Chapter 20: The Villainess' Secret Plan (Part 2)

[Fantasia Love, Doki-doki ♡ in Magic Academy], a popular otome game that currently have the most rating in a faraway land called Japan. The game consisted of two types of game mechanic which are a dating sim and a RPG.

The main heroine is a commoner girl that rise up to be a noble because of her rare affinity of magic, [The Light] affinity. The rarest affinity of all that can be only used by a certain job which is the [Saintess] and the [Hero] job.

In this game, the heroine must capture the heart of 5 male targets, one of them is [the Crown Prince] of the Luxion Kingdom and he is the person Iris adores the most.

But...the crown prince rejected her multiple times and started getting interested to the heroine, even though he's already engaged with her.






Those feelings mixed up inside of her towards the two people in front of her.

The kind little girl that used to have a bright smile and loved by everyone else...slowly turned into a hideous monster that was feared by many people because of her strength..and her jealousy over a simple unrequited love...

She used her strength to overpower the weak and reigned over the noble parties. She was the tyrant...the ruler that controlled all of them.

But it was over...on the day when she got exiled by the crown prince for an attempted murder against the heroine, leaving a big scar on her face on the day of their graduation.

Iris met her miserable death in the war...after she thought she finally can be happy with someone who truly loves her the most...

Now her fate belonged to Hanamachii Yomi as Iris mey Welford, where she would face those hardships and sufferings.


'That's her story after the ending from the game...though I really don't know much about it...but now I am here as her...and planned to have a deal with these two legendary person in front of me.'

[The Sword Saint]–Rowan Threston.

[The Witch]–Matilda Threston.

Together with her maid as well and their granddaughter–Silvi Threston. The four of them were in an empty guest room which Iris has prepared earlier and told Silvi to ask her grandparents to stay.

'Though their aura is something...'

'Even though they looked calm and composed, the aura they're giving off is just like a ferocious beast that waits for its prey to shows up.'

Iris gulped, 'I'm scared...but...I have [The Villainess] skill in my hand and I still remember most the story guide and the route all of the characters as well the background story for Iris even it just a half of I will be fine.'

Iris looked straight towards them then began to speak.

"What I want from both of you is...that I want power and influence..."

Matilda and Rowan simply observed her before the older lady opened her mouth to speak.

"What do you mean by that my dear Iris?~"

"What I mean is that I want you both to keep my family safe if something happened to them."

"Hmmm~ I see...power and influence...but don't you have a lot of power already from your family's side?"

Iris shook her head.

"Maybe so...we do have the power and influence as the daughter from Welford's family."

" that all? What if...there's someone who stronger than our family that could cause our downfall in a matter of time...?"

When uttered those words, the two of them were struck with the same thought.

"You don't mean [The Royal Family]?" Rowan asked

"Maybe...but there is a possibility that there will be others who are strong and equal as our family."

'Like other great family like our...they ganged up on Iris and exiled her...but that only appear at the future when I'm inside the academy. But not yet...I won't tell them about this.'

Iris went into deep thought after spoke those words.

Meanwhile, Rowan and Matilda was in their thought too.

"Hmmm, I think I can take the gist of it but why would you thought of that? You still haven't answered the real question here." Rowan asked.

'It's time...'

"Because I have a vision..." Iris spoke.

"A vision?" Rowan blinked curiously.

"It's more like a magic eye skill that I have and it's called [Foresight]..."

"It allows me to see 5 seconds into the future, but this skill also allowed me to see other distant future..." Iris explained.

"Does that mean you have precognition ability!?...Hahaha! No wonder! So that how you manage to read my movement."

"Yes, Rowan-sama...but even so I still couldn't land a hit on you. Well...just as expected of [The Sword Saint]~" Iris smiled mischievously.

"Heh, don't flatter me...and does Matilda–"

"Yes, I already told Matilda-sama about it before...though I didn't mention about the future part."

"I see, so you knew about it." Rowan stated by looking at Matilda who sat next to him.

"Indeed, well...I already know the first time I saw her~ but let's just focus on the vision she had, shall we?" Matilda responded calmly.

"I can continue Iris." Rowan sighed.

"Thank you Rowan-sama, Matilda-sama...but I need your cooperation...because this vision that I'm about to share to you is a secret that no one else can know."

"I'm only telling these to you two because you are the people who fought to together with [The Hero] and...Silvi's grandparents."

"Hmmm, I understand...but does that mean Silvi are in this?" Matilda asked.

Silvi who stood beside her only smiled at them as Iris giggled.

"Fufufu~ she seems fine with it but don't worry, because Silvi is the person I trusted the most."

