that guy..."

Silvi stated with a blank stare while pointing her finger towards Henry who continued to shout.

"Give my daughter back!! You Witch!!" Henry shouted again.



"Let's just watch...he gives me a headache..."


Rowan and Silvi agreed as they stared blankly at the middle-aged old man who was yelling at the tower loudly.



Meanwhile, in a certain room where both Iris and Matilda discussed about the matters from before, they are now watching on a hologram screen in front of them.

"I said it again!! Give my daughter back you witch!!"

It was Henry's voice that was coming out from the screen.

Matilda sighed after she saw who's exactly the culprit that wanted to raid the Magic tower. While Iris was surprised to see that it was her father that was making all of this ruckus.


"This fool...I already told him to make sure to deal with his thick skull and now he made a mess..."

Matilda suddenly closed the hologram screen and walked towards the door.

"Iris, let's go now. Before that stupid father of yours is really going to act it out."


'Ughh...why is it that something bad keep coming to me today...damn it...'

Iris sighed and looked at Matilda from behind.


Matilda slowly stopped for a moment and turned around.

"Yes, my dear?"

"Can you allow me to deal with this problem by myself?"

"Hmm?? What do you mean by that?" Matilda asked quizzically.

Iris had a plan.


"Come out you witch!! let go off my daughter or else–?!"


Matilda came out from the front door of the tower as she walked towards where Henry stood after she interrupted his speech.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Duke Welford, is there something wrong that made you came to this place with an army?" Matilda asked calmly.

"You witch! What did you do my daughter?!"

"Oh please~ I was only borrowing her for a while. I did not lay a hand on her~"

"Heh, do you think I'm a fool to believe that?!"

Matilda sighed, rubbing her forehead. Her patience is running thin.

"Well if you won't believe me, why don't you ask her yourself?~"

Matilda smiled and stepped aside as Iris walked out from the tower.

"Iris!! You're sa–eh?"

Henry stood still after he saw something...something horrifying...something that couldn't be explained by words.


["The Villainess" have been activated]

A notice screen shows up after the skill activated on its own.


A voice came out from Iris sounded cold like an ice as she emitted a dark aura around her body like a dark cloud that can't be approached and the pressure that she let out was massive.

Matilda who watched her from the side whistled, impressed by her display of anger.




Henry quickly sat down on the ground after being told. [Like mother like daughter] that's what he thought, the aura she emitted and her cold voice reminded him of his wife.

When she finally stood right in front of him, she begin to smile.

"U-umm...I-iris l-let me e-explain–"

"Is there any explanation for this father?~" Iris spoke with a smile but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.


"Hmmm?~" Iris tilted her head while maintaining her smile and the dark aura around her.

"I'm sorry..."

Henry couldn't help but look down to the ground and at that moment, the army behind him was surprised after seeing their leader single-handedly got defeated by his daughter.

Meanwhile Silvi and Rowan watched the show with complex looks on their face.

" it just me or did Henry sat down formally in front of Ojou-sama after being told to."

" seems even for the second best swordsman, he's still weak to his own daughter."

Iris sighed and slowly looked directly towards her father's eyes.

"Father, can I tell you something..."

"Y-yes m-my daughter...what is it?..." Henry replied nervously.

"It's annoying...Father." her voice back to ice cold while smiling.



Just like that, Henry coughed blood as if those words stabbed him like an arrow to his heart.

"Do you know how much trouble you've caused?" Iris asked, crossing her hands before her chest.

Henry averted his eyes away from her.


He won't admit it. Iris sighed again and decided to get this over with.

"Hmph! Then if father continue to do this...I will hate you no matter what you said."

"W-what?! B-but I-iris?!" Henry was horrified after he heard the word hate slipped through her mouth and was directed to him.

"If father don't want it, then you need to stop this~" Iris showed the warmest smile she ever made like an innocent girl who has a pure heart.

"Understand father~?"

"I-i understand!! I'm sorry!! P-please!! Don't hate father!!" Henry cried and quickly hugged her tight.

Iris slowly patted his back while smiling.

"There there~ don't worry father~ I was just joking, I would never hate you~"

Such a warm and weird scene that was watched by the entire army. A duke that have the second best swordsman title in his name, cried over a little girl in front of them after being lectured.

All of them, including Rowan, Silvi and Matilda who stood there, had the same thought...

'What a terrifying girl...'

Matilda continued to smile, she's still quite impressed at her ability to end this matter quickly.

'Well it seems I was worried for nothing~ but somehow, she looks familiar...'

After that they decided to go home while Iris continue to chew her father's ears in the carriage on their way back.


When Iris finally arrived at the Welford's Manor, she was suddenly got attacked by her family...with hugs, in front of the door.



Her mother Eliza luth Welford along with Albert dragh Welford, hugged Iris together while crying.

"Are you fine?! Are you hurt?!" Eliza cried.

"I-i'm fine mother~" Iris replied with smile.

"Are you sure?! We heard a loud explosion coming from the training ground!!" Albert added while crying as well.

Iris sighed and couldn't help but comfort these two while patting their head as she smiled at them.

"Don't worry...Mother, Onii-sama, I am fine now so don't worry~ I was saved by Matilda-sama."

"Is that so...but what's with the explosion? What caused it?!" Eliza asked.

"U-ummm...about was me, actually."

The two went silent and suddenly their mouth gaped wide open.


Both Eliza and Albert turned their heads towards Matilda who stood behind them. She was watching the three of them amusedly up until now.

"I-is that true Matilda-sama?" Eliza asked.

"Heh, indeed~ that is true~ this child suddenly tried a dangerous magic without knowing the basic and almost killed herself because losing control over it."

