Chapter 56 : A Moment of Peace

Minerva and Nero were watching the hologram screen in front of them. The room was extremely dark with nothing but the sofa for her to sit and the bright lighting from the hologram.

The place was filled with silence as the hologram casted a bright light towards the two people inside, showing their extremely baffled faces.

They both watched...watched until the end of the fight.

The hologram screen showed the smile of a little girl who just defeated one of the Chimera who achieved its awakening.

The sudden change, the pressure of her aura and the elegance that little girl let out was almost like...

Nero slowly looked at her, trying to gouge her reaction, "Minerva-sama...this is..."


Minerva suddenly crushed the handle of her seat with her grip.

"The way she spoke...the way she spread those pressure...those elegance and everything she just showed...she is just like...




me." Minerva muttered with a disturbing smile on her face.

"I can't believe she's hiding that power! Hahaha!~"

"Minerva-sama." Nero uttered her name as he watched her.

"I don't know where did she learn how to imitate me~ but....[Light Magic] and [Dark Magic]! Two affinity that supposed to contradict each other, are working together on her hands! Such an interesting show! I can't believe it evem I saw it with my two own eyes! Haaaaa~ I can't wait to have you all to myself~"

Minerva laughed, voice fully laced with excitement. Knowing how much she's this crazy over this girl only served to fuel Nero's jealousy

But he didn't show it of course and kept his calm but the grip on his own hands right behind his back betrayed his almost emotionless face.

Nero shook his head off as he remembered something, "Minerva-sama, it is time." he reminded after taking out his pocket watch.

Minerva rested her body on her chair and looked at Iris while sighing in annoyance.

"Haaa~ why should I need to meet those people, right now I'm just having fun watching my Iris!~" Minerva spoke petulantly, like a child throwing a tantrum.

Nero found it to be an adorable sight but he kept his composure.

" cannot do that, the meeting's gonna start soon, so we need to go now."

Minerva sighed, getting up from her sear and flashed him a smile, "Fineeee~ but I guess I'm glad that I have you Nero~ if weren't for you, I might stay here like this~"

Nero's chest swell with happiness at her praise but he not let it distract him.

"Thank you Minerva-sama, however even if you praise still need to go to the meeting."

Minerva giggled after he caught on with her trick. "Okay okay~"

She stretched her body a bit and smiled, "Well then~ shall we go?~"




The two of them left the room while the screen was still on...


On the daylight, inside of Welford's manor...Iris was resting on her bed with some bandages wrapped on her head and her left hand.

She was sleeping inside her room with some people waiting for her.

After a while, her eyes fluttered open, showing her blue eyes. The first thing she saw was the familiar ceiling above her.

"Hmmmm..." She muttered groggily

'Am I...inside my room.' She asked while slowly blinking her eyes for a moment before moving her head to her left.

She saw two men, they were sleeping soundly while leaning against the wall.

One of them looked to be one of her guard and has brown hair while the other man has green hair, and was wearing black clothing and a mask.

Iris shifted her eyes to her right and they landed on a maid with silver hair who's sleeping on the side of her bed.

"" She muttered, calling her name softly.

Silvi reacted from that voice immediately, she opened her eyes slowly and looked at her master.

Tears swelled on her eyes and they started to drip down to her cheeks.


Silvi quickly hugged her tight, "Ojou-sama!"

Iris widened her eyes and smiled while brushing Silvi's short silver hair gently.

"I am fine now~ don't worry~" Iris comforted her.

As if hearing Silvi's outburst, Harson and William stood up from their sleeping spot.

Like Silvi, Harson started to cry too, "O-ojou-sama..."

"Eh–?! don't have to cry too Harson!"

"B-but I was worried...that you might not wake up...that I have failed to protect you." Harson sniffled, trying his best to hold back his tears.

'No no no! Silvi is fine...but I'm worried about a young man crying over me like this!'

"A-ahem...I'm fine okay? So don't worry~" Iris reassured him with her soft voice and gentle smile.


And just like that, Harson suddenly rushed towards her but before he could wrap his hands around her in a hug...



