Chapter 57 : The Six Underworld Kings & Prophecy

[The Six Underworld Kings]

A title that was given to six individuals who spread fear in this dark side of the world. A group of high-class criminal who had done various horrible things without remorse.

Wealth, fame and power...they have everything they could conquer from behind the curtain. But every one of them have a different goal...

Some of them pursue knowledge and the truth of the world by doing horrible experiments.

Some of them pursue luxury and wealth, extorting money and stole it from other people to satisfy their greed.


Some of them pursue Vengeance after being casted away and thrown into the pits of hell. They crawled back up from down there to show their worth and with a single goal in mind...

Complete domination over every living being


In another extremely dark room with nothing but big round table and six chairs in it...

There were five people sitting on it.

"Now then...shall we commence our meeting."

The one who led [The Six Underworld Kings] was none other than the strongest of them all and the one who summoned them to this place.

[The Night Ruler, Allen Bloodhart].

A young man with silver white hair, a big contrast to the darkness of the room and ruby like eyes and dark energy surrounding his body. He wore a black suit with red shirt beneath it and black necktie.

He was one of the outcast from a certain noble family who were born with a power that could control blood.

A descendant of someone who were close to those with similar power...[The Vampire], a blood-sucking monster who feasted blood from its prey to get stronger.

In reality, he's just a human being who were born with that rare ability, but people around him were calling him a [Child of a Monster].

But despite that, he has two friends who have been supporting him from the very beginning and together they created this dangerous group of powerful people.

"KAHAHAHA!! Come on!! Let's start the meeting already!!" A young man exclaimed loudly, who's currently sitting right beside Allen with his bare feet propped up on the table.

This young has spiky orange hair, a pair of beast- like eyes and sharp teeth. His body was toned to the extreme until the shape of his muscle was visible through his black tank top and a light brown baggy pants on his lower half.

[The King of Destruction, Kajia].

A martial artist who has reached the pinnacle of strength. He is on par with the leader–Allen and he's also the friend who supported Allen since childhood.

A beast of a man who could destroy an entire army with his bare hands and feet, crushing those who foolish enough to stand in his way and is in posession of a wild beast instict that allows him to react to almost every attack and intention from people, whether it was good or bad.

" quiet...Ciel is sleeping right now."

On the other side of Allen, there was a little girl with white ribbon on top of her blonde hair, a pair of blue eyes that looked like a sapphire gem, and was wearing a black dress.

[The Doll Master, Alice]

In her arms, there was a stuffed bear with blue ribbon around its neck. She's hugging the doll with so much care.

She's the youngest of them all and at the same time, the most dangerous one. If Allen and Kajia was death and destruction...she is the one who could control those two with her ability.

An ability that no one else in this world has. Many people wanted to take her, but her overwhelming power cannot be contained by anyone. Anyone but Allen.

"Hohoho~ such a rowdy bunch."

Right next to Alice was an old man wearing a black three piece suit with brown necktie. He was also wearing monocle on his left eye, gold eyes and black hair with some white stripes. He has a mustache and beard covering his chin.

[The King of Fortune, Edward Debenhame]

The richest and the most famous in the underworld for his wealth and power. He is the one who held all the resources to fund this group and the one who has been increasing their military power.

"Hahaha~ you never change huh~ Alice~ wanna come have a snack with me?~"

And finally....





[The Femme Fatale, Minerva]

The most knowledgeable among them and a lunatic who has experimented on thousands of people and animals for the sake of her amusement. She's accompanied with her trusted aide, Nero who's standing beside her.

"No! The only one who I allow to play with me are Allen and Ciel! Bleh!" Alice stick out her tongue and then looked away while hugging her stuffed doll.

"Oi oi~ you're so heartless Alice~ Why am I not in the list?~" Kajia joined into the conversation.

"No! You reek of sweat! also last time you destroyed some of my friends too!"

"Haha! But I said sorry, didn't I~? They weren't strong enough to handle me anyway~"

"Hmph! Whatever!"

Allen just silently listened to it while Edward was having a cup of tea for himself.

"Hmmm?? Hold on, where is Banzana? Is he running late or something" Kajia spoke as he looked at the empty seat right beside him.

