Chapter 21: The Villainess' Secret Plan (Part 3)

In a certain room where Iris and the Threston family gathered to discuss about the deal, Iris began to explain the future that she saw. It's about the Welford's family ruin after her mother– Eliza luth Welford's death.

"After mother's death...the family slowly came to ruin and the happiness that I thought that would last long...disappear."

"Father slowly changed after that...he became ruthless and didn't want to associate with anybody except his daughter and son...."

"Brother became cold and focusing on his study…as if he forgot about the outside world..."

"...." The three of them listened to her carefully as they could feel her feelings coming out bit by bit.

"While myself..." Iris hesitated to continue her words.

'Iris became the tyrant and the villainess of all...ruined countless lives...and controlling everything with her power as Welford's family and her strong magical power.'

'...and that's her fate the moment I step into this world.'

Iris went silent and went to deep in her thought as she looked down.

Both Rowan and Matilda stared at her in makes them think...

'I must be hard for her after seeing the future of her own family's ruin after a single person from their family died...' Matilda thoughts.

'Ojou-sama...' Silvi stared at her in worry after she went silent when she's about to continue with her future.

"..." Rowan had his eyes glued down to the floor all this time, deep in thought before he finally broke the silence.

"Iris..." Rowan called, the little girl turned her head to look up at him.

"You don't have to force yourself...we can continue it some other time when you are ready." Rowan spoke gently. It brightened Iris' mood since she felt somewhat reassured with his words.


"Now now let's end this conversation and about the want both our power and influence, then you shall have it because now you are both mine and Matilda's student." Rowan said with smile.


Suddenly the feelings that clouded her heart, vanished.

"Who said she is your student? She is the one and only student of this great me!"

"What?! You old hag! She is also my student!"

"Hah! You? As her teacher? You brainless fool!"

The two of them suddenly start to argue as Silvi smiled at Iris.

"Ojou-sama, don't worry! Everything is going to be alright! Since Silvi will always be by your side!" Silvi vowed brightly.

Iris giggled and smiled back at her, "Hehehe~ I know I know~ you already told me not too long ago, remember?~" Iris replied.

"Ah! F-forgive me!" Silvi got flustered when she called her out like that.

"It's fine~ it's fine~ but first...we need to stop them." Iris pointed her fingers towards Rowan and Matilda who took out their weapon as well as releasing their aura.

"W-wahhh!! Ojii-sama!! Obaa-sama!! STOP!!!"


After the two of them calmed down, they looked flustered and embarrassed of how lost their composure and act like a child in front of their student.

Rowan cleared his head, "A-ahem...sorry about that Iris, I lost control of myself."

"Th-that's right...I apologize for losing myself like that." Matilda looked away, tightening her weapon.

"It's fine~ I understand the two of you got worked up because of me~ but well…as a student of [The Sword Saint] and [The Witch] both of you need to keep your image and your personal life remain private~"

"Got it?~"


Silvi was quite surprised at what's happening, her stubborn grandparents finally listened to someone else other than her.

'Ojou-sama...' Silvi called her name inside of her head while looking so happy for some reason.

"Also Matilda-sama and Rowan-sama...before you go, I have something to say."

The two of them turned their head towards her, "What is it?" Rowan asked.

"It's regarding about Mother's death..." Iris spoke.

Their expression hardened after hearing that.

"The incident will start at..."


It was past midnight when Rowan and Matilda went back home. Iris was already inside of her room while wearing her nightgown.

Iris stood outside of the balcony, gazing up at the night sky that was filled with beautiful stars with the moonlight brightening up the whole place.

Iris sighed, "Today was pretty rough huh...I couldn't defeat Rowan-sama, I almost blew myself up by my own magic, becoming [The Witch]'s student and ended up making a deal with two legendary people in the kingdom."

'When I think about it...I still haven't told them the other reason why I need power and influence from them.'

"That was because..."

"This family...made me want to work harder everyday even though they aren't my real family."

