Chapter 72 : The Test Once Again (Part 3)

Long ago, as they were going to subjugate the Demon Lord, the member of the Hero's Party was consisted of individuals with roles unique to them. This role in particular played quite the part in their fight against the Demon Lord's army.

The role consisted of [Support], [Tank], [Attacker] and [Vanguard].

[The Witch, Matilda] and [The Sword Saint, Rowan] are on the [Attacker] side. They were the ones who dealt damage to the enemy with their tremendous power.

While The Hero himself acted as the [Vanguard], leading his teammate.

But even so an [Attacker] and [Vanguard] have one thing in common. Just like the others, they could be injured.

Their attacks can be interrupted and attacked by the enemy while preparing their next attack. Because in a fight between life and death.

There's no excuses for letting one's guard down, because one can lead to their demise especially for a Mage like Matilda who needs to prepare her magic and the [Support] behind them who might be targeted first.

And that's why there's the [Tank] role in the party.

They existed to help and support the whole party by gathering enemies focus on him and endured all their attacks, protecting his party from any kinds of danger so they could successfully prepare their next attack.

But the Demon Lord's army are all strong, they destroyed many village and many city with their strength, so the [Tank] need to be strong and sturdy like a solid wall.

And the one who had the role of the [Tank] in this party...





The one who blocked all kind of attacks that were coming on their way...





...was none other than...





[Hughes Farhill].








When Hughes spoke out, he released an energy that has been accumulated through his combined shield.


The blinding light struck Rei with the energy, creating large explosion throughout the arena.


"W-what happen?!–" Fang shouted as he and Rebecca who stood beside him caught off guard by the smoke from the explosion.

"I-i don't know! C-crimson-san!!" Rebecca called him out of worry of course since the one who was caught on that explosion was Rei himself.

'Yes...this is the power of one of the member of that legendary party, the one who has the role of [Tank] who took all damage dealt to them and defended his teammate the most.'

'Hughes Farhill.'

The smoke from that explosion slowly dissipated and the one who stood there unscathed was Hughes himself, who's still on his defensive stance.

'I guess...that's the end–' as Miranda thought of it, she saw something through the smoke.

A silhouette of a person


It was Rei.

He was found standing still on the ground while having similar defensive stance like Hughes, protecting himself with his weapon.


On his hands there were his spear and a broken sword that shattered into dust but Rei only sported small injuries that was visible through his clothes and armor.


Hughes and Miranda widened their eyes in surprise after seeing Rei was still standing after catching that explosion head on.

'He managed to survive, how is that possible?' Miranda wondered in her bafflement.

Meanwhile Hughes caught on about what happened since he was the closest one to him.

'I can't believe how fast his response is...he managed to pull out his sword and blocked the explosion along with his spear, and he add his aura, focusing it on one point to reduce the explosion damage.'

Hughes thought while staring at the man in front of him.

'This pretty interesting but still...'


Rei suddenly coughed out a bit blood through his helmet as he still sustained a damage from that last attack.

' was very close call.' Rei cursed while panting as he could see his HP reduced into half.



Level: 60

[HP: 7100/3650] -3450

[MP: 880/680] -200

[FATIGUE: 100] *orange*

EXP: 300/70500


'It took out half of my sword is gone now but at least I still have my spear.' Rei checked on his status.

'But what the hell is that skill...does people with Guardian type job has that skill Houston?'

'I don't know...this is my first time seeing such a thing like that, even If I have lived a long life doesn't mean I fought a lot of people.'

'Like I told you before, monsters and people are different, they have tons of tricks and skills, also hard to know what pattern they have.'

'And a person who brought two shield as their weapon, is the first for me.' Ray explained.

Rei sighed after listening of his explaination, indeed it was weird for someone as big like him would bring two shields.

'But what's more weird is...he's someone who enjoys a fight. I don't know, his title doesn't match his name.' Rei shook his head as he thought about it.

'All that's doesn't matter...that skill he used, I want it.' Rei desired that skill of course, a skill that manages to reflect some sort attack.

"Oi!" So Rei decided to called Hughes out, "What was that skill."