Silvi pushed his face away.

"W-what was that for!"

"I should be asking you Harson! How dare you trying to hug Ojou-sama like that!" Silvi scolded.

Iris on the other hand, gripping her blanket with both hands since it suprised her when he was about to do that.

"Why not! You're hugging her too!"

"That's different! She just woke up! And I can't let a man like you hug her!"

"It's not fair!" Harson shouted, face twisted in jealousy

"Of course it's fair! We are women after all, so I am allowed to hug her~!" Silvi folded her hands while wearing that smug face of hers.

"W-what kind of logic is that!"

"That's the fact!–"

The two of them started continued to argue among themselves then. Meanwhile, William who's still wearing his mask, walked towards the other side of her bed and stood a comfortable distance away.

"How is your body, Ojou-san~" William asked while bowing his head a bit.

"I am fine now and how about you William?"

"I'm fine thanks to you of course."

"Hmm?? Thanks to me? What do you mean by that?"

As soon as she asked that, Harson and Silvi stopped fighting.

"Huh?" The three of them exchanged confused gazes to each other before staring at her.

Iris panicked a bit, "H-huh??? What's wrong?"

"You don't remember Ojou-san?" William asked carefully.

"Remember what?–"


The door to her room was opened, interrupting their conversation and Rowan and Matilda came into the room.

"Ohh~ you're finally awake Iris~"

Iris smiled at the brief distraction, allowing her some time to breathe, "Yes, I just woke up now and thank you for visiting me Master."

Matilda smiled and nodded her head, "Of course I will go visit my disciple~ Since you are my precious one~ fufufu~"

"How is your body doing Iris Ojou-sama?" Rowan asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, my body is fine~ thank you for asking Sensei."

Rowan laughed and grinned, "Hahaha! I'm glad to hear that! A youngster should have a lot of energy!"

"Hehehe~ can I ask you something?"

"Hmm?? Sure ask me anything!!" Rowan smiled






Can you tell me...what happen to that monster?"

When she asked that question, Rowan and Matilda widened their eyes as they slowly stared at each other.

"Huh?? You don't remember?" Matilda asked.

Harson, Silvi and William's eyes were back on her again.

"Y-yeah...I don't remember much...I remembered that I passed out on that fight and the next thing I know is that I woke up on this bed..." Iris explained, she seemed to be very clueless.

It made them curious and at the same confused because she can't remember anything after showing such a spectacle show from that night.

Silvi approached her, along with Harson who stood beside her.

"Ojou-sama the truth is...–"


Before Silvi could say anything, a hurried steps of people running towards this room could be heard.


Two familiar booming voices filled her ears, it didn't take them long to finally arrive at her room.

One of them was a middle aged man, with black hair and red eyes and next to him was a young man with blonde hair and the same red eyes like the man.

It was Henry–her father and Albert–her older brother.

Their faces were filled with tears and snot, as if they were crying for a whole day non-stop.

After sensing that she had woke up, they quickly rushed into the room.

"Onii-sama...! And Father??" Iris' eyes grew wide when they rushed into her room and then...


"IRIS!!" The two of them jumped on her simultaneously, about to give her a big hug.



But before they could get anywhere near her, they crashed against a barrier that was casted around Iris bed.

"Are you both foolish! Do you want to crush your own daughter and sister! You foolish father and son duo!"

Matilda scolded but she sighed and snapped her finger, retracting her barrier off from them.

"AGHH! You damned Witch!! How dare you interrupt my reunion with my daughter!" Henry snapped.

Albert on the other hand, was rubbing his face, "Ughh..."

"I don't care! She just woke up and you should mind yourself!" Matilda snapped back.


"Say what?!"

"She is right my dear~"

The voice of a beautiful woman cut in, her long silky blonde hair swayed as she made her way inside of the room, it was Eliza–her mother.

"But! but!!–"

"No but~"

Henry looked down with a pout as he couldn't defy his wife at all.

"That's including you, young man!" Eliza shouted as soon as she noticed that Albert was trying to sneak his was around so that he could reach his sister.

