Chapter 82 : The Knight of Wrath (Part 1)

Everyone goes back to where they stayed in the town when night falls. Iris and Silvi stayed together in their room while Albert is with Harson on the other room across them.

Iris changed her clothes into her night gown while her hair is being brushed by Silvi. She's quiet, lost deep in her thought.

"Is there something wrong Ojou-sama?" Silvi asked her after noticing that she's been silent for a while.

Iris blinked when her maid snapped her out and she replied with a smile, "Ah–Yes, there's nothing wrong."

"Are you still thinking about his title?" Silvi asked again.

Iris nodded, "[The Wrath Knight, Crimson]."

'His name is based on the rumors from those who saw him fight...they said that the way he fought is quite brutal and merciless.'

'The way he crushed those monsters and took some parts of their body for material, it was quite a sight to behold.'

Iris remembered what Hilda's said a few moments ago before Iris came into this room.

She's still wondering whether this Crimson was born because of what she did to change the future or not.

She did change the future by destroying one of the reason why she came into dark side after all, like destroying the place that created the poison that could kill her mother and picking off every corrupt Nobles in the Kingdom before she's on her way to here.


'I don't know what the future would hold, especially after I changed much of the story...'

'The main heroine of this world was supposed to meet her despair when captured by Banzana.'

'But when I came to try and save her....she was already saved by this unknown man, who called himself Crimson.'

'Now that Crimson is standing before my eyes, it was...amazing.'

'I never thought I would find someone who could fight with me toe to toe like that...and he didn't even used his all. The more I think about him...the more I want to know him.'

Iris' mind was a bit all over the places after their match. Indeed, it was her first time she's dealt with someone like him.

But at the same time, she's wondering...whether this Crimson(Rei) is a threat for her plan in the future or not.

Iris laid her body down on the bed and turned off the lamp, 'But let's make use of him for now since we have great battle ahead of us...'

Her eyes slowly fluttered close, beckoning her to sleep, 'Hmmm...I will make sure to go back home...




for him.'


The next morning, Rei woke up as usual in his own room. His armor was hanged beside the bed along with his helmet.

His body matured as his level went up, but...

His face remained the same.

"Hmmm, I'm at level sixties yet my face doesn't change that much." Rei mumbled while observing himself through the mirror in front of him.

'Well, the only part that matured is your body, not your face...since in order to adapt to that much power, you required an equally strong body.' Ray explained within his mind.

"I see...but how come Iris remained the same??" Rei asked since the moment they saw her again, Iris didn't change much from the last time they met in the village.

'Hmmm, from what I know...she's a [Magic Swordsman], so rather than increasing her strength, she focused herself on her magic which increased her mana capacity in that small body.' Ray explained.

'So unlike you, her [Mana Heart] is the one that matured the most.'

"Is that why her magic is that strong."

'Yeah...I am more surprised than you are when I watched her fight, if you think about the future her that I know...she might be stronger than that.'

"Yeah...when she used her magic in such a short moment just to interrupt my was amazing."

Ray nodding his head, couldn't agree more with him.

'But what I'm more surprised is forgot about something.'

"What is it?"

'Did you forget that she has [Status Appraisal] skill.'

"Eh?" Rei blinked his eyes for a moment

Ray nodded when he reminded him about it.

"EEEHH?!! W-wait...what?!" Rei just now realized it.

'You really did forgot.' Ray spoke as if he is staring right through him.

"N-no...I mean yes, I kinda forgot about's just really suprising that she was there you know."

'I know about that.'

"Ummmm...then does that mean she know me already the moment our eyes met?"

'No, I don't think so...I just confirmed it myself that she just checked on you from last night party while you were focusing on your food.'

Rei rubbed his forehead while sighing, " come she didn't notice that was me? If she knew that Crimson was me then shouldn't she be coming at me sooner?"

'I think so too...but when we went to our room, she didn't even say anything or even called us by our actual names.'

"Hmmm...that's true, how odd..."


While they were debating about her, a sudden notice came out in front of him.



Ifrit: "Yo!"

Rei who noticed the chatroom board came out in front of him, was taken by sueprise.


Ifrit: "It's been a while, it seems you are doing great I see."

"What a coincidence, where have you been these days?"

