Chapter 79 : The Unexpected Reunion (Part 2)

Few days after her conversation with The King, Iris departed from the capital to Aven Town.

Iris, Silvi and Harson, are on a quest to recruit some Adventurer from that town.

Although this is a very exciting trip for Iris who's finally able to go out from her home and going to other place she's never been before.

But while sitting in the carriage with her subordinates, she look irritated.

"And here I thought I could have a peaceful trip." Iris mumbled while speaking at the person who sat across her.

"Don't be like that, Iris. You already know how dangerous this mission is? And beside I am just worried that you're going there on your own, especially ever since you fell unconscious that day." The young male spoke, he has blonde hair and red eyes.

Iris sighed, "You worry too much...Onii-sama."

Albert smiled at her, "Because I am your older brother, so it's only natural if I'm worried about you."

"Mhm, and your true intention was?"

Suddenly his face twisted in anger, "I won't let other man ogling my precious little sister!!!"

"I'm barely ten years old." Iris sighed, saling her head, "You're hopeless, Onii-sama."

Albert coughed, "Ahem, this is also a request from Father and Mother too."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well certainly not because someone sneaked out of the house and cause a big mess behind our back~"


Albert spoke bluntly with his charming smile, Iris felt as if she was stabbed by those words. But it was the truth, cause she did sneak out that day and throw almost everyone into panic.

"That's why, they assigned me to keep an eye of you." Albert spoke, looking proud at himself. "Or want to try to talk back against our Mother as well?"

Iris huffed, "Ugh...fine, but remember...that we are on an important mission here."

Albert smiled and gently stroke her head.

She blinked, "Hmm?"

"Heh, you don't have to worry...because your older brother is the best." Albert reassured her, smiling widely.

Iris pouted a bit but she knew her brother well than anyone else. 'Of course I know...because my brother, Albert Dragh Welford is also a genius at the academy.'

'A sole heir of the Welford, and he is also the rival of the Crown Prince. To top it off he is pretty popular because of how handsome he is.'

'But his should be obvious by now, he is a massive siscon.' Iris judged him in her head.

'One of the Hidden male target in the game. An older brother of the villainess, he's mischievous and evil in the future, and that's all because of our Mother's death.'

'But since I prevented that, he will be fine.' Iris was deep in her thought while staring at her older brother.

'I wonder if it's fine for me to change the future.'

As she wondering and thinking about that, she looked at the window.

"No–if the chance for me to survive in the future becomes higher...then I have no regrets interfering with the story.' Iris balled her her hands to a fist.

'If I can come back to that person's side...that's all that matters.' Iris closed her eyes for a moment after taking a deep breath.

"Oh yeah, I remember! Silvi!" Iris quickly shifted her focus on the main topic.

"Yes, Ojou-sama?" Silvi smiled.

"You're a former Adventurer, right? Could you tell me about Aven Town?" Iris asked her curiously, there's a hint of excitement in her voice.

"About Aven Town? Hmmmm, I think you could say it is a lively town where everyone can go in and out. It's somewhere all kinds of race can visit to become an Adventurer, a perfect town to start your journey as an Adventurer "

"I see I see!~" Iris smiled, becoming more excited as well since she played this game before and experienced the Adventurer gameplay.

And now she is living a life in that game world where all kinds of fantasy like things appeared and she gets to experience it first hand in real time.

Silvi giggled since her master looked so excited and extra cute today, "Well, it's really good compared to the capital."

Iris stopped swaying her feet and blinked at her for a moment, "Why is that?"

"Ummm..." Silvi looked away, tucking her silver hair back to her ears, "it's not very a good memory~"

Albert and Harson spared a glance at her, Harson didn't know but Albert was somewhat informed about her history.

Before Iris could pester her about it, they arrived at the Aven Town right on time.

"We have arrived!" The horsemen spoke to them.

When they came through the gate, they were struck with a lively crowd around the road. Something you would find in this town on daily basis.

It's definitely different than at the capital, this place was much more...alive, especially the people.

Silvi was right, all kinds of race could be seen here, there were some Adventurers who walked along when the carriage passed by them.

Iris eyes was sparkling as she watched through the window beside her.

"Woah!" Iris mumbled.

Albert and Harson were looking at the window as well. They were amazed at how different this is for them.