"Ehehehe~" He laughed awkwardly after he got caught and was now rubbing he back of his head.

Iris who watched her family came by to see her and created such a scene and pleasant atmosphere, caused her to laugh a bit.

However, Iris stopped laughing when they stared at her with a smile.

"W-what's wrong?" Iris blinked, starting to get embarrassed with all of their stares.


Suddenly, Eliza approached her and standing near her bed while looking straight to her blue eyes

"I heard you sneak out last night without telling us~ am I right~ Iris?~" Dark aura appeared around her as if to emphasize the anger bubbling inside of her, all the while wearing a smile that didn't even reach her eyes.

"Ummm...I-i can explain–"

"–Master and Rowan-sama had explained it to me before you woke up~"

Iris quickly glanced towards the two person she mentioned, trying to ask for help. However, Matilda and Rowan just looked away as if they're not going to intervene with this one and instead giving her a thumbs up as good luck.

'Y-you guys?!!'

"Ahem~ I hope you are ready for what I'm about to do to you~ Iris~"

"Y-yes! O-of course...." She gulped, and squeezed her eyes shut, "I-i am ready."

Iris' grip on the sheets of her bed tightened as she braced herself for the worst.



What she expected never come, instead Iris was pulled closer to her as she wrapped her arms around her small body.

Iris snapped open her eyes when she noticed the warmth coming from her mother and felt something swell in her chest.


Her heart ached...


She could feel her heart beating painfully against her rib cage...


At the same time, she felt relieved for some if someone trying to tell her something...


[I am glad...she is alive].

A string of words flashed across her mind that wasn't exactly hers

Iris looked up towards the woman who met her gaze


Iris widened her eyes as she felt her mother's tears dripping down and wetting her cheeks.


"You foolish daughter of you know how how worried we are? have you thought of how your Father....your brother and I felt when we heard that you were in that place.

"Seeing the horror of people's death...fighting a monster with unbelievable strength....and then got hurt and fell unconscious for 3 days straight!"

'Eh?! I fell unconscious that long?!' Iris shocked in the middle.

Her hug slowly getting tighter as her hands shook.

"I heard it all from Master and Rowan-sama."

Iris could only look away at that and tried her best to stay quiet about it.

But...her eyes slowly shifted to look at her and found out her lips was trembling.

"For my sake...for my sake...why won't you tell us about it! If you told us...we could try to make a plan together!"

Iris bit down her lips, "Because!!...because I can't take it anymore...everytime I close my eyes I see the future of your death! I'm afraid if I told won't let me participate.

"I don't want to lose you Mother...I don't want to feel useless...seeing you all trying to protect me, I don't want to regret the rest of my life thinking that I couldn't do a thing and let someone precious to me being taken!"

Her voice rose up and it's almost as if...

Someone's talking in her stead.

The others could see the change in her eyes once again, it's turning red once more...just like the last time.

But this time, this was different...

It's like that person who possessed her and herself...were synchronized together.

Eliza who stayed quiet to listen to her every words, tightened her hug once more.


"But...I should be thanking did your best to endure everything."

Iris' eyes grew wide when she looked over at her mother before wrapping her arms around her back.

Tears started to fall down her cheeks as she began to cry.

"I...I'm sorry! I'm sorry for not telling you...I'm sorry I made you worry!!...I won't do anything reckless from now on!" Iris cried out, shaking her head and tugging on her clothes as she let it all out.

"I was scared...losing you...just like those people I saw in that place....I was scared that I might not see you the next day..."

Eliza gently stroke her hair as she listened to her daughter.

"I must be hard for you...and...I am glad to have a daughter like you."

Eliza raised Iris' head to look her in the eyes, before wiping her tears with her thumb and gave her a warm smile

Eliza leaned her head down and touched their forehead against each other, "Thank you...for saving me Iris, my beloved daughter...I love you~"

"I...I love you too! Uwaaaahhhh...!!" Iris cried harder, her cries filled the whole room and it made the others smile watching such a heartwarming scene.


