Chapter 83 : The Knight of Wrath (Part 2)

After of what happened, they were all gathered together at a big private room that could fit all of them, including the Guild Master and the Vice Guild Master themselves.

"Today we will give you a brief information about the quest you will be doing." The Guild Master–Hughes, spoke at them.

"As you may know, this is an escort and bodyguard quest that was given by this young lady." Hughes spoke while introducing her who stood right beside them.

"She is the young lady from the Welford family, her name is Iris May Welford."


When Hughes spoke her full name, they were all surprised except Rei who already knew her.

Then Fang raised his hand, "So we will be escorting a noble?"

"Yes, you all will escort her."

Then Andrew raised his hand, "Then can you tell me where are we headed to? And the purpose of this escort quest?"

Rei looked at Andrew, as he smiled, 'He sure has grown.'

Hughes looked at him, "The place you are heading to is quite confidential, so if the young lady Welford gives me the permission, then I will explain." Hughes eyes shifted at her, silently asking for it.

Iris nodded, "You can tell them, since this quest will be very dangerous if someone doesn't know the details of it."

Hughes nodded, "That is true...but since I'm not the quest giver here, you can explain it yourself young lady."

"Is that okay?" Iris asked.

"I'm just a Guild Master, I only recommended you the best Adventurers I have."

Iris smiled, "That is true."

"So you guys! This is a top secret information, so you must not allow anyone to know about this. Are we clear!" Hughes warned them.

And they all answered in unison, "Yes!"

Iris smiled, when she noticed that Rei glanced at her, her cheeks getting warm again.

She looked away quickly, 'Calm down...I need to control my emotion.' iris thought, taking a deep breath as she faced them all.

"As you may know, I am Iris May Welford, a Noble of this kingdom. I was tasked by His Majesty for an important mission." Iris explained.

"Important...mission? Wait–His Majesty?! The King?!" Fang mumbled.

"Correct, I was given the permission by His Majesty and this mission is very important for our Kingdom." Iris explained.

They all looked at each other then Andrew raised his hand, "Then can you tell us the mission?"

"Of course...this mission is about an alliance between two races."

"The Human—us...and the Elves." Iris spoke.

"The Elves?! Wait–they tasked a little girl like you to do such an important mission!?" Fang spoke out in disbelief.

When Silvi and Harson heard those words coming from him, they glared at him.

"How dare you utter such words to our Ojou-sama!" Silvi spoke there's a slight hint of bloodlust in her glare.

"Huh?!–Are you picking a fight?!" Fang glared at them back.

Then Rei and Iris raised their hands.

"Stop it you two." Iris spoke at the same time as Rei

"Stop it Fang."

And then, Rei apologized on his behalf, "My apologies Iris-sama, it seems my subordinate is quite rude towards you."

"It's okay, everyone around me sometimes understimate me although it made it very easy for me to win them over." Iris replied with smile.

"Crimson!" Fang felt bad when Rei is the one who apologized.

"Fang-san am I right? I know my appearance as a little girl would lead to misunderstanding but you might need to know this...that this little girl have fought with your leader there." Iris smiled while pointing at Rei.

"Fought Crimson? You??"

"Yes...and it was quite an intense fight, although it ended with a draw~" Iris explained.

Fang and the other were surprised to hear it.

"Is that true Crimson?!" Fang looked at him with wide eyes.

Rei nodded, "That's can ask the Guild Master and the Vice Guild Master since they were the referee."

Fang shifted his eyes at Hughes and the man also nodded his head to give him the answer.

It was very shocking to hear that this little girl managed to hold her ground against this monster before them.

To top it off, it was a draw.

Iris smiled innocently as she could literally see their perception of her changed within seconds.

Iris clapped her hands, "Now then, shall we continue about the explaination~?"

They all nodded quickly since the balance of power have been restored once again.

"So, this journey will be very dangerous one because there will be a lot of enemies who would try to interfere with this alliance."

"And who is this enemy you are talking about?" Rei asked.

"The enemies I am talking about came from both sides which are from the outside and inside of the elves territory itself."

"Outside and inside?"

Iris nodded, "The enemies that came from outside is none other than us humans."


"Yes, I have heard some of the report lately that some of the elves had gone missing for these past few days."

