Chapter 49 : Chimera (Part 2)


A monster breed created from a taboo method. It was done by mixing many species into one creating a whole new species.

It could inherit the skill of the two creatures before they got mixed. For example, If a monster boar and wolf was mixed into one, the [Chimera] will have the same traits and skills just like those creatures. Maybe the [Chimera] has a tusk of the boar to strike down its enemy and the agility as well their sharp teeth of the wolf that could crush and rip off their prey.

No one knows exactly how it would end like that, and it is a taboo that bent the way of the world. The power the [Chimera] has could be very overwhelming, not to mention it could endanger the entire world.

[The Femme Fatale, Minerva], the Queen of the underworld. Her beauty surpassed every other woman in the kingdom, and her skill and ability as an [Alchemist] is top notch.

With these two special skill she has, [Thousands Poison Immunity] and [Biological Creation], she could create a [Chimera] without getting caught any penalty from the monster with a built in poison that could kill anything.

And of course, with so many sacrifices, she succeeded not only one but two that could mix well with [The Ashura, Styx] genetic into a human being.

And one of them is now facing the daughter of Welford's–Iris May Welford.




Iris was standing there, looking at the being in front of her. An unknown red skinnned being with six arms and horns. He looked like a human but the aura and magic around him definitely belonged to that monster.'s much higher than a regular monster...not a unique type but...

A [Demon].

That's what she thought, 'A [Demon] [Magic Eyes] skill has a lot of of them can differentiate and measure someone's strength not just based on their status...but also the aura and magic they have that doesn't sit well with their own status.'

'And this thing in front of me...letting out two kinds of magic....a [Human] and...a [Demon].'

Despite having her skill [The Villainess] activated, her hands trembled while standing before this monster and it's already hard for her to handle it.

Iris looked over at Harson who getting up slowly on his feet by using his sword to support him

"U-ughh..." Harson whimpered in pain as blood tricked out from his mouth, even after blocking his attack, his body couldn't handle the shock and got injured.


"Ojou-sama!! Run away now!! You cannot defeat that thing!!" Harson shouted and raised his sword.

Iris found herself in a bind, Harson got seriously injured and the people were still in a state of [Fear].

But remembering about what she said to him...she decided to run towards the people to help them.

Harson kept his eyes on that thing who was still standing in his spot, as if he's trying to assess the situation around him.


As Iris now stood in front of them, "Come on! We must run!" She shouted but those people couldn't respond to her, it's as if their spirit was broken the moment they saw that monster.

'Tsk...I want to use my [Light Magic]...but I still need to keep this magic a secret....since Harson and these people still here.'

'I don't have any choice...I'm sorry Ray-sama, I will be using this rapier you gave me again.'

Iris pulled out her rapier from her [Inventory] then unsheathed her bluish blade.

'This will be my first time using two skills simultaneously...

I hope this is works!

[Holy Light][Purify].'

Her hand created a small light that was condensed into a small sphere then she fused it on her blade, creating a new skill.

"Combined skill...[Purifying Light]!"


[Holy Light]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 25

Cooldown: 10 Sec.

A light that has been blessed with the goddess of Light [Theia], it can purify any evil being and blind the enemy with its bright light.




Due to the moonlight energy coursing through the blade, the wielder is able to neutralize any kind of negative status effect towards everything it touches and adds extra damage against [Dark Energy] type of beings.


'Skill [Purify] lets the wielder able to neutralize any kind of negative status effect towards everything it touches...and if I combined it with [Holy Light], a magic that lets out a light so bright that could blind anything...which means light can also [touch] everything.'

'By condensing those small light into a single point and fused it with the skill from the can create–...'


After she did that, her blade began to shine.

'A full scale of light that can purify everything!!'

Iris quickly raised her rapier up and...


The blade suddenly let out a large burst of light that engulfed the whole place.

As for the people who were caught by the light, they slowly regained their normal state of mind back.

While Harson who was still in his guard to keep his eyes on the monster felt the light coming from his back.

"Ojou-sama?–What's with that....–Huh??" Harson wanted to look back of what happen on behind his back but...he heard noises coming from the monster and quickly snapped his head back to look at it.


The monster reacted to the light and felt his body burning a bit after it touched his skin.


Although it sustained him a small damage...

"It's hurting him..." Harson spoke and then...

The monster roared.


It's red eyes shifted towards Iris. And just like a wild beast, he concluded that...

Iris is dangerous to him.

"No..." Harson who noticed the change of his behaviour, quickly turned around to run towards Iris.

"Ojou-sama!! quickly!!–run–!!!"


With just one step, the monster dashed quickly towards the little girl.

Iris who just finished using her skill, noticed the monster wad now aiming for her life and raised its hand.


Harson shouted, but it was too late for him to save her...




In other location...where Rowan was fighting the monster he's facing against.

It's a monster dog with three pairs of head and red skin on its body.

Just like the legend, it's the guard dog of Hades himself...this [Chimera] was called [The Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus].


The monster began its attack by breathing out something from each mouth.

Ice on the left, fire on the middle and lightning on the right.


"Get cover!!"



As the monster shot out those three different elements from each mouth, it created a large explosion around the area. Rowan quickly ordered his soldier to hide themselves from it.

In the meantime, Rowan was hiding behind the rubbles.

"What a strong firepower...not only it's able to shoot out one element...but three at the same time...and its skin still as hard...does that thing have a high physical resistance?" Rowan commented while drinking a heal potion from his pocket.

"Sir Rowan...what should we do now?" One of the soldier who hide beside him asked.

"I don't really know...but what I know is, that thing isn't friendly with the Allura's people....look." Rowan pointed out, one of the guards who survived from that location came out and shouted.

"Yeah!! Kill them all!! Hahaha!! You see that!!" The man celebrated after seeing the might of Cerberus that destroyed the whole area.