Ifrit: "Well you could say that I'm maintaining the server here since many Gods are watching over you."

"Many what?"

Ifrit: "yeah ever since you battled with Banzana your viewers from them have been sky rocketed, you could say we are all watching over you."


Ifrit: "Yes, you're a very special existence and an Irregular of this world after all."


Ifrit: "You could say it's a term given to someone who interrupted the workings of this world...I mean, you do change the storyline here."


Ifrit: "And do you really think there's that many people that could handle several weapons on their hands when there are such restrictions?"

"Ummmm...I gusss that's true. but does that mean I should stop what I'm doing?"

Ifrit: "Of course not! it's your choice to make your own path. Even for me who are God now, I believe on someone who could create their own path and rejected their fate."

Rei blinked his eyes for a moment and chuckled, "Wow, I never thought I would be hearing a God like you."

Ifrit: "Well you could say this is just my personality."

"Heh, that's true."

Ifrit: " seems you've met Iris again."

"Oh, yes...we just met her not too long ago, is there something wrong about her?"

Ifrit: "Hmmmm...this might be something that was out of my hand and absurd thought."

"Hmm?? What is it?"

Ifrit: "...."

Ifrit was hesitated on replying his question until he finally gave him an unexpected answer.

Ifrit: "I think....Iris is an Irregular just like you."

Rei widened his eyes in surprise, "Wait...what?!"

Ifrit: "I know this is very absurd to say about, I mean, you do know she's been acting weird herself right?"

That was true, from the beginning they had their suspicions on her when they met her at the village.

'Well I kinda figured that out...since her actions so far is very different than what I had heard.' Ray joined in.

Ifrit: "You are right, unlike Alicia, the future Saintess was supposed to had her despair moment where she learn how dirty this world are."

Ifrit: "But...because of your action she saved, that is a plus point for me since you would sacrifice yourself for someone in trouble."

Ifrit: "But Iris is have never met her before nor talk to her or even had relationships with her except Houston who met her in the future."

Ifrit: "Yet...she's acting like this."

Ifrit explained all of it, it made him realized and had his suspicions right about it. But he doesn't have the proof for it, that's why it was quite hasty to ask about her.

"Yes...that is strange, does that mean she's someone like me?"

'You don't mean...' Ray could guessed what he was gonna said.

"Yes...does that mean she is someone who had transmigrated or reincarnated into her body, we could say that she's one of the people who came from my world."

'That might be true...but what do you think Ifrit.' Ray asked him.

Ifrit: "Unfortunately...I don't even know anything about it."

"Huh??" The two of them were confused.

Ifrit: "Like I said, I don't know anything about it...since I'm not the one who created this world, I was just one guy among many others who created the RPG system you used now and that's it."

"So you were saying that you don't know about her existence until now?!"

Ifrit: " fact, I just noticed her weird behavior after you met her for the second time."

This is in fact very strange and confusing matter for the two of them, they were all wondering who's the girl called as Iris now.

'But the way she just the same like her.'

Ifrit: "I know...since I played the game and met her several times and I remember her very clear because she is the only one who harass the heroine."

Ifrit: "All the way from how she mocked you, the way she teased you and the way she talked to you is almost the same just like the real her."

"But her actions so far is what makes her suspicious huh..." Rei mumbled.

Ifrit: " seems we need to investigate about her more."

Rei sighed as he rubbed the back of his head, "I agree."

"But by the way, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Ifrit: "Hmm? what is it?"

"It's about her [Status Appraisal] skill, doesn't that skill allows you to see someone's status and their name as well."

Ifrit: "That's true."

"Then how come she doesn't know that Crimson is me?"

Ifrit: "Ah–About that...hmmm....I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

"What." Rei stared at him with his listless eyes.

Ifrit: "Ummmm...I really don't know what happened, but it seems when someone tried to use [Status Appraisal] on you now, your name would become [??????]."

"Huh?? Is that even possible?"

Ifrit: "That's why I don't know ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯"

'Hmmmm...but it is strange, I mean she checked on our name before and the name was listed to be Ray Houston, which is my name.'

Ifrit: "That's the thing...your name was shown before, but's as if something's interfering, as if they didn't want you to know each other yet."

"And that's something you don't know about."