The empty seat belonged to none other than

[The King of Bandit, Banzana]

The infamous criminal who has done all sorts of crimes from rape, murder, kidnapping and other kind of things. Despite that, he is also one of the most powerful before [The King of Destruction] himself. the seat was empty.

Silence filled in the room for quite a while

"Kajia...the reason why I summoned all of you here, is because of Banzana." Allen broke the silence, looking straight at him.

"Huh?? What about him?" Kajia was confused of why he said that.

"Since you have been isolating yourself in the wild to train, the news didn't reach you...I see." Allen hummed while closing his eyes, " can tell him."

"Hohoho...thank you for allowing me to have a chance to talk, Allen-sama." Edward joined his fingers on top of the table, looking at the orange haired man, "Kajia-sama, about Banzana....few days ago he was found...






Kajia widened his eyes when he heard it...but instead of feeling sad or angry, he bursted out laughing.

"Kekeke...HAHAHA!! Really? I can't believe it, that scummy guy finally met his own end~" Kajia laughed some more, as if he didn't care.

"You don't feel saddened Kajia?" Alice asked.

Kajia looked affronted and somewhat offended at her comment. "Sad?? Why should I??"

"I mean you and him are quite similar, being a battle junkie and all~" Minerva smiled, admiring her nails.

"Hah! It's true we like to compete our strength, but that doesn't mean I like him. In fact...I hate him." Kajia hissed, letting out his murderous aura,.

"That guy doesn't even care about people's lives and likes to destroy them bit by bit~ it's not my taste and what's more, he kept those trash around him!" He growled, "makes my blood boil when I see some of their faces"

Kajia grounded while cracking his finger by moving them one by one then formed into a fist.

'But both of you still kill people just to test your strength.' Are what the others thought.

"Anyway~ I don't care about it anymore~ he died because he was weak—" When Kajia about to finished his sentence.

"— can stop now." Allen interrupting him.

"Hah?" Kajia raised one of his eyebrows.

"Even I know he was the kind of people you hate in the past....he still one of us." Allen cutted him off while closing his eyes.

Kajia clicked his tongue, "Tsk...fine fine~ I will listen to you [my lord]~" Kajia teased with grin.

"But then again, how did he end up died? Even if he is weak, that doesn't mean he can be killed that easily." Kajia wondered about that.

"We actually don't know." Allen shook his head, "According to the info, he was defeated by an unknown traveling knight who helped the village where he was staying."

"Ohhh~ and who's this knight that saved the day?"

"He called himself...[Crimson], a knight clad in black armor and a red scarf that fluttered like crimson flame." Allen described.

Kajia whistled, "Fuuuu~ that's quite a name~ does that mean he is strong?~"

"We don't know yet." Allen replied.

"Awww~ That's too bad!" Kajia laid his head down on the table.

"That aside, we also need to know about the new problem ahead of us. Isn't that right Minerva." Allen spoke as he shifted his eyes towards her, as if he knew something about what happened to her recently.


The others followed his gaze and stared at the woman who has caught their attention.

"Hahaha~ as expected my lord~ I guess I can't hide everything from you~" Minerva giggled and looked back at him.

"Ohhh, this is pretty rare for you to make such an error Minerva-sama. Did something happen?" Edward asked.

Minerva looked at Nero who kept quiet beside her and she began to smile.

"Heh~ Yes~ I shall tell you all~ recently, one of my lab was destroyed by someone."

The others widened their eyes in surprise. Minerva the evil genius who took pride on her ability, was able to say something like that.

"Destroyed by someone? Even though you have a strong Chimera on your side with the gene from one of the strongest of [Four Demon Generals] who served the past Demon lord." Edward confused by the fact she already had a monster that could destroy the whole city.

"Indeed, that is true~ but I didn't expect they would brought two other people who used to defeat him~" Minerva replied.

"Two person?" Edward knitted his rows in confusion and when he realized it, he raised his voice a bit, "Don't tell me!—"

"Yes~ The two legends of the Kingdom, [The Sword Saint] and [The Witch]~"

That didn't surprise them at all, but Kajia was grinning widely in excitement.