Silvi on the other hand, looked very nostalgic. Definitely happy to be given an opportunity to visit this place again.

It's a free town without any discrimination and a perfect town for the Adventurer to start their journey.

'As expected! I never thought this is the fantasy world from the game I always played...I still couldn't believe that I could experience this.' Iris marvelled.

'I wonder how does the man called as [The Fortress] looks like' she thought, 'But...I'm also curious about this mysterious Adventurer...'

Iris deep in her thought again but quickly shook her head, snapping herself out of it, 'Let's just focus on the negotiation and recruiting them first.'

Afterward, they arrived at the front of a large building, the Adventurer Guild.

Iris and the others dropped off right at the front door while wearing a coat to hide their identity. And that's including Harson and Silvi as well.

"Let's go in." Iris instructed them.

They walked into the Guild Hall as they found crowds of Adventurer roaming around and or gathered at a table.

Iris was taken by suprise seeing them up close like this since there were many races other than humans all over this place.

From Beastman, Elf, Dwarf, and Humans like herself. But the moment they came in, all of them turned their eyes to the newcomer.

A group of people who covered their face with their hood coat. They looked at them curiously, Silvi and Harson standing right next to Iris while Albert stood behind her to keep her back safe.

They could tell that these people are someone important based on the way they hide their look under the coat but suspicious at the same time because they might be a bunch of dangerous people as well.

So the only thing they can do is observing them.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Her skill activated automatically like usual, giving her the composure that she needs and the calmness washed over her.

'This is pretty nerve-wracking but...I can do this.' Iris took a step forward to where the staffs are.

"Welcome to Adventurer Guild, may I help you~" A young woman who looked like the only staff present there greeted them with a warm smile.

The woman was Rebecca, the staff who always greeted newcomers with her warm smile.

Unlike certain event that happened long ago, the pressure that person gave off for the first time was pretty intense. But now, she was able to calm herself down when facing these unknown people.

'It's a good thing that these people doesn't look that scary.' Rebecca thought, she was focusing at person in the middle which is Iris.

'Based on her feature, she is just a young girl but not just any other ordinary girl...a noble, I see.'

'The people around her are probably her body guards based from the way they stood right on her left and right.' Rebecca used her experience to observe the situation properly.

Iris of course noticed it based from her eyes' movement, 'I guess she is a veteran at this.'

Iris smiled at her and gently bowed her head a bit, "Yes...I am here based on the letter that his highness sent."

"A letter? From his highness?" Rebecca blinked for a moment.

"Yes." Iris replied.

"Please wait for a minute, I will quickly notify the Guild Master." Rebecca bowed her head and calmly stood up from her seat, leaving from her spot right away to the back.

Iris nodded and decided to wait there while looking around at the Guild Hall. She could still feel the stares, but it's lesser than before since the Adventurers around her began to focus on their own business.

While waiting there, Iris saw some people talking and drinking right on their side. They were laughing while telling some story about some guy.

'Drinking at this broad daylight?' Iris thought as she stood there, using her sharp ear to hear what they are saying.

"Hey! Did you hear about that guy? I heard he took down another big monster this time!" A man spoke while drinking his liquor with his red face.

'That guy?' Iris overheard.

"Again? Damn...I can't think anymore thing about how great he is!"

"Hmmm?? Who is this guy you guys talking about?" While the other one seems clueless about it.

"Ahh! I see, you are a new guy who came over last week."

"What is it? Who are we talking about?"

"You really don't know him huh? It's been a few months ever since this guy appeared out of nowhere." The man with the drink spoke.

Iris knitted her brows, 'A few months?'

"He shows up out of nowhere and came with a weird looking armor on his way to register!"

"And after a few days, I overheard it!"

"Overheard what?"

"About that guy getting promoted several days after he registered."

"What?! How come!? Did he bribe the Guild Master or using his money?"

Iris who heard it was suprised as well after hearing it. The others who listened in to the conversation were even more shocked.

"Well you already know, every Adventurer who registered all starts from E-class and using money to increase their rank is don't want to get on the Guild Master's bad side."

The two of them gulped loudly.

"Then how did he managed to do that in just a few days?" One of them decided to ask.

Then the man with the drink leaned closer to them, "Listen here what I'm about to say...this fella isn't your ordinary person, I heard he defeated our Guild Master one on one and leave without dying."