"...?!" They were all surprised to hear her explanation.

"Yes, it is very hard to believe that some people from our Kingdom would do that."

"But the fact still stands that it was done by The corrupt nobles within our Kingdom." Iris explained.

"So our Kingdom was responsible to that? Then what happened to those Nobles? Seems like you know so much about them" Rei asked.

"Of course, I know because I have several underling who capable to gather those information."

"Not only that I was the one who got rid of them."

"If you ask what had I done to was easy, I tortured them in order to squeeze out every single information I could use, and then i sent them to His Majesty to be executed~" Iris explained as they all went pale from hearing it.

"It's a good thing that we also found some several Elves hidden in some of their manor. We treated them all and then moved them to a safe place."

"But the bad thing is that, we found out an information about the people who was the one have been kidnapping them."

"And who are they? If may I ask?" Rei asked.

Iris smiled, "They are an infamous group that belongs to one of the [Six Underworld Kings]...they are [The Blood Rose]."

Suddenly, Hughes was the one who was shocked to hear it, "What?!"

"Is that true?!" Miranda asked as she stood by Hughes side.

"Yes, that is true...we got the information from [The Witch] herself, since she's the one who interrogated them all."

"That Witch? Damn...this is more serious than I thought." Hughes spoke while rubbing his forehead.

Meanwhile Rei was the only one who's clueless about this.

'Houston, what is [The Blood Rose]?' Rei asked him through his mind.

'They were known for their bad deeds and they belong to none other than [The Femme Fatalle, Minerva] herself.'

'[The Femme Fatalle, Minerva].' Rei repeated her name.

'Yeah, she is the Shadow Queen of the Underworld and has done so many crimes together with her group.'

'From kidnapping, killing, human traficking and other crimes.'

'They are the most dangerous group around, second only to Banzana and his group. They're a threat to the Kingdom, even we don't know who's their most powerful member.' Ray explained.

'I see, so this is quite a serious matter huh.'

'Yeah I think they are the same people who did business with you remember that journal?.'

'I know, I saw a bunch of names and their financial records, who knew that muscle head knows how to count. Wait–does that mean there might be someone from the Blood Rose among those names?' Rei asked.

'Who knows...since that's the first time I saw those names.'

'Well that's true.'

'But what I know is that [The Blood Rose] is a group that wouldn't take the risk of kidnapping the Elves.'

'Why?' Rei asked.

'Elves are capable of using [Spirit Magic] which is their specialty that are connected with the [Spirits], making them a strong force to face against and making an enemy with them is a bad choice.'

'[Spirit Magic]...I heard that Ruru can use it.'

'That's why most of people who could use those magic are the Elves themselves. That's also why kidnapping them would be very hard since they lived at the forest which have strong connection with the spirits."

'But several of them were captured by those bastards, that means they have a method to do it.' Rei replied.

'Yes and it also mean...that we will be facing an enemy far stronger than what we have fought before.' Ray spoke out.

Rei who heard that words widened his eyes for a moment, and then smiled. "Heh."

Iris heard his chuckle and turned her head towards him.

She's somewhat confused and a bit annoyed since she thought he doesn't take this seriously, "Crimson-san, do you think this is a joke?"

Rei looked towards her, "Of course not."

"Then why are you laughing, this isn't funny at all."

"I's just that..."

Iris widened her eyes when she looked at him.

"This is no different from what I have been through up to this point." The moment Rei spoke those words, he suddenly let out some of his aura.

'I wouldn't back out this time, this would be my last opportunity to finish Ifrit's quest.' Rei thought.

Iris saw the determination in his eyes, and smiled in disbelief. 'Is this guy crazy? There might be several Chimeras among them...'

'But he did defeated that person on his own...but we have to see it for ourselves whether this person capable to defeat this new enemy or not.' she thought.

She sighed and smiled, "That settles it then, but I haven't explained their internal problems yet."

Rei slowly pulled his aura back and blinked, "Indeed that is true...I almost forgot."

Iris smiled, "It's okay, I know you are excited to fight such a foe like that but I bet you would be happy to hear this."

"Then explain." Rei quickly replied her.

"It's about two strong monsters that dwells within the forest, preventing them from leaving." Iris spoke.

"No way! You don't mean!–" Somehow the Elf within the group–Ruru spoke out, her face is a bit pale.

