Chapter 96 : The Blessing & Disaster (Part 2)

Exactly 30 minutes ago.

At the same time when Iris and Erna began their private conversation. Rei and his team were guided to the armory room by Eindride.

When they arrived at the front door of that room, Eindride opened it and revealed a big vast room filled with weaponry, accessories and magic items. The room was dim but it was nicely organized with the multiple shelves that held those things within.

"Woah." Rei couldn't help but be amazed, immediately using his appraisal skill to appraise everything around him.

'They're really willing to lend these items and weapons to us?' Rei thought as he looked at the items in this room.

Eindride turned to them, "This is the armory room, but besides weapons it's also where we kept most of our treasured items."

"In here you can take whatever that suits you. I know you are all excited to venture into this room, but remember to limit yourself because one of the items might cost more than mere gold." Eindride warned with a glare at them.

They all nodded in understanding, except Rei.

Eindride pointed his index finger towards Rei, "Especially you, make sure you never get too close to the forbidden area."

'Forbidden area?'

"What is that?"

"You don't even know the meaning of that?"

"I know that, what I meant was what's in it that makes it forbidden." Rei replied.

Eindride suddenly turned his face away, "Hmph, why should I tell you? If it's called forbidden it means you must not know what's in it."

Rei sighed, "Fine, I understand."

Eindride glanced at him, "I'll be watching you."

After that warning, they began to spread around to search for some item and weapon that would suit them in this quest.

Rei was looking around in between the shelves, since the room was big he already got separated from his team.

' can such a room like this be so big in such a small looking castle.' Rei wondered while checking out the shelves around him.

'I think it's some sort of [Spatial Magic] that was casted in this room.' Ray commented.

'But it is amazing how they managed to collect such items and weapons.' Rei spoke as saw a box that was filled with weapons from sword, spear, axe and everything else.

'Although...compared to this, ours is much better.' Ray spoke when Rei grabbed one of the swords and revealed it with his [Appraisal].


[Fairy-Iron Sword]

Grade: Epic

Type: Sword



Durability: 100%

A sword that was created with a rare metal called Fairy Iron, a metal that was melted and combined with fairy dust. With this, the sword becomes lighter and faster, also it is capable of increasing its user's speed.


[Fairy Step]

Duration : 120 sec.

Cooldown : 60 sec.

By using the effect of the Fairy dust within this weapon, it gives the user speed and makes their body lighter temporarily. AGILITY increased by 20%.


'A fairy dust?'

'It's a mythical and rare material that can be obtained from a Spirit being called [Fairy].'

'So Fairy does exist in this world?'

'Yep, although they are species that cannot be seen with naked eyes and they lived in this very forest, protected by the Elf.'

Rei put down the sword as he began to walk while having a conversation with Ray, 'I see, but why are they being protected?'

'Because Fairy are some sort of newborn spirits, I don't know how they are born but what I know is that they came from Yggdrasill.'

'They are fragile and weak, and are easy to kill. If one of them were caught by humans, they would probably be sold as merchandise.'

'That's...very horrible.'

'That is why they are hiding in this forest with the Elf who protected them from humans, especially from the kingdom that rivals ours.'


'Yeah, [The Great Human Empire, Axel].'

'I see…I read about them in the book.' Rei replied.

'Yes, it is said we humans have two kingdoms which are the Human Kingdom, Luxion and the Human Empire, Axel.' Ray explained

'These two Kingdom have been rivals for a very long time because of their different beliefs.'

'Do you remember it?' Ray asked him.

'If I remember...Luxion believes in [Everyone is equal, no matter where you come from, we must accept them as much as we accepted ours].'

'That is correct, those words were spoken by the Hero who saved the world. It makes us remember how much he had sacrificed to save our world.' Ray explained.

'That's amazing....but what about the Empire?'

'For the Empire, Axel...they believe [Us humans are a powerful existence in this world, since our Hero is a human we must think about our own race. It's from humans, for humans and only humans].'

'What?? So they believe our own race is much superior than any other race?'

'That's correct...and it was spoken by their first Emperor.'

'That's crazy.'

'Indeed...but what's more crazy is that they are much stronger than our Kingdom. They have advanced technology, strong people who exist to be loyal to their Empire...and the emperor's powerful Charisma that made his people kneel with its great power.' Ray explained.

Rei could only gulp as he heard it, 'Woah...'

'And only several years later, we...will be having a war with that very Empire.'


Rei suddenly stopped his movement, 'What?!'

'Yeah, but what I don't know is the exact date, considering we already almost altered the timeline so much.'


'We killed [The King's of Bandits, Banzana] who was supposed to be the most despicable criminal in the future and saved the future [Saintess] that was supposed to be saved later on and not too long ago...we dealt with the Demon Cult who controlled a village.'