Ifrit: "Yes ( ̄ω ̄; )."

Rei sighed, "Fine I believe you." Rei replied.

Ifrit: "Yay! ╰(´꒳`)╯also! this only based on my intuition here."


Ifrit: "I think you need to becareful on this quest, I think...there will be something big happening in this quest."

"Something...big?" Rei gulped a bit after he heard Ifrit's rather ominous warning.

Ifrit: "I can't tell you, I can't interfere more about this matter. The only thing I could do now is telling you to be careful."

"Understood...thank you Ifrit." Rei thanked him.

Ifrit: "Don't worry, it's my pleasure to help you. Since I'm the one who sent you here, after all."

"I know...thanks to you, I experienced a lot of things on my journey."

Ifrit: "Mhm Mhm! (´ ꒳` )"

"Well then I'm off to go, I need to prepare for my journey." Rei spoke as he started wearing his armor and put on his helmet.


Then finally, he wore his red scarf around his neck.


After he's done wearing his armor and helmet back, he came out from his room and went downstairs to greet the owner of this Inn, Hilda.

"Good morning, Hilda."

"Ouh! Good morning to you too Crimson!" Hilda greeted him with a wide smile.

Rei who finally came out just noticed that there's no sign of Iris and her companion.

"Did the young lady Iris went out first?" Rei asked.

"Oh? Yeah, she went out early after finishing her breakfast with her companion, I'm surprised you noticed it."

"Well I can't just loiter around and let my guard down can I? And besides...she's my client." Rei sat down on an empty seat.

"I see, so she did hire you." Hilda nodded.

"You knew?"

"Do you think I'm that dumb for not noticing the obvious? I mean you're pretty much a super star here, a rookie who just came into town already jumped over 3 rank in the adventurer guild without any difficulty."

"I'm surprised that you still stayed here." Hilda smiled.

"Well I am indebted to you and the others, so I wanted to go on a journey after I had become strong." Rei explained.

Hilda nodded, "That's a great plan, one must be prepared before a big journey ahead...I'm rooting for you in this new quest of yours."

"I'm looking forward to it too of course." Rei nodded.

"Now then! What do you want for breakfast?!"

"Just the usual, Hilda."

"Comin' right up!" Hilda replied with a big grin.

Afterwards he proceed to eat his breakfast with a joyful conversation with Hilda.

Rei sighed, 'Such a peaceful morning...'


But after that peaceful morning...he was greeted by a loud shout coming from the Guild Hall.

"What did you say?! You brat!!" A bald man with his comrade, now is yelling at Iris in the middle of the Guild hall.

"I said, no wonder you don't have a lover because how bald you are, like an egg~" Iris mocked with her innocent smile.

And just like that, there's problem happening in front of him.

'No...I take it back, it's not a peaceful morning.' Rei thought while sighing.


Exactly 30 minutes ago, Iris and her companion arrived at the Guild earlier than expected.

Since she didn't want to miss out on the briefing for the quest, she decided to get up earlier than Rei.

When she arrived at the Guild, it was pretty rowdy as usual, crowded with many Adventurers.

The four of them waited for Rei to come, but they were greeted by one of his teams that he has worked with.

Fang and his team.

"Yo!~ Aren't you the young lady from the Hatchler Inn?!~" Fang greeted them with his cheerful tone as usual.

"Ah–Hello, thank you for inviting us that day~" Iris answered with a polite smile.

"No problem, since Crimson told us you're with him, so we decided to have a feast together, the more the merrier, right!" Fang spoke.

"Indeed, thank you for your invitation I have a great dining experience~"

"Heh, Of course! This great Fang-sama at your service!" Fang spoke proudly until his head meet a fist which came from behind.



Again, as usual, Ruru, the elf and the scout of this group is the one who hit him.

"What was that for?!"

Ruru pouted, "Hmpf! Aren't you quite a talker?"

"What, you wanna fight?!"

But the elf ignored him and approached Iris instead.

"Nice meeting you, young lady Iris! I am Ruru, the Scout of this team~" Ruru introduced herself.

Iris noticed her ears, and she knew right away that she was an elf.

