Chapter 70 : The Test Once Again (Part 1)

The party is finally over, Andrew and his team withdraw first to get some rest. Meanwhile Rei has something he needed to do so he parted ways with the rest of the team.

Meanwhile Fang and his team who stayed behind were still making this baffled look on their face at what they have just heard.

"Woah...I can't believe it, he is much stronger than I thought." Fang murmurred while leaning his back against his seat.

Wise nodded in aggreement. " wonder the Guild Master wanted to keep quiet about it."

"Of course, if everyone knows about it, it would cause trouble! He would–" When Ruru was about to blurt out the very thing they needed to keep hush-hushed, she was shot down by their fingers hovering in front of her face

"You're just the same as that monk girl! Do you wanna get scolded by the Guild Master?!" Fang whispered shouted while Ruru nodded quickly.

"But truthfully...this is concerning for us as well, if he is that strong...he might not want to join us. Especially on our plan to fight that leader of the bandits." Kagura spoke while the others began to feel disappointed too.

But Fang rubbed the back of his hair, "Aghh! Let's just try it...let's asked him to join us, we wouldn't know if we didn't try it first, right?" They began to look at him with wide eyes as they didn't expect him to say that.

"That's...pretty unexpected for you to say, Fang." Kagura commented.

"H-huh?? Really?"

" just gave me chill." Ruru spoke as she exaggerated her trembling a bit.

"Oi!" Fang pouted, feeling like she was making fun of him.

Wise laughed and smiled, "That's true...just like you said, the only thing we can do now is to try!"

"Yepp!" (Ruru)

"Heh." (Fang)

"Mhm." (Kagura)

"We will ask him tomorrow then!" Fang shouted out his plan.


Until then...

"Achoo!" Rei sneezed as he was on his way to the Weapon store where he left his order there.

'Hmm? Is there something wrong?' Ray asked.

'I think so, I felt cold all of sudden.'

'Hmmm, maybe you do need a rest after this.'

'Hmmm...true.' Rei thought as he finally arrived in front of the store.


Rei opened the door, "Good afternoon." and greeted as he went inside.

Gudmund, the dwarf who owned this store was sitting on his chair and saw him walking in.

"Ohh! Welcome back you brat!" Gudmund greeted with a happy smile.

"How was your first quest?! It's been a whole day, you must be pretty tired."

"It's fine, I'm just here for what I left before."

Gudmund chuckled, "The thing that you left is inside, but damn...I couldn't believe you brought over something so rare."

"Is it really, though?"

"You don't know?? Hahaha! You're quite funny, the [Saber] sword that you brought came from a dragon tooth which is several times stronger than any kinds of metal."

'Dragon tooth??' Rei asked.

'Heh, never thought his weapon had something like that in it. These days, we have been focusing only on training so we didn't really take a look at it properly.' Ray explained.

"And for the other broken black sword, it contained a very mysterious dark energy which made it hard for me to determine what kind of monster it came from." Gudmund explained while walking together with Rei further inside his workshop.

"Hmmm, I think it was a wolf that have evolved into unique monster."

"Ohho? Now that is interesting, I would like to hear more from you."

"I'll tell you about it later, now let's focus on my weapon that I ordered."

"Hmph, fine it's on the table."

Rei looked down and saw the thing that he ordered was covered with cloth on the table.

"Is this?"

"Open it up." Gudmund spoke while crossing his arms.


Rei widened his eyes after seeing what's concealed inside of that cloth. A black sword, with golden hilt and the holder, surrounded with yellowish-dark aura around it.

'[Appraisal].' Without hesitation, Rei quickly appraised it.


[The Golden Fang Sword]

Grade: Epic

Type: Sword


Durability: 100%

A sword that was created by fusing two kinds of sword that contained dark energy coming from an unknown beast that roamed the night and the tooth of an [Earth Dragon] that was harder than any kind of steel. The blacksmith who created this fused the energy into one new energy that is able to contain the power of darkness and earth.



Due to its dark energy, it could apply [Corrosion] status towards everything it touches, including the wielders' enemies.

[Earth Wave]

MP Cost : 200

Cooldown : 3 min.

The power from an [Earth Dragon] that can create a wave of earth that crushed everything on its way.

[Corrosive Land]

MP Cost: 500

Cooldown : 10 min.

Maintaining the skill: -50 MP/1 sec.

Alongside the two powers from an unknown beast and earth dragon that was fused together, it create a field that can apply [Corrosion] status on enemy. For the ally they can gain the [Corrosive] skill on their weapon temporarily (as long the field is still on)


Rei widened his eyes when he hold the weapon and felt the power coursing through it.