But then...


Cerberus looked at the man and bared its sharps teeth, opening its middle mouth.


It breathed out its fire towards the man, enveloping his entire body with fire of hell.


Rowan and his soldier paled seeing how merciless this monster before them was.

"It seems that it can't differentiate between friends or just want to destroy everything around here...if we let loose...the people who lives here will be all dead." Rowan concluded grimly.

"H-how horrible..." His soldier murmurred, looking at the monster with fear.

Rowan thought that by the looks of that monster, he needed to release "that" to defeat that thing. And after thinking for some more, he suddenly stepped out from his hiding spot and approached the monster all by himself.










"Don't worry about me...just stay out of this...


This monster is mine." Rowan walked as his expression somehow...find it...


And just like that, his body was surrounded with a clear blue sky aura. "Hahaha!! I never thought I would have to fight seriously against such a monster." He spoke with grin.

As Rowan stood before the monster, he observed it without a hint of fear this time. " that I look closely...I remember."

"A red skin and hard as steel body...that ominous aura coming from you....I those people really did do such horrible experiment, they created you with that thing's genetic, huh."


Cerberus stared at this old man who stood before its gigantic body.

"[The Ashura, Styx] a name that I haven't a [Swordsman] that guy was quite invincible...not only his body was strong that I couldn't left a scratch at him and he also can resist her magic to the limit."

I trained for sure on that by day without end...and challenge myself with monster who have stronger skin and finally...I managed to cut one of his was the first time I was able to injure him before he got destroyed by the [Hero]. I remembered it was my happiest moment in my life but at the same's also my regret."

"I shouldn't have cut that thing's arm and let some people go away with it." He sighed "And just look at it now...a monster with his genetic was born."


As he held his sword, his aura slowly surged out on his blade. The bluish that looks rough yet delicate, the color of the clear blue sky that matched with his title as the [Sword Saint].

Cerberus of course picked out the danger from this old man. But despite that, the monster didn't back off. Its opened its three mouth to focus on their breath once again.

Rowan's forehead slowly formed a small vein as his face twisted with anger.

"Because of my mistake...I let my precious student to see something horrible in her young an adult, I failed...

but now as a Swordsman, I shouldn't be trapped by the past...I shall redeem myself by destroying you to your roots once and for all!!"

Rowan raised his sword as the monster already finished preparing another breath.

One of the soldiers who watched the scene was amazed but at the same time worried for his life, so he he shouted, "Sir Rowan!!!"


The aura bursted out from his sword, creating a large blade from his aura.


It eventually condensed and fused into a single point on his blade.




As his sword glowed bright in the dark...

Rowan glared at the monster.

"This is a technique I have prepared specifically to face the likes of you...."




"The name is..."






The monster growled and breathed out his attack with ice, fire and lightning combined into one hell of a large energy breath.

As for Rowan...

"[Sky Break]."

Calmly, he swung his sword down towards that incoming attack.






The world froze for a moment....





As he cut its devastating breath with just a single swing of his blade.




And the Cerberus–...



...–was cut into two right on its middle head.

*GRRRRRR* ????

The monster couldn't feel anything or react towards his attack that surpassed all common sense.


Its body began to fall apart into two and finally...its died.

[The Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus], was killed in one strike by the legend himself...

[The Sword Saint, Rowan].

"Phew, I guess that's all for a mere monster." Rowan sighed and looked at his sword that crumbled away.

"I guess I need a sword that could handle that technique...." He murmurred, "hmmmm, that reminds me, the boy that Iris Ojou-sama likes...would he be willing to make a good sword for me? Hahahaha! I suppose i would never know if I don't ask her!"

He laughed boisterously as his soldiers who finally recovered came out from their hiding.

"W-w...woah!!!!" One of the soldier shouted as the others began to also shout and celebrated his victory.

"We won!"


"As expected for the legend!"

So many compliments made Rowan smiled upon seeing so many of his subordinates survived.

One of the soldier who stood beside him all the time came to him.

"Sir! I came to report that all of the soldiers survived and for others that you sent to other locations...they survived as well."

"I see, what a relieve." Rowan sighed while looking at the monster's corpse that was cut in half.

"Is there something wrong sir?" He asked as he saw the grim look coming from Rowan's face.

"Do the other team faced this kind of monster as well?"

"Huh?? I...don't think they met them sir, but they're able to apprehend some people who worked in that place and suprisingly...all of them have criminal records."

"I see." Rowan started to get deep in his thought.

'There are 9 locations that were marked in Allura's territory...out of 7 locations that we raided, the only place that have this kind of monster is this place as for the others...they didn't meet even one.'

'But what about the other two location...there's a possibility that Matilda and Iris' teams met the same monsters?!' Rowan widened his eyes when he realized it.

When the soldiers finally relaxed, they jumped back in alert by his shout.

"Attention to you all!! We're going to move towards Matilda and Iris place now!"

"Huh??" The soldiers murmurred in confusion upon hearing his words.

"Prepare a horse for me." Rowan ordered as he looked at them angrily.

"Y-yes!" They responded.

'Dammit...why did I just realized it now...Matilda is okay but Iris who are still in training and Harson who haven't achieved master level...they have no chance to win against those monsters.' Rowan thought as his soldiers quickly did as they were told.

Afterwards, Rowan hold on to the horse that was prepared by his soldiers.

Before he get on his horse, he gave one of the soldiers a map. "Bring the remaining team now....half of you shall go to Matilda's location and the rest shall follow me to the other location!" Rowan pointed out the mark on the map.

"We have no time to waste! Haaa–!!!"


Rowan rode onto the horse, running as quick as possible towards Iris' place.

'Iris...I hope you are safe.'

To be continue...