Chapter 73 : The Test Once Again (Part 4)

Heat and rumbling heavy energy filled the entire room along with intense pressure.

Fang who stood outside the battle field along with Rebecca were overwhelmed with these two amazing individuals before their eyes.

Hughes who released his aura, surrounding his whole body and shield and Rei who released his true power, which is a spear covered with swirling fire as he took his stance.

'Amazing.' Fang thought as he watched the two of them, for some reason he couldn't help but be amazed by their strength.

Meanwhile, Miranda was a bit suprised when he saw Rei's spear, 'I never thought I could see a [Magic Spear] here...'

Rei began to hold onto the shaft of his spear and lifted it above him, in a way one was about to throw their spear.


The fire grew even stronger as it swirled around the tip, Rei was ready to release his skill.

Hughes who saw that grinned, 'So he is gonna throw it huh...then I shall show you, just how strong my shield is!'

Bright light suddenly appeared from his shield and it began to form into a white shield hovering in front of him.

'[Shield Art : Glorious Shield].' Hughes released his own skill this time, and then another skill again.

'[Shield Art : Immovable Fortress].' Followeing after the first skill, his body was surrounded with some sort of barrier that stuck on his skin with hexagon shape.

Ray was amazed to see him using two skills at the same time, 'Double defense buff?! Not only that...three layer of defense, isn't that too much?!'

Rei was panting as his skill not only drained his MP but also his stamina, 'Doesn't matter...I will break through it!.'

After the preparation was ready, silence dawned upon the arena as the pressure coming from both skills.





After a moment of silence, Rei began to release his skill.

'[Spear Arts : Gungnir]!'

Once he focused the fire to swirl more on the tip, it created massive spiral wave of fire from behind.

And then...






He threw his fierce fire spear towards Hughes with such a high speed.


The spear moved in a atraight trajectory, creating a fiery line the moment it's about to crash against that white shield of his.




The spear crashed against the shield, creating large waves of energy between them.

Hughes felt his body was pushed back a bit despite the fact that he managed to block that spear.

'What a strong force!!' Hughes gritted his teeth as he was still holding onto it in order to keep blocking his spear.


Despite being stopped by the shield, the fiery spear keep on clashing against him and its getting even stronger by the second.

Even so, this skill continuously drained Rei's MP since it was being used to [drill] that shield.

After a few minutes...







The white shield began to crack...


More cracks appeared on the shield, and it kept on spreading until...


The first layer was shattered into pieces...


But the spear didn't stop since it's still moving even after shattering his skill like that.


Once again, the spear met his shield, creating another large wave of force.

But this time...

Hughes' body were pushed to the back even more when the real thing was hitting him this close.

'U-ughhh...' Hughes struggled a bit from this throw, he never thought it would be this strong and somehow...he felt something was awfully familiar with this spear.

'This feeling...why is it so familiar? Wait, isn't this skill–?!'

"HAAAAAAAA!!!!" Rei cried out as he continued to pour out his MP into the spear.

Hughes was astonished with his battle cry but even so...this is still nothing for him.

"Heh, do you think this spear can reach me?! You really don't know a thing, kid!!" Hughes taunted arrogantly as if to rail his emotion but then...

His eyes widened when he heard him chuckling...


"Huh??" Hughes knitted his brows in suspicion at the sudden noise he made until suddenly...


Another crack started appearing through his shield.

Hughed were shocked after seeing that, 'That's impossible! There's no way this shield would break!'

He could n't believe his eyes until he noticed a black spot on the middle part of his shield.

'Wait–?! Isn't that–?!'

Ray smirked, 'Yes...that is the blackened spot where Rei just touched with his hand.'


'It might be small but even so...'


'Like a wall, even with the smallest crack, it can destroy the whole foundation, Hughes.' Ray explained.


"K-kugh–!! Dammit–!!"






Until finally...his shield broke apart, creating large hole at the middle.

Hughes were wide opened in shock after seeing his shield broke apart just like that, but what's more, the spear was still moving at him.

The moment his spear touched his body armor...


It shattered apart...and disappeared like dust.

'Huh?? Is it done?' Hughes released his breath he unconsciously held when he saw the spear that was about to hit him shattered when it touched his last layer of defense.

"Hughes!! Don't let your guard down!!" Miranda shouted, snapping him back to his opponent.


Another wave of pressure came from where Rei was standing. When Hughes shifted his eyes towards him, his eyes widened once again when he saw...