But Iris simply smiled at her, "Nice to meet you Ruru-san~ you can call me Iris~"

"I see, Iris-chan huh~ you are very cute~"

Iris giggled, "Thank you for the compliment~ but I think Ruru-san is pretty cute yourself~"

"Hehe~ compared to you, I am nothing~"

The two of them completely ignored Fang's existence.

"Ah! Right! I should introduce you our other member! This is Kagura!" Ruru quickly dragged a short little girl who seemed to be at the same height with Iris.

"Nice to meet you." Kagura nodded quietly.

"And this is Wise!" Ruru introduced her a big man wearing an armor who stood at the back.

Wise smiled and waved his hand, "Hello."

"Nice to meet you Kagura-san, Wise-san~" Iris smiled.

"And this is our dumb leader, Fang!"

"Who are you calling me dumb!"

Iris giggled at their interaction, "Nice to meet you again, Fang-san~"

Then Iris blinked her eyes for a moment when she realized something.

"Your leader??"

"Yes, well technically he is our sub-leader, since Crimson-san took over."

Iris was surprised to hear that, "I see."

Then they were approached by another group. Which is Andrew and his comrade.

"Good morning, Fang-san, Ruru-san." Andrew greeted them politely.

"Oh! Good morning Andrew!" Fang greeted him.

"Good morning to you too Andrew!" Ruru greeted him as well.

Though when they greeted him, Iris noticed that there were two girls clinging at his arms.

The Mage–Dahlia and the Monk–Erika.

"Iris-chan~ this is Andrew's team! This one is their leader Andrew while the other two besides him are Dahlia and Erika~ and behind them is Lena~" Ruru said as she pointed at them, including the Healer–Lena who stood a bit behind.

Dahlia and Erika glared at Iris when they made an eye contact.

Iris blinked for a moment, confused at their sudden hostility.

'A-are they thinking that I would be their rival or something?' Iris guessed it right from the way they glared at her.

"I-i see...nice to meet you all~" Iris then realized it, "Wait–Leader? Again?"

"Ah, it's sub-leader actually." Andrew was about to scratch his neck but he just realized that he couldn't do that because of the girls on his arms, "Since Crimson-san took over our team."

'Him too?? Then who's team Crimson-san belongs to?' Iris wondered.

"Does that mean Crimson-san doesn't belong to any team before, including you?" Iris asked.

Fang and Andrew looked a bit unsure about that question.

"Well he has done a lot for me since he trained me to use aura recently." Fang explained.


"Me too, Crimson-san already done enough to train me to the point that he raised our ranks that much faster. We're B-classes now." Andrew explained.

"....?!" Iris was taken aback by the barrage of news, even her companion, Silvi, Harson and Albert were sueprised to hear it.

'Does that mean...Crimson-san is a C-class who leads two B-class teams?' Iris thought

Until a laugh came from behind, interrupting them.

"Hahaha! What's so great about C-class becoming a leader of B-class teams? Shouldn't you feel ashamed as a B-class, Fang?"

Suddenly a man approached them, he was...bald and wearing a shabby armor, following behind him were his teammates.

Fang clicked his tongue and glared at him, "Piss off Baltz."

The man made a wide grin, "Heh, aren't you quite rude towards someone who are much stronger than you?" Baltz spoke.

Iris slowly leaned closer to Ruru to whisper something, "Who is he?"

Ruru looks disgusted, "He is Baltz...a B-class Warrior, even though we're at the same rank he's still stronger than Fang. Despite that, he's a distasteful guy who treated girls as his objects."

Iris also felt disgusted and angry after hearing that, "I see."

Baltz eventually noticed Iris and Silvi's appearance from under the cloak they are wearing.

"Are you sure you're okay to hire an inferior C-class like him young lady?~" Baltz spoke with a smile towards Iris who stood behind Fang.

"Baltz, you–"

"Isn't it? I mean, he's still C-class and like, what's with that title he got, [The Wrath Knight]?! He sounds very ridiculous!" Baltz continued to insult him.

"So rather than being with him, how about you choose me instead? I'll make sure to take care of you and your companion~"

When he spoke like that, he began to make this disgusting face while licking his lips.

Silvi and Iris felt disgusted by that stare and of course Albert and Harson couldn't simply sit still and let this man harassed them since they almost took their swords, but Iris raised her hand to stop them.

She glanced at them, as if to say that she will handle it.