"Heh, fine I understand~" Matilda replied with smile.

Rowan smiled as well and nodded his head in agreement.

"Thank you Ojou-sama...this Silvi will always be beside you!" Silvi said with smile.

Iris smiled after hearing their response, "Thank you as well Silvi~"

"Now...I shall start it..." Iris paused for a moment, organizing her thoughts before she could talk about her vision.

The three of them nodded their head.

"Okay, the vision that I had...I can only saw a glimpse of it..."

"...It's about the revival of [The Demon Lord]."

The two of them widened their eyes in shock.

"Wait– what?!"

The two simultaneously reacted but Iris remained calm, Silvi who stood beside her also kept her composure and listened to her patiently.

"Yes, just as you know [The Hero] that travelled along with you had died by sacrificing himself to kill [The Demon Lord]."

"...But in reality...he didn't kill him but sealed [The Demon Lord] underneath the Capital by using [The Holy Sword]..." Iris recounted the story.

Rowan and Matilda still felt tremendously shocked with this sudden reveal.

"So you even knew about that..."

Rowan couldn't hide the fact that he is shocked beyond words that this little girl knew about such a thing, particularly about the sealed demon lord.

"Hmmm...I'm curious did you know that the Demon Lord was sealed?" Matilda asked as she touched her chin with her finger.

"Like I told you, I only saw a glimpse of it...I only saw that the Demon Lord showed up underneath the castle which was also the vault where the kingdom's treasures were kept."

"Indeed, that is true...but how did the Demon Lord seal end up breaking?" Rowan asked.

"I don't know..."

"You don't know?" Matilda asked.

"Yes, I don't know...but one thing's for sure is that someone is trying to revive the Demon Lord by doing something horrible..."

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room got intense as soon as she spoke.

"Hmmm...something horrible huh, but why do you think that someone out there trying to do something like that?"

"Because I just found out recently..."

"Recently?" Rowan asked curiously.

"Rowan-sama, do you remember about the village that I visited with Silvi and Harson not too long ago?"

Rowan knitted his brows a bit as he tried to remember, "Yeah...what about it?"

"Before I come to that place...I had a vision..."

"...a stampede shows up and it was led by a [Boss Monster]...the village was roamed with monsters...every people in there was eaten alive and all of them died."

Rowan and Matilda went silent after hearing it from Iris.

"Is that true...Silvi." Rowan turned to her, asking for a confirmation.

"Yes Ojii-sama, that is true. Just as Ojou-sama said the stampede 'did' shows up but... it was solved by one person." Silvi explained.

"That it the rumored boy?" Rowan concluded.

Both Iris and Silvi wear a smile as they answered.

"Yes, Rowan-sama."

"Yes, Ojii-sama."

Matilda looked at them and became a bit irritated as she listened to their seemingly exclusive conversation about a certain topic that she doesn't know about.

"Wait, don't leave me in the dark like this. Who is this boy that you all talking about." Matilda asked impatiently, feeling left out and also very much curious about it.

Rowan sighed as he looked at her,

"That's why I told you to stop doing your research and started caring about the world."

"Hmph, there's nothing interesting in this world than magic. But that is that...and this is this it's different! so tell me about him!"

Iris and Silvi chuckled a bit while Rowan sighed again.

"Well I don't know much of the details since I only heard just a bit about him from Harson and Silvi." Rowan spoke.

"I see...then the only one left who knows is..."

Matilda turned to look at Iris as if she's pointing her out. Silvi and Rowan followed suit and staring at her as well.

"Hmmm~" The three slowly curved their lips into a smirk towards the little maiden.

"E-ehh?? D-don't look at me like that! W-we still have unfinished business here!"

Iris stuttered while her cheeks turned red from embarrassment from their stares since her skill [The Villainess] wear off for a moment.

"Hahaha~ well sorry~sorry~ i couldn't help but to be curious of this little boy that you cared about~"

Iris slowly calmed down and spoke once again when her skill activated again,

"Muuuu...ahem, leaving that aside. Just as I told you the village that was supposed to be was saved by that boy...and that changed the future I saw."

"So you mean the future changed by itself without you knowing it...because of that boy." Matilda asked.

"Yes Matilda-sama, the future changed...I don't know how did it change...but the boy that I met changed it by defeating...[Unique Monster]."

"...." The two of them started to get used to the seemingly unbelievable train of information and decided to just listen to her.

"Not only that, it wasn't an ordinary unique was..."

"[Unique Boss Monster]." Iris continued.