"Woah! As expected of the legends! I really want to fight them!!" Kajia exclaimed.

Allen on the other side, remained stoic and cold, "I see...does that mean your [Chimera Project] completely failed?"

"Hmmm~ not all of it~ I got the data from the fight of course~ shall I show them to you if you want?~" Minerva offered him.

Allen shook his head, "No, thank you...but is that all? I mean is it only just the two of them who destroyed that place?"

"Well actually~ there's something interesting happened back there~" Minerva laid her back to her seat.

When Minerva showed them her smirk, their eyes were lit up with curiosity.

"Tell us. now." Allen demanded quickly.

"Heh~ well did you know~ The [Precious Daughter's of The Welford], had finally joined the show!~"

Allen who managed to keep his composure before widened his eyes in surprise, and so like the rest of them.

"That man's daughter? Really?" Allen asked to confirm.

"Oh my lord." Edward muttered.

"That's very amazing right? Ciel!" Alice spoke to the stuffed doll as well.

"What! What! Who's daughter is this!" As usual, only Kajia who were left in the dark.

"Yep~ not only that~ She fought with one of the failure [Chimera] I kept in there~" Minerva added.

"You mean that one who cannot be controlled because that thing attained emotion?" Allen asked.

"Indeed~ that thing was very dangerous~ and you already know that." She waved dismissively, "But this little girl~ who is not yet 10 years old~ was able to push its limit until it awakened and released its power befitting of the demon general~"

"That thing awakened?" Allen asked.

"Yep~ the power must have rose when it felt cornered and boom!~ The whole building was destroyed and nothing but rubbles and ruin remained~" Minerva explained.

"I see...does that mean, [she] is dead?" Allen asked her one more time.

Minerva's lips curved wider, "Haaaa~ now you remind me of her again~ you would never believe it if I told you anyway~" Minerva spoke with her extremely pleased face while looking at the ceiling.

"Did the two Legends saved her?" Allen wondered, putting a hand to his chin.

Minerva shook her head and smirked widely.

"Hah?? Quit playing around and just tell us!" Kajia insisted even though he didn't know what they were talking about.

"Three days ago, on that night..."

"The Precious Daughter...was the one who defeated one of the strongest [Chimera] who bear the name of [The Ashura] even after its awakened the power."

"Not only she forced him to be awakened~ she also overwhelmed him with her power~"

Silence filled the room again, it's understandable that they're in disbelief because a little girl defeated an awakened chimera?

What a load of nonsense. If it wasn't for Minerva who told them this information, they wouldn't believe it. Other than them, Kajia was the only one who looked confused.

" the prophecy really changed." Allen murmurred.

The others noticed it and now looking at him with wide eyes.

"Haaah?? What prophecy Allen?" Kajia asked.

Allen sighed when they have sharp ears, but he couldn't keep this secret for so long.

"As you [the Empire], the Luxion Kingdom enemy...there's a [Prophet] that could tell the future and I heard his prophecy for us [The Six]." Allen answered.

"Ohhh~ I only heard it from a rumor~ but I never thought it was real~ and it seems like our leader have some sort of connection with him~" Minerva smirked, "So? What kind of a man is he?~"

"I cannot tell about how does he looks...because it's a confidential information...but I can tell you the future we have to face soon." Allenlooked at them with a serious look on his face.

"Well tell us~" Minerva urged.

"The first prophecy was about the future of the kingdom...where the Luxion Kingdom won the war against the Empire in the near future."

"The Empire lost??" Edward spoke.

"Indeed...Empire lost and the Emperor died..not from the enemy's hands...but from these hands of mine." As he spoke, he let out a bit of his dark aura.

"After that...I took the throne and we [The Six Underworld Kings] arise...we become unstoppable, and we ruled the Empire together!"

Allen raised his voice in delight at such a wonderful future of him ruling the place.

"But unfortunately soon we will meet our destruction by the Kingdom's greatest force...which consisted of four people from the Five Great Family and a girl who soon to be a [Saintess]."

He noticed that the others grew displeased at that but Allen continued talking.

