Chapter 22: The Test & The Journey (Part 1)

It was in the middle of the day where it took place at Blumund village, in the workshop of the blacksmith family, Houston.


A fire came out inside of the forge after the young boy used [Fire] magic in it. He had brown hair and different colors on each eyes which is golden on the right and red on the left.

The young boy was wearing a tank top that revealed his muscular yet slim arms. He lifted his hammer and slammed it down, creating a loud sound which reverberated through the room.


The young boy was Kiritsuka Rei (Ray Houston), age 8. As he kept on hammering the metal while thinking of something in his head.

'It's been 2 years I have been transferred into this world.' Rei spoke while lifting his hammer and start slamming it down to forge the heated metal.


'There's a lot of things that I haven't discovered about the world itself and what kind of life is outside of this village.' As he goes on again slamming his hammer to the heated metal.


'But rather than doing nothing, I should be prepared since the job I have is for weapon production and doesn't have battle skills or anything. But one thing's for sure is that...'


'Why is it so hard to level up?! Is it because the monsters around the village are low level? or is this my limit?'


'Dammit...I can't be cooped around in this place for too long. I still need to prevent the war that Houston mention.'


Suddenly, a voice came out inside his head.

'Well you shouldn't be rushing, preparation is essential for us who have this job.'

The voice came from Ray Houston, the soul of this body who came back from the future.



'Sure, it's hard to level up. Ever since the boss that we killed 2 years ago, the monster that shows up are all under levelled. So no matter what we do the EXP they're given is low.'

'I know about that.'


'Well did you prepare everything?'

'Of told me to do it after all.'

'So how many spare swords have you forged and also the potion production? Well 2 or 5 is enough though.'


Rei went silent after being questioned by him.


'Oi...what's wrong?'


'Then tell me how many of it have you made?'

'W-well I already forged around 257 sword in the inventory and I already created 98 low-grade potion.'

'Hm hm, I see two hund–...' Suddenly Ray stopped talking for a moment as he realized something is odd from his answer, ' many did you said?' Ray repeated, asking for clarification.


'I told you it's 257 spare swords and 98 low-grade potion.' Rei answered nonchalantly as he hammered the heated metal again.




The two went silent after that, he could tell that Ray was staring at him in shock on the back of his head.

'Haaaaa?!!! Do you even know how to hold back?!!' Ray burst out in disbelief.

'Aren't you the one who told me to prepare them!?!"

'But you don't need that much spare right?!'

'How am I supposed to know!? I was bored! and need to level up my mastery level!'

Rei continued on hammering the heated metal away with irritated face as he was arguing with Ray inside his mind.

And just then, a new voice came out from outside of the workshop.


A little girl shouted and opened the door, allowing sunlight to pour in and brightened up the whole room. The little girl has big jade eyes and long brown hair that was braided down.

She was Ray's little sister–Emily Houston, age 6.

When she came in, the two had stopped arguing and Rei went back to reality.

"Yes?" Rei replied.

"The others are ready you know! Today is the day!"

"Oh, yeah I almost forgot."

"Muuu, you always forget about this stuff! Let's go!"

"Okay okay, let me get changed first." Rei replied with a smile as he sighed and stopped doing what he does then went out of the workshop together with Emily.

"So onii-chan? Are you sure you can win this? I will be fighting uncle Nel." Emily asked while walking together with him.

"You don't have to worry, I may look like this but I keep training on my own."

"B-but! Uncle Nel is the former knight from the capital!"

"I know...and that's why I need to defeat him."

Rei answered her calmly as he looked forward instead of looking at his little sister who was worried about him.

It reminded him about 3 days ago where he had a talk with his family.


It was at dinner time when the Houston's family gathered to eat on the kitchen table.

But before they could start, Rei interrupted them a bit.

"Dad...Mom, I have request to make." As soon as he called them that, his parents—Adam and Sheila Houston burst into tears.

"E-ehh?! W-what's wrong??"

"N-nothing, We are just happy that you finally called us Dad and Mom without stuttering like before." Adam spoke while wiping his tears.

"Eh?" Rei blinked.

"Yeah, sometimes you have this embarrassed face when you called us that. Now it felt so distant like it was yesterday." Sheila spoke while wiping her tears as well.

'W-wait! Did I do that?!'

Rei became flustered as his cheeks went red all of sudden.

Then his parents starts laughing as they smiled at him.

"Hahaha~ sorry, sorry we were joking" Adam waved, trying to lighten the mood.


"Fufufu~ half-joking maybe?~" Sheila chuckled.