"This is...amazing." At the same time as he held the weapon, a notice showed up in front of him.


[You acquired a skill]

'A skill? At this time?' Rei knitted his brows while checking on the skill.


[Weapon Fuse]

Active Skill

MP cost: 150

Cooldown: 30 min.

A skill that has been bestowed by the [God of Blacksmithing, Hephaestus]. A skill that allows the user to be able to fuse two kinds of weapon into one. The probability to succeed is 15% (the probability will increase with each level)


'Wait...I gain a skill?? Just from touching this?!' Rei blinked and looked at the skill description.

Ray chuckled, 'Didn't I tell you before? Hephaestus not only liking the dwarf but also you.' Ray said while grinning to tease him.

'Ughhh...I thought I will try to study under him right away.'

'Well we can study to use the skill, so don't worry about it. Since I myself have this skill before.'

'You do?'

'Did you forget what my Job is??'


As the two converse with each other, Gudmund on the other hand was looking at him a bit confused and anxiously waiting for his response.

'What is he thinking? Is it not good?' Gudmund thought since Rei has been real quiet for a while now when in reality, he was talking to someone else without anyone else knowing.

Until he looked at the dwarf again,

"Master Gudmund...this is amazing!" Rei was astonished with the sword, even though he is still wearing his helmet, Gudmund could tell that he was happy from his work through his sincere praise.

Gudmund rubbed his nose and huffed with a proud smile, "Heh, of course it is! The material you brought were amazing, though I have a hard time with it cause one of them was shattered in pieces."

Rei chuckled awkwardly about that part, "Hehehe."

"But if it wasn't for this great old me and my fusing skill, that sword could not exist."

Rei scratches his side helmet and chuckled again, "Hehehe...sorry, Hmm?? say, does fusing skill can only be used by certain people?"

"Of course, fusing skill can only be used by certain people and those people is the one who are loved by the God Hephaestus."

"Even dwarf?"

Gudmund nodded, "Mhm, of course us Dwarf as well...even if we are the race who excels on crafting and smithing, we're not that capable to fuse two weapons in one."

"So basically, you've just hit the jackpot to meet someone like me. If it was someone else, probably they're gonna reject it because of their incapability."

Rei nodded, 'I see...then Houston must be loved by Hephaestus to received that skill through hard work.' Rei thought.

'Exactly...but in my case, I learned after 10 years of hard work and got recognized by the God until eventually I got that skill.' Ray explained while nodding.

'Uwaahh...10 years? That's pretty harsh.' Rei commented.

Gudmund on the other hand stared at him and then coughed a bit, "Ahem, Boy."

"Yes?" Rei quickly snapped back to reality and replied to his call.

Gudmund stared at him for a while, "Hmmm...Do you have some sort of Appraisal skill?" then asked him.

Rei widened his eyes a bit, "Why do you ask?" Rei answered calmly even though he was quite surprised by his question.

"Hmmmm...just a feeling, cause usually people were amazed after looking such a rare sword while you didn't do that and instead you observed it and praised me afterwards."

"Also, you were able to determine the unfinished sword in this store to be a good sword despite it looks dull and shabby, cause usually people only praised something only from its appearance."

"I-is that so?" Rei replied nervously.

"....and then when I showed you that sword, your eyes were shining for a moment."

"It did?"

"Yes it did, and that is the characteristics of someone who has an Appraisal skill, and that is from their eyes."

'He's able to know just from that??' Rei thought.

"That's why I asked you that, cause the only one who could use that skill is the people who have support job like crafting such as me and a mage type of job."

"So it makes me wonder what kind of identity you're hiding under that helmet. Since the moment you asked me to repair your armor, the only thing you wouldn't take off is that thing around your head."

"And to possess that skill, it makes me think that you are a [Magic Swordsman] but what kind of [Magic Swordsman] who would buy a spare bow and arrow and a spear." Gudmund gestured in his general direction and become more curious and also suspicious about Rei.

Rei could only look away to avoid eye contact with him, suddenly feeling nervous.

But then Gudmund broke the tense atmosphere by laughing out loud, "Hahaha! don't be nervous, as my customer I cannot pry on your private matters so forgive me if I hit a nerve."

Rei sighed in relieved, "It's okay, I know you and the others are curious about my identity...but I cannot reveal it, even if we get close to each other as time goes on."

"Hmmmm...I guess you have your own reason but I don't mind it at all."

"Thank you." Rei thanked him

"I am more interested on your friend's work here since I cannot take my eyes off of that unique helmet of yours." Gudmund smirked at him.

