Chapter 80 : The Unexpected Reunion (Part 3)

Everyone is inside of the Guild Master Office Room. Iris, Silvi, Harson, and even Albert, they were suprised at the appearance of newcomer who came into the room.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is...






The man introduced himself and it reminded Iris and Silvi about their conversation few months ago.

[Hmmm...according to the information, it was a young man wearing a black armor, a helmet that looked like a beast and the most conspicuous part of this man is that...He was wearing a red scarf.]

[According to the villagers...he revealed his name to be "Crimson"]

'He is...that Crimson?!' Iris widened her eyes after remembering that name.

'Is this simply coincidence? Is this person really the same guy Silvi mentioned in her report?' Iris observed him in silence.

Thinking about whether this person is the same Crimson who killed one of the [Six Underworld Kings], [The King of Bandits, Banzana].

'But he looks a bit smaller than I imagine.' Iris thought of it cause she imagine that Crimson was someone big and strong that enough to defeat Banzana. but it was just her own imagination.

Meanwhile Harson and Albert were still confused when they saw Iris and Silvi's face became stiff.

'Who is this man?' Harson thought to himself, but then he noticed the dangerous aura around him, 'No, wait—Is he...some sort of monster?!'

'Why is Iris so quiet? Did that man did something to her?!' Even Albert sweat a bit, misunderstanding the situation.

But with all of this tension, only one person among them who remained clueless.

'What's going on?' Rei thought to himself without noticing that he'sstill leaking out those dangerous and scary aura around him.

Until then, Hughes broke the atmosphere.

"Welcome back, Crimson." Hughes greeted and smiled at him.

"I am back, Guild Master." Crimson nodded, replying to him.

"Hey c'mon don't be too formal like that! You defeated me, so you should be calling me by my name!" He insisted.

Iris eyes grew wide in surprise again 'He actually defeated the legendary [The Fortress]?!'

'Unbelievable.' Silvi thought the same.

'This is very come I never heard of his name from the game if he's this strong?!' Iris wondered as she observed him more intently again.

Rei who felt the stare, sighed and replied to Hughes.

"I told you many times...I was just lucky and you were the one who decided it."

Hughes folded his hands to his chest, "Hmph well then, in that case, since I am the Guild Master and you are our member, you have to listen to me."

"What are you, five? You can't just abuse you authority just like that." Rei shook his head and decided to look at his surroundings.

Then he realized, a bit too late that...Iris was among those people.

'Iris?!' Rei was just now noticed her. But since he just came back from the quest, his body was tired and made him lose his focus for a bit.

'W-wait why is she here...didn't we promise to meet after 10 years? Is this some sort of coincidence? a set up?! what happened?!' A lot of questions popped out from his head one after another.

'Ugghh...wait...I should calm down, it seems a week trip on that quest made me tired.' Rei thought while touching his helmet.

'But I hope she doesn't recognized me...I mean...' Rei slowly shifted his eyes towards her, 'I can't believe how much she has change ever since that day...but her beauty still remain the same...I wouldn't argue if someone called her beautiful.'

Rei complimented her in his thought and another voice came out as if to respond to that.

'Ahem, ogling on my former future wife I see.' Ray commented.

Rei was surprised upon hearing his voice, 'Huh?! What are you saying?! and don't come out all of sudden like that!'

'What? Isn't that true?'

'I-i mean yeah she is beautiful...and I can't take my eyes off her for a moment, but what's so bad about it? I'm just complimenting her!?'

'Hmmm~ I see~' Ray teased him with a smirk.

'Shut it.' Rei sighed.

As he conversed with himself, the others were confused at his quiet behavior.

" he okay?" Albert asked.

Hughes and Miranda nodded.

"He's usually like that." Miranda spoke.

Realizing he had gone quiet a bit too long Rei quickly came back to reality and coughed a bit.

"Ahem, sorry I was processing my's just...I just came back from a quest, you see." Rei replied since he could tell from their expression that they're confused.

"But before I ask...I need to report to the Guild Master first." Rei spoke while shifting his eyes to him.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about, Hahaha! So? How was the quest? Did you manage to defeat it?" Hughes asked with a wide grin.

