Chapter 55 : Iris May Welford (Part 4)


Styx shoot out those large energy laser towards Iris who didn't move at all from her spot. Silvi and others decided to rush in now after seeing that

"Ojou-sama!!" Silvi yelled in desperation.

Meanwhile Harson and William tried to dash forwards and grabbed her away from where she stood.

"Dammit!" William cursed

"Ojou-sama!!" Harson shouted






However, even at the face of such danger, a smile bloomed on her face.

"I don't know how I got [Light Magic], so I shall be using it now~"

Her smile fell and her icy cold stare was back

"[Holy Wall]."

Suddenly she created a white barrier right in front of her that was big enough to cover the others behind her.

*'Heh, Stupid brat!!'*








As the the energy clashed with her barrier, the laser spread away, hitting everything else except those protected by the barrier.




Matilda used her magic to create a barrier around all those people who's still there and the army, including Rowan and Silvi.

The laser hitted some of her barrier, but she didn't focus to that.

Along with Silvi and Rowan, they couldn't help but stare at how Iris successfully protected them with her barrier.

William and Harson who closed their eyes when the impact hit, opened their eyes and noticed the barrier was up again and that they were safe behind her and the barrier.

"What the..." William was rendered speechless at everything this little girl did today.

Starting from her sudden change in behavior to her absurd strength when she sent Styx flying away from her.

Her barrier stayed still and didn't leave any crack, he could tell that the barrier was much sturdier and stronger than before.

Harson on the other hand was completely amazed at the image of his master, standing there bravely and protected them with her power.

When the energy started to dissipate...

Styx widened his eyes when he noticed that his laser magic, didn't even leave any scratches on the barrier.

Her barrier slowly disappeared as Iris swayed her hair while smiling smugly at her opponent.

"Heh~ is that all you got?~" She mocked, provoking him even more.

*"GRRRRRR...I don't know how you managed to do it, but you don't give me much choices but to KILL YOU!!"*

Styx released his ominous aura once again, increasing the intensity as his body slowly transformed into another form.

One of his arms that was cutted before regenerated back and then some sort of scale armor came out from all his skin on each arms.

Styx stood up and started cracking his neck.


*"Hahaha!! This time I will be serious, you little brat!! I shall kill you and feast on your flesh while you scream!!"* he grinned, showing his set of sharp teeth.

With just a glance, anyone could see that he became even more powerful.

That laser was enough to make Harson and William felt the fear and now, he weaponized his arms with those scale armor. Harson was hit directly with those fist and he felt his strength first hand. With those scales up covering his arms, he could tell that it's gotten even stronger.

But Iris was simply looking at him disinterestedly before she suddenly covered her mouth in a yawn

"Hwaaahhh~ Are you done?"

Styx felt his face gone red with anger when she dismissed him like that

*"Huh?? Have you gone crazy? Don't you see this power!! Huh?!!"*

As if to prove his point, Styx released his aura once more.

But Iris rolled her eyes, "Is there any difference besides of you changing form or not??" She sighed, shaking her head, "you're either dumb or this is just your first time facing me."

Styx raised one of his eyesbrows.

*"Haaah?? What are you talking about?"*

"Let me tell you~






I am...





Pretty strong~"

As her smile was up once again, she released her magical aura around her body.

The color was blue that was mixed with red, melding into one and changed into violet. It was a beautiful sight to those who could see and when some part of her aura was spread out...





it was like flower petals...






Iris raised her blade and pointed it at him...

"Now then~ come get me~"

Styx gritted his teeth provoked with her words and...


With unimaginable speed, he dashed towards her and as if appearing right in front of her in a blink.


Styx swung his left arms towards her, releasing multiple fist in that moment.

*"[Martial Arts : Bullet Barrage]"!!!*

A skill that was supposed to be rapid punch that created multiple fists, with him who have three arms on each sides, the number of his fists were tripled.


Styx noticed her smile that was directed towards him. As if she was expecting him to do that....


...and stopped those fist with her blade, the impact was so strong that knce it clashed with her blade, it created a shockwave



That didn't even made Iris flinch and instead she raised her left foot, sending him a kick on the left side of his face.

*'Heh, Idiot!! My body is much stronger than before!! With that puny kick, it won't even leave–'*


When her kick connected with his cheek, his face was crushed.


And he was sent flying once again...




Styx crashed and kept bouncing off against the ground. It kept on going since the impact was....much stronger than he expected.

He stopped himselg by stomping his feet on the ground and stood once again.

When his head moved to look at his front...