Rei with a bow...


He was pulling the string with an arrow covered with his red aura once again while his eyes were focused at him.

"Suuuu....haaaaaa..." He was full with concentration and gathering all of his aura to the tip of his arrow.

'He was hiding another skill?! Not only that, It's an Archery skill this time?!' Hughes thought it was over but it was just the beginning of his last attack.

'Why does this feel so familiar again–?! I feel like I have fought someone with similar skill–!!' Hughes was panicking when he felt the familiarity of the skill Rei was about to perform.

Not just the spear, but also his archery this time.

Everyone in this room were as suprised as him, not only Rei possessed 2 skills from sword and spear but also archery? That's even weirder than the legendary hero himself in the past.

'I know...human possess many possibilities in the future...they might be able to learn more than one skill, and that I believe that...but...'

'For someone we just met...not only 2 but 3 skills from different job!' Miranda thought while watching this man.

'...Crimson...just who the hell are you'

Meanwhile back to Rei, his mind was somewhat empty as his eyes still focused on the target in front of him.

'Even if you ask me...I am just nobody.'

Rei thought as if he knew what they were thinking about him.

''s time.' Ray spoke.

'Yeah...this will be my last attack.' Rei replied when suddenly the aura getting even more intense.

"Here you go...Guild Master...





[Artillery Art : Artillery Strike]."



Rei released the string and shot his arrow at him.

'Dammit!!' Hughes on the other hand, quickly released his broken shield then guarded himself with his arms.





When the arrow finally reached him...







It created large explosion that was enough to shake the whole room.


They were utterly shocked after seeing such devastating attack coming from Rei, it was supposed to be a simple shooting with an arrow using a normal bow.

But they never thought the strength coming from a single arrow could lead to a large explosion.

"Crimson-san!!" Rebecca shouted his name.

Rei was still standing there while holding his bow, panting heavily until he fell down to the floor, unconscious.

"Hughes!!" Miranda shouted his name.

Meanwhile Hughes was nowhere to be found since they can only saw the smoke coming out from where he got hit.


Shattering noises like glasses that slowly break apart was heard. The smoke dissipated and Hughes was found standing there..

With his barrier that he casted on his body before his armor broken apart from the impact.

Hughes widened his eyes since he was suprised at himself surviving that one final attack and his very last layer of defense were utterly destroyed by this unknown man.

After that, he dropped down to his knees.

"Hughes!" Miranda rushed over to him along with Fang.

Meanwhile Rebecca went to check on Rei, "Crimson-san!"

"Are you okay?!" Miranda asked him but Hughes were panting a bit.

Then he sighed, "Haa...I am fine, it's just very tiring using 3 layer of defense skill. I never thought he broke all of them within two moves." Hughes explained while looking at Rei laying on the floor.

Miranda sighed, "You idiot, I was worried you might got hurt."

Hughes laughed, "Hahaha! Heh, you think those skills were enough to kill me?"

Fang smirked, "Well...he did broke your precious shield and your skill."

Hughes sighed, "Indeed...I guess I understimate him too much, I should have put around 5 skills instead."

Miranda looked at him, "Then...does that mean..."

"Yeah...his true power is much stronger than I thought. If he used that skill from the start, I probably would lose before I could put on my defense." Hughes explained.

"But he didn't use it and he's holding it back while fighting you." Miranda spoke.

"I guess he had gotten a grasp on the situation he was in now." Hughes sighed.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Fang asked, confused about that part he spoke of.

"It means that he knew when he used his skill, someone might dodge it instead of blocking it." Miranda spoke.

"And if he missed that attack it would be useless and I bet that skill used a lot of mana and stamina, so It might slow him down if the fight dragged on for too long." Miranda explained.

"I-i see." Fang nodded.

"Rebecca, how is he doing there?" Miranda asked as she looked at Rebecca who held Rei in her arm.

"Y-yes! He is fine! He's still breathing! I-i think he is sleeping right now." Rebecca spoke while looking at Rei who was sleeping soundly.


Miranda sighed, "I guess it was tiring for him to use two powerful skills on a row."

"Well he still has a long way to go to be able to use it frequently." Hughes commented while nodding.

" does that mean he lose?" Fang mentioned something that Miranda should have.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that we are still testing him...but I can't conclude this yet, so I wanna hear your opinion Hughes." Miranda replied while crossing her arms as their eyes were set on Hughes.