"Hmmm?? Is this your first time meeting someone like this?" Hughes asked while staring at him with a smile.

"Yes, it's pretty weird for me...but what more is that someone like you who enjoys fighting shouldn't be using shield for their weapon, no?"

Hughes laughed about that part, "Hahaha! That's true! That's true! But this is my style on how to enjoy a fight. I wanna feel the intensity of someone's attack, enduring it to a point and then overwhelmed them with my strong defense."

"That is where my excitement coming from."

"I see...then may I ask you a question." Rei looked at him.

"Hm? What is it?."

"Why don't we bet about something?" Rei offered.

"A bet?" Hughes raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, a bet since it will be boring if we just fight for nothing to just testing me right?"

Hughes blinked for a moment and laughed loudly, "Hahaha! That's true, but what kind of bet?"

Rei smiled, "Then the bet is...if I win, you need to listen one of my wish."

"Then what if I lose?"

"Then I will show you what I looks like behind this helmet."

Hughes was stunned by the bet and rubbing his beard first while looking at him.

" is not a bad bet but I am indeed curious how you looks like young man." Hughes spoke while smirking.

"But I'll accept it!" Hughes spoke with wide grin.

"Good, more last question." Rei replied to him then looked at him.

"Heh, go on."

"...then I won't hesitate....why is it that people called you [The Shield Crusher] when you use Shield as your weapon."


When Rei asked him about that name, Hughes suddenly grinned widely.

Rei widened his eyes a bit after seeing that grin, he felt chill around the back of his spine.

'Kiritsuka...becareful.' Ray warned him this time.

'I know.'

Hughes laughed a bit "Hahaha, I didn't know someone still remember that title of mine despite me having a new title now."

'What does he mean by that?' Rei wondered.

" should be able to find out now, since I'm about to show I earned that name."


All of sudden, Hughes is holding onto his shield and stuck it to the ground.

'What is he–'

Then he get into his position, and all of a sudden Rei flinched a bit from the sudden pressure coming out from this man before him.

His armor, his giant body and shield, surrounded with his brown colored aura.

Rei could only stood still and getting into his own stance.

'Kiritsuka...I think I know what he is gonna do.'

' think I don't know.' Rei gulped as they both thought the same thing.


Meanwhile the others who stood on the side of the arena were watching Hughes getting on that stance in confusion.

"What is...Guild Master doing?" Rebecca asked.

"You don't know?" Miranda asked her as she approached their side to watch them together.

Rebecca turned to her in surprise at her sudden approach, "Vice Guild Master!"

"That is our Guild Master...specialty."

"Specialty?" Fang asked her.

"Indeed, it seems you don't know about him that well, Fang-kun." Miranda answered him.

"Y-yeah." Fang nodded.

"I know what relationship you both have since he is the one who recommended you, but I guess you never saw this side of him." Miranda spoke.

"This side of him? What kind of side are you talking about?!"

"The man you are watching the man who enjoys battle the most...he is what you call a Battle Junkie."

"A battle junkie."

"Yes...but despite that personality, the weapon he chose is very unique...instead of a sword, spear or other kind of weapon...he used Shield instead."

"A Shield?" Fang asked.

"Why is that, Vice Guild Master?" Rebecca asked her.

"Well the reason is something simple yet is quite hard for me to understand.

"Why? Because he told me this...[The reason I choose Shield as my weapon, is because I think it's the strongest weapon of all. I can protect my friend while defeating the enemy].

That's what he said." Miranda explained.

"I found it hilarious that time...but who knew, he would take the seat of...[The Strongest Shield user] in this world." Miranda said while looking at the two of them in the arena.

Rebecca and Fang did not understand but they kept quiet about that. They could never imagine that the Guild Master they respected...

to be called the [Strongest].

"Now watch them...until the end."


Back to the arena where Rei and Hughes stayed to their position.

They have been staring to each other for a while and waited who would take the first move.

Since Rei was the one who took the initiative first before...this time....

It's his turn.