Iris appeared right in front of him and grabbed his face.


With a smile, she smashed his head down to the ground...creating large explosion from that impact.

Styx's eyes gree wide since he could feel such a powerful strength from such a small hand


Then, without letting him have room to breathe...she pulled him out by his face and then threw him up into the air like a sack of potatoes.

"Giddy~ up!!"




Harson and William who realized that Iris was gone from their sight, turned their head to see Iris standing very far away from them.

And noticed that Styx was up high in the sky.

"W-what just happen?!" William shouted in disbelief.






Soon after that, Styx was rapidly falling down from high aptitude.

He didn't know what just happened to him as he stared at the ground from above.

*"This brat..."* Styx was enraged, he flipped his body to recover from the throw.

But then he was welcomed with a blade thrusted towards his face.


Styx barely managed to dodge it, the blade struck his cheeks and Iris was up there already.

*"Since when–"*



Iris used her free hand to touch his chest, which glowed bright with purplish energy and...

"[Dark Pulse]~"

...released it.




Styx yelled as he crashed down to the ground.

*'What's with this firepower!!—"*

He knew that his body had already been weakened before but that doesn't mean his strength is weaker than them. However, he realized that the thing he had awakened right much stronger than he was currently.


[Take Over]

Active Skill

Duration : 15 min.

Cooldown : ????

A skill that allows a soul from someone to come and possessed the one's body. All skill from [Passive] and [Active] would be temporarily increased into Max level.

Penalty: Decrease -50% overall status for 1 hour


A skill that came from her tittle [The Villainess] origin...allow Iris to be possessed by an unknown soul that have been stayed together with her ever since she was transferred into that body...

No one knows for sure who is the one who took control over this body...

But one thing for sure, is that right now the one on the dominant side in this battle was...

None other than Iris herself.


Styx crashed to the ground but he quickly recovered from it and was now already standing up to his feet.

As usual his body was quite sturdy, he looked up to the sky and Iris was still floating mid air.

He didn't waste anytime to rest and opened his mouth wide.

*"Let's see if you can save yourself from this one!!"*

Instead of shooting it out like a beam, he did it bit by bit like a barrage of bullets made of dark energy.



Those bullets soared up towards her with such a speed but...

"Well it's time to gave you my signature dance~"

Iris began to swing her rapier forward as the tip hit the energy bullet...





When her blade pierced through that energy...

*PLAK* a popped ballon, that energy bullet scattered into pieces and dissipated like fireworks after it met her blade.


Styx widened his eyes as she continue to swing her blade again and again.



She thrust her blade once again with her charming smile, destroying another bullet that approached her.



She thrust her blade once again along the rhythm that she composed.


She moved her body along with her blade...twirling herself around and thrusting her blade.






She looked as if she was enjoying this moment while dancing in the night sky...






Styx stopped shooting and prepared for the impact and started to put on his stance.

*"Dammit! Dammit!! DAMMIT!!! [Martial Arts : Bullet Barrage]!!"*

He swung all of his fist, creating multiple punches flying in the air, as if like a shield made from his fist.


Iris spun herself and rapidly thrusting and swinging her blade towards those fists.



Greeting him with a big smile, the tip of her blade met against his fist. She pulled her rapier back to do another swing and thrust from every direction to meet his fists.

Her speed eventually matched with his and each clash between them created a large force of shockwave around them.

Styx who had the upper hand before, now have been cornered like a little rat.

Iris on the other hand, kept her calm and swung her rapier again and again without rest.


Silvi, Rowan and Matilda approached Harson and William who's watching the battle.

"Harson!!" Silvi called out.

Harson switched his attention towards her, "...Silvi."

"What is going on? What happen to Ojou-sama?!" Silvi asked while shaking his body.

"I-i don't r-really know! S-stop shaking me!" Harson plead.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Silvi quickly released him.

"I-it's fine." Harson nodded while rubbing his head.

"But I don't get come she was able to hit that monster with her bare hand." Harson wondered.

"It's an Enhancement type of magic." William spoke all of sudden.

"The skill [Enchant : Strength]...a magic skill that allows someone to gain temporary strength in order to shorten the gap between enemy and she is probably using a high level one since she's able to do all of that." William explained and that stunned the others who stood there.

"W-what?? Don't look at me!" William quickly covered his face.

Silvi, Rowan and Matilda stared at each other for a moment.

"Ummm, who are you??" Silvi asked.

William flinched a bit and looked away. "I-i spy! Yeah! A spy that was hired by Iris Ojou-san!" He lied.