"WHAT?!" They were shocked beyond.

Iris getting heated up at this point, eavesdropping these people, 'Defeated the Guild Master? He is much more interesting than i thought.'

"Well it just what I heard! It might be just a rumor so don't get worked up like that." The man drank his glass and grinned.

"But what if that's the truth?"

The man grinned wide and put his glass on the table, "Then you might be seeing our new future S-class Adventurer from this Guild."


"Well then, should we continue about his other story?" The man spoke with a smile as the others nodded vigorously.

Iris who was about to get closer to them was greeted with a warm smile by Rebecca who just came back.

"Thank you for the wait!"

It was a very bad timing, she blew up her chance to get more info about this guy they spoke of, especially when the story started to get even more interesting.

'Ughhh...what's with this timing.' Iris looked disappointed.

"Hmm??" Rebecca blinked, clueless of what's going on.

But Iris didn't forget her mission, "Nothing, just lead us the way." and back to the course once again.

Rebecca nodded, "Sure, I'll lead you the way~" She turned her back and started to lead them to where the Guild Master was located while Iris and the others followed her from behind.


It didn't take them long to reach the Guild Master room and Rebecca knocked on the door twice.


"Come on in."

A deep voice of a man could be heard from inside before Rebecca could open the door for them.

Iris walked in first and found the man who was supposed to be the Guild Master.

It was just like she was expected, perhaps more.

The Guild Master, was an old man old man with big muscled body, wearing only simple white shirt with green sleeveless blazer, with monocle hanging on his left eye. He had white silver hair along with his beard.

On his side was a woman with brown hair, she seems like someone important based on her looks or some sort of secretary.

"Welcome Guests from the capital, my name is [Hughes Farhill] the Guild Master of the Adventurer Guild, nice to meet you all." Hughes introduced himself while sitting on his seat and observing them from that spot.

Along with the pressure he lets out in this room.

It was making the group nervous but nevertheless they're all a bunch of experienced people, more than anyone.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Iris on the other hand keep her skill activated like usual and calmly sat down on the seat that has been prepared.

'As expected from the man who were once a Legend just like Master(Matilda) and Sensei(Rowan)...his aura is no joke.' Iris thought based on her observation with her own eyes.

Hughes was smiling, "Hoho~ This is quite interesting, I never expected a little girl like you could be this strong. It seems his highness was right, Iris May Welford." Hughes spoke as if he could felt Iris' strength just by one glance.

"I see, you already knew me...Hughes-sama, or should I call you [The Fortress]?"

Iris revealed herself by taken off her hood, along with Harson, Silvi and Albert.

Hughes immediately recognized one person in the group, his eyes quickly shifted at this particular person who sat beside Harson.

Iris noticed the stare wasn't directed at her but someone else but Hughes kept quiet about it.

Hughes however, shrugged himself out of it, "You can call me that or other name. Either way, I received the letter from his highness himself."

"Who knew that the one who's gonna lead this alliance with the Elves is a little girl like you."

"Thank you for the compliment Hughes-sama, I am just doing my duty as a Noble from our Kingdom."

Hughes laughed after he heard of what she said, "Hahaha! A Noble from our Kingdom? This pretty interesting because most Nobles I have met so far are greedy and seems we have a bright future ahead of us! Am I right Miranda!"

Hughes spoke at the woman beside him, she responded to him by smiling at them. "Indeed, this is very suprising...I never thought that his highness spoke the truth~"

"Hahaha!! True true! I thought he was joking!"

"What did his highness said about me?" Iris asked.

"He told us that...there was a strangely humble child and act much more mature than her own age. So don't be suprised when she spoke something that wasn't supposed to come out from a child's mouth." Miranda explained.

"And he was right! Hahaha! These days seems like it can't be any better ever since that guy came in!" Hughes talked of someone that Iris have been hearing about.

Iris frowned a bit, 'That guy again?'

" any case! You wanted to recruit some Adventurers on this mission of yours?"

"Yes, we want to recruit some of the Adventurers here."

"I see...but why don't you recruit people from the capital?"

"Well, the King himself is the one who recommended this Guild and because he trusted you."

"Really? How can you know that I am someone that can be trusted."