"Get ready." (Hughes)





'Kiritsuka!' (Ray)





"Set." (Hughes)





'I know!' (Rei)





"GO!! [Shield Charge]!"


When Hughes shouted, he quickly rushed towards Rei with such a high speed. A shield charge right off the bat.

'Just as I thought...he rushed towards me.'


Rei quickly spun his spear around on his hand, and then...



He stuck his spear on the ground then jumped off high by using his spear to dodge his shield charge.


When Rei jumped right above him, he proceed to thrust his spear downwards to strike him while in the air.



The spear suddenly got deflected from the air force surrounding his whole body from that charge.


Rei felt his body bounce off a bit because of that force, he quickly spun his body in the air to land back on the ground safely.


'What was that? I just saw a spark when the spear touched that air force, as if the air around him formed into something solid.' Rei thought.

Seeing that he missed his opponent, Hughes shifted his direction as he remained with his shield rush, taking a U-turn around to charge at him again.

Rei clicked his tongue ''s not about him crushing a shield, but....he crushed everything with his Shield!!' Rei now understood what his title meant.

As Hughes is coming after him, Rei quickly spun his spear again. But this time, he stayed where he stood.

"Crimson-san!" Rebecca shouted as she and the others were confused with his action.

Hughes on the other hand, didn't stop and instead he accelerated.


When Hughes is already close to him, in that short moment...


Rei shifted his body to the right side and dodged his charge on the very last minute before his shield hit him.

Hughes widened his eyes when he saw it, 'Such a fast reflexes!' He thought.

Miranda was the same, she was shocked after seeing what happened as she grip her own arms, feeling the intensity from it.

'How the hell does he managed to dodge that?! What kind of reflexes does this guy has?!' She bit her lip, watching the fight intensely.


When Hughes passed through his dodge, Rei didn't waste his chance,

"Hmf!–" and quickly thrust his spear to strike his side.

'He managed to strike back!–' Miranda commented.

But just like before...



The moment his spear was about to hit him, the air force around him bounced off his spear along with himself, causing Rei to fall off to the ground while Hughes passed through him.

Rei quickly get back to his feet, 'Just as I spear couldn't reach him even from this side.'

Ray spotted something and so he told him, 'Kiritsuka, I think I know where we could attack him.'

'Huh? Where?'

'Well...this will be a risky move than the one you did before.'

Ray began to tell him what he had found and Rei gulped a bit after hearing it. It is a risky move.

So when Hughes is taking a U-turn to charge at him once more, he widened his eyes a bit in surprise that Rei stood still without taking any stances.

'Is he giving up?' Hughes thought but then Rei raised one of his hand and then...waved his hand to taunt him.

Hughes found it to be amusing and a wide grinned broke across his face, 'Is that so?!' in response to his taunt, he accelerated his rush towards Rei, becoming much faster than before.


When his shield came to a close towards Rei's body, the other man didn't move or do anything. Until....

'[Shukuchi].' He disappeared right when his shield was about to touch him, Hughes was expecting that as he noticed his presence was behind him.

But what he didn't expect was...


He didn't see what's in front of him and crashed against the wall.

'W-what?!' Hughes blinked twice as he just realized he crashed against the wall. 'I couldn't see it...'

It was Ray's plan to do that in the beginning and it needed a lot of focus to execute this.

'Just as planned...'

The plan was for Rei to wait and stood right there, near the wall. His opponent couldn't be able to see what's behind him because Rei taunted him to go faster, it was a good thing that his opponent couldn't notice it and fell to his taunt just like that.

But this little act was enough to mock and bruise his pride, thinking he could stop him with his body.

Rei took his stance when he reappeared on his back and without hesitation, he struck him right on his unguarded back.

Without wasting any time, he simply thrusted his spear as he felt something coming towards him.

When his spear was about to touch his back, Hughes forced his way out from the wall he was stuck on, and then...


He separated his shield apart...


...and turned around, immediately reacting towards his strike by shifting his body aside.


Then he swung his shield to Rei's side when his spear passed through him.

'A counter?!'

Rei didn't expect that the man before him could be able to pull off this kind of movement, just like him.