"And that is why I changed my pattern a bit...I set out everything to prevent that destruction until the Prophecy changed! With the [Chimera Project] you created Minerva...a new force had come...and we ruled the Empire once more and no one can stop us at that moment!"

His face suddenly changed, now looking into his hands grimly.

"But...another prophecy came." He paused for a moment, making them felt uneasy but they managed to keep their composure.

"New irregularities gonna came into this world...not only one but two, from [another world]."

That surprised them again and at the same time left them in confusion.

'Another world.'

"I know you all are as confused as I am...the prophecy said it to me...this another world is very different than ours, no war and fight...a peaceful world where everyone is equal." Allen explained.

"Hah?? They came from peaceful world?? is that even possible? and even if they were from another world, does it even have a connection with us? I mean, they are probably just some peaceful idiots who don't know how to fight! Haha!" Kajia laughed in mockery.

Allen nodded and closed his eyes. "I know...I even said that to the Prophet myself...but the Prophet laughed."

"He already said himself, [Irregular], something uncommon and something unexpected has come."

"He said to me...[if they were a peaceful idiot like you said...then why one of the kings have fallen?]" When that question came out, that makes them wonder and noticing something.

"Oh my lord, does that mean this [Irregular is the one who killed Banzana? And the Prophet knew about it." Edward muttered.

Allen nodded, "Yeah...the Prophet knows all, even I who spoke to him still clueless of what he said...until I heard of his death several days ago."

"Hmmm~ what about the other [Irregular]?~" Minerva asked.

"I still have no clue who is it but...this is the Prophet said to me at the last time I met him." Allen opened his eyes and looked at them straight in their eyes.

"The two who came into this world will soon prevent our plan to rule this world."

"And I shall tell you about it."

[One of them was known as the beauty who bear ill fate, that have two sides struggling to be one].

[The sides of the "Light" and "Darkness"].

[The light shines the brightest and casted a shadow—a darkness that overwhelmed everything underneath it].

[...just like the moonlight surrounded with the dark of the night]. Allen explained.

When Minerva heard that, she have someone in mind that fit his descriptions.

[And under the night, there was another one].

[A man with crimson "Fire" that kept on burning the around him, as the fire continue to get bigger and bigger as time pass by].

[And it will continue to burn everything that it touches, just like one of the Kings who had fallen by his hand].

Allen's eyes were firm when he got to this part,

[But no one knows...will this "Fire" bring destruction or...





salvation for others].

[ is up to the will of the "Fire" itself].

Allen closed his eyes as he finished his speech.

"That's all."


No one responded to that and the room was filled with awkwardness as they all seemed to busy with themselves.

Alice played with her stuffed bear.

Edward still enjoying his cup of tea.

Minerva observed her nails with a smile.

While Kajia was still deep in his thought until Allen suddenly rose up from his seat.

"It seems, I worry for nothing." Allen smirked, he could tell what they are thinking right now.

"Hahaha~ pretty interesting prophecy~ It seems I will have so much fun with this [Fire] guy you mentioned he seems strong than others~" Kajia grinned.

There's a flicker of manic in his face, obviously itching to fight the guy on the prophecy

"I wonder who is this Light and Darkness person is...who do you think they are, Ciel?" Alice asked her doll while hugging it tight

"Hohoho~ I wonder if I can catch one of them, surely they will make a good price." Edward spoke while putting his tea cup down.

"Fufufu~ if you do catch one of them~ make sure to share it with me~ I'll give you a good reasonable price~" Minerva chuckled while smirking.

Their fearless reaction after hearing what he said made him smile a bit.

"Now then...we shall end this meeting, we must focus on strengthening ourselves and keep ourself hidden." When Allen suggested that, they all nodded.

But only Kajia who keeps grinning with himself as if he looked like he has a plan of his own.

They left the room one by one, the first one was Edward, followed by Minerva and Alice. And when all of them had left, Allen turned to the orange haired man.


"Hm?~" Kajia stopped for a moment right before he step out from the door.

"Do whatever you want...but don't overdo it."

"Hahaha! You know me the best~ and sure~ I won't."

After that exchange of words between them, the meeting had officially ended.

To be continue...