'That's...true.' Rei suddenly realized how bad this situation is.

'Not only that, we are here about to face something much worse than those monsters, a mythical being who existed in your world that become a monster that could lead to a disaster in the near future.'

Rei couldn't deny it any longer after hearing his statement.

'Ughhh...then what should we do?'

'Well become stronger faster than we usually do, we might have to double the training.'

Rei gulped, 'Ughh...for the future, I guess it is worth it.'

As soon the conversation died down, Rei just realized he walked much further than where they were allowed.

"Huh?? Where...are we?" Rei asked when he noticed that the area he is stepping on is very dark, dim and has this eerie feeling around them.

Rei couldn't see a thing, only the path that guided him here.

'I think...we need to look ahead when we walk next time.' Ray admitted.

'Agreed.' Rei agreed to it, and as soon as he tried to turn around, he felt something.

"Hm?" Rei looked forwards, there was a small dim light in front of him.

'What's wrong, Kiritsuka.' Ray asked him.

"I don't's just, I felt something so suddenly."

"Something like what?" Ray asked.

"Something...familiar." When Rei spoke like that, his red left eye suddenly glinted for a moment.



He took a step forwards.


Ray tried to call him but Rei didn't answer and just kept walking through the path he was given.

Ray suddenly felt the terrains around him become brighter as he approached this thing in front of them.

When he looked upon what Rei was looking…he saw a strange thing.

' that?'

Ray suddenly felt a murky evil aura leaking out from this thing in front of them, his soul cannot stop trembling at this moment.

'Kiritsuka...oi, Kiritsuka!' Ray kept calling his name.


But Rei didn't answer his call, his eyes were fixated towards this thing until they stood very close to it, giving a clear view of what it was

There was glassware with some sort of rune on the ground around it. Inside that glassware...reside something sinister.

Something that shouldn't exist in this world, that's what Ray's own guts said.

A black fire with a slight dark red color on it, flying in the air at the center of this glassware, protected with a barrier created from the rune on the ground.

Ray couldn't believe what he saw, the pressure from the fire itself was enough to make him looked at it in awe and fear.

As if something evil just descended upon them, telling them to leave and do not approach it.

But despite all the warnings coming from the nature of this fire, Rei remained still.


"Houston." Rei suddenly replied.

'Kiritsuka! I'm glad you are back! What happened to you?!' Ray asked him.

Rei didn't answer him immediately and giving him a short pause, "...this fire, it's calling me."

'Huh? What kind of nonsense are you–'

"This fire is alive, and has been waiting...for me." Rei spoke.


Ray was confused and he could only watch as Rei reached out his left arm towards the glassware.


When Rei's hand came into contact with the barrier around it, the black fire within the glassware began to react.


The black fire began to spread and melt the glassware around it.

'What?!' Ray who saw this was surprised.

Now that the glassware was gone, the black fire suddenly moved towards Rei's direction.

Slowly...melting the barrier around it as well...


Then finally...the fire began to circle around his left arm.

'Such a strange feeling...' Rei mused when he felt the fire around his arm.

Despite the fire itself just melted the glassware and the barrier around it, when it came into contact with didn't hurt him at all, or even melting his armor.

As if...

"It's like…it's protecting me..." Rei spoke out as the fire began to crawl up towards his head.


The fire was absorbed into his left red eye, and a mark appeared on his forehead after that.


The flame-like mark on his forehead began to shine as a strong whirl of fire surrounded him.


[You finally acquired "Blessing from Fire Spirit King"]

Ray widened his eyes through his vision after seeing what the notice board was saying.


Then another board came out again...

[You have acquired skill "Hell Flame"]

'H-hell...Flame?' Ray stuttered out the name of the skill.

After that, the whirl of fire on the ground, and the mark on his head suddenly disappeared. It's like an initiation ritual. The fire was absorbed through his left eye, then finally it was complete.

"This is..." Rei, who had just finished absorbing that black fire, was about to assess himself but...


Multiple footsteps could be heard behind him.

Rei then looked at his surroundings the moment he realized he was surrounded by the Elf soldiers with Eindride standing behind them.

"As expected...someone as dangerous as you cannot be trusted." Eindride spoke while taking out his sword from his sheath.

"I can explain–"

"There's nothing that can be explained! I saw everything when you stole that fire!" Eindride yelled and pointed his sword at him.

"I don't have a choice but to capture you and bring you to the trial! Adventurer–Crimson!" Eindride shouted as he didn't give him time to speak.

And that was...the incident that Rei explained to the Elf Queen–Erna.