"A caring mother who was kind and lovely..."

"A doting father who sometimes makes a joke to brighten up our family and always being overprotective towards his daughter."

"An older brother who both smart and kind...despite being a genius he still cares for his little sister."

"Those personalities...their laughter and joy...somehow it gave me the strength to live when I thought I'm alone in this world without anyone to care about."

"But...I was wrong, this family cared for me...despite they saw the change of their precious little girl, they still showed kindness towards me..."

"I felt like it was just yesterday that I came into this world..."

Iris suddenly remembered when she came into this world for the first time and in disarray.


Exactly four months ago...Yomi wake up in this world without knowing what just happened.

It was midnight when she woke up, feeling somewhat weird and unfamiliar with her own body.


She found herself waking up on the bed as she sat up. She looked around at first and soon noticed the unfamiliar room since it somehow looked really fancy and luxurious.

" I? Huh??"

Her eyes widened when she looked down and saw an unfamiliar small hand as she tried to move her fingers.

"Who's hand is this?!"

Yomi panicked and tried to get up but she ended up falling down to the floor. That's when she noticed that her legs became short.

She crawled her way up to the nearby desk, standing up and started to look towards the mirror.

What's reflected there is not her face.

It was a little girl with long and silky black blue eyes that was as beautiful as the sky…

But the question is…

"Who is this...? Wait...she looks familiar–Agh!"

When she leaned to have a closer look of her face in front of the mirror, she suddenly felt a stinging pain on her head as she took hold of it in reflex. She saw a glimpse of something...foreign yet familiar memories of a little girl…washed over her head.

Her eyes changed

Blood red instead of sky blue.

"What is this..." Yomi whispered.

She suddenly remembered something important...

"Wait...where is he?!" She looked around but it was still the same luxurious room she woke up from, "I have to go back to him–!!"


The door opened when Yomi was about to approach it.

A silver-white haired young girl showed up in front of her. She was wearing maid outfit and holding a bucket on her hand.

"Ojou-sama...?" The girl whispered as soon as their eyes met.

'Who?' Yomi asked to no one in particular in her head.

Suddenly, the girl let go of the bucket from her hands as she ran towards her.


Yomi flinched, bracing for impact and quickly shut her eyes without knowing what would happen to her.


Yomi opened her eyes again, the girl in maid outfit hugged her and embrace her tight in her arms.

Yomi widened her eyes as she felt her warmth all over her body.

"Ojou-sama!... I'm glad you're okay!"


Iris stayed quiet before she asked again, a bit uncomfortable with a stranger hugging her like this so suddenly.

"U-umm...w-who are you."

The girl quickly let her go but her hands remained firm on her shoulders.

The moonlight showed up and brightened the room. She could see her face, she have this white and fair skin, along with her violet eyes that shone a bit from the moonlight's reflection.

And it hit her...the girl was Silvi Threston, Iris may Welford's personal maid.

'…and I'm the villainess of the otome game that I played once...Iris.'

"O-ojou-sama...w-what do you mean?...oh no! is it because you hit your head?! Your memories!!?"


"What's going on?!"

A voice cames out from the door, a tall middle-aged man with black hair, large build and red eyes came into view together with a boy and an older woman that looked pretty young at a glance despite being in the same age with the man beside her. She was average height, has luscious blonde hair that reached her waist and sky blue eyes that were the same color as Iris. The young boy has the same hair color with the woman and he's standing behind them.

Yomi recognized them.

The man was Henry von Welford—her father...the woman was Eliza luth Welford—her mother and the boy was Albert dragh Welford—her brother.

"Silvi! What happen?! Oh Iris?! You finally woke up..." Eliza asked initially but was surprised seeing her daughter already up and about.

"I'm so glad!" Henry, overflowed with joy exclaimed but his expression fell when he saw Silvi.


Tears fall off from Silvi's eyes,

"Madam...Sir...Ojou-sama...she...she lost her memories."