Hughes grinned widely and get up from his knee, "I lost, completely lost with this guy...he is definitely stronger than I expected and from the way he fought to win, I can tell he isn't a bad guy."

Miranda sighed, "Is that from your intuition?"

"Yepp! Man intuition, I bet in the future he would achieve something more." Hughes spoke, nodding vigorously.

"So you better catch up Fang, or else he might steal your spotlight sooner or later." Hughes spoke, sneering at him.

"Heh, you don't have to say that, I will be stronger than him for sure." Fang replied with a wide grin, as if he is excited over this competition.

"That's the spirit!" Hughes laughed.

While they all conversing with each other, Rebecca was still focused on Rei who remained unconscious.

"Crimson-san! Crimson-san!" She called him, worry evident in her voice.

Rei was woken up from her call of course, "Be quiet...I am trying to rest here."

"Crimson-san!" Rebecca shouted his name again as she began to tear up.

"Ohhh! You wake up! Pretty tough, aren't you." Hughes huffed as he approached him.

"Well...I can't sleep peacefully with her calling me and your loud laugh."

"F-fuwehh! I-i'm sorry!!" Rebecca apologized immediately.

"Hahaha!! Sorry sorry, I was just excited for a moment ago." Hughes spoke with his big smile.

Rei sighed, "I see, it's fine...either way I lost this fight."

"Hmmm?? Who said that you lost?"

"Huh?? but didn't I fell unconscious??"

"You did but you managed to destroy all my defenses."

"Y-yeah but I still blacked out for a moment."

"Yeah you did but at the last moment I decided to give up with this fight."

"Huh??" Rei became more confused with what he's talking about.

"Like I said, you won and that's it, you did use your all for that last attack, so I am grateful for that." Hughes spoke while crossing his arms.

"Uhuh." Rei tilted his head a bit.

"What, are you not satisfied with this condition?" Hughes asked as he looked at him.

"No! No no! It feels weird to win like this, I feel happy but at the same time, I cannot process just what is happening." Rei rubbed the back of his helmet.

Hughes laughed at him, "Hahaha!! Just celebrate and be happy that you won against me."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Rei sighed and slowly getting up.

"Yosh! You passed the test, Crimson! Make sure you did your best on the next quest." Hughes exclaimed while nodding.

"Thank you sir." Rei replied to him.

"No problem and since you did pass the would be bad taste to leave you with nothing right?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that? Didn't I win the bet with you."

"Of course you did, but the bet is just between us. What I mean is, I want to reward you for passing the test."

"So I am thinking to reward you with something you know."


Hughes suddenly grinned widely, "it's settled then! You must receive what I am about to tell you."

"Hughes! You don't mean?!–" Miranda realized what he was about to do.

"Heh, using my authority as the Guild Master, Adventurer with the name Crimson..."

"Hmmm?–" Rei blinked twice in confusion before Hughes could even finish his words.

"Will be promoted as D-class Adventurer!" Hughes exclaimed loudly with such a wide grin.

The others who heard that were left eith their mouth opened while Rei widened his eyes even more in surprise


Rei blinked for a moment and tilted his head.

"I am...promoted?"


After getting the unexpected promotion, the three of them, Rebecca, Fang and Rei finally left the arena.

Fang stretched his body a bit, popping his joints back into place, "Haaaa!! That was intense!"

"Indeed, it was." Rebecca smiled.

"I never thought I would be friends with someone who got promoted after being an Adventurer just a few days ago~" Fang spoke while taking a peek at Rei who walked beside them, smirking.

Rei sighed, 'Though I thought it was just a test to prove myself that I wasn't a threat to them...but never thought I would got promoted instead.'

Rebecca nodded, "Crimson-san is amazing to be able to get promoted in just few days like that, you're probably be the first one who broke that record~"

Rei's eyes twitched a bit, "Am I really the first??"

"Of course you are! You think someone could get that promotion just in two to three days?" Fang asked incredulously while pointing at him.

"Listen here, the fastest the one was the former S-class! [The Silver Princess]."

Rei blinked, "[The Silver Princess]?"

"Yess, she needed two weeks to get promoted." Fang spoke.

"Two weeks." Rei repeated while holding his chin, "I-i see."

"Mhm." Rebecca and Fang nodded at the same time.

"Crimson-san, you shouldn't think too much about that, since this promotion is still unofficial. We have to process the card you have first to contribute your achievements to the Guild Master in order to get his approval." Rebecca explained.