"U-ugh... Mom...Dad...please stop."

They laughed for some more, brightening up the mood in the room but Rei has something in mind that might ruin that up. He couldn't back away this time.

"So is there anything you want, my son?" Adam asked with smile.

At first, Rei hesitated for a bit but when he's about to said it, Sheila interrupted.

"Oh! Maybe he want a new hammer~ since you know, our son worked hard in the forgery these days~"

"Eh? N-no...I–"

"Mommy! Daddy! I want a ball!" Emily exclaimed cheerfully, joining the conversation.

"Hahaha~ of course of course. But let's hear what your older brother have to say first." Adam laughed as they set their eyes on him again.

Rei looked at them as he felt some sort of guilt weighing him down but he shook his head in his head, steeling himself.

"Mom...Dad, I wish to go to the outside world." Rei declared while looking straight at them.

As the mood went down 180 degree, "What…do you mean by that?" Adam repeated to clarify what he just heard.

"Y-you must be kidding right? Ray..." Sheila asked as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Like I said...I wish to go outside the world behind the gate and start adventuring."

Their face become worried after hearing his words again, especially his mother.

" you know how dangerous that is to go on adventure, especially for us who have a job like this." Adam said while looking back at his son, trying to handle this as smooth as he could.

"I know how dangerous it is...but...I have made my decision." Rei replied calmly.

" do know that you almost died...not once but twice! from 2 years ago...don't tell me you don't remember that." Sheila spoke as she looked even more worried.

Rei buried down his feelings and decided to continue forth with his speech,

"Of course I remember...and I'm sorry for that time making you both worried..."

"Then?!–" When Sheila about to say something, she was interrupted by him on continuing his words.

"–And...that is why I must set out to become stronger...and strong enough to help the village." Rei spoke without breaking eye contact and clenching his fists.

Adam sighed and massaged his forehead with his fingers. "Let's talk about this after dinner..."

Rei stared at his distressed father and mother who took care of him for 2 years after he woke up in this world, deep down he felt guilty and terribly sorry about this.

But he doesn't have much time...there will be a war in the future and he needed that strength to protect this village.

Not just from monsters, but other humans that have ill intentions towards this village.

They spent the dinner in uncomfortable silence. Rei stole glances every now and then but their faces remained tight.

As soon as they finished eating, Emily was brought to the bed since they didn't want her to see something bad between her older brother and parents.

Now Rei was sitting on the chair, facing his parents. He's accompanied by Ray who was still awake inside of his mind in order to assist him and gave him support.

"So can you tell us...why you want to go outside? Ray..." Adam asked while looking straight to him.

"Like I said...I planned to become stronger and helped the village by making new connections from outside world." Rei repeated his words confidently, causing his parents to exchange glances with each other before looking at him again.

"Why did you want to become stronger? We're already safe enough here with Nel and the other guards protecting us...especially we have more people to help us from that Duke's family as well." Adam spoke.

"Exactly...and you are still 8 years old, you just had your birthday a week ago." Sheila added, keeping her hands tight on her lap.

"I know Mom...Dad, but...I only have one chance and this one is very important...and...I can't tell you about the reason." Rei shook his head as he spoke bitterly.

'We can't tell...that the war is about to happen in a few years and some villages will be forced to participate into that war...we need strength and strong influence.'

'It's true we have the Welfords supporting us after that incident...but it doesn't guarantee our safety an or our obligation to participate in the war.' Ray spoke inside of his mind with Rei agreeing with him.

Adam and Sheila stayed silent after hearing their son's answer.

"Is this reason some sort of secret that you can't tell us about?...just like 2 years ago."

Adam broke the silence and it made Rei remembered that they never asked about what really happened on that time, just living their daily life like usual.

"...." When Rei opened his mouth, he hesitated once again before he murmured, "Yes..."

"....I understand." Adam sighed as he nodded while closing his eyes.

Rei widened his eyes and his smile bloomed, "Dad..."

"Dear!–..." Sheila was about to call her husband out, but before she could do that, Adam cut in.

"–But! You must pass my test." Adam raised a finger while looking at Rei sternly once again.

"A test? and what is it...?" Rei asked while staring back.

'If it's forgeries...I can still do that with my Lv5 [Blacksmith Mastery].' Rei thought of it.

"I want you to prove that you can protect yourself without relying on other people..."

'What?' Rei widened his eyes after hearing of what his father said.

"And that is by..."

"Defeating uncle Nel with sword." Adam spoke, folding his hands to his chest.