All of them looked at her in surprise, including Yomi who stood there while being held by Silvi, feeling their gazes.

'I-i never said that?! W-wait...I accidentally asked her name because I was confused...B-but what should I do now!'

When Yomi was panicking, something happened...


Suddenly a panel of hologram showed up in front of her face.


[Skill [The Villainess] has been activated]


Yomi widened her eyes as she read the notice when she suddenly calmed down.

"W-who are you guys? W-where am I?...W-who am I?" Yomi unconsciously spoke while wearing her terrified look in front of them.

"I-iris s-she...doesn't remember us?" Henry was still shell-shocked after hearing her question while Eliza walked towards her and sit on her knees to level their height.

"Iris...t-this is me...your mother..." Eliza spoke calmly as she tried to hold her tears.


"Yes...I'm your mother..." Eliza hugged her by wrapping her arms around her small body as her tears dripped down her cheeks.

"Mother..." Somehow, when she called her that, it made her felt warm despite having the skill calmed her down not too long ago.

Henry and Albert watched for a moment before they too, walked towards them then stood behind Eliza.

Yomi quickly tightened the hug when she looked at them as if she was scared.

"It's fine's me...I'm your father..." Henry spoke with a warm smile, reaching his hands out towards her head to stroke her head gently.


Yomi felt the same warmth inside her chest like she does to her mother...

'What is this....what's with this feeling...'

Her brother–Albert suddenly took hold of her right hand, gently rubbing the back of her hand with his warm hands.

'it's warm…'

"Don't be scared now...your brother is here to protect you." Albert spoke gently, smiling bright.


'Again...what is this...'

Silvi leaned closer, holding her other hand as she too showed her her best smile.

"'s me...your maid...Silvi." Silvi spoke as she tried to hold back hear tears.


Yomi continued to be showered with their warmth…and their soothing words. She knew that those words wasn't meant for her...not directly, and yet...

'And yet…why are this feelings...keep getting stronger...'

Yomi who was really confused about what's happening and doesn't know what to do…end up crying.


'Ahhh...I see...I've become her...Iris may Welford"

Yomi cried...she cried like she her life is at stake...bawling her eyes out and wailed. She could feel her body and soul syncing together with Iris...and that day she completely became the Villainess–Iris may Welford.


Iris went back to bed after closing the door to the balcony. She rested her head on a soft and warm pillow, contemplating for a bit.

'Ever since that day, I promised...with this plan, I shall save this family. And go back to earth to meet him …once again...'

Her eyes became heavy and soon after that, she was asleep...


Two years had passed ever since his last encounter with Iris. A young boy sat right on top of the gate as he saw the scenery outside of the Blumund village from there with his golden right eye and left red eye.

The boy had grown quite a bit, he was now as tall as his father's chest. His brown hair fluttered gently against the wind.

What he saw was a long, lonely road that led to a vast Greenland in the distance.

"I guess today is the day..." He murmured.

"For me to start my journey."

Kiritsuka Rei (Ray Houston), age 8 and finally his journey to become the knight just begun.

To be continue...

*Rei's current status*



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade]

Level: 21 >>> 30

[HP: 4000/4000]

[MP: 475/475]


EXP: 500/36500

STATUS POINT : 117 >>> 2


STRENGTH : 60 >>> 100

AGILITY : 40(+5) >>> 70(+5)

VITALITY : 45 >>> 75

INTELLIGENCE : 30(+5) >>> 60(+5)

SENSE : 35(+5) >>> 65(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv6; Sword Mastery Lv6; Battle Instinct Lv6; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv4; Aura Lv5; Cooking Mastery Lv3 !!NEW!!; Knitting Mastery Lv3 !!NEW!!; Alchemy Mastery Lv2 !!NEW!!

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv1 !!NEW!!

Horizontal Slash LvMax

Vertical Slash LvMax

Omni Slash Lv3 !!NEW!!

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Imitation Fire Sword Lv3

Shukuchi Lv5