"Yes~ it's the East and the West Monsters that have been blocking the Elves path for several years."

'The East and the West?' Rei wondered.

"It's impossible! You know they are extremely dangerous monsters that have killed many Adventurers and our kin for several years!"

"I know about that."

"Then–How can you possibly deal with them?!" Ruru was getting more frustrated about this matter. It's weird for the others, including Fang to look at Ruru who's currently in so much distress compared to her usual demeanor.

"Ruru, calm down." Fang tried to calm her down.

But Ruru became more scared, to the point of nearly breaking into tears, "Calm down?! Are you even listening to me?? It's high level monster! Even stronger than the Basilisk we defeated!!"

"Oh, you don't have to worry...because me and Crimson-san here will be the one who deals with it~" Iris spoke while pointing at Rei.

Rei widened his eyes and looked around for a bit, "Huh? Me?"

"Wait wait, this is getting out of hand. I could understand if it's Crimson, but you, young lady?" Hughes joined.

"I know, but you don't have to worry about it...cause I have some achievement myself~" Iris smiled sweetly.

Albert who has been quiet all this time, smiled as well.

"Heh, Guild Master...did you hear the news that a Demon showed up at the Capital not too long ago?" Albert asked him.

Hughes blinked for a moment, "well, yeah, I did. There was an uproar when the news came here."

"True." Albert.

"Not only was a High-class Demon, right? It went berserk and destroyed almost every building around it when he showed up."

"Yes yes , but do you know who's the one who dealt with it?~" Albert smirked.

"Don't tell me...her?!" Hughes quickly pointed at Iris in disbelief.

They were all surprised to hear it once again. The information kept on coming and they're barely able to keep up with it.

'No way...a Demon?!' Even Ray was suprised to hear it.

Iris smiled at them, there's a hint of smugness to her tone, " you think I'm not capable enough to defeat a mere monster myself~?"

Ruru hesitated about it, then she turned to Rei and pointed at him, "Then what about Crimson-san! I-i know that he is strong! But the strongest monster he defeated recently was Basilisk that was much weaker than those monsters you talked about!"

Iris folded her hand to her chest, "Who said that was the only monster he defeated~?"

"Do you really not know what he's capable of~?" Iris smirked as it led Hughes to think that she might knew something about Rei, something that was kept as a secret from others.

'Did she know about it?' Hughes wondered

"Then tell us...what kind of being did he defeated?" Ruru asked.

Iris smiled innocently, "[The King of Bandits, Banzana]~"

They all widened their eyes, including Rei.

'Just as I thought...she knew.' Hughes sighed.

"E-EHHHH?!! Is that true! Crimson!" Fang shouted frantically.

Rei of course stayed silent but he gave them the answer by simply nodding his head.

"W-wait...this is crazy, I knew something's strange with the Bandit's movements these days...but for their King himself died...and that being was killed by this guy?! What the hell?!"

"Guild Master...No–Hughes old man! Is this the truth?!" Fang asked, desperate for an answer.

Hughes sighed, "I guess that tea is spilled over now...I can't believe we managed to keep this a secret for 6 months." Hughes rubbed his forehead again.

"And it was ruined by a little girl who somehow got the information we didn't knew about." Hughes spoke.

"Well you shouldn't understimate MY way of gathering information~" Iris smirked

"Now then, do you understand?~ The leader who you all follow is someone who's capable to do that, is that still not enough?~" Iris asked, looking at Ruru on purpose.

Ruru went quiet this time.

'Hmmmm...she acted very weird. she was getting nervous when I spoke about the elves. Based on her reaction at that time...she looks afraid.'

'And it felt like she tried to stop–more like she's afraid to fight against those monsters. Did she ever saw it directly before?' Iris thought, trying to deduce things about Ruru on her own.

If Ruru just warned them without shouting, she wouldn't be suspicious of her like this. But Ruru sounds desperate, she's tried her best not to let them fight these monsters Iris spoke about.

But Iris brushed those thought away and continued her words.

"Ahem–Now then~ we've found our conclusion right? Do you have any question?"

Andrew suddenly raised his hand, "I have a question."

"Yes, Andrew-san?"