Harson glared at his very obvious lie menacingly.

"I see..." Silvi decided to brush him off since she has more important matters to focus into.

She looked at the small figure of her young lady in the distance, fighting courageously against the monster.



The two of them didn't stop clashing against each other, every strike created powerful shockwave and Styx was trying his best to block her strikes.


Styx glared hatefully towards the girl who kept swinging her blade without rest and the speed getting faster and faster until...

"Caught you~"

She suddenly slipped in her blade between those fist, and then...


...swinging her blade to both side, deflecting his pair of arms aside to create an opening.

After that, she thrust her rapier towards his chest.

"[Vital Strike]–"

But when she's about to do that, Styx opened his mouth then shot out the laser energy from his mouth.


Iris reacted by blocking it with [Holy Wall].


Because she didn't have time to set it up properly, the barrier shattered when his laser hits.




Then his two fists flew towards her and Iris quickly blocked it with her blade.

Since she's still floating mid air, it sent her flying, creating a gap between the two of them.


She spun herself and landed on the ground safely and elegantly. She sighed while swaying her hair.

Meanwhile Styx was breathing heavily, seemed like it took almost his entire strength to deflect her relentless attacks.

"That was an amazing exchange~ can't believe there's one of them that have retained their emotion~"

She spoke but it only confused the monster with multiple arms.

*"Haahh?? What are you talking–"*

"–But now I had enough playing games with you~" Suddenly Iris put on her stance, moving her rapier to the back while the blade aimed at the front, while her left hand was positioned along with her blade.

When her lips curved into a smile, her blade suddenly shined with bright light.







The intensity and the magic power was so powerful it made Styx shuddered as he could tell that thing is nothing like any of her attacks before.

If that thing hit him...for sure he would be...


His instinct was telling him to run but his origin told him that he needed to face it.

*"Hahaha...this is crazy..."*

In that moment, the duration of a certain effect was finally over.


[Effect from "Orb of Faith(Replica)" Is over, the enemy status will come back to its original state]

A notice popped out in front of Iris face, but that didn't faze her at all and it excited her more instead.

Styx who got his status back, wasted no time to release his entiredark aura into a pair of his middle arms.

Focusing those dark energy into his fist, his horns suddenly covered with black electricity which flowed into his two fist.


*"I will kill you!! Once and for all!!"*


Styx roared as his pressure cracked the ground beneath him.

"I never thought I will be using "his" skill for this moment."

Since the effect of [Dance of the Moonlight] skill was still on, she added another one which came from the creator himself. was Rei's emotion that had been injected into that rapier.

"[Blacksmith Will]." As she casted the skill with a fond smile, her body was enveloped with red aura which came from that rapier.


[The Blacksmith Will]

Duration : 2 min.

Cooldown : 60 sec.

The creator imprinted his will into this rapier, giving the wielder a strength to pave their way through hurdles and challenges. Overall status increased by 20%.


Her body felt warm and the way she smiled was full with affection as his aura enveloped her body.

"Haaaahh~ do you know how much I miss you...






Her longing didn't affect anything but her and it only fueled the fire of rage on someone.

*"You b*tch!! You dare to ignore me!!"*

His aura spiked out to be even bigger, and the aura which coated his fists became more intense.

"Haha~" Iris laughed while staring at him with an easy smile, "I shall show you something interesting~

...though this will be the first time I use it~"


'First~ applying [Dark Magic]~'

Suddenly, dark energy began to coat the radiant light from her blade, spinning around until it reached the tip.

'Spin~ spin~ andd...




Fuse them~"


It fused into one, creating a blade of light that was wrapped with the dark energy which swirled around it.


Iris has just made an impossible achievement, one that'd never happen in history. Supposedly.

[Light Magic], a magic with the property of healing and purifying.

And [Dark Magic], a magic with the property of destroying and deception.

Two element that should contradict each other are now...

Fused into a single blade.

Matilda was amazed when she saw it and was absolutely thrilled to know how she can come up with something like that.

Silvi was the same, she has the same job as her and a rare magic affinity among any other people but...heh, she's running out of words to describe her and incredible things she achieved in such a young age.

However, even after all that, Styx just laughed it off.

*"Hahahaha!! What a puny little power!! You think with that small blade you can kill me who had his power back!!"*

He mocked, and then...he stook one step forwards.


Creating another crack on the ground as he stepped forward.

The two of them are ready for the third round.

Iris with her combined elemental magic sword on her hand, while Styx with his martial arts and magic imbued to his fists.

