Chapter 71 : The Test Once Again (Part 2)










Next day in Gudmund's was just like any other day for the dwarf


He's working on the sword, he kept on hammering it until someone came into his workshop.

Gudmund continued to slam his hammer but also noticed the other person's presence.

"What business do you have with me?...Hilda." Gudmund spoke her name as if he's already knew it was her who came over to the workshop.

"Well, is this how you treat an old friend, gudmund?" Hilda spoke followed with a chuckle from her.

"Hah! That's rich coming from you, you finally decided to visit me now of all times? Just tell me what you need me for." Shortly after he spoke his piece, Gudmund continued to hammer the sword on his hand.

"Don't be so cold~ I'm just curious since I'm the one who recommended an interesting person to you~ am I right?"

"Are you seriously gonna brag for that?"

"Well, you can say that~" Hilda grinned.

Gudmund clicked his tongue as he shifted his attention down to the hammer again, "Tsk..." And then he sighed.

"Well that is true, he is pretty interesting...and so mysterious."

Hilda laughed, "Hahaha! He is! Such interesting guy and a mysterious one indeed, I wonder what kind of experience he had to have that kind of aura." Hilda wondered while rubbing her chin.

"Yeah, not only that the armor he wore reeks of monster's aura."

"Yeah, I thought he was a monster the first time he came to the inn, but I found out he was just a human like me."

"Well because of that armor, it's hard to distinguish him between a monster or a human."

"I it's because of his armor...but I don't think that's not all, from my observations on his movements, breathing and his calm attitude, I feel like he has experienced many battles in his life." Hilda spoke while Gudmund stopped his hammer.

"Does he? From your observations?"

"Do you think I would lie to you? You already know me enough that I wouldn't lie about such a thing."

"Hmmm...indeed, that is true...but it seems you're missing something about him."

"What is that??"

"It seems he could use Appraisal skill."

"Appraisal skill? Isn't that skill belong to people like you who have crafting and mage type job? Does that mean he is [Magic Swordsman]?"

"Hmmm...I don't think so."

"Why is that?"

"Because he bought not only sword but also Spear and Bow along with the arrows."

"What?!" Hilda looked at him in shock.

"Huh?? You didn't know?"

"Of course I wouldn't know! I mean I didn't see him bringing a bag with him."

"Well he does have [Spatial Magic] with him so he should be carrying those things with it."

Hilda sighed and rubbed her forehead, "Damn, what kind of Job does this guy have to possess those skills and be able to use multiple weapons."

Gudmund rubbed his beard and sighed, "Well I gave up on that part, since he himself doesn't want to reveal it, so I won't force him."

Hilda blinked for a moment and laughed, "Hahaha!~"

"Why are you laughing?" Gudmund knitted his brows in confusion and annoyance since the way she laughed.

"It's because you have changed Gudmund my old friend, normally you would disregard something such as personal boundaries and privacy to get an answer from someone!" Hilda spoke about something she knew about him from his past.

Gudmund sighed and clicked his tongue, "Past is in the past! Right now it's diffirent since he don't force anything on me and he even tried to pay me fully for the weapon I made for I try to respect that decision if he has something to hide."

Hilda who watched her old friend spoke like that, made her smile wider, "Well I guess you have changed indeed, but we should pray for his safety today."

"Safety? Why is that?" Gudmund asked as he was confused why she would say such a thing.

"Hmm?? You didn't know what's gonna happen to him today?"

"Y-yeah, I mean he did told me he has something to settle today." Gudmund explained to her as she suddenly began to chuckle.

"Heh, gonna be suprised to hear this."

"Hear what?"

"The thing he mentioned to that [Today] is the day where had to get tested by the Guild."

"Tested by the Guild?? Wait–what kind of test?" Gudmund became nervous at each words she spoke sounds like a riddle to him.

"He's gonna fight with the Guilld Master~" Hilda smirked as she said it with such an amused expression and then...


His hammer slipped down to the ground from his hand. All colors drained from Gudmund's face as his mouth was wide open from shock.



Today is the day where Rei is going to be tested by the Guild Master. He is now walking through the Guild hall with Rebecca who walked beside him with nervous look on her face.

"A-ano...Crimson-san." Rebecca called as she glance over at him as they walked side by side.

"Hm? Yes?" Rei replied to her.

"A-are you gonna be alright?"

"Hmmm...are you perhaps worried about me?"

"O-of course I-i am worried about you! I just heard the news from the Vice Guild Master about this! Y-you're gonna fight with [him] you know!" Rebecca spilled her worries out to him since of course, everyone would be scared to fight with someone like the [Guild Master] himself.

Rei sighed and then looked at her, "I don't have a reason to back down, since I need to prove that I am innocent to them. That, and...I wanna try to fight who was once called the strongest here."

"I-i see..." Rebecca sulked down since she couldn't stop him from going.

Rei smiled and nodded his head, "Don't worry...I will be fine."

Rebecca nodded but still felt worried about it.

"By the way...are you planning to tag along with us..."

As the two of them walked, Rei looked back and noticed that someone has been following them from behind.


Fang finally made his presence known and spoke with a smile, "Heh, well...I just can't miss out on such an interesting event, y'know?"

"I am more suprised that you didn't tell anybody about this."

"Well I'll have you know that I am quite a sensible person, so I understand that you want to hide it from anyone."

"Fang." Rei looked at him with admiration for trying to understand him.

"Aaand besides! I can make them jealous about what's gonna happen today! Hahaha!"

"...." Rei took his words back when he saw that twisted smile and laugh.

Shortly afterwards,, they finally arrived at the room that has been prepared for the test.

The room was rather big with an arena field on it. In the middle of it stood an big old man with his arms crossed as he waited for him.

"You are finally here huh?" The Guild Master–Hughes Farhill greeted them.

On his side is The Vice Guild Master–Miranda Farhill and also his wife.

The man himself wore a white bulky armor set without the helmet. With that armor he looked much bigger than before Rei met him and the pressure he shown now to the group now is a lot stronger.

'Be careful Kiritsuka, it seems he wore an Epic grade armor just like you.' Ray warned based on his observations.

'I know.'

Rei on the other hand wore black armor in his full set of unknown beast that he wore as usual. The only thing different from him is the claw glove that he had Gudmund upgrade it for him.

"Yeah, I am here now." Rei spoke as stood before him. They could tell the aura and the strength they emmited right now is on par with each other.

"Boss! I came here to watch!" Fang shouted while waving at them to make them notice with his presence.

"Ouh! You came?! Hahaha! I guess we have a spectator! But if you spread this news you're gonna have to face me next!"

"Hahaha! Of course I won't boss! I would die!"

"Gahahaha! Come on! You are a man!!"

"Hahaha! nope!"

The two of them continued to laugh despite having such a terrifying yet surprisingly decent conversation.

Rei glance at Fang for a moment before looking back at Hughes.

"Do you both know each other?" Rei asked out of curiosity.

"Oh him? Yeah of course we know each other because the one who recommended him to become an Adventurer was me myself."

"Hmmm...I can see that you both have some sort of connection and similarity."

"Oh really? Hahahaha! Well he have the guts to challenge the strong just like myself in the past."

"I that's why."

"Yep, that's why I recommend him to become Adventurer to know how big the world is, because he needs to learn that everyone is not as strong as me." Hughes explained.

"Hmmmm." Rei hummed while giving a glance to him.

"But that's not all, he has a sense that us humans doesn't have and apparently it was his innate skill that he was born with."

"An [Innate Skill]?" Rei asked, 'Just like Banzana and Andrew?'

"Mhm, his innate skill is more into scout, a strong sense to know the location of the enemies or comrades by using his nose to smell the scent he's familiar with."

"A scent?"

"Heh, Indeed but that's a story for another time, it seems you have forgotten about the test."

"No, of course I won't forget...since that is the reason I am here, correct?" When Rei spoke like that he released his aura and pressure around him as his both eyes glowed from the slit of his helmet.

"You have a point there, but you haven't taken out your weapon yet, so I don't know if you are ready or not."

"I don't have to, because you know a good card need to stay hidden before it is shown to the enemy right? Even you haven't taken out your weapon despite saying that." Rei explained as he could see that Hughes wasn't holding any weapon on his hand except the armor he wore.

"Heh, that is true." Hughes replied, "You spoke like you have experience fighting someone bigger than you huh?"

"I have, all the time." Rei spoke.

"That's more like it." Hughes grinned widely with excitement until Miranda stood between them.

"You two, make some distance, the fight hasn't started yet." Miranda spoke calmly despite standing in between the two of them who let out a scary pressure.

Rebecca and Fang who stood nearby the spectator seat of the arena could feel the stinging cold through their spine from the pressure they emitted and is suprised that the Vice Guild Master who stood between them is fine.

"Vice Guild amazing." Fang chuckled while his body shivered from the cold.

"Y-yeah...she is a Vice Guild Master after all." Rebecca commented and nodded in agreement.

Rei nodded, turning around to take his distance from Hughes.

Hughes smiled and turned around to take his distance away as well.

After they took their own position, they turned around to face each other.

"Remember, this is a test, no killing allowed, remember that Hughes." Miranda spoke while glancing at her husband.

"I know I know." Hughes waved at her dismissively.

"The one who surrender first loses and the one who remain standing wins, pretty simple right?"

"You can use all kinds of skill and magic, but support item such as potion isn't allowed, remember that." Miranda explained the rule.

Rei looked a bit nervous about that last part, while Ray laughed a bit upon hearing it.

'I guess we got a handicap for ourself, Kiritsuka...make sure to check your MP most of the time.'

'I know.' Rei replied knowing almost all of his skill drains more MP than usual, 'Since I haven't touched my status point...shall we use it.'




NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade], [The Warrior Might] !!NEW!!

Level: 60

[HP: 7100/7100]

[MP: 880/880]


EXP: 300/70500

STATUS POINT : 252 => 0


STRENGTH : 176 + 50 => 226

AGILITY : 100(+5) + 50 => 150(+5)

VITALITY : 105 + 50 => 155

INTELLIGENCE : 90(+5) + 60 => 150(+5)

SENSE : 95(+5) + 42 => 135(+5)


'I shall put a little bit more on Intelligence, since now that I have 800 MP, it should be enough to use a few skills.' Rei thought.

Meanwhile, Hughes who stared at the man before him felt some small change on him.

'Hmm? What's with this feeling...did he just got stronger?'

He could tell based on his experience facing an enemy.

That the person before him is getting stronger in just a second.

Of course Miranda noticed the slight change from Rei but she kept quiet and let it be.

"Now get into your position." Miranda spoke as they lowered their body a bit to get ready.

Miranda looked to them back and forth and then...






The battle start...

'[Beast Will], [Shukuchi], [Sprint].'


Immediately after Miranda started the battle, Rei casted three skills, buffing himself and disappeared from everyone's sight.


Hughes who saw his disappearance, noticed his presence coming out from behind as he turned his eyes around to his back.

Rei appeared right behind him, '[Inventory].' pulling out a sword in that moment then swing it towards him.


His sword immediately clashed against him, and his sword was stopped by a shield that appeared out of nowhere.

Rei widened his eyes as this man could react to such a speed. As he turned around so quickly, he summoned a shield out of nowhere through his left hand then blocked his sword.

'A shield?!'

Hughes didn't look fazed at all but his speed still suprised him, 'Hooo...if he is a speed type warrior, I could tell from the way he moves but this pretty abnormal.' He thought as he could feel it from that strike alone.

''s not powerful enough to make me fall!' Hughes grinned and suddenly using his strength, he flanked his shield and forced Rei to jump awaythat push.

Rei took a few distance away and landed pretty far from him.

'Tsk...I guess i failed the suprise attack.' Rei thought while taking another stance.

Hughes looked at him and laughed a bit, "Hah, is that all you got?"

"Of course not."


Rei prepared himself and suddenly...


He dashed towards him with his buffed speed, and it's enough to make him close the distances with Hughes.

Rei swung his sword from his right side, '[Horizontal Slash].'


Slashing towards his armor stomach part with perfect horizontal line as he passed through him and landed to his back.

The strike was a hit and passed through his shield but when Rei turned around he noticed...

That his sword couldn't even scratch that armor. He realized that his defense must be very strong.

'Dammit.' Rei cursed.

'Kiritsuka, it seems like his job is a guardian type, his defense is abnormaly strong.' Ray explained.

'I know that.'

'Then what are you waiting for, change your weapon now before he took out his.' Ray urged him impatiently.

Of course he knew, the man before him wasn't an ordinary man he could face with just a sword.

Any kind of slash, cutting and stabbing with a sword would be meaningless and the sword will break if he do it several times with that rock hard defense.

What he needs now is something that could pierce through that defense.

So he let go of his sword, stabbed it on the floor that confused everyone in this room except Hughes himself.

'Heh, I knew it...'


Rei pulled out a spear from his [Inventory], swinging it around, getting into his position and aimed his spear towards him.

"Just as I thought, you are not an ordinary warrior." Hughes commented.

But Rei remained silent.


'Since I haven't learn any other skill in spear except [One Strike] it will be hard...but when I remember that fight.'

Rei reminisced the fight he had with uncle Nel back in the village and the fight with the hard skinned and the infamous villain Banzana.


Hughes who saw the change suddenly felt chill down his spine. He could tell that the man in front him...

Just smiled.

"So you finally getting serious huh? Well nothing's gonna change." Hughes taunted then getting onto his position with his shield.

"Don't understimate me." Rei replied while getting onto his position with his spear.

"Then come at me!"


Hughes shouted as Rei quickly dashed towards him.

As their distance getting closer, Rei swung his spear first.


His spear strike was a hit but the spear remained unchanged as the shield didn't bend or even scratched from where the tip hits.

'Then...What about this!' he pulled his spear back and then...


...relentlessly thrusted his spear towards him, creating multiple afterimages of his spear charging at him.

Hughes remained calm and getting ready for the impact.


His spear clashed and struck his shield with immense pressure coming from him.

But Hughes managed to withstand it, even though his shield being attacked with multiple strikes from his spear.

Thrust after thrust, his spear kept getting faster. Even when his buff disappeared, he didn't stop buffing himself again after a few second.

'[Beast Will]...[Sprint].'

His strike was just like a storm, it was quite an incredible sight to behold as the others watced them from the sidelines.

"A-amazing." Fang commented as he couldn't stop trembling from the shockwaves coming from Rei's strike.


What's more amazing is Hughes himself who stayed still and didn't move a single inch from those terrifying strikes and blocked it with just a single shield.

From a closer look, Rei had a weird feeling about the shield that this man is using.

The shield shape was rectangle and right in the middle, on the right side of the shield, there's some sort of part that should be connected with something.

'This if I am fighting against unfinished wall, but even so it's still hard and sturdy as if it's made with something stronger.'

Rei could tell just from the looks of it, but he kept thrusting his spear again and again.

Hughes on the other hand, felt excited while maintaining his defense position.

'Heh, not bad...not bad, I wonder what kind of experience does this guy has to be able to swing those weapons without hesitation. If someone said that he is an A-rank I would possibly believe it.' Hughes thought and smirked.

Then he began to laugh, 'Hehehe...this is fun!!'

Rei noticed the change on his expression, and the feeling coming from him.

It was pure joy and excitement, he could tell because he experienced this before.

'This person...




He is enjoying the fight.'

Like Banzana, he could tell from his expression what he's thinking.

But as he thought of that, he got an idea...

That will give him a chance...

Meanwhile, Hughes who stayed still with his defense, was taken off guard when the strike slowed to a stop until he noticed something.


Suddenly, a black claw looking hand grabbed on the side of the shield, then with forceful strength...


...he pushed it aside with such a strong strength.


Hughes was suprised that Rei who suddenly stopped attacking with his spear suddenly used his strength to push his shield away.

But that's not all,


The part of the shield that he touched began to turn black and corrode.

'This is...a Dark Element?! Does he have Darkness affinity?!' Hughes thought when he noticed that, all sorts of alarm bell sets off in the back of his mind.

But in reality, ut's thanks to the [Corrosion] skill from that armored glove he is wearing.


Rei is using his strength to push the shield aside despite Hughes also putting an effort to stop him.

But in that moment, Rei could see a gap through his defense this time.

Yet, he didn't took that chance because one thing's for sure is that at the moment when he tried to push himself into that gap, the gap will be closed very shortly knowing his strength is still above him, so his effort would be meaningless.

He decided to use all of his 200 point Strength that he has now.


Forcing himself to the limit...





He completely overwhelmed him and managed to successfully push the shield away.

'What?!–' The act caught Hughes by surprise again.

'A chance!' Rei shouted to himself and quickly positioned himself in that short periode of time.

Hughes noticed the change of his position and knew he would took this chance to strike him down.

'This guy...




Isn't bad at all.'

While in the midst of this, Hughes regained his composure and smiled at him.

Rei saw that and quickly took his chance to strike his spear.

'This is it!' Rei thrusted his spear towards his right chest...


'[One Strike].' using his skill, his spear coated with red aura right on the tip.

As if time slowed down, his spear moved towards Hughes' right chest.

But in that moment, Rei could feel something very uncomfortable crawling on his skin

'Kiritsuka!! Turned off your aura quickly!!' Ray shouted as he noticed something.

Rei however, couldn't stop it until something was summoned right before him.


Rei widened his eyes when he saw what Hughes just summoned through his right hand.

It's not a sword...





and it's neither a spear or any other weapon.





It was...







Another [Shield]...coming out of nowhere and blocked his spear when it's about to hit his right chest.

'What?! Another shield?! Within this short moment?!'

Rei thought he could defeat him now once and for all, since if it's any other weapon Hughes shouldn't be able to block that of course, but unexpectedly he summoned another [Shield].

'What the hell?! Normally people wouldn't bring two shields in a fight!!' Rei spoke to himself as he gets slightly panicked.

"Heh, you thought that you could defeat me with this much."

Hughes spoke when Rei was still in shock knowing that his attack was blocked just like that.

"Don't understimate me, you brat!!!" Hughes shouted and suddenly the other shield that got pushed away, he pulled it back and...


...combined with the shield he was holding with his right hand, forming one large shield.

'It combined?!' Rei looked at it incredulously, the weird feeling that he felt when he saw the part of the shield earlier came true.

The wall was finally finished into a sturdy wall.'s more like a fortress at this time.

In that moment, the aura coming from his spear began to dissipated-no...more like it being sucked into the shield.

Rei noticed that and now the shield suddenly began to shine brightly.

"What?!" Rei just realized that something is gonna happen now.

'Kiritsuka!! Get away from him!!' Ray warned, but it was too late...

"I will send them back to you...thank you for the fight...Crimson."

When Hughes spoke with such a cold tone towards him while his shield shined even more brightly.

"I hope you survive this...








To be continue...