'I see...If you want to play like that...then I shall play~' Iris smirked as her Villainess act started again.

"I you are that Baltz-san huh~" Iris spoke as he stood in between Fang and Baltz.

"I never thought someone as strong as you could have such disgusting face. It's uglier when you stared at us with your perverted eyes~"


When Iris spoke such a harsh words like that, everyone in this hall were surprised.


"Ara~ even your voice sounds disgusting. Could you shut up for a bit Baltz-san~ oh right, your name is really easy to remember too since it reminded me just how bald you are~" Iris continued to make a mockery of him, even his teammates laughed a bit.


"Huh?! How dare you–?!"

"Yes yes, it's no wonder you don't have a lover. Just look at you! You look like an egg~" Iris continued.

Baltz felt utterly embarrassed and shamed after hearing such words coming from a little girl.

"You...what did you say?! You little brat!!" He lost his mind from just a simple provocation.

Iris planned this of course, it's to show that she was not one to be messed around.

"You want me to repeat it? Sure, no wonder you're still single, who in their right mind would date a guy with an egg for a head?" Iris spoke with her innocent smile.

Baltz was so full of anger to the point that his head started to be filled with so many veins.

"That reminds me, how come such a strong person like you doesn't have any title? Unlike Crimson-san~ he had his first title in C-class, but what about Baltz-san~? Ohh~ right, you don't have one~"

Baltz felt irritated and even more angry. He began to tremble and as if the insult wasn't enough, he saw Fang looked at him with pity even though he just felt bad to see him getting humilated like this.

To end this, she decided to rail him one last time...

"Oh! Maybe I should give you one~ [The Bald Pervert Man]~ a name that fits you...very...perfectly~" Iris spoke as her eyes glinted a bit.

The man couldn't handle it no more, he lost control of his own emotion and so he took out the sword from his waist.

"You little—!!!"

In front of the sword, Iris calmly watched the sword being swung down towards her. Iris expected this, she knew this would happen but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a plan to stop this.

Harson and Silvi was about to protect Iris, while Iris herself began to use her [Magic Eyes] that made her eyes slowly turned into red.

The timing is almost perfect to stop this man sword, but...something unexpected happened.

Iris eyes widened when suddenly she saw something fluttering right in front of her face. Her right arm was grabbed by someone and she was pulled away a bit to avoid the sword coming at her.


Baltz's sword was blocked and grabbed by someone's hand, the hand was covered with armored glove, and this someone reacted much faster than anyone who stood there.

Iris who's about to use her [Magic Eyes] was stunned when she realized she's one second late than this person who appeared before her.

"Seriously...can't you give me some time to rest?"

The man spoke, he wore a black armor and red scarf around his neck. It was Rei who protected her, covering her with his body beside her.

'Crimson?' Iris called his name from her mind.

" this how you treat a lady? Baltz-san." Rei spoke coldly while he held the blade of his sword with just one arm.

"You are...Crimson?" Baltz was surprised to see the appearance of this Crimson he has heard so much about.

Baltz never seen him since Rei was always doing his quest and missed him. So right now, he is shocked when the man he just insulted appear right away.

'I didn't notice him at all! and...' Baltz thought as he couldn't help but feel nervous.

When Baltz tried to pull his sword away, suddenly he couldn't move it at all.

'W-what's with this strength...' He thought but his body stiffened when Rei stared into his eyes.

A fierce gaze that was sharp enough to make him froze from where he was standing.

"I was just going to watch you...but instead of handling it with cool head, you took out a sword on a little girl."

"I have been hearing rumors about you Baltz, I let it slide because I don't have a proof to your wrong doing."

"But since you have shown your true nature after a small I know...that's how you treat girls around you."

His words were icy cold, his [Intimidate] skill activated on its own and directed at Baltz alone.

"I-...I..." Baltz who couldn't withstand the pressure, felt his legs wobble and fell on his knees.

'W-w-what the hell is can...a mere C-class can let out so much pressure...!!' Baltz looked up at Rei who's still staring down at him, looking at him as if he's lower than pest.

The others were shocked when Baltz was suddenly on his knees.

No one knows what happened because the only one who experienced it now is Baltz himself.

Rei leaned his head down, close to his ear.

Then whispered...