*"This is the end!!"*


He stomped his feet, creating a force that was enough to destroy the ground and made him dash towards her like a speeding bullet.

Meanwhile, Iris stayed on where she stood and again...

She was calm like a flowing river.






As Styx still flying towards her with such a big grin.





Iris raised her left hand and moved it forward as he was aiming him.

Styx reacted by stretching out his four arms,

*"You think I won't notice!! [Martial Arts : Bullet Barrage]!!"*


Using that move again, he swung his four arms with incredible speed, creating a barrage of punches to defend himself.

Iris of course noticed those and decided to stretch out a light barrier once again.

"[Holy Wall]."



His fists continuesly hits the barrier with such unbelievable force, each strikes he made resulted in a shockwave around them.

*"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!!"*



Slowly the barrier began to vibrate...






*CRACK* it continue vibrate, it began to crack...







Then...everytime his fists landed on the barrier, it began to crack again and again until eventually....



When his fists broke through her barrier, it shattered it into pieces...

Styx grinned widely and quickly took his chance by pulling his four arms and landed down with one of his feet on the ground to create momentum...


The ground cracked as his feet land on it and then...with all his power...






He swung two of his middle fist covered with focused dark energy simultaneously.

*"[Magic Martial Arts : Void Destruction Fist]!!"*





As if time moved slowly, his fists are now flying towards her.

Iris didn't look suprised at all when her barrier broke and it confused Styx at her lack of reaction and instead of despairing face...

She's wearing a smile...








His fist hit her, creating large explosion around them. The force was enough to send his powerful magical power around the whole place.

It's a direct hit.

Silvi and the others could tell that there's no way she could survive such a powerful attack.

"O-o...ojou-sama!!!" Silvi shouted as she was about to jump towards her but...


Rowan grabbed her by the shoulder, stopping her from moving.

"Ojii-sama!! Don't stop–"


Rowan cut her words while pointing his finger at the smoke of dust that was created from the explosion.

The smoke eventually dissipated a bit and slowly showing two people standing there.


Rowan muttered and that made Silvi looked at where he's pointing at.

Silvi widened her eyes and her tears began to fall, "N-no way."

"Hahaha~ This girl~ is more of a monster than me~" Matilda commented until the smoke finally cleared.






They could see that Iris was standing there safe and sound.


A bright light radiated from her left hand that was covered with some sort of hexagon barrier, coating her hand like a glove.

She stopped his fist with it. But such a feat cost her left arm, for it sustained so many cuts after tanking his punch.

Other than that, she's still standing there with her smile while maintaining her magic sword.

Styx eyes grew wide in shock.

His fist that was strengthened with magic...and the strength of his full power was nothing to scoff at.

Even those legends who stood there from a far could be able to tell it was a very powerful punch.

But still...he couldn't even move her from where she stood.

"Ara~ Why did you look confused?~" Iris asked as she looked at him with her smirk.

*"Y-you...What did you do?!!"*

Iris giggled

"Fufufu~ Ohh~ I was doing something simple of course~ [Enchant : Shield] plus [Holy Wall] glove version. I strengthened my defense with magic and coating my whole left arm with light barrier then withstood your attack~ even so, your strength is pretty strong. If I let my focus down~ I might lose my left arm for sure. So you should be proud~ for being complimented by me~"

Iris explained with a smile and that made him shuddered.

*"W-what....a-are you?!"* Styx shouted as he panicked.

"Me? Didn't I introduce myself to you already...."


Iris suddenly touched his fists with her left hand...


...then she pushed both of his arms away, pushing him back and left him extremely opened for an attack.


Iris prepared her magic sword, her red eyes glinted for a moment as her lips curled into a smile.

"You should listen carefully next time~"

After that she dashed towards him.


"First strike."



Iris thrusted her blade and slashed through his chest, drawing out his blood by that single thrust and made him flew in the air for a moment.


Iris landed right behind him with an inhuman speed.

He gained his original status back so she shouldn't have been able to injure him.

But...reality was often disappointing...



"Second strike."


...without losing momentum, she dashed towards him again from behind.



She thrusted her blade towards his back, injuring him once again, making him spun in the air due to her strike.



She landed her feet on the ground again where she stood before then dashed towards him once more to keep her distance closer to him.


When she appeared in front of him, she thrusted her rapier towards his chest again, leaving a small hole on there, making him fly back.


Iris moved and appeared on his left side.


Styx reacted by tring to guard himself against her by using all his right arms.