He seemed to forget just for a moment who exactly he is fighting right now, and it shouldn't be a surprise that this man was able to pull off something like that.

After all, Hughes is the man who owned this Guild and...

One of the members of the Hero's party.


Rei continued to force his body to move while the shield was about to strike his side, but due to this small gap in time, blocking it properly will be out of question so...

He only lifted his left arm to guard his body and...focusing his aura on that arm.

'[Focus Block]!'


His shield hit his arms as Rei was able to block it.



The pain was bearable but that shield strike was much painful than he thought, causing his pain resistance to activate.


[Skill "Pain Resistance" had reduced the pain]

'Kiritsuka! Get back!' Ray warned him.

Rei quickly jumped back to get his distance away from him, and sighed.

"Hufff..." He used that time to take a quick breather and stared at the man before him.

Hughes on the other hand, remained on stand by and stared at him back.

'Is your left arm okay?' Ray asked him.

' didn't break but it might leave bruises later.' Rei answered him.

'I see...I'm glad it didn't break or else we might need to pull away from this fight.'

'Yeah, but after making such a bold bet like that...we can't back off from something like this.' Rei spoke as he returned into his stance.

"Hooo, you managed to trick me like this huh, but that's too bad...I already experienced something like that."

'Is that why his reaction is much faster than I am.' Rei thought about it for a moment, indeed that he have experienced it before but what Rei thought is the speed of his reaction was a bit abnormal.

Because his reaction is much faster than his own despite he managed to dodge that last attack.

Rei shook the thought away, he needed to focus on the fight and this time.

Meanwhile Hughes glance at Miranda who stood beside the arena as she reacted to him by giving him a nod.

After that sign Hughes' face became serious.

"Well I guess I understimate you too much, so let's get this over already."



"[Brawl Mode : Activated]."

Suddenly his shield let out something on the bottom part and the side part. The shield became more curved now with the edge on the bottom part.

The shield changed its shape from rectangle into round triangle shape, as if it's turned into a complete two shields on his hands.

'What is he planning to do.' Rei looked at the changes of the shield shape with suspicion.

Hughes began to move his head, cracking his neck,

"Now then...if you aren't gonna take the first move...."







Suddenly he dashed towards him with such a high speed, raising his right shield.

"...Then I will take the first move."

Then he smashed his shield towards Rei.

"Kugh–!" Rei noticed his reappearance and quickly dodged at the very last minute before his shield could touch him.


The moment his shield touched the ground, it left large cracks on it.

'What with this power–?!'

Then...without wasting any time, Hughes launched another attack by charging his left shield towards Rei who's still in mid air.

He couldn't dodge it and blocked the charge with the shaft of his spear instead.

"Agh–!" Rei got pushed away by that but of course, he quickly landed on the ground safely but still sustained damage from it.

Hughes didn't spare him any chance to prepare for his next attack as he rushed towards him, closing his distance in seconds.

Rei who just managed to balance himself on his two feet was meeting his shield once again.


This time he launched a punch with his left shield first by using the bottom edge part.


Rei quickly dodged that by shifting his body downwards a bit then another punch was send with his right, he quickly shifted his body to the side.

But then when he pulled his shield back, he lifted both of his shields up, and...


Swung the two of them downwards towards him.


Rei quickly dodged that by jumping backwards, his shield hit the ground once again.


On this momentum, Rei took his that as his chance to thrust his spear when his shields were still stuck on the ground for a moment.

Hughes immediately reacted to his spear and dodged it by shifting his body aside, then quickly threw another swing with his right shield.


Rei pulled his spear back and blocked the shield edges with his spear's shaft.


Afterwards, Rei quickly jumped back to gain a few distances away from him.

He panted a bit as he could feel his fatigue point risen up thanks to all of the dodging he has done up to this moment.

Despite the fact that he managed to dodge all those attack, the pressure coming from that one strike was enough to drain his energy, both physically and mentally.

Although he didn't use his skill that much, Rei has been using his sense and focus to dodge all of those attacks so naturally, this is what you get for forcing your brain to perform near its limit within a single day.