Finally, they were back in the throne room. Rei was kneeling with both of his hands cuffed with a light ring along with his neck. He was alone in there, with his team being confined within the designated room.

He explained of what happened even when Eindride cut his explanation.

Erna who sat on her throne listened to his story, had this complicated look on her face, "So you were saying...that [The Mysterious Flame] that was in the Forbidden Area, was absorbed by you? And when you try to explain...this dumb younger brother of mine captured you?"

"D-dumb?!–h-how could you call me that Erna!–" Eindride spoke while having to kneel beside Rei right now.

"Yes you are! Not only you didn't stop him after seeing him absorbing the fire, you also did not give him a chance to explain and captured him just like that!" Erna spoke while pointing at Rei

"Although..." Her eyes suddenly glance at Rei while she bit her bottom lips a bit, "...It does looks hot on him and it makes me want to put him in my room~"

"Oi–" Rei spoke after feeling her gaze towards him.

Erna coughed a bit, "A-ahem, but should be glad that I let you go for capturing the culprit here."

"Crimson...I know your nature is not someone who would steal but this is a serious matter, I did tell you to borrow some items from the armory, but it doesn't mean you are allowed to venture into [The Forbidden area]."

Rei looked at her, "Well the thing is, I don't know what kind of place is a forbidden area...and mostly, your Royal guard here didn't even tell me what it looks like or which way that I shouldn't go."

Everyone's gaze immediately went to Eindride and it makes him nervous.


Erna sighed, "[The Forbidden Area] is a place where we kept the thing that shouldn't be used by people, you could say a [Cursed Item] or [Demon Sword], that sort of thing that could lead destruction."

"Not only that...the Area itself was surrounded with a barrier so no one can go in except if they have the key" Erna explained.

"But what I don't understand is...from your story, your mind was elsewhere while venturing the shelves and ended up getting lost inside of that area....which makes me hard to believe." Erna explained.

'I can't say I was talking to him.' Rei thought of it.

"Another the thing that you absorbed."

"What about it."

Erna touched her chin for a moment, "I cannot say I entirely know what [The Mysterious Flame] is because it was kept in the Forbidden room...but what I know is that…that fire is not something that could be handled by you humans."

"And we don't even know there is someone who could touch that fire."

"But...I am telling the truth."

Erna looked at him and sighed, "I know...that is why I would like to introduce you to someone who knew that fire." Erna spoke while lifting her hand towards someone that approached the throne.

An old elf, with a staff wearing small round glasses on his face.

"This is an elder that has been here for generations to generations, we could say that he has lived for more than hundreds of years."

"His name is Elder Dane." Erna introduced him.

Dane bowed his head towards her, "Thank you for the introduction, My Queen."

"Elder Dane...could you tell us what is the thing within that Forbidden area?"

Dane straightened himself for a bit and cleared his throat, "Ahem...let me be honest, I don't even know myself."


Rei looked at him, 'He doesn't even know what it is?'

"I know you are confused, I had lived for a long time...together with my Queen Grandparents, but this will be the first time I cannot appraise the thing...that was called [the Mysterious Flame]."

'He cannot?'

"But what I know is that, this fire is something that shouldn't exist...the fire itself could not die down on its own and continue to lit up for eternity, it cannot be touched or being used by living beings." Dane explained.

Rei looked at him, "Then if this fire shouldn't exist...where did it come from?"

Dane rubbed on his own chin, "I shall tell you a story of a long time ago...where everything was peaceful in the forest until this weird phenomenon appeared without warning."

"The trees and the ground were burned down and covered with this black fire."

"From the witnesses' report...the fire appeared out of nowhere, it wasn't being used by someone or anything, it just appeared mysteriously one day."

"The black fire could burn down everything it touches and will not die down until the person or something that touched it...completely burned down into nothingness." Dane explained.

Rei gulped after hearing it.

"The past King and Queen who found this, knew that this thing is beyond evil and must not fall into anyone's hand."

"Which is why it was put in the forbidden area and surrounded with another separate high-level barrier that could resist the heat and anything that tries to steal it."

"Until there was someone who could absorb such a thing, which is you, human child." Dane spoke while pointing at Rei.

"And for the Royal Guard, which is also the Prince...let someone take the fire..." He sighed

Eindride scowled, "I said I'm not letting him! I was observing him!"

"You fool! observing him or not...[The Mysterious Flame] had already been stolen from the forbidden area! Do you not think this might cause the end of our race if it was stolen by an evil person?!" Dane shouted at him back.


Eindride looked down, grinding his teeth at all the humiliation he received.

Although Rei felt bad about him, but him not explaining these things was his fault from the beginning.

Then Elder Dane walked towards him, "Now could you tell do you feel right now?" Dane spoke while staring at him as if he was trying to interrogate him.