'Defeat what?' Iris wondered after hearing their conversation.

Rei nodded, "As promised, I will be taking its core and other remaining materials."

"Well you earned it and so, it's yours." Hughes spoke while nodding.

The others were confused about what they are talking about and Iris raised her hand to ask,

"Ummm...excuse me, may I know what Quest and what kind of monster did you defeat?"

Rei looked at her and looked at Hughes for a moment as if he needed a confirmation from him.

Hughes just gave him a nod and then Rei proceed to answer.

"The quest is about subjugation of a certain monster that lives nearby a certain mountain."

"A certain monster?"

"Yes...the monster that we're supposed to defeat is...[Basilisk]."

"....?!" The moment they heard that, they were taken by surprise.

[Basilisk], a reptile monster that was known with their dangerous ability. Their size is just like a Dragon but their body was much smaller than the real one and they don't have the ability to fly but...

They have the ability to [Petrify]. Every Adventurer who came into contact with that monster's eyes would be Petrified.

'And to cure petrified person, you need at least powerful healing there really someone capable to heal such a status debuff like that?' Iris wondered to herself.

"I bet you're thinking how I managed to defeat it despite it has Petrify ability right?" Rei spoke as if he could guess what they're thinking about.

Iris were suprised when suddenly Rei guessed them based on their expression just like that.

"Well I can explain about it later, but now...may I know why you called me Guild Master." Rei spoke while looking at him.

"What are you talking about?" Hughes acted clueless on purpose because there's a smirk on his face.

"Don't play dumb...I know you told Rebecca to bring me here right after I finished my quest, not for report but something else." Rei spoke in accusing tone.

Hughes laughed, "Hahaha!! I knew you would say that! I just want you meet my guest that was sent by the King himself."

"The King?" Rei slowly shifted his eyes towards Iris and her group.

'Does this kind of thing happen in the future...Houston.'

'No...I don't think so. Besides I was a low rank, I don't know everything.' Ray explained.

'I know, It's just...this kind of coincidence makes me think that this is someone's scheme.' Rei thought.

'Well I don't know about that...shouldn't you ask about it first?'


"Yeah, The King...he personally asked me to introduce this young lady to our Adventurers"

"So you called me right away after she got here?" Rei spared a glance towards her a bit.

"You could say that." Hughes grinned.

"But Hughes-sama, I don't think I agree on him joining us." Albert objected, folding his hands to his chest. "We have no idea whether he has the capabilities or not."

"Especially, with someone who doesn't even have a background to begin with." Albert continued, based on the rumor he has heard and glanced towards Rei with his menacing look.

This time, the rumor was right. He didn't tell anyone about his background or what he did before.

'Who is he?' Rei decided to ask Ray. He has a hunch about who he was but he asked anyway to make sure.

'He's the heir of the Welford's family and Iris' brother, Albert Dragh Welford.'

Rei widened his eyes, 'So he's that Albert?'

'Yeah, the one who received your gift long ago.' Ray spoke.

'I see...but...' Rei quietly observed him, '...he doesn't look like her brother at first glance.'

'Well...that's true.' Ray commented, chuckling awkwardly.

While the two converse again, Iris looked at her brother after hearing his statement, secretly agreeing with him especially when she remembered about the report she received about him a few months ago.

'That is true...we don't know if we can trust him.' Because of her adapting into the world of the Noble, she had learned how to tell if people are bad or not, and right now she's not convinced yet.

The only one who was yet to provide an answer to his statement, began to walk closely at Albert.

"Then...should I prove it with my sword." Rei spoke bluntly while looking straight to his eyes.

Albert widened his eyes in surprise when he straight up challenged him.

Hughes rose from seat and called him, "Crimson!"

But Albert raised his hand to stop him, "Are you challenging me?" he spoke as his tone began to turn icy cold.

Both of their eyes were set to one another in a fierce silent glare.

"Yeah, it's the simplest way to show how capable I am, right? And I am not a man who would back out after being told like that, you see." Rei spoke as his tone getting colder as well.

Albert showed him a slightly twisted smile, "Ohhh...that's more like it, this way, it'll be much easier for me to push you away from my adorable sister."