"Why do you choose us? I mean isn't this a really dangerous quest? What if we failed to do the task properly." Andrew spoke as if he's unsure about himself with this quest

Rei kept quiet about this, but he's got a point. If she only hired him, then that'd be fine but the question is...why bother to hire them too

Iris smiled as she closed her eyes "It's because I trust Crimson-san."

"I trust him as much as he trusted you all, since I know he was the one who led you all to this point right?"

That's true, for 6 months they have been together ever since Rei came to the Guild. For some reason, he has a strong charm that made them follow him despite having a massive gap on their strength.

Rei knew he has to keep walking forwards to pursue his goal of becoming a knight and stop the disaster that would come in the future.

And for that, if they need want to be strong as he is...they need to follow him without complaints.

Then Rei looked at them.

"This is my choice to go with them...I won't force you all because of my decision, because my path and yours are different." Rei spoke straightforwardly to them.

"So if you want to reject then–"

"Who said we want to reject?" Fang cut in before he could finish speaking.


"We were just asking whether she have ulterior motives or not, didn't you tell us to not trust any kind of information and make sure to doubt everything." Andrew spoke.

"That's...true, but this is a dangerous path, you could all lose your life!"

Then Andrew stood in front of him, "This is our choice remember? We decided to follow you the moment you taught us all to survive, so please believe in us."

Rei looked at them and of course he felt guilty about this...

This is his path...the path he needed to pass through with all the storm around him in order to become stronger than anyone else so he could protect someone precious to him.

Rei sighed, "If you are this sincere...then you need to listen to every words I said, okay? No matter how despicable my plan and my order to all need to survive." Rei spoke.

Fang and the others smiled as he suddenly wrapped his arm around Rei's shoulder.

"Of course! That's our leader!" Fang spoke with a wide grin.

Rei could only sighed and smiled upon their words.

Iris and the others who watched them, smiled as well.

"I guess that's settled...what about you, Guild Master? Got anything to say to them?"

When Iris spoke to them, their focus shifted to Hughes who has been deep in thought.

"Well I couldn't refuse this kind of request and since they wanted it themselves, then I allow it." Hughes nodded.

They began to feel excited with this journey, until Hughes continued his words.

"And before that, the Vice Guild Master have something to say to you all."

Miranda stood up and smiled at them, "And since you all decided to join in this dangerous quest, I will tell you about the rewards from the Guild."

"To start with, Iris-san here had made the reward for it to be 50 Gold for each person who participated." Miranda spoke.

This is a very surprising reward, 50 Gold on itself as a reward is already a ridiculous amount. But considering the difficulty and what's at stake in this quest...

"And for us Guild, if the quest is finished...all of you will be promoted to A-class without any interview from the Guild."

"A....A-classes promotion?!" They all spoke at the same time. This made them more excited and fired up about this quest.

Rei of course was surprised to hear that kind of reward to be given just like that.

'Wow...this is much faster than i thought.' Rei thought.

'...i never knew we could have this kind of opportunity to be promoted from C-class to A-class immediately.' Ray replied.

"So everyone in must survive and we will wait for you all to come back safe and soundly." Miranda spoke while bowing to them.

"Yes ma'am!" They answered at the same time with such resolve in their eyes.

"Now then, we will began to depart this afternoon, so make sure you prepared everything for this journey. It will take you a week to arrive at Elf kingdom." Iris explained.

"We already prepared two carriages for all of us, so you don't have to worry."

Rei looked at them, "I understand, then while you prepare the carriage we will start with the preparation of our equipment and other stuff for this journey."

Rei then turned to them, "you can start to buy all potions and rations that were needed for this journey."

"Yes sir!" After that they quickly left the room.

Iris nodded and followed after them with the others but she noticed that Rei stayed here.

"Hmm?? Crimson-san, you're not going with them to prepare?" Iris asked.

"I will but I have something to talk with the Guild Master alone, so don't worry about it." Rei replied.

"Oh...i see." Iris was confused at him for a bit but eventually left the room and closed the door.

No one knew what he was talking about with the Guild Master.


Few hours had passed, and they all finished preparing their equipment and other stuff needed for this journey.

There are three carriages in front of them.

Two carriages were for Rei and his teams while the other one is for Iris and others. They began to depart with Iris' carriage in the middle.