Rei sighed, "I see...I'm glad to hear that."

"Yes, since achievement is a very personal thing, we would like you to come here at another day to get your promotion done, you have any plan for tomorrow?" Rebecca asked.

"Hmmmm...I do have a plan for tomorrow, sorry about that."

Rebecca smiled warnly, "It's okay, but make sure you come to the Guild Master's office to issue it before he forgets."

"I will keep that in mind." Rei nodded, and then...


Fang hook his arm around his shoulder, and exclaimed, "Now now! Since we are done with the formality and stuff like that! Let's celebrate!!"

"Okay okay–" Rei was about to reply him when he heard some noises coming from the hall the moment they arrived.


They could see there's a commotion in the guild hall, the Adventurers were talking to each other, the look on their faces were that of worry and fear.

"What happened?" Fang asked, but someone called them.

"Sir Crimson!"


It was Andrew and his team, coming along with Fang's team. They all gathered in one place before approaching them who have just arrived.

"Fang! Are you okay!" Ruru shouted as she looked worried of him.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine...but what's wrong? Why the funny faces guys?" Fang tried to crack a joke but his awkward chuckle died down when Ruru gave her best unimpressed look.

"What do you mean what's wrong?! You didn't feel a thing just now!!" Ruru shouted at him.

"Okay! Don't shout at me, i can hear you clearly." Fang sighed while cleaning his ear "What do you mean I didn't feel it? What's going on anyway?"

His team were looking at him as if he had grown a second head, as if they didn't believe that fang doesn't realize what's happening around them already.

"You didn't know Fang?" Wise asked him carefully.

"What? I'm serious." Fang knitted his brows and crossed his arms."If you know something I don't, just spit it out. I'm all ears"

They all looked to each other then their eyes shifted to Rei who stood beside him.

"Crimson-san! You sure you didn't feel a thing just now?"

Rei blinked for a moment and tilted his head as if acting like he is confused as well.

Ruru grew even more irritated by their reaction, "Aghh! Why are you both so dull!"

Fang sighed, "Like I said, I didn't know what you guys are saying in the first place...I mean, we just got back here."

Ruru pouted while crossing her arms, "where did you both went to anyway?"

Fang and Rei looked at each other, "Uhhhh, I don't know if I can tell you here but right now we both need to know what just happened."

Ruru looked away while still pouting. "Hmph!"

"Oi!" Fang shouted, not liking her attitude.

"Now now, calm down...I can explain it to you." Wise get in between them with his gentle smile.

Fang sighed, "Fine."

"So what we were saying is that we were worried something might happen to you...because a short moment ago, we felt an intense pressure around the building."

'Ehh.' Rei suddenly realized something the moment he heard it.

"An intense pressure?" Fang repeated, looking a bit worried now.

"Mhm, it was intense enough for us B-class to struggle breathing somehow but then it disappeared for a moment until..."

'Don't tell me...' Rei geimaced behind that helmet, knowing what he's about to say next.


"We heard an explosion from the back of the guild."


Rei suddenly slapped his own helmet, 'We forgot we're still in the Guild!'

"Ehhh, there's no way something like that could happen, you do know we have strong guys in here." Fang shrugged, still crossing his arms.

"But we all felt it together!" Ruru defended desperately.

"I didn't feel a thing! How should i know!" Fang shouted back to her.

Seeing that he needed to step in, Rei poked his shoulder


"What is it Crimson?" Fang turned around to face him.

He leaned close, and whispered, "I think they're talking about my test before."

Fang blinked for a moment.





"Huh?" Until he realized the source of the chaos in the guild hall was right before him all along.

'I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!' His mind finally connected.

The others looked at them in confusion when the two of them whispered to each other. Fang quickly turned around to look at them again, his eyes darting around wildly.

"Ahhh...Ummm...Ahem." Fang coughed a bit while they patiently waited for his explanation.

"Well don't be surprised at what i am about to tell you, come closer." The group did as they were asked, creating this small circle around them.

" listen to me..." Fang paused while looking so seriously at them.

"Just spit it out!" Ruru demanded impatiently.

"Ahem...the truth is...what happened just now, was caused by..."

As he said that, Fang pointed at Rei.

"...Crimson himself."

All of them blinked for a moment, trying to process the information...






When they looked at Rei, he was just tilting his head, acting innocently.


To be continue...