Chapter 48 : Chimera (Part 1)

A lady sat in the dark room. Her red hair looked silky smooth and she's wearing a red dress that hugged her voluptuous body nicely. She looked both charming and sensual as she sat down on her couch, looking into three big hologram screens in front of her.

And then, a young man with black hair and red eyes who's wearing his butler suit stood beside her, pouring a red wine into her glass.

"Here's your wine, Minerva-sama." The young man spoke politely as he served the wine for her.

"Ara~ thank you for the wine, Nero~" Minerva replied as she flashed her seductive smile and took the wine. She smelled it at first before she took a sip of it.

"Hmmm~ as expected~ [Valhalla] is the best~ "

"Yes expected for my lady to be able withstand a large dose of this liquor." Nero praised with a respectful bow.

"Fufufu~ it's all thanks to my innate skill~ [Thousands Poison Immunity]." Minerva replied.

'[Thousands Poison Immunity]...a skill that cannot be compared to a normal [Poison Resistance]. With this skill, you are immune to all kinda of poison even those from the depths of Demon Realm that was surrounded with miasma...Minerva-sama could walk around the place with ease.' Nero explained.


A loud explosion filled in the silence of the room, it's coming from the screen.

The screen also showed what happened inside of the three locations that was currently raided within Allura's territory.

The location where they deemed to be the important factor of her plan.

The screen showed Matilda and Rowan who were now attacking the place separately in different locations.

"Hahaha~ as expected the legendary [Sword Saint] and [The Witch]~ they both are extraordinary, a swordman that could cut any kind of magic and barrier in a single swing~ and a mage with such a high level of magic that could destroy a large building so easily like that."

Minerva commented excitedly, she looked awfully cheery when her playgrounds were going to be burnt to the ground.

Nero looked at the screen as well, "It seems it's not only them." as he spoke, there was a silver haired girl who helped Matilda with the casting of her magic.

And also a little girl who helped out the subjects on the other location where they conducted their experiments.

"Hooo~" Minerva seemed to be more interested on the little girl in the screen. "As expected from the daughter I yearn for...sooo cute~ sooo beautiful~ and those ice cold unfazed eyes even though she just saw those horrible defects....

"Aaahhh~ just as I thought~ I want to have her so badly~ the moment I laid my eyes on her~ she was like a beautiful gem that I wanted...aaahhh~ I'm fonna have her for sure!!~" Minerva gushed with her face that slowly twisted into an obsession over the little girl shown on the screen.

Yes, it was Iris May Welford who infiltrated that very location.

Vein filled Nero's face who just saw her gushing out and showered this little girl with praises. It was an upsetting sight, he looked like he tried so hard to contain his anger.

'Iris May dare you for taking Minerva-sama's love for granted.' Nero glared hatefully at the screen.

Minerva who saw his face giggled. "Nero~"

"H-huh–?! M-my apologies Minerva-sama." Nero quickly bowed his head.

"Fufufu~ there's nothing to worry about~ to me you are still the most precious thing I ever bought~" Minerva spoke seductively and gently lifted his chin upwards to make him look at her.

Nero's cheeks reddened and obediently nodded his head. "Thank you very much, Minerva-sama."

"Fufufu~ how cute~ but it seems we are in a bad situation at this moment~" Minerva went back to see the screen.

Nero stood straight once more after he overcame his jealousy. "It seems to me too, Minerva-sama."

"Hahaha~ you are quite honest~ Nero~"

"It's Minerva-sama's wish for me to be honest with you."

"Indeed~ but i suppose it's time to release them~"

" mean...those things?"

"Fufufu~I want to test how strong they are when facing off against those legends~ and to see for myself what can the precious daughter of Welfords do~" Minerva smirked as she watched the screen.

"Run wild~ my adorable children~"

As if moved by her words, an unknown entity in each locations where Rowan, Matilda and Iris stood, was hiding behind them and waiting for an opportunity to attack soon...



After the [Telepathy] was cut off, Iris took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Harson walked from behind her and saw the scene around the room. He could see that his master was standing in the middle of those corpses.


Iris turned around to look at him. "Oh, it's you Harson, what is it?"

"I am done attending to those people, I am waiting for your order, Ojou-sama."

"I see, you did a great job Harson."

Harson noticed her feelings of anxiousness and fear deep inside of her despite having a calm facade on her face so he slowly knelt in front of her with one leg, " apologies, is there something inside your mind that you wish to tell. I promise I shall keep it a secret."

Iris turned around to look at her personal guard. "You are quite sensitive of others feelings, Harson."

"My apologies."

"It's okay, it seems I was right to choose you...other than Silvi, Sensei and Master, you are the fourth person who would notice things like that." Iris spoke and smiled.

"No...maybe fifth." Iris mumbled, voice above a whisper.