"Onii-sama?!" Iris turned to him in disbelief.

'Heh, is it just me...or you've grown so fast, Kiritsuka.' Ray commented with grin.

'I can't let them understimate our hardwork...I will show them how much I have grown from that fight 2 years ago.' Rei replied to him.

You can literally cut the air in the room right now with a knife, no one said anything for a while and that's when Miranda clapped her hands together to break this atmosphere.


"Okay people, let's calm down. I'm aware that things started to heat up, but it's better to resolve the main problem first." Miranda spoke.

"Albert-sama, I know you are doubting Crimson-san right now but you can trust me when i said that he has the capabilities to fulfill this mission." Miranda explained.

Hughes smiled and agreed with her, "yes, I believe he can do well, hell, even much better than any Adventurers around here."

"Vice-Guild Master....Guild Master." Rei muttered their name as he was surprised by their words.

Albert looked at them and sighed, "Geez...I just wanted to test him that's all, but if you both say so–"

When Albert was about to finish his words, Rei cut in

"I am thankful for your support but...I challenged him. I need to stand up for myself, I cannot let others resolving my own problem."

"Crimson! You do know you are fighting a noble?!" Miranda looked at him almost in disbelief and a bit of worry.

"I know, but as a person myself...I cannot let my pride being stomped down just like that, I will show them whether they are truly nobles or not." Rei spoke while glancing at Albert.

"Hahahaha! This is amusing! Very amusing, I never thought there is someone like you." Albert laughed and then grinned widely.

"Albert-sama!" Miranda turned to him but Hughes raised his hand.

"It's okay, a man myself I understand how it feels, so let them be." Hughes smiled, interested at their fight.

"Miranda-dono, I understand your worries but don't worry, I won't punish him if he does defeat me." Albert spoke.

Meanwhile Iris sighed while watching their argument. 'That's not the main problem here Onii-sama...and this isn't what we came for.'

'I know Onii-sama would be like this...since he's a genius in the Academy, so most student there doesn't want to get involved with him or even challenge him, because not only is he good looking, he's also strong in swordsmanship.'

'So getting a challenge like this must have excite him. I mean, in the game he does lost against the Crown Prince for the first time and that's how they became rivals.'

'And...I am also curious about this Crimson abilites.' Iris thought while looking at them.

"Heh, so when are we going to fight?" Albert smirked widely.

Hughes rose up from his seat, as if to guide them, "You can fight with each other at the test room."


Without wasting any time, they were all brought to the Test Room where they're going to hold the fight.

Rei and Albert stood on standby at their own position, facing against each other with a wooden sword on their hands.

"Unlike your test with me, we will be using a wooden sword instead since I don't want someone to get hurt." Hughes explained.

"And I will be the referee on this fight, do you have any complaints?" Hughes asked while folding his hands.

"No." They answered at the same time.

"Alright, you can use either magic or skill but make sure to hold back, especially you Crimson." Hughes spoke while he looked at him.

Rei nodded, "Of course i would."

"Now then, on your position." Hughes spoke, raising his hand.

Rei and Albert began to take their stance while staring at each other's eyes.

"Start!" Hughes moved his hand down, signalling the start of the fight.



Albert was the first one who moved, right after Hughes announcement. He casted a fireball heading towards Rei.


Then together with his quick decision, he dashed towards him who stood still on his position.

'Fireball in the front, and another attack coming from behind it...a perfect combo to blind your opponent and letting their guard down, I see.' Rei observed while watching the fireball in front of him.

'But a [Fireball] this think it would be enough?'

When the fireball was about to hit him, Rei used his left arm and swung it to his left side.


Swiping the fireball away just like that.

Albert who saw that was surprised but he didn't stop his movement. But he didn't know that Rei already lifted his sword with his right hand and swung it down vertically.


Albert saw his wooden sword coming from above his head, swung his sword upwards in response.


Their sword clashed together directly and the heavy strike from above overwhelmed Albert,


It was just a simple vertical swing yet it was strong enough....


To make Albert knelt to the ground while trying to hold onto his sword.

'What with this strength?! Not only that...he only use one hand!' He underestimated Rei's absurd strength and that made him drop his guard.