Rei looked at him in discomfort from the way he smirked, "Uggh, Is that so? But I think it's pretty ordinary."

"Tsk tsk tsk! Such a dull sense you have! This is why you Warriors doesn't know how beautiful it is!"

'Uhh....sorry? I am a Blacksmith though.' Rei spoke in his mind.

"Listen, your friend here created an armor that reeks of monster aura! Only a few people could manage to do this, including myself! Don't you get it? This is a master piece!"

"Ummm, I thanks?"

"Hah?? Why are you thanking me?"

"I-i mean thanks for complimenting to my friend." Rei quickly corrected himself.

"Hmmmmm....Hahaha! I see I see! you are such a kind friend. All this talking about your armor makes me wanna meet that friend of yours."

"I see...but, why do you want to meet him?" Rei asked.

"Heh, of course because we could talk about smithing and the technique we use! Us Blacksmith need to improve ourselves by learning from others."

"But the most important of it all, is that so we could have a drink together! Gahahaha!" Gudmund smiled and patted his back.

Rei blinked while staring at him, while Ray himself nodded along in agreement.

'Well just as I thought, dwarves love to drink.' Ray commented.

Rei coughed a bit, "Ahem...I see, then I shall introduce you to him."

"Huh?! Really?!" Gudmund eyes sparkling like a child that just got to meet a mew friend.

Rei couldn't help but feel bad about it, "Yeah really." and accepted him.

Gudmund laughed again, "Hahaha! Thanks my boy! Now I have something to look forwards to besides keeping on smithing!"

Rei nodded and smiled through his helmet, "Yeah...he would be happy." He spoke.

Afterwards, both of them left the room. Rei put the sword into his [Inventory] and took out a pouch filled with a few gold coins from it.

When Gudmund saw it, he shoved away the pouch.


"I don't need it, it's in the house."

"Huh?? Are you sure? This is an Epic grade weapo–" Rei about to shut his mouth but Gudmund smiled at him.

"Heh, just as I have Appraisal skill." Gudmund said with smile.

"...." Rei stayed quiet about it and when he was about to open his mouth, he stopped for a moment when he saw his eyes.

Telling him that "It's okay, I won't tell anyone" eyes.

Rei nodded his head, "Thanks Gudmund Master."

"Heh, you're welcome and by the way, since I had my share fun of talking with you so I don't mind about the money."

"But if you have materials for a weapon. Just ask for me about it. Heh that is if you manage to get–"

"Oh if that's the case, I do have it on me."

As soon as he said that, he took out something from his [Inventory], then he put it on the table.

"Huh? You do?–"


What Rei placed was a black horn and a dark red magic core.

Gudmund saw it and immediately opened his eyes wide as if it looked like it was about to pop out of its socket.

"T-this is..." Gudmund slowly reached his hand out towards the material, as he turned to face him again.

"H-hmpfh!!" His eyes stayed open as his face getting redder from holding his breath. "Crimson boy...aren't you E-class?"

"Hmmm? Yeah? Wait, how did you–"

"Where did you managed to get this material! Tell me!" Suddenly Gudmund grabbed his shoulder and began to shook his body.


"Tell me!! How did you managed to get this?!" Gudmund continue to shook his body.

"W-wait–!! S-stop!! S-STOPP!!" Rei stumbled his words as he kept being shook by him.



It took quite a while to calm Gudmund down. He was sitting on his chair now while Rei stayed where he was standing before.

Gudmund sighed and looked at him, "Sorry boy, I was flustered."

"It's okay...if someone see that material they would have gone crazy too."

"Of course it would, you dumbass! You think Epic grade doesn't cost that much?! Especially coming from an Evolved monster into Unique Boss?!"

"Uhhh...I don't know."

"This an Ogre species that was at least an A-rank monster! Since it evolved, it means the rank can be around S!! You think it won't cost that much?!"

"Ummm...then how much does it cost?"

Gudmund sighed as he felt like his blood pressure rose, "From my viewpoint this thing will costs several gold coins, but since the material is this fresh without any bend or any broken parts, you could auction it. The highest bid would get you a literal mansion."

"W-wait really?!" Rei gapped his mouth as he backed away a bit.

"Mhm." Gudmund nodded.

'Uwaahhh...I didn't know.' Rei thought.

'Me neither, you even defeated it with one shot, now I wonder what kind of face he will be making if we told him that.' Ray spoke with an evil intention.

'Of course he is gonna be more shocked?!' Rei shouted back.

Gudmund stared at him when he's being quiet again and coughed a bit to snap him out of it, "Ahem, so what are you gonna do with it?"