Like a steel clashing against one another, she used her left hand that was coated with barrier like before, moving his arms away with force.


"Third strike."


She thrusted her blade again, leaving another hole wound on his chest from that and moving his body to the left side.


Iris took her chance to focus her mana on her feet then did a high jump that passed through him from above and landed to his left.

"Fourth strike."

She spun herself before thrusting her blade once more, stabbing into the left side of his chest.

Creating another hole of wound in his body.


She passed through him and landed on his right side, his body was spinning in the air from that force she created.

Until she continued to strike him again like that.






"Fifth strike."

She repeated her attack from the right side.







"Sixth strike."

Now back to his front side again...






"Seventh... Eight... Ninth... Tenth!"

Left... Right... Front... Front...


On the tenth strike, Iris appeared on his back...



...and struck his back with her blade, lifting him up to the sky.

"Eleventh strike."


With a blinding speed, she jumped high and reappeared at his front in the air...


"Twelfth strike."



...before striking him once again, making him free fall to the ground caused by the force of her powerful strike.


Then in that moment...





...when Styx was still bouncing off as he crashed to the ground...






Iris appeared right in front him, taking a step forwards while charging her magic sword.


The light got even brighter and the darkness swirling around it was much more intense...







"[Divine Art : 13th Pillars]."






Iris thrusted her blade forward, stabbed hin right in the middle of his chest, creating a single line of light and dark energy passing through his back from all the magic power that was condensed into one.







And then just like that, everything went silent. Styx was standing there and looked down towards her who didn't move at all, still holding her rapier that was stuck in his chest.

Nothing happened after that and he began to laugh.

*"Ku..ku..ku...kuHAHAHAHAHA!!! Nothing happened!! I guess that was all for nothing, damned brat!!"* The monster mocked with victorious smile on his face. *"Hahaha!! Now beg for I–!!"*


At that moment, something happened...


One of his wound slowly start to let out a small light from the hole she created with her rapier.



Two lights came out...

*"W-what is happening–?!?"*


Followed by another three

*"S-stop...!! What did you do...what did you do!!! You fucking brat!!"*


Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten... Eleven...

The lights keep increasing in numbers and got even brighter...


His body slowly grew bigger and bigger...after those bright light showed up...his body was being filled with air, like a balloon.

Iris smirked and regarded him with malice in her eyes.

"Oh~ You want to know?~ Well I shall tell you before you die~"


Iris pulled her rapier from his chest...


Then another light came out from another wound and she waited for the last one to come out.

"Skill [Divine Art : 13th Pillars] is a skill I invented just making a bomb of light energy that was coated with darkness~ the dark energy I used acted as the coating for the light energy like a tiny little ball that I injected inside of you that will grow on each and every strike I make..."

Styx body slowly became much more bigger and bigger, also twisted like something growing inside of him as Iris explained.


"It will keep growing~ and growing~ until slowly it reached its limit~ creating a small 13 light caming out from the wounds I inflicted on you, like a pillar of light~"


The last 13th light came out right on the middle of his chest where she stabbed her rapier from before.

"And finally!~"

Iris turned around as she began to walk away.




She stopped halfway through it and looked at him for a moment.

"It created a large pillar of light~"






After that...





*"S-save m–!!!"*


Styx couldn't even finish his last words and exploded into a bright light that shot out into the sky, creating a large pillar of light like what she just told him.

The explosion was large...large enough to soar into the night sky, clearing the whole cloud until a bright moonlight shined down on her.


The pillar slowly dissipated into dust of light, falling down like a particle of snow.

Iris sighed steadily, looking up onto the night sky while smiling as she enjoyed the pleasant breeze of night air along with the scenery she caused herself.

As she looking at the snow made out of the light, it made her wearing a nostalgic face.

"Hmmm~ I wonder if she will be happy to see me...using her technique like this~"


When she was immersed with herself, she heard a few footsteps coming over to her.

"Ara~ It seems I have another guest~"

Iris turned around, curling her lips up into a smile as her red eyes shined bright in the dark with the beautiful moon above her, and a cold breeze fluttering her hair to the side.

It was a beautiful sight, everyone who stood there was at a loss of words since they could only stare at her for a moment.

Until she began to spoke.

Her eyes sparkled as she chuckled. "Nice to meet you, I hope you ejoy the show~"




Among them, Silvi approached her first. When Iris looked at her face, her eyes grew wide.

" are–"



Like an electricity surging into her head, she felt an agonizing pain and then...


Everything...went black.

To be continue...