"Nothing...but as you said, I do have something in mind right now...but this might sound weird and cruel coming from me."

"You had nothing to be worried about Ojou-sama...I have pledged myself to protect and follow you wherever you are." Harson bowed his head.

"Thank you...I shall tell you..." Iris suddenly looked forward to him.

"I plan to destroy this place once and for all...and bring down Allura's family and the connection they have with Minerva.

"I will show the people of the kingdom of what they have done...and make sure they have the same fate as those people who suffered because of them." Iris spoke as she balled her fists.

"Would you still follow me even when my hands will be stained with blood...Harson." Iris asked.

"Yes...Ojou-sama, I shall follow you walk in your path, and if i'm allowed, closely by your side."

"Good...let's get out with these people. And Harson?" Iris who suddenly walked forward and passed Harson by, suddenly stopped to look at him.

Her eyes glinted a bit and changed color for a moment into red as blood.

"You shall eliminate everyone who dares trying to stop us. Got it?" Iris ordered.

"As your command, Ojou-sama." Harson bowed once before he stood up and followed Iris from behind.

When they're about to go to the people who they saved, an alarm set off...



Multiple red light flashed above them and soon they noticed a big futuristic gate standing right beside them was suddenly opened a bit.

"Harson, did we ever check that place before?"

"No...I don't think so...but Ojou-sama, I want you to stand behind me...I feel like something terrible is kept in there."

Harson spoke and immediately stood right in front of her while pulling out his sword out from its sheath.

Iris noticed the bad feeling he mentioned and so she used her skill [Status Appraisal].

By using that, her blue eyes glowed bright and saw the text showed up from the inside of that dark room.



Upon seeing that unknown text, Iris widened her eyes in suprise.

'Questions mark?!...and it's red?!'

She could determine that something which they kept inside of it....was very dangerous.

"Harson! Forget fighting it!"

"Huh–?! Ojou-sama, what do you mean–"

"Focus on saving these people first! That thing in front of's..."


Before she could finish her words, a loud spine chilling growl could be heard from that room.

Their eyes were fixated towards it and they could see a pair of red eyes shining in the dark, like a beacon of danger.


It's roar shook the whole room. The people there cowered in fear and the roar paralyzed them.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Iris' skill reacted quickly and negated her fear.

'What's with that terrifying it a skill?! It can apply [Fear] on a wide range?! How is Harson!?–'

Iris whipped her head to check on Harson, but her worries were gone when she saw how he withstood it with his sheer willpower.

Harson was in a perfect condition. More over, he kept his focus to the thing lurking inside of that room.

Harson looked at that room, doing exactly the same thing as her, "Ojou-sama! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah...but more importantly...we should focus on getting out of here."

"I agree Ojou-sama...on my degree....I can tell whatever creature lies behind that's something we cannot defeat alone." Harson gulped.

Iris nodded her head, "We should snap those people from [Fear] first..."

"It's dangerous, Ojou-sama! We should get out as soon as–"

"I know but did you forget about what I said...I'm gonna save them no matter what! it seems that thing wouldn't come out soon."

"What made you say that Ojou-sama?"

"if that thing is as strong as you should come out and attacked us the moment the door was opened."

"Then does that mean–"

"Yes...that thing was restrained by something...from what I know, everyone would be afraid of something dangerous so they might put something to keep that thing from going anywhere."

"I-i see now!" Harson replied and impressed by his master's speculation.

"Sadly...I don't know who opened that door...but as long that thing is restrained... we will be fine!–"










As they celebrated and about to help the people...they were interrupted by a noise of something metal fell off to the floor. It was that loud.

"Ojou-sama." Harson called cautiously.

"Yes?" Iris replied.

"Is it me or...did I heard something fell from that room."

"Maybe..." Iris caught herself before she could say anything, "No, I shouldn't say anything, that could jinx us for sure." Iris spoke.

Even so, they fixated their eyes towards the room again and then without warning...


"Harson!!" Iris shouted while Harson quickly raised his sword.








Something came out from that room. It moved so fast that it took both of them off guard, causing them to react a bit too late.

Harson was hit by something that they couldn't identify and was sent flying and crashing towards the tubes around them. Fortunately, he was able to block the attack.

"Harson!!–" Iris was about to hurrry towards him, but she was stopped by the thing standing in front of her, as if blocking her way.


Iris widened her eyes when she could see the monster before her now clearly.

"W-what are you...."


At the same time, on the other location...



A monster appeared out of nowhere.






Rowan jumped out from the scene and landed on the ground as one of his soldier who stood beside him was on guard.

"Sir Rowan! Are you alright!?"

"Yeah I am, what about the others?"

"I'm so sorry sir...many got injured since we can't break through its skin." One of his soldier reported as the others who followed him were on the ground, knocked unconscious.