Rei, Wise, Fang, and Kagura is in the front carriage. Meanwhile, Andrew, Ruru, Erika, and Dahlia is at the back carriage.

As for Lena who are the only support and healer in this group, is inside Iris' carriage, she's sitting beside Iris nervously.

'Ummm...this is so awkward.' Lena thought, looking down to her lap.

The reason why she's at the middle because they don't want to get the healer got ambushed from behind, in case there's an attack. So they kept her safe at the middle so she can support the back and the front side.

They are now on their way, passing through the gate. Iris who sat on the middle, glanced over at Lena who kept her eyes down nervously.

"You don't have to be that nervous, Lena-san~" Iris spoke as she tried to reassur her.

Lena flinched a bit when her name was called, "Y-yes! I-it's makes me nervous cause how important this mission is! I will do my best!" Lena spoke as her hands trembled.

Iris smiled, "I see~"

"Since we have a long way to go, how about you tell us about yourself?"

"M-me? I-i'm just a normal Priest here!" Lena stuttered, waving her hands, "Compared to Iris-san who are beautiful and a noble, I'm just a peasant!"

Iris giggled, "You don't have to worry about it, I mean we are on the same quest together~"

"Y-yes!" Lena beamed a bit, gaining a bit of confidence at her words.

She looked cute that way, Iris couldn't help but giggle.

"Since I already know your name and everyone else, may I know...does Crimson-san usually do something like that?"

"Do...what?" Lena blinked.

"You know, the part where he threatened those guys?" Iris spoke.

"Hmmmm...Crimson-san usually does something like that."


"Yes, but today, he felt and looked much softer. If...if that makes sense." Lena spoke with a smile.

Iris went pale to hear that, "S-softer?"

Lena nodded, "Mhm, the last time when someone mocked him and trying to threatened us, he slammed their faces on the floor and wall."

All the person in this carriage went pale when they hear that.

'So brutal.' They thought

Iris shook her head and smiled awkwardly, 'I that how he managed to get that title?'

Lena sighed, "If you think that was the case, then you got it wrong."

"Huh??" Iris looked at her in surprised when Lena spoke as if she knew what she had in mind.

"It's not it?"

Lena shook her head, "it's actually something else."

"Something else?" Iris asked.

"Yes, I mean right now...Something's going to happen." Lena spoke.

Iris widened her eyes when she heard it, as if she was saying that something's really gonna happen.


The carriage halted so suddenly.

"Huh? What's going on?" Iris spoke.

"Iris-san, you don't have to worry...right now, our leader is going to take care of it."



At the front carriage, Rei came out and stood in front of them. There were a group of people at the road, and the one who blocked their path was a familiar face that they met not too long ago.

"As expected you would come here...Batlz." Rei spoke his name.

The man with a bald head, Baltz smirked haughtily as he stood before him.

"Hah! So what? Is that all you gonna say? Not even shocked why am I doing this?!"

"Well I expected less...but I never thought you're this kind of scum." Rei replied.

Baltz glared at him, "Hmph, my target is that girl, not you. So step away and let me do my business."

"Really? With all those people around us?" Rei spoke, noticing the presence of the people who were hiding under the bushes and trees right on two sides of their carriage.


Rei shrugged, "Why would I tell you? I mean you had done this more than several times, am I right?"

Baltz widened his eyes, "W-what are you talking about–"

"Baltz, B-class Warrior, you have commited several crimes. You killed many Adventurers for your own selfishness, kidnapping and even raping a defenseless Adventurer girl and even reporting that they got caught by a monster."

"You also colluded with all these Bandits around us, isn't that right."

"Not only you're violating the Adventurer's rules, you also violated the law itself. To think you couldn't possibly be even more despicable..." Rei exposed him with such cold manner.

"Do you think the Guild wouldn't notice to your behavior?"

Baltz smirked widely, "S-so what?! you don't have any authority to do anything. You mere C-class!!–"

"The Guild Master himself had given me the permission to do what I please to a criminal like you." Rei quickly cut in.

"Huh?? The Guild Master–"

"Correct, so your rank have been revoked and now you are just plain criminal who has a bounty on your head." Rei spoke while tapping his own head to emphasize it.

"There's so many people who has a grudge on you Baltz~ they quickly given every information they could give, that's why it was so easy to prove that you had done all of those crimes."