The spectators were surprised upon seeing it, especially Iris.

'That [Fireball] was-by no means, weak. It was strong enough to cause small injuries but he swat it away just like that and had enough time to counter it himself.' Iris observed quietly.

But instead of staying on his knees, he forced himself out by deflecting Rei's sword aside and quickly jumped back.


'Retreat first and come up with–huh?!'


When Albert was still trying to create some distance, Rei suddenly appeared right before him with a quick dash.

'So fast–!'



They stopped their movement when Rei aimed his sword right at Albert's neck.

"I don't like to waste my let's end this shall we?" Rei spoke out coldly as he had shown his tremendous strength despite he was holding back.

Albert widened his eyes and lifted both of his hands after dropping his sword.

Without giving Albert any chances to counter, the fight was over in just a minute.

It was a simple fight yet it was fast enough to determine who's the strongest.

Iris almost couldn't believe what she's seeing right now, 'I knew that Crimson is strong...but I never thought the fight would be very one sided like this.'

Albert surrendered, "G-guhh...fine, it's my loss."

Rei retracted his sword back, "Hmmmm...but well it wasn't that bad."


"That suprise attack was very good, using fireball to camouflage your next attack to let down your enemy's guard." Then he explained about Albert's move that he just did before.

"H-huh?" Albert blinked twice in confusion when he heard Rei complimented him.

"But if it was me, I would rather shoot another fireball behind the first one, so instead of simply expecting a sword, you need to guard against the second fireball as well."

"I-i see." Albert nodded, still a bit in a daze because he's not sure how to react to him giving out advice right after the fight. However brief that was.

"Oh, also when I do a vertical slash, you shouldn't guard it like that since it will put you into disadvantage if you block it."

"So, rather than blocking it, you need to dodge it but of course you need to think if the enemy would use feint or not." Rei gave him another advice.

"And you can also deflecting my strike–"

As Rei continue to his explanation, their spectators were confused when they looked at this scene.

"What is he doing?" Iris asked herself.

"I-i don't know, Ojou-sama." Silvi replied.

"Me neither." Harson replied to her too while scratching his head.

'Seriously, an advice right after a fight? Is there really someone who would do something like that?' Iris thought of it while staring at Rei. 'Oh who am I kidding...i'm looking at one right now.'

'Hmm...this man is stronger than Onii-sama for sure, but...what about me?' Iris asked herself this time, she wanted to test him as well, but she hesitated for a while.

But a thought just pops out in her head, 'I wanted to test it.' with her lips curved into smirk.

"Hughes-sama." Iris called him eventually.

"Yes?" Hughes replied to her.

"Do you have any spare weapon?" Iris asked, smiling.


Meanwhile in the middle of the test room, Albert still receiving Rei's advice.

"I see, I that's how you managed to use that kind of strength." Albert spoke as they talked to each other.

"Yeah, when you do a vertical slash, you need to strengthen your lower part, since the key when doing a slash is that-you need–huh?"

When Rei was still explaining to him, a sudden presence came towards him right away.


Followed by an equally sudden strike from his right side.


Rei reacted to it immediately and block that strike with the back of the sword. It was a straight thrust from a wooden sword that hold by someone someone.


"What are you doing...."






It was the presence of Iris herself, striking him without a notice.

"Iris?!" Albert was suprised when he noticed his sister's presence.

Iris curved her lips turned into a smile as she stared at his eyes.

"My apologies, Crimson-sama~ watching you fight earlier...made me quite curious~" Her innocent smile was on, but her surroundings changed, now filled with killing intent aimed towards him.

Rei was suprised at this of course but he remained calm either way and smiled behind his helmet.

"Heh, and just where did you learn this manner from, young lady Welford." Rei replied to her.

"Ara~ you know me?~"

"Well who wouldn't know since no one in this Kingdom have the same hair trait like your father." Rei spoke based on what Ray told him to.

"Awww~ I thank you about that~ but about this manner you speaking~ I learned it from my Sensei of course~" Iris answered with ease as they're still holding onto their weapons, with Rei blocking hers.

"I see, so your Sensei taught you to attack someone who let their guard down." Rei spoke in a slightly accusing tone.