"I guys should stay back now."

"But sir–"

"This is an order." Rowan spoke seriously.

The soldier gritted his teeth in frustration and nodded, "I understand sir."

As Rowan stood in front of them with slightly injured on his shoulder, the soldier left to attend his comrade and brought them aside before the battle start.

'Heh...this is the first after so enemy that could injure me. What a troublesome fellow.'

Rowan stared at the monster before him and he couldn't see it very clearly because it was covered in dust from their battle and because of the lack of lighting at night. But one thing's for sure is that he could see several pairs of red eyes from it.

'It came out from that building when we were about to rush in....not only physically strong, its defense is almost impenetrable because of its skin is hard as hell...'

'It reminded me of that thing.'

Rowan thought as he remembered something in his past while facing off against this monster that was very slowly showing off its form.


Meanwhile, on Matilda and Silvi's side...






As thunder and tornado covered the whole place, they have a hard time dealing with something unexpected coming full throttle towards them.


The monster growled and soared into the sky, lunging towards them and almost knocked them off the sky.

"Kuh...Silvi, get back!"

Matilda casted a large magical energy in her hands, creating purple lightning that slowly turned black...


"Take this, [Schwartz Storm]!" Matilda shout as she casted the magic.

After that, black lighting shoot out from her hands, striking the monster.



It's a direct hit.


When Matilda was about to relax, she widened her eyes after she saw it was still flying even after taking her magic head on.

"Obaa-sama!" Silvi shouted in panic who also noticed that the monster still survived.

'How come I couldn't sense it...when its attacking us from above.' Matilda thought while sighing as she looked the monster before her flapping its wing.

Due to the clouds around them, they couldn't see it clearly what kind of monster it was, but the only thing they could see was the pair of red eyes and its large wing flapping around.

"Hahaha...a new type of monster? I can't believe it could endure my magic, just like that wretched thing in the past." Matilda reminisced, finally taking in the monster's full form.


Meanwhile, back into the dark room where Minerva sat and watched the scene from the hologram screen. The lady was currently brimming with joy while Nero poured her another glass of wine.

"Hahaha!~ what a wonderful performance! I was worried that we couldn't find someone to test their strength I'm so glad they found them instead, thank you for sparing me the trouble, Rowan-sama~ Matilda-sama~" Minerva celebrated while sipping on her wine.

"Hmmm~ but the result was amazing~ I can't believe they gave those so called legends a hard time~ I guess they were just exaggerating their strength" Minerva looked disappointedly towards the two elderlies on the screen.

"I think the one who is you Minerva-sama for creating them." Nero interrupted with a nod.

"Ara~ how cute~ thank you for the compliments Nero~ but it's also thanks to you for cooperating with me~" Minerva smiled sweetly at him.

"A-ahem...I'm just doing as your order Minerva-sama...since I belong to you." Nero coughed a bit as his cheeks reddened, trying to keep his calm.

Minerva giggled seeing how cute her butler was looking right now

"But...I think the most unlucky one is that little girl." Nero looked at the screen, towards Iris in particular.

"Aahhh~ yes~ indeed~ I still can't believe it...after I used almost 4000 lives just to create this and I finally succeeded with two~" Minerva spoke while twirling around her glass.

"I have the perfect one here, while those things are still imperfect~ so there's nothing to be worried about~ I also can see what kind of performance it had~" Minerva spoke while smirking at the screen.

"Indeed, that is true Minerva-sama." Nero replied and glanced over to the screen.

'[Biological Creation], a skill that allowed her to fuse between two genetics of two species...and with that skill, she's also able to bestow some skill of those two species into one.'

As Nero explained, the screen showed the monster which Rowan, Silvi and Matilda faced.

In Rowan's location, he was facing a dog with three heads on each sides and red skin. Its large body was covered with some scars and a spike collar on each of their necks and chains on them.

[The Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus]


Meanwhile, Matilda and Silvi were facing a wyvern with similar red skin as the dog. Its wing that was attached on each arms was large and wide, and the size of it couldn't be measured, looking really close to a real dragon.

[The Guardian of the Sky, Himmel]


'We called it...[Chimera]...a monster breed created by mixing together different kinds of species...though for the one that Minerva-sama made...I guess it's close to the master piece among other [Chimera] she created and kept.' Nero explained.

And finally, at Iris and Harson's side, they were now facing something completely different than the other two.

Minerva smirked widely, her face twisted in a sick glee while watching Iris.

"Fufufu~ now then~ what are you gonna do~ my precious little gem~ Iris May Welford~"

The screen finally showed the monster's appearance.

It's a red skinned man. He has a pair of three arms on each sides, large horns on his forehead and...a massive ominous aura surrounding him.

"Now then~ it's show time~ my adorable child~





[The Prototype of Ashura, Styx]~"

To be continue....