"I'm telling you...only a stupid person would use this kind of material instead of selling them. But at the same time it's the smartest decision to make it into a weapon to ensure your survival from all kinds of danger, since you are an Adventurer yourself." Gudmund spoke while folding his arms.

"I shall ask you again...what are you gonna do with it now?"

Rei looked like he's really thinking about it after he showed the material to him. But remembering the goal he had in mind, he decided...

"I will use it to create a new weapon."

Gudmund stared at this young man in front of him for a solid minute before sighing deeply, "Haaa...Well that is your decision, I won't force you to sell it."

"Thank you."

"But for this material...what kind of weapon do you want me to make."

"Hmmmm, I haven't thought about it yet." Rei replied.

"I see...well don't make me wait far too long, because as a craftman like myself, I cannot handle the urge to create something from this thing."

"I understand...then can you wait for 2 days?"

"Well sure, but why 2 days?"

"Ummm...well...recently I got some problem that needs to be taken care of." Rei spoke while rubbing the back of his head.

"Hmmmm, I see...well if you have something to do first then I will hold onto this for a while."

"Thank you, and also I will relay my message to him to come over here."

"Then i'll look forward to that." Gudmund spoke while nodding his head.

Rei gave him a nod before leaving the shop.

"Heh, what a strange fellow." Gudmund mumbled while shaking his head with a smile.


The moment Rei exited the shop, he found that there's someone who seems to be waiting for him outside.

"Yo!~ It's seems you're finished with your business there!" Fang greeted.

Reid widened his eyes in surprise, not expecting him to be there. "Fang-san, Why are you here?"

"Hehe, I was about to go somewhere to eat again, but when I'm about to pass by this shop, I smelled your scent."

"Yeah, I'm just here to retrieve something I left behind before."

'That aside...he smelled my scent??' Rei thought while knitting his brows in confusion.

"I never knew this was a workshop, but based from the smell of iron and weapons in there, I knew now." Fang commented.

"Yeah." Rei agreed to it since this shop looked shabby from the outside. "But why are you alone, Fang-san."

"Well my team want to take a rest after that shocking news you and that team brought upon them."

Rei chuckled awkwardly, "...I see, sorry about that."

"No no! It's fine! But this is suprising for me, someone who could take down an Ogre by himself, if it was me it's gonna take a while to do that."

"Eh?? Is it that strong?"

"Of course! Well I managed to take it down with the support of my team and enough preparation, but I don't think I can fight it alone like you."

"I see."

Ray chuckled, 'Let's see if this making him more shocked by telling him that you one shotted a Unique Boss Ogre.' Ray spoke out.

'Stop it.' Rei sighed.

"Well what is your plan after this?"

"Hm? I think I'm gonna go back to [Hatchler Inn] to rest."

"Oh! You know where Hatchler Inn is?!"

"Yeah, Andrew recommended it to me."

Suddenly Fang laughed with smile, "Hahaha! Then shall we go eat there? Since it's about getting more late here! And eating together is much more fun than doing it alone." Fang offered.

"Ahh...ummmm, sure since that's where I had to go." Rei accepted it, he couldn't reject such a sincere offer with a big smile like that.

Fang grinned widely, "Yosh! Then let's go to the Hatchler Inn!"

"Mhm." Rei nodded.

Without further ado, Fang led the way while Rei in the meantime was still a bit lost on what to do with this fellow but in the end he followed him from behind.


At the [Hatchler Inn]...


The two of them went inside and immediately greeted by the cat girl maid.

"Welcome in-nya!–Ohh!~ If it isn't Fang and Crimson-nyan!~" The cat girl spoke cheerfully after seeing these two.

"Indeed, I came back."

"I'm glad to see you again, Crimson-nyan~" The cat girl spoke cheerfully.

Meanwhile Fang approached her "Yo!~ Katy~ it's been a while isn't it?~" Fang spoke with his flirty tone while leaning closer to her.

'Katy? Is that her name?' Rei wondered.

"Yepp~ It's been a while, Fang-nya~" Katy replied to him with her professional business smile.

"Heh~ do you miss me?~" Fang asked as he gave her a bit of a sign with his flirty tone and gesture.

"Hehehe~ What are you saying Fang-nya~ of course I don't-nya~" Katy shot him down with a sweet smile.

"Ugh–!" as if something stabbed him, Fang back away from her rejection.

"Hehehe~ sorry~ for me Fang-nya is just a male customer~" She added, stabbing him again.


"Oh~! But for Crimson-nyan~ I think I do miss him so much~" Then she spoke the final blow towards him.

"Aghh–!!" Fang quickly knelt down and spitted out blood through his mouth.

All of this happened while the man she talked about is there standing right beside him.