"Ummmm...sorry about that."

Iris giggled nervously while rubbing the back of her head. Eliza and Albert turned their head back to Iris with baffled look on their face.

"U-ummm...w-what's wrong??"

Then suddenly they hugged her tight again.

"Oh Iris! you are a genius! You're still 6 years old yet you already knows magic!"

When Eliza spoke, Iris was confused since she thought that her mother might be angry at this.

"Iris, your big brother is so proud of you!!" Albert praised.

"E-ehehe~" Iris giggled once again.


Matilda coughed to get their attention back to her, prompting the two of them to let go of Iris and looking back at Matilda. They bow down elegantly like a proper noble.

"Once again thank you, Matilda-sama for saving my daughter~"

"It's no big deal~ since you are a former student of mine and besides~ I get to see what she was made of and I decided to recruit her as my student."

"Oh! Isn't that great Iris~ Matilda-sama is going to teach you magic~"

"Y-yeah– wait...what?! M-mother...what does she mean by former student?" Iris asked curiously.

"Oh you didn't know? Your mother used to study under me when she was young~" Matilda answered with a smile.

"I can see why I felt there's something similar between the two of you~ but never thought that you end up marrying that fool."

"Well I did send a wedding invitation and a lot of mail to you Matilda-sama, but you were busy in your research."

"Hahaha~ well sorry about that! Being old makes me hard to remember stuff. But now...look at you, you finally grew up and have two children without me knowing it. It feels like it was yesterday when you study under me."

Matilda smiled warmly and slowly reached her arms out then spreading it wide.

"Come here~ my dear~"

Eliza couldn't hold her tears and quickly hugged her.

"Thank you...Master." Eliza called her like how she used to call her before.

"As usual, you are such a crybaby...Eliza."

A touching moment between a former student and master who were back together again. Henry, Rowan and Silvi who came after them, watched the scene together along with Albert and Iris who stood beside them.

All of them were wearing a happy smile on their face, though after that Henry got scolded by Eliza again.

At night, in a certain room they all gathered together and now discussing about today's incident.

Henry, Eliza and Albert listened about what they told them from how it begins and how it ends. Her family was surprised that she have a talent like this.

They knew she have [Magic Swordsman] as her job but they never knew that she can already learn swordsmanship and magic despite being 6 years old.

It surprised them and made them excited through the night so they decided to celebrate it for Iris.

Matilda and Rowan was forced to stay for dinner as per Silvi's request, she said she missed them so much that made them gave up.

The party wasn't very big but there was a lot of food and alcohol being served. The adults are the ones who drink while the children, Albert and Iris eat and talked with each other with a glass of apple juice and water on their respective table.

After that, they danced for a bit until it's almost passed the children's bedtime.

Henry got drunk since he was the most excited then went to bed with Eliza supporting him. Meanwhile, Albert went to his room to continue his homework from the academy.


In a certain room, an old man and old lady sitting on the couch together and having a conversation.

"Like I thought, I like this girl~ she's really quick witted on preparing this kind of things~"

"Indeed, never knew she would gather us both and behind her family. It seems this girl have something to say to us."

"Hahaha~ well let's just ask her about it~" Matilda spoke cheerfully, "But isn't this almost passed your bedtime, Iris?~"

Iris was sitting on a chair while facing the two legendary people which are Rowan and Matilda.

"Don't worry, I only wanted to have conversation with you two~" Iris replied with smile but the two of them who sat right before her were having an unusually serious face.

'A talk huh, this girl somehow planned this from the makes me wonder if she is truly just a 6 years old.' Rowan thought to himself.

'And she knew that we cannot refuse if Silvi's request for it. How clever~ and Silvi seems working together with her.' Matilda added, unconsciously.

While the two of them were having a serious thoughts, the only one who was panicking in this room is Iris herself.

'D-did I do something wrong...calm down Yomi, you are Iris mey Welford! You can do this...'


["The Villainess" have been activated]

Iris took a deep breath and slowly let it out as she finally calmed down after the skill activated by itself.

"I want to have a deal with the two of you."

Iris began to speak.

"Ohh~ a deal? This is my first time to be asked for for that by a mere little girl, not even the king and queen of this kingdom would dare to ask for that, no? You think I would accept it before hearing it?~" Matilda mused.

But Rowan was still staring at Iris silently.

"Well compared to them~ I'm more aware of the potential this mere little girl and trusts that both of you can do this well~"

Iris calmly spoke the deal with a smile.

"Heh, indeed you are right, it would be very hard to find someone talented such as you are. Very well let me hear the deal is, shall we?~" Matilda asked.

"Don't worry Matilda-sama~ we have long night...await us~" Iris spoke while smirking.

And thus...her plan has just begun.

To be continue...

*Iris' current status*



NAME: Iris May Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]

[Level: 12]

[HP: 2020/2020]

[MP: 650/600]


EXP: 0/9000



STRENGTH : 32(+15)




SENSE : 24(+15)


Magic Mastery Lv3; Sword Mastery Lv3; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv3, Light Magic Lv3; Magic Eyes Lv2; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette Lv4

Status Appraisal Lv2

Foresight Lv2

Restraint Lv3

Shadow Movement Lv2

Shadow Blade Lv2

Heal Lv2

Holy Light Lv1

Sword Dance Lv2

Vital Strike Lv2

Omni-Slash Lv2

Dark Pulse Lv1



[The Villainess]

Passive Skill

A skill that allow the individual to act like [The Villainess] A.K.A [Iris may Welford]. It can protect the individual from any kind of mental attacks and skill; as well as preventing them from having some kind of emotion such as fear, pain, anxiety and sadness.