"Heavens...I heard from Harson that it was only just a boss monster...but to hear that it was unique one, which was still an impressive feat to defeat it alone." Rowan explained while crossing his hands on his chest.

"Uh? Is it really that difficult Rowan-sama?" Iris asked.

"It was...even the normal unique monster itself is already strong enough to destroy a whole army...and it need at least 1 S-rank adventurer to defeat it."

"I-...I never knew...then the two of you...have you ever fought one before?"

Both Matilda and Rowan stared at each other for a moment before they looked at her again.

"Yes...we faced them a lot in the past...when we travelled together with [The Hero] and the one who created such beings was...[The Demon Lord] himself." Rowan spoke.

"Indeed, those being are the scariest being I ever seen...but tell me Iris, do you know what type of unique monster that he fought?" Matilda urged her to continue.

"Ah, If I was a giant wolf called [Wolf Leader]."

"A [Wolf Leader] huh, I see...that boy was lucky that it was just a D-rank boss monster that turned into a unique monster...but if it was B-rank or higher, probably he won't survive."

'Unbelievable...does that mean Ray-sama is at least B-rank or that age? I'm curious of how much stronger he can be in the future.'

'And...that boy managed to defeat it I'm curious about this one.'

Both Matilda and Iris shared similar thoughts about their curiousity towards Rei as they smirked.

"I think so too...but I never thought that there someone out there who would try to revive the Demon Lord once again." Rowan spoke.

"In the future it will eventually happen, but before that could become true..." Iris stopped for a moment before she spoke once again.

"The Welford's family...will meet their demise first."

"Huh?!–" Silvi, who managed to keep her composure all this time, gave in. She looked extremely taken aback, still couldn't believe of what she just heard.

"What do you mean by that?! Iris!" Rowan shouted as he stood up.

"Ojou-sama! What do you mean by that?!" Silvi added.

"The two of you...please calm down." With those words from Matilda they eventually calmed themselves down and went back to their position.

"Iris...I hope this isn't a joke, because I would be very angry if it was. Now tell me, how did that happen."

Matilda said while looking straight towards Iris' eyes and about to release those purplish aura around her body.

Iris slowly took a deep breath and stared at them again.

"Yes Matilda-sama...the first cause of this family's ruin was..."

"When...Mother died." Iris spoke grimly, looking down a bit to her hands.

"Eliza…died!? How?! She's my one and only student who are the second best of must be a mistake." Matilda shook her head in disbelief.

"Indeed Iris, it seems there's some kind of mistakes...she looks fine to me when we met." Rowan added carefully.

"I know, because she hasn't undergone any of it yet."


"Matilda-sama, do you know about...[Mana Disruption]."

"Of course I know, it's one of the most dangerous illnesses that cause incredible pain all over one's body as their energy sipping out bit by bit...and slowly...died." Matilda explained seriously.

"Most of the people who catch this kind of illness only people with [Mage] type as their jo– huh?" Matilda widened her eyes for a moment as she realized something.

"Wait...does that mean she caught it!? But from what I know, usually the only one who caught it is people with no sense of mana control or failed on their magic experiment! What's more, the rarest case is from the moment when their born! Eliza is a strong mage that I recruited myself! She doesn't have sick body!"

"Yes of course Matilda...mother will never be caught by those things since she is a strong mage but..."

"She was poisoned...that could lead to permanent mana disruption that cannot be removed by any means, even the best [Healer] couldn't do it."

When she spoke those words it shook the two legendary people in front of her while Silvi who stood beside her was trembling.

"A poison?!" Both of them looked taken aback, didn't quite expected that.

"Yes,'s not just your ordinary's a poison that was injected with mana."

The three of them went silent as they stared at her with grim looks. Iris looked away for a moment before she continued her talk.

"Do you remember Matilda-sama? About your original magic, the one that you told me."

When she asked that, Matilda finally connected the dots.

"Don't tell have the same concept as my magic?"

"'s similar but also different. It does required a rule like your magic...and this one is a required time to unleash it truly."

"The user first injected mana into a very strong poison and then it went inside her body...since my mother is a strong mage she can easily dispel the poison from her body."

"After the poison was being dispelled, the mana inside of it was released then remained inside of her...disrupting her mana...and slowly but surely...made her body becomes weak day by days...and eventually after a year...the magic is done and killed Mother."

"I-...I can't believe it..." Matilda murmured in disbelief.

" was only just the beginning..."

"Because after that, the future for Welford's family will get even worse..."

Iris spoke as if she was threatening them. Her eyes flashed red for a moment, while Silvi, Rowan and Matilda stared at her as they soon will learn the truth of the future...they will be facing.

To be continue...