"Well I am just testing you~ whether you are simply that strong or not~ if you couldn't guard it, it means that you are only worth that much~"

Then their swords position shifted, causing their wooden blade to clash against each other.

"Hmmmm...such a harsh words you got there young lady, does provoking your enemy is the way you fight?"

"Well it just my habit~" Iris spoke with her smile widened.

"Then I have the reason for not backing out here!"


As they pulled away, they began their fight after pushing Albert to the side of the arena.

After they took their distance, Iris dashed towards him immediately with high speed and buffed herself up with magic.

"[Enchant : Speed]."


It was fast, fast enough to make her reappeared right in front him.


Then several quick thrusts came after it.


Rei reacted to her speed, dodging them with minimal movements and blocking some of of the thrusts by deflecting them.

Then her wooden sword headed towards Rei's chest part, he immediately deflected her sword upwards.


Thus he managed to render her defenseless for a moment. Rei took this chance to swing his sword downward from above her.



But in that moment, Iris used her free left hand then aimed right in front of Rei's face.

'[Dark Pulse].' and casted her skill, by creating several small dark energy ball popped out from her hand.

'Bullet Ver.'


A new skill she created by creating small dark pulses before taking aim and started shooting after him.


Rei stopped his sword midway and pulled back to block some of her magic, dodging the rest of it by moving his body from side to side.

After that, he closed his distance by dashing towards her and swung his sword horizontally from his left side.

Iris after getting on her position quickly reacted to his sword, '[Foresight].' as her blue eyes glinted for a moment when she activated her skill.

Her eyes created an image of where Rei's sword strikes from.

Iris shifted her head to her back, dodging his strike on the last second. Not only she did dodged his attack, she countered it by thrusting her sword up from down there.


Her sword aimed at Rei's head, but he managed to dodged it by tilting his head aside as her sword grazed his side helmet.

Iris widened her eyes when her counter failed and noticed that Rei lifted his left hand to swing a downward punch at her.


But his fist hit the ground, Iris dodged it by back flipping her body, jumping away from him.

His fist left some cracks on the ground and the fight came to a ceasefire for a moment.

'I missed it.' Rei blinked while looking at his own hand.

Meanwhile Iris shared similar thought, looking at her own wooden sword, 'I missed it.'

It was a very intense and nerve-wracking battle where they exchanged strikes and counters over and over in just few second.


Meanwhile during the fight, the spectators who were watching their fights, were left speechless.

Hughes and Miranda were surprised at this fight, not because of Rei but because of this little girl who offered herself up to test him.

Hughes grinned widely, he looked excited after watching these two fight. 'That this is the thing you have been hiding huh? A monster on that kind of age.'

Albert was watching them intently until Hughes turned to look at him.

"Is it fine for your little sister to be up there instead of you?" Hughes asked him.

"As her brother, I am ashamed that I cannot fight in equal footing with that guy...but now I am proud to have my sister to be stronger than me." Albert spoke with a proud smile on his face.

"Indeed." Hughes nodded while continued to stare at the two.

'Yet, they're still holding back their real power.' Hughes guessed based on how they fought.

Of course he told Rei to hold back on this fight, but he never thought that this was him doing that since he still managed to create such a spectacle on this test room.

Meanwhile Silvi and Harson were suprised about Rei who managed to fight toe to toe against their mistress.

'Unbelievable...even though he is still C-class just like they said, but he managed to deal all Ojou-sama attacks and skills without sweating a bit.' Silvi thought of it.

'Ojou-sama who capable to defeat several Elites of our now having hard time to deal someone like him, who is this man.' Harson thought the same.

They both having the same thought this time which is about Rei presence near Iris now.

Is that...

'He is dangerous!' As they let loose their killing intent, in that moment Albert raised his hand.

"Stop...don't interfere."

With that warning, the two of them ceased their killing intent.

"Ha! our apologies!" The two bowed to him and apologized of their behavior.

"That's okay, but I am glad she have the two of you next to her." Albert spoke as they nodded and obeyed to his words.

But Albert was the same like them, he already thought that Rei was someone dangerous but somehow he have the urged of wanting to know him.

'Now...I am interested how does he looks from that helmet.' Albert thought of it while watching the fight once again.