Rei chuckled seeing his reaction and couldn't help but feel sorry for this poor man, "Thank you, I appreciate that you miss me Katy."

"Of course-nya~ because of you Hilda-nyan have been talkative lately~"

"Really? Then I'm glad to hear it."

Katy giggled, "Fufufu~ She is hoping that you will come back-nya~ but now come on! Have a seat-nya!~ I will call Hilda-nyan!~"

Rei smiled through his helmet and nodded.

"Sure" Then he tapped Fang's shoulder to catch his attention, "Hey we should go now, it's time to eat."

But Fang still looked in shock from her words.

Rei sighed, "If you're not gonna get up, I won't pay you for the food." Rei spoke while walking forward leaving him.

That managed to snap Fang back into the real world. He smiled at his offer and it quickly got his spirit back.

"W-wait-fine! I'm coming, you cocky bastard!" Fang called out while following him from behind.

Shortly afterwards, both of them sat down together at the counter and were greeted by the owner of this inn, Hilda.

"Ohh! You're finally back, Crimson!" Hilda greeted him with a grin.

"Yeah, I am back, Hilda." Rei nodded.

"Hm...i thought it's gonna take you four days fo finish the quest but it seems you are back in piece and faster than I thought." Hilda spoke with smile.

"Well thank you for your concern." Rei spoke while nodding.

Hilda laughed, "Hahaha! That's okay! And you even brought a familiar face here."

"Yo! Hilda-san~" Fang greeted her.

"Ouh! Yoo Fang-kun~ This is pretty unusual for you to be alone, especially with the new guy here."

"Ohh! Hahaha, well they all wanted to rest for a bit after hearing some shocking news." Fang spoke while rubbing his head.

"Hahaha! What kind of shocking news that made you all B-classes so tired?"

Fang smiled awkwardly, "Well I can't say." while glancing his eyes a bit to Rei.

"Heh, then how do you guys know each other already?"

"Oh! If it's about that we talked for a moment when we threw his team a little celebration party after coming back from a quest. Then when I'm on my way here I found him at some shabby workshop."

"Ohho~ does that mean you already met that old man already?" Hilda spoke while fixing her eyes to him.

"Hmm? Ahh, yes I did."

Hilda nodded several times, "Mhm, Mhm, I see, then how was his work? he's pretty good, right?" Hilda asked him with a smirk at him.

Rei nodded, "Indeed...he's the best Blacksmith I have ever met."

Hilda laughed, "Of course he is! Hahaha! He surely haven't rusted one bit huh!"

As the two of them converse lile that, Fang simply stared at how easily they chat with each other.

"Since when you two know each other??" Fang asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm? Oh~ this guy? I know him not too long ago~"

"I see...I thought you already know each other for so long since from the way you talked, like you close friends" Fang commented while looking at them.

"Well I cannot say we are very close, but I feel at ease when talking to him." Hilda spoke while nodding his head.

Fang chuckled, "Heh, I guess that's true. Well anyway, because of that you were able to meet a lot of people after coming here, am I right?" Fang nudged him with his elbow.

Rei nodded, 'Indeed that is true, ever since I left the village...I met a lot of people...even that Guild Master.'

When Rei stayed quiet, the two of them stared at this man as if he had something that troubles his mind.

"Hey, you okay man?" Fang asked while looking at him with concern.

Rei looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, I's just that...I need to gain more strength for tomorrow." Rei spoke.

"Hooo~ then tonight I'm gonna bring you something special! So wait up!" Hilda spoke.

"Ohh! Is it another quest? How about you join our team! We can do the quest together?!" Fang tried to recruit him immediately.

"Hmmmm...I think I will pass for a while."

"Hmm?? Why is that??" Fang asked as Hilda turned around, about to leave the two of them.

"It seems that...I will get a test from the Guild Master." Rei spoke.

Fang blinked for a moment while Hilda suddenly froze on her spot.

"Ohhh...I see I see...Hmm–?! Wait–what?!" Fang shouted as he stood up from his seat.

Hilda quickly turned around towards them, "What?!" and shouted as well.

"Uhh...yeah." Rei answered.

"A test from the Guild Master?!" Fang asked.

"From that old man?!" Hilda asked as well.

"Yes." Rei answered again while nodding.

"A-and what is the test?" Fang asked again.

"Hmmm...I think I have to fight him." Rei spoke flatly.

"A-and when is that??" Hilda asked again.

"Uhhh, didn't I told you? It's tomorrow." Rei answered them nonchalantly, just like that.


Leaving the two of them who heard it, froze on their spot with their mouth opened wide.

To be continue...