"Y-you....who snitched on me!!" Baltz quickly scanned his own group with an accusing glare but they shook their head since they just knew about this.

"Hey now, don't put the blame on them. They didn't know anything at all until I said all this, what I mean is the others who you done wrong."


Then Rei suddenly clapped his hands, "I guess I shall congratulate you, since you are now officially becoming a criminal." Rei spoke sarcastically.

Baltz continue to grit his teeth, until he realized something "But the only one who knew about it is you and the Guild Master right?"

"Hmmm...that's true."

"Then that's easy! I just need to kill you and prove that I'm not wrong!!"

Baltz spoke while pulling out his sword from his waist, followed with his group. All of them prepared their weapon as they all smirk wickedly.

Rei sighed, "...what a dumb decision." As soon as he said that, he let out his red aura.

It made them backout a bit except Baltz.

"Heh! So what! I have my group and you're surrounded by the Bandits I hired! So I'll kill all of you and take those girls for me to savor!"

"You best start begging now! 'cause you are outnumbered, Crimson–!!"




When Baltz was still talking, all of person who stood in between his group... suddenly struck down.

Baltz widened his eyes when he turned around to see one of his member got hit with an arrow by his throat.

"W-wha–!!" He turned around to see at the carriage on the back row, Ruru was standing above it, holding her bow.

Baltz took a step back as he looked at her with wide eyes, "R-ruru!!–"

Ruru took another arrow from her back, then shoot another one with unbelievable speed.



Hitting another one by their throat.

Without any warning or order from Rei, she just shot two of his men down without letting him finish his speech.

"W-what are you doing!! On your guard!! And healer!! Help them!!" Baltz quickly ordered them, the group began to get on their position.

The tank quickly cover the front with Baltz behind them and the rest is preparing their weapon.

"Boss!!" One of his men called him.


"We cannot heal them!!"

"Why not?!"

"B-because...the one who got shot was our healer and support!!"

The rest of them turned pale after hearing that, even Baltz was surprised about this.

'What...does that mean, she just shot our support first on purpose?' Baltz thought while his body began to get drenched with cold sweat when he saw Ruru getting another arrow ready to shoot at them

After seeing her doing that, Baltz become...desperate.

"Dammit!! Archer!!! Shoot them all!! Rain them with your arrows!! Then raid them from the side!!"

Baltz quickly ordered the people hiding on the trees and bushes that surrounds them.






But after giving that one came out, and there's no arrow raining above them.

"W-wha–where are the arrows? What just happened?!" Baltz who are confused now, began to feel nervous about this.


"Hahaha!" Rei began to laugh.

"W-what's so funny!?"

"No no, it's come you didn't notice after this long?" Rei spoke.


" you not feel weird, why did I came alone and only Ruru who came out?" Rei explained.

"....???" His question left Batlz confusion, not really sure what he meant by that.

"The simplest way to answer this is that...they won't be coming."

"W-what are you saying?? You mean your team won't be–"

"No, I mean your friends who are surrounding us right now." Rei cut him off again.

When Baltz heard that, he took a few steps back and grew even more scared than before.

"W-what is this...what happen...tell me... what did you do!! Crimson!!" Baltz shouted at him out of anger.

Rei looked at him then smirked, "Oh nothing, but didn't I warn you before, Baltz."






Rei suddenly looked at him straight into his eyes and repeated what he said to him before,

"If we weren't at the Guild...I would rip your head off and feed your body to the monster."

" that we're better grit your teeth and take it as a man."

Rei suddenly pulled out his black shield from his [Inventory].

"Don't tell me that I didn't warn you...Baltz." Rei spoke in cold manner.

"D-dammit....dammit...dammit!!!" Baltz continued to curse.

Rei who watched this pitiful side began to give him two choices.

"Surrender and die or resist and die, which one do you prefer."

"I-isn't that the same!!" Baltz shouted back at him.

Rei raised his index finger, then he shook it side to side.

"No no...there's a difference between them, first–"

Rei pointed that index finger towards him, "if you surrender, you will be caught by the law and given a quick death, by getting your head cut off."

"But if you resist..."

The eyes on his helmet began to shine as he declared.

" will die the most painful of death."

To be continue...