Back to them both, Rei and Iris were staring at each other this time. They were observing each other and assessing their own situation, all the while scrambling their thoughts trying to figure out their opponents.

'This is crazy...even though I am holding back, she still managed to dodge and counter all my attacks.' Rei thought.

'Yeah...even I am in shock right now.' Ray replied to him.

'Is she that strong when she was young, Houston? Compared to me, she's much more talented.'

'I don't know myself...she never talks about her childhood but I do know her swordsmanship is strong, but not to this level.' Ray explained.

'Well I bet she's definitely stronger than me here if she was in full power. I felt that she too was holding herself back.' Rei noticed.

'Same...I felt it too.' Ray nodded.

Meanwhile...on the other side.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

'That was....very intense!!' Iris screamed internally but since her skill activated on her own, she managed to remain calm externally.

Seems like she underestimated this man's prowess.

'What was that! How come his reaction speed is on par with my [Foresight], while I am still holding back here and he relentlessly swinging those heavy strikes again and again'

'And here I thought I have the best Strength stats here...but...thinking about it now...I think he's higher than me.'

Internally, Iris chewed on her bottom lip, 'Anyway....his reaction speed is topnotch that even [Foresight] was useless against him.'

Though she doesn't know the truth behind how Rei was capable to do all of that, she didn't know that he has died countless of times training to reach that level.

'But with my magic, I still have the upper hand, so I can defeat him.' she thought, she forgot that this is only a test of one's skill.

No...rather than forgot, both of them were more focused to who between them would come out as the victor.

Even Miranda noticed that but since this fight was so intense, she's curious about how this fight would come to an end.

And then...

'I'm going to defeat her/him with this one final strike!'

Both of them shouted internally as they released both of their auras from their body, crimson red aura from Rei and dark blue aura from Iris.

It was a decisive moment, one that would determine the end of this fight.

To be continue...

*Rei's current status*



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade], [The Warrior Might], [The Monster Slayer] !!NEW!!

Level: 65

[HP: 7350/7350]

[MP: 905/905]


EXP: 300/70500




AGILITY : 155(+5)



SENSE : 140(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv8; Swordsmanship Mastery Lv6; Battle Instinct Lv7; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv4; Aura Lv6; Cooking Mastery Lv4; Knitting Mastery Lv4; Alchemy Mastery Lv3; Pain Resistance Lv5; Spearmanship Mastery Lv4; Archer Artillery Mastery Lv2; Shieldmanship Mastery Lv2 !!NEW!!

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv6

Horizontal Slash LvMax

Vertical Slash LvMax

Omni Slash LvMax

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Imitation Fire Sword Lv6

Shukuchi Lv8

Weapon Breaker Lv4

Intimidate Lv7

Sprint Lv6

Focused Block Lv6

Spear Arts: One Strike Lv8

Spear Arts: Gungnir Lv4

War Cry Lv5

Artillery Strike Lv4

Weapon Fuse Lv3

Shield Art : Shield Bash Lv1 !!NEW!!

Shield Art : Shield Rush Lv1 !!NEW!!

Shield Art : Reflection Lv1 !!NEW!!


*Iris' current status*



NAME: Iris May Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]; [The Tyrant Queen] !!NEW!!

[Level: 38]

[HP: 4770/4770]

[MP: 1810/1810]


EXP: 0/16500



STRENGTH : 128(+15)




SENSE : 90(+15)


Magic Mastery Lv6; Sword Mastery Lv7; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv7, Light Magic Lv6; Magic Eyes Lv6; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette LvMax; Knitting Lv7; Cooking Lv6

Status Appraisal Lv6

Foresight Lv6

Restraint Lv6

Intimidate Lv6

Shadow Movement Lv6

Shadow Blade Lv7

Heal Lv7

Holy Light Lv5

Sword Dance Lv7

Vital Strike Lv7

Omni-Slash Lv7

Dark Pulse Lv5

Silent Field Lv2

Holy Wall Lv4

Take Over LvMax [Locked]

Enchant : Strength Lv2

Enchant : Shield Lv2

Enchant : Speed Lv2

Divine Art : 13th Pillars Lv2