After a few minutes of crying, iris was laid down on the bed again, feeling embarrassed about showing such a vulnerable side to them.

Her blue eyes were back but her face was as red as tomato

"I-i'm sorry for showing you...this embarrassing side of mine." Iris looked away, but the others just laughed.

"Don't laugh! Stop!" Iris pouted, trying to cover her face.

After that, Henry and Albert approached her.

The man gave her a gentle pat on her head while Albert held her hand.

Iris looked at them and blinked as she didn't know what they were doing.

"I am proud of you Iris, I can't thank you enough with how much you risked for our well being."


"But...there is a line you must know, that you must not let us worry like you understand?"

"U-ummm...I understand." Iris nodded and smiled at her father.

Then it's Albert's turn to speak, "You should have told me, since I'm your older brother...what kind of an older brother who would let his cute little sister risked herself like that right? So next time! Rely on me got it!" Albert spoke while giving her a pinch on both sides of her cheeks.

"Humf–I-i understand Onii-sama."

"Good, you don't have to rely on this old man or he might running around with full army to raid them."

Henry's eyes twitched, "You ungrateful son, I'm still right here."

"So what? I'm her older brother! So I have a duty to protect her!"

"Say what now! I am her father!"

"Well I know Iris more than you Father~"




Before they start arguing, suddenly a flying fist hit the two of their heads.

"Can you both stop for a second?~ before I hit you~"

Eliza threatened while her hands were filled with mana as she increased her strength with magic and hit their head at the same time.

" already hit us before saying that." The two of them spoke at the same time as they rubbed their heads, cause her hit that strengthened with magic was still pretty hurt.

Iris giggled and watched them with a smile. Meanwhile, Eliza noticed something.

"Hmmmm~ Iris, can I ask you something~"


"Who is this man?~" Eliza spoke while turning her head around to look at William who stood right on the corner of her room wearing a black clothing and a mask on his face.

Henry and Albert suddenly got alerted when they noticed him but Eliza raised her hand to stop them.

"Who are you?" Eliza spoke, her voice were laced with dignity and authority.

William remained unfazed but he could see Iris calmed down, as if she's letting him handle it.

William slightly bowed his head and kneeled with one leg. "It is my greatest pleasure to meet the Welford's family...I am...the [Dark Guild] Master, you can call me William~"

"I see...the [Dark Guild Master]....then William-kun, what brings you here to visit her at this time? Not only that you even stayed here for a whole night."


"I mean you are done with your job on gathering information regarding Baron Allura's plan, but...I don't remember you have another work to be given by her."

Eliza spoke as if she knew her plan fully from the beginning.


'As expected, from the information...she is the former [Great Mage] and 2nd best after [The Witch] herself...I guess her title wasn't just for show.' William observed.

" work here is done, but I visited her not as the [Dark Guild Master] but I am here as William." William spoke with his eyes on the floor, "I am worried about her well being and...I owed her a very big time."

"Not only she have paid us with a great sum of money...she also saved me from that monster.

"I am grateful for Iris Ojou-san."

Eliza looked at him as she listened to his every words. She had doubted him at first but hearing his words, she could only feel sincerity from it.

Eliza sighed, "I understand...but...if that was the case, shouldn't you go back home after she woke up now?"

"I have something to say to Ojou-san."

"Something to say?" Eliza knitted her brows in confusion, "What is it?"

"Well it's her choice whether she want to hear it...or not." William slowly lifted his head to look towards Iris.

"Fueh?~" Iris got even more confused when his stare was shifted towards her.

****** another extremely dark room with nothing in it but big round table and six chairs...

There were five people sitting on it.

One of them was Minerva who came to this place for a meeting with her colleagues, who has the same tittle as her.

[The Six Underworld Kings].

And the one who led them was none other than the strongest of them all and the one who summoned them to this meeting.

The man has silver white hair, a big contrast to the darkness of the room and ruby like eyes and dark energy surrounding his body. He wore a black suit with red shirt in it and black necktie.

"Now then...shall we commence our meeting."

And his name goes by...

[The Night Ruler, Allen Bloodhart]

To be continue...