"It's a good thing, that we were in the Guild Hall...if this was at some other place...





I would rip your head off and feed your body to the monsters."

He threatened him and Baltz's face turned pale after hearing it and lost consciousness afterwards.

His teammates were suprised after seeing their leader fall down just from having an eye to eye contact with this man before them.

A man befitting his title, [The Wrath Knight].

They left after carrying their leader together, until the people around them began to applaud.


"Way to go Crimson!"


Somehow they were celebrating about it, since this Guild mostly consists many B-classes and other lower ranks, they felt uncomfortable around Baltz because of his behavior.

Rei somehow felt weird towards this kind of gratitude, but he hid it away by being quiet.

Meanwhile, Iris who stood beside him, was suprised when the man she just met not too long ago would be the one who handled her problem.

'I was about to make him kneel down...but instead, he was fast enough to do it.'

She knew he was kind, but she never thought he could make someone unconscious like that with just mere intimidation.

'Why is he doing this for?' When she asked herself...


Something weird happened as her heart suddenly began to beat loudly.



Her eyes hasn't changed to normal and stayed red ever since she activated it before.


'What is this?'

Then a sudden feeling rose within her chest, she felt something very similar happened to her before.


'What happen?'

Her cheeks grew red and warm when Rei turned his head towards her.

"Are you okay?" He asked.


Her heart beats even louder

'Why am I feeling like this?'


'He just protected me and nothing more!'


'I family, Harson, Silvi, William, Sensei, and Master had protected me before...'


'But...but why?'


'Why am I feeling like this? How come my heart beating this loudly!'


'I-it's as if!!–'


'As if I fell in love with him at the first sight!!' Iris screamed internally.

Of course, this situation is definitely weird for her.

But she cannot control her emotion this time, even her skill [The Villainess] didn't activated at all.

It's as if something was planted within her and she couldn't control it.

And that something made her own body reacted towards him as if it was natural for her...



. feel like this.

While Iris' face grew redder and redder, Rei only stared at her in confusion because she went dead silent after that.

"Are you okay, Iris?" When Rei spoke her name, she quickly turned around.

"I-i'm okay, it's surprises me, that's all." Iris mumbled softly.

Rei looked at her while being concerned about her, "I see...sorry that I showed you something scary." Rei apologized.

"I-it's okay, I've seen something worse before b-but I'm fine." Iris stuttered some of her words while not facing him.

"S-so...thank you."

"Okay then?...well I am glad you are fine." Rei looked at her, still a bit concerned and so...he decided to pat her head with his hand.

"Let's discuss about the meeting after I talked to my friends." then he approached his team.

"M-mhm." Iris nodded a bit when she felt his hand above her head.

After that, Albert, Silvi and Harson crowded her.

"Are you okay, Iris?!" Albert asked, really worried. 'Dammit how dare he touched my Iris!' while he internally screaming when Rei patted her head.

"Y-yeah I am fine, Onii-sama~" Iris replied with a smile but her cheeks were still red, she tried to cover it with her hands.

The three of them were worried about her because she acted weird so suddenly for some reason.

But what she know's as if someone "possessed" her for a moment...just like before.



When Rei was talking with his team, he heard a notification sound.


A hologram board came out right beside him.



Ifrit: "I forgot to mention this."

It was Ifrit who suddenly chatted him through chatroom.

'What is it? I thought you had work to do?' Rei replied to his message.

Ifrit: "Yeah I do, but this is important."

'Uhhh...okay? then what is it?'

Ifrit: "Ahem, listen carefully...when you arrived at the Elf Nation....make sure you asked some of the elder of the elf there."


Ifrit: " receive my blessing of course

(´ ꒳` )"

Rei widened his eyes.


Then he remembered about the Quest he was given by Ifrit.

That's right...that quest.


[Quest : "True Flame"]

The God of Fire–Ifrit, giving player "Rei" another quest, to gain [True Flame]. It is said that this flame is the hottest and the purest kind of flame.


Skill : Blacksmith Flame LvMax [1/0]

Title : Blessing of the Fire Spirit King [1/0]

Item : The Fire Essence of The Fire Dragon King [1/0]


● Unique Skill : [True Flame]

● Title : [The One Who Become Fire Itself]


To be continue...