"Well, I don't know how...but I can feel it that you are not a bad person" Iris smiled at him.

Hughes grinned widely again, "Hoooo! You are just a little girl but you have a lot of guts! I like it! I suppose the Welford's heir need to take notes." Hughes shifted his eyes towards Albert who sat beside her and stayed quiet.

"Ohhh, it seems the Legend knows me huh?"

"Hahaha!! Who wouldn't know the genius Albert Dragh Welford! Your eyes are the same, just like that beast."

"You know our father?" Iris asked.

"Of course, even though he isn't one of the party he was a friend of our King, and he was known as [The Black Beast]."

"[Black Beast]?"

"Yes...I mean, someone with black hair are rare among the nobles and some people said they were cursed by something that made their hair black. Probably the one who have it is your father and you, little girl." Hughes explained.

Iris actually thought about it, 'Indeed...that is true.'

"But well that was long time ago, now black hair symbolizes your family, The Welfords." Hughes explained. "So be proud."

Iris and Albert looked at each other for a moment and then they smiled after hearing such a story like that coming from the other Legends in the kingdom like himself.

Miranda coughed, "Ahem, it seems we all keep getting distracted from the main topic here"

"Hahaha! sorry sorry! I just can't help it since she's an interesting one to talk with!" Hughes replied with a big smile.

"I know, I know...we need to save this conversation for later. And now, let's talk about the Adventurer."


"What kind of Adventurer do you need and how many?"

"Hmmm...if possible we need several A-class and B-class Adventurers for this mission." Iris spoke.

"Do you need that much people?" Miranda asked.

" you already know, the Alliance wasn't getting any smoother because of the problem caused by us humans and their internal problem."

"Is it Bandits?"

Iris shook her head, "Hard to say if there's bandits among them but what I can say is that they're not your typical grunts."

"As for their internal problem...there's monsters that making it hard for them to hunt or even going out of the forest itself."

"Hmmmm...Are they strong? Along with those monsters?" Hughes asked.

"They might be on par with B-class Adventurers at the very least but they are stronger than them, that's why A-class are the most ideal choice."

'Well I cannot say that...that woman was involved in this, since this is my problem with her.' Iris thought.

"I see, I see...hmmmm, recently there's a lot of monsters around various places here too, so most of the A-classes are busy dealing with them."

Then if possible, we want someone strong enough that was capable to handle even the worst case of scenario." Iris explained.

"Because, I myself cannot handle such forces alone...since there's a lot of people that needs to be protected."

"Hmmm....that is true." Hughes rubbed his beard until he began to grin wide.

"Oh right! Then why don't we sent that guy to this mission?" Hughes suggested.

"That guy? Don't tell me!–Absolutely not! Are you serious?! He's still C-class, he just got promoted not too long ago." Miranda complained.

"Whattt?? We all know what he's capable of anyway, and besides it's not like he's that weak either."

"Even so! Sending him to this kind of mission is quite risky!" Miranda replied him a bit heatedly, "I am by no means questioning his abilities and what he's capable of but we should think about this one more at the very least. We don't know what could happen there"

'Are they talking about that [guy] again?' Iris grew even more curious about this person they kept mentioning.

From other Adventurers at the Guild Hall, and then even the Guild Master continued to talk about him.

It rose a question in her mind.

'Who is he?'

Until a sound of someone's footsteps could be heard from behind, interrupting them










Suddenly all of the people in this room felt a pressure coming from the door.

Iris quickly turned around to look at it which leaked out of this dark eerie feeling.

Silvi and Harson immediately put their hand to their sword, as if they were preparing for something that might came out from the other side of the room.

"Hooo~ speak of the devil~" Hughes spoke with a big smile as if he anticipated this already.

The door opened and their eyes widened in suprise after seeing the man before them.

He wore a full plate unique black armor, with helmet that have a beast pattern on it and a red scarf around his neck.

"Right on time."

'Who?!' Iris quickly observed that person who stood before them.

"Now let me introduce you." Hughes spoke while raising his hand.

"He is the C-class who is the best among his peers, maybe his strength doesn't match with his rank but I can guarantee you...

"He is pretty strong."

Iris gulped, 'Strong? No...the aura he leaks out here is much more like a monster.'

The man turned to look at them.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is...






To be continue...