Rei blinked for a moment, "Ummmm...well, I feel fine?"

"Do you not feel anything weird? Like an unbearable burning sensation or something like that" Dane asked.

"....???" The others were confused when Elder Dane asked Rei like he is a patient

"Nothing in particular...but I do feel warm."

"Hmmm...this is pretty interesting." Dane mumbled.

"Elder Dane, may I ask...why are you asking this kind of question?" Erna interrupted them with a question.

"My Queen...I have good news and bad news." Dane spoke.

"Tell me the bad news."

"The bad news is...the fire within his body is completely being absorbed by him."

"Completely absorbed?"

"Yes, my Queen, it appears that the body of this young man accepted the fire itself and the fire itself accepted him as a new host." Dane explained.

Erna was confused at the accepting part, "How did you know such a thing?"

"Since I have seen someone trying to use this fire despite being contracted with High-class fire spirits...they end up dying from the fire itself."


"Yes it was horrible, the person exploded since the host couldn't handle the heat of the fire." Dane spoke.

Eindride who listened to him gulped.

"Then what's the bad news about it?" Eindride decided to ask since he couldn't follow from him explaining how the fire was getting absorbed.

"The bad news is...we have completely lost this sort of evil fire by someone, and not only that we don't know if this person is someone who would use the fire for good or not." Elder Dane explained. "No offense, human child."

Erna lifted her right arm, "You don't have to worry about it Elder Dane...I assured you that this person is not evil, I promise you in the name of the Great Tree and as the Queen."

Rei looked upon her as she gave him a wink, 'Heh.'

Elder Dane bowed his head, "I trust your words my Queen, since I know that you possess a gift of knowing someone's nature with just a glance."

" tell me about the good news."

Elder Dane suddenly smiled when he lifted his head, "The good news seems we have witnessed a miracle that has never happened for such a long time, this might even be the first one."

"What do you mean...explain."

Elder Dane suddenly stretched his arm at Rei, "We are now witnessing the first person who is blessed by [The Former Fire Spirit King]."


When Elder Dane spoke that name, everyone's eyes in the room, starting from the guards, the Queen, even the Royal Guard were directed towards Rei.

"Is this for real Elder Dane?! This has never happened before! How could he when the Fire Spirit King disappeared hundreds of years ago?!" Eindride spoke.

Elder Dane chuckled, "Hohoho, you know a lot of history but there's something that was kept hidden so only a select few knows about it."

"Someone who has lived longer than all of you, someone like me. I know better than anyone when it comes to identifying who received his blessing."

Rei looked at the Elder with shocked and confused look, 'But how...'

"Although I don't know what is the relationship between this Blessing and the Mysterious Flame but…what we are seeing now is a miracle!"

"A human who could withstand the Mysterious Flame and received the Blessing!"

"We could say that he's a human that was born with a Blessing and Disaster within him! Which is supposed to be impossible, but here we are!"

Elder Dane's voice became louder as he looked very excited about this whole thing

Erna felt nervous after hearing all of this. She looked at Rei who was dumbfounded after listening to this nonsense from this old Elf.

"Now human us what you could do!" Elder Dane spoke to him immediately.

Rei didn't know what he should do at this moment. He was confused about how he knew about the Blessing on him but now is the perfect time to prove to them that he could use this fire.

'This might be the let's hope it didn't explode.' Rei thought while remembering the exploding part of what the Elder spoke to him.

'Don't worry...I will help you.' Ray spoke, then suddenly...


A black fire began to appear around him, encircling his body.

"[Hell Flame]."


[Skill "Hell Flame" have been activated]


Everyone was shocked by the appearance of the black fire they heard from the stories.

The Guards quickly covered the Queen who stayed on her throne to see, while Eindride who was kneeling beside him quickly took a step back before he pulled out his sword.

Only Elder Dane who remained standing before him watched as Rei was enveloped with the black fire around him.

Erna widened her eyes when she saw something...

Rei, who was being covered by the fire, wasn't burned by the fire, instead the black fire crawled towards his hands and his neck where the ring of light was holding him.


The ring that cuffed his wrist and was worn on his neck cracked when the black fire was near







It shattered into pieces when the fire came into contact with the ring and released him from his confinement.

Elder Dane couldn't help but smile when he witnessed it...

This would be the first human who could use a fire that came from [Hell].


The whirl of fire began to encircle him as if it was performing a dance. Then the fire completely covered his whole body, merging with his armor that didn't melt from the heat that was released from the fire.

This scene will be the first in history that could even top the Hero and the Demon Lord's war history from a long time ago.

And just like the Elder had spoken, the scene was like an art...that is...






A [Blessing and Disaster] one body.

To be continue…