After hearing those conditions the two of them widened their eyes especially Sheila.

"Adam! Isn't that too much?! He's still a child!" Sheila protested, glaring towards him with his absurd challenge

"Our son is going out to the outside world. He needs to prove that he's capable to do it first, since he know how to wield a sword then it's no problem."

"But that doesn't mean!..."

The two continue to argue about the condition for Rei to set out free. While they argued, he and Ray were having their own conversation to one another inside of his mind.

' uncle Nel that strong?' Rei asked.

'I don't know I never saw him having a spar...but one thing for sure is that...'

'Nel Shubert, he was a former knight of the capital city from a long time ago and it is said that he is strong enough to be the captain of the knights in there...but for some reason he refused and retired then went to this village along with his married childhood friend. Although I don't know if that is true since I only heard all about it from the rumors.' Ray explained.

'But...If that's true then that means we will be up to fight another monster...and come to think of made me curious...why such an important person like him became the guard in this secluded village?' Rei wondered.

'Like I said...I don't know...I really don't know much about him since he died in the past after protecting me until the end on that day.' Ray spoke bitterly remembering that time.

'I see...' Rei trailed off for a bit then continued with his words, "Anyway, let's come up with some kind of plan to defeat him, even though we defeated the [Unique Boss] by ourselves from 2 years comparison we–no...I am still weak, that's why we need everything we pass through all kind of trouble.'

'Heh, you do know your's good that now you know your own limit rather than overestimating yourself after defeating mere monster. Well I expected that much from my first student.'

'Well it thanks to you as my master, but I did die multiple times by your hand though...' Rei spoke while shivering a bit when he remembered it.

'Hahaha, well since we already made up our mind, it's time to–...' Ray spoke as soon they went back to reality.

'...–Accept the challenge.'

"I shall accept the test." Rei accepted with so much confidence and determination coming from his eyes.

His parents who were arguing to one another stopped to set their eyes back to their son.

"Ray!" Sheila called his name as she looked even more worried than before.

Meanwhile, Adam widened his eyes for a moment, staring into his son's eyes that seemed to remain unchanged.

"Did I hear you clearly...accepting this test?" Adam asked to clarify again.

"Yes, Dad...I accept the test to have a sword match with uncle Nel." Rei nodded, looking directly to his eyes.

"Ray!..." Sheila called him as she's in the verge of tears.

"Mom...I will be fine okay? You don't have to worry about me. Cause..."

"I swear to prove you both that I am strong enough to protect myself by defeating him." Rei spoke confidently.

Sheila who saw this knew that her son slowly but surely grew up, she stood up and walked towards him then giving him a warm hug. She embraced him with her arms as Rei responded by hugging her back as well.

"U-uhhhh...." Sheila cried silently as she kept hugging her son close to her.

Rei only stayed still and held his mother, allowing her to cry.

Meanwhile Adam watched them from behind and smiled at Rei.

"The match will commences in three days from make sure you prepare as much as you want."

"I understand dad...and thanks."

"Hah! Thank me after you defeated him first" Adam rose up from his seat as he spoke, "Now that's settled, let's go back to sleep okay?"

He spoke with cheerful tone even though his face didn't look that happy. The man walked towards them to tap Sheila shoulder.

"Sweetie...let's go."

Sheila nodded and let go of Rei after she kissed his forehead then smiled at him.

"Just remember okay?... We will always love you and worried about you, please don't forget that." Sheila spoke while trying her best to smile.

Rei widened his eyes and smiled while looking at both of them. He suddenly pulled the two of them together then hugged them tight.

"I love you too...Mom....Dad and always do." Rei smiled innocently towards them as they suddenly blushed for some reason, hugging him tightly to show their affection to their adorable little boy.

Afterwards they went to sleep and Rei went back to his training with Ray in his dreams once more.


Back to three days later, Rei was now standing on the center of the crowd where he was about to take the test.

To defeat the former knight and guard of the Blumund village...

Nel Shubert.

To be continue...



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade]

Level: 30

[HP: 4000/4000]

[MP: 475/475]


EXP: 500/36500




AGILITY : 70(+5)



SENSE : 65(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv6; Sword Mastery Lv6; Battle Instinct Lv6; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv4; Aura Lv5; Cooking Mastery Lv3; Knitting Mastery Lv3; Alchemy Mastery Lv2

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv1

Horizontal Slash LvMax

Vertical Slash LvMax

Omni Slash Lv3

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Imitation Fire Sword Lv3

Shukuchi Lv5
