Chapter 97 : The Day of the Hunt (Part 1)

For everyone else that day was the day such a miracle happened for the first time. But for Rei, it was just like any other day of completing quests after quests.

Right now, he is escorted to the room where his team and the others were waiting. He's walking with the Queen–Erna, alone again.

'So the remnant was actually a fire called [Hell Flame].'


[Blessing of the Fire Spirit King]

A title that was obtained by receiving the blessing of the former [Fire Spirit King], who became the [God of Fire, Ifrit]. The owner will be able to control fire at will more easily, and increase Fire Damage by 50% along with extra skill that belonged to [Spirit] that used to be a [Demon]. Skill [Hell Flame]. STRENGTH +10, INTELLIGENCE +10.


'What is this...title, a skill that belonged to a Spirit that used to be a Demon?? Is it related to Ifrit?' Rei thought while checking on the title.


[Hell Flame]

Active Skill

MP cost: 0

HP cost: -10 HP/Use

Cooldown: 0 sec.

A flame that was created from the depths of Hell, there was once a [Demon] who held this power that could destroy any indestructible being. It will burn and destroy everything that touches it into nothingness.


'No MP and no cooldown?! Although it's using my HP which is not so great, I don't have to worry about my MP going down.' Rei mused

'But a great skill comes with a price, who knows that the greater the skill becomes the more price you have to pay.' Ray warned him.

'But at least...with this power, we can protect everyone around us.' Rei spoke.

'I wonder...' Ray replied, his voice sounded like he was worried about this new skill. From the name itself already giving him chills, he was especially affected by the fear coming from the black fire itself.

Rei was oblivious about his fear, he felt more relaxed about it for some reason.

But the matter in the real world is not finished yet, during his walk the Elf Queen–Erna stopped and turned around to look at him.

"It appears he wasn't joking, did you lie about the blessing being incomplete Crimson?" Erna asked him, since the last conversation they had she knew that he had his blessing but it wasn't perfect yet.

Rei shook his head, "You do know I cannot lie in front of you, in fact the Blessing is finally complete now, I don't know why."

"Hmmm, that's true...when I looked at you, it seems the blessing has become stronger and more intense than last night."

"But to think that fire in the forbidden area has such a horrible backstory on it, a fire that couldn't die down and also a symbol of destruction itself."

"I wonder what is the connection between the fire and that Blessing of yours." Erna spoke.

"If I knew, I would tell you."

"That is really reassuring, but this is still a serious matter, since the fact that you broke into the Forbidden Area and stole something in it hasn't changed." Erna spoke while folding her arms at him.

Rei rubbed the back of his helmet, "Hehehe..." while laughing awkwardly.

"Knowing the nature of your two souls, I believe you wouldn't abuse that power to do evil." Erna spoke while looking at him, he could tell from her facial expression that she's concerned.

"But...humans change, we don't know when it will happen but promise me this."

"You can use that power however you like, but only for good." Erna spoke to him.

Rei nodded, "I promise."

Erna smiled when she heard his response, then she suddenly leaned closer to him and...


…giving him a kiss on his forehead

Rei widened his eyes when he saw her doing that, then he took a step back a bit. "W-woah–"

Her kiss caused him to blush behind the helmet he's wearing

Erna giggled at his reaction.


"Consider that as your punishment and last reward~ since tomorrow is your big day~" Erna spoke in a teasing manner as she turned her body around.

Rei stared at her blankly, still with his red cheeks, 'Ughh...this is uncomfortable…somewhat, and I don't think that was a punishment.'

"Now then~ shall we see your friends~ they are waiting for you~" Erna spoke as she began to walk again.

"Okay okay." Rei calmed himself down and followed her from behind.

During the walk, Erna smiled secretly without Rei noticing it. 'Too bad I can't kiss him directly because of his helmet~'


Meanwhile, in the room.

After that incident, Rei made everyone, including Iris, feel anxious and nervous.

'Such bad timing...right after I made a connection with the Queen, what did Crimson do!' Iris chewed on her nail, thinking of how she's going to get herself out of this situation.

'And of all think he stole [The Mysterious Flame] that is in [Forbidden Area]!!' she panicked, 'An item that I couldn't get no matter what…from the description, it's a fire that would never die, a symbol of destruction that could burn everything down into nothingness.'

'A year after the game's release, no one ever managed to get this certain item because it was considered as dangerous by the NPC.'

'But since I am in the game now, I have no interest in getting that item because I have my own plan.'

'Which is to fight...[Jormugand].' Iris thought as she sighed.

Right before coming here, she already planned on going against [Jormugand] first and let the Adventurers that she hired to face and stall time with [Arachne].

'The reason is simple...because [Jormugand] is a Dark Element monster that can create miasma from its body.'

'Me...who has [Light Magic] is suitable to fight against those who have [Demonic Energy] and [Dark Element].'

' think something like this could happen..'

As she thought of that, a hologram board popped out immediately in front of her face.


[Quest : "Subjugate the Spider Queen"]

[The God of Wisdom, Athena], giving player "Yomi" a quest, which is to subjugate a monster called [The Spider Queen, Arachne]. It is known as a monster that was created by the Olympus, because of their own jealousy. If the subjugation is complete, Athena herself would give player "Yomi" a reward that befits her perfectly.


Target : [The Spider Queen, Arachne] [1/0]


● Skill : [??????]

● Title : [??????????]


'I know...that the Gods is the one who gave us titles and such, but to think they could create a Quest System like this...'

'And on top of that, I can get Skill and Title at the same time.' Iris thought while hovering her fingers above the hologram and touched it.

'[Arachne]...a monster that was created from the jealousy of the Olympus, and the one who cursed this monster to be born is [Athena] herself.'

Iris sighed, 'And she wants me to fight the monster that was made from her own jealousy.'

'How utterly foolish...' When Iris thought like that her eyes turned red as she suddenly let out her magical power, creating enough waves to make the others that inside the room immediately put their gaze on her.


Iris quickly calmed down when she realized she's letting out her magical power.

'Calm down...I need to think positively about this. I know how to defeat Arachne from the game at least and how...I just need to borrow a few items from the armory.'

'Since I got a reward from killing it, it will be my chance to become stronger.' Iris thought as she sighed once again.

Meanwhile, the others stiffened up because of the magical power that she released without warning, making them shudder.

"W-woah...I don't think there is an 8 year old girl who could release that much power." Fang whispered at in his group.

"D-do you think she's mad that Crimson-san stole something in the armory room?" Andrew replied while the girls in his group quickly nodded their heads.

"Well I wonder...our leader isn't that kind of person who would steal." Fang spoke with so much confidence.

"Fang-san." Andrew looked at him admiringly.

"....Probably." Then the moment was crushed when he said that while looking the other way.

"Fang-san!" Andrew took his admiration back when he did that.


The door of