If he didn't have such a strong mental at the very beginning, he might as well fell unconscious just from one hit on the back.

Hughes who noticed him panting, smirked. "Heh, you shouldn't hold back your strength, it's only gonna make you tired."

Rei widened his eyes a bit, "What do you mean?"

Hughes smirked "You think I wouldn't know notice it? You did kill an Ogre in a single hit but so what! I don't think you're only capable doing that, and from the fight i could feel that you didn't use your full strength."

"Am I right?" Hughes grinned.

Rei stared at this man and sighed, "Well you aren't wrong."

"Heh, then–"

"...but you're also not right." Rei continued his words.

Hughes blinked as he looked at him curiously, "I'm not wrong but also not right? What does that mean?"

Rei stared at him and giving him a shrug with a smug face behind that helmet, he looked as if he's mocking him.

"Oi! Tell me now!" Hughes shouted in anger at his blatant show of mockery.

Rei sighed, 'But that is true...I am did not use any of my skill, because the MP cost is much higher than i thought, since I can't use much harder to reserve it.'

'And if I used the skill...I might be the one who fall first, because my fatigue is already near its peak.'

'Not only that, I got the injuries from blocking his attack rush attack, so I can probably use two more skills before I passt out.'

'But the question is...

Which skill should I use the pass those defense.' Rei wondered as he stared at him.

'Kiritsuka.' Suddenly Ray showed up, calling him.

'What is it...Houston.'

'I think I should give you the permission to use that skill.' Ray told him.

'Huh? That skill? But...we haven't tested it against a person you know, we don't know what kind of damage it will cause to him.'

'I know it's a dangerous skill but looking at this think we can defeat him with normal means?.'

'But...' Rei hesitated at first since he remembered well what happened when he used that skill.

Ray sighed, 'Stop making excuses and look at him!' he said as he suddenly pointed his finger at Hughes.

'Think of a training doll.'

'Huh? A-a training doll?'

'Yes, but not just any ordinary training doll but a training doll that won't matter how many times you strike him.'

'A training doll that won't fall?'

Ray nodded, 'Yeah, like a sturdy wall that can't be penetrated with normal means, you also could feel it when your spear hit his body and armor, right? It won't fall no matter how many times you hit it.'

'Y-yeah, that's true.' Rei felt as though hypnotized by his words. He thought about it, why would he need to be so careful to use his strongest skill...

When his opponent is this strong in his defense.

'Right? All you need to do is...'

As Ray explained the plan, Hughes is now wondering what exactly did he meant with his words before and noticed that the man before him had gotten quiet all of sudden.

'Hmmm? What is he doing–'


Suddenly, Hughes feel some sort of pressure coming to him like a wave, and then...


'Now, don't hold back.' Ray spoke with a smile, and a swirl of fire slowly but surely started to surround his whole spear.


Hughes widened his eyes when fire started to come out from his spear.

'A fire? Is this...a Magic Spear?!' Hughes recognized that technique, 'I thought he was just a warrior...can it be?!'


As the fire getting more intense....

'Let it burn.' (Ray)

Rei was smiling behind that helmet, "Heh." As if the chain that held him back...

...shattered into pieces.


The fire grew more intense the moment his body was surrounded with red aura.

Hughes who stood by to watch knew that this is his true power, and this will be his last attack.

His fatigue point continued to increase as his MP started to deplete ever since the skill has been activated.

"Right, I don't need to hold back anymore...if you are this strong."

"Huh??" Hughes was blinking for a moment after hearing of what he said, he could feel that he just awakened something from that one word he spoke.

"if I fall, I don't long as I can take you down...





...I will use my all, for this one. Last. Attack."

Rei spoke while getting into his stance, preparing to launch it.

Hughes grinned and suddenly,

"I don't know why you suddenly change your mind but..."


His shield turned back into rectangle shape and combined into one once again.

"[Defense Mode : Activated]! I will take it on, Crimson! make sure you don't disappoint me!!"

With this last attack, it will decide...who would prevail in this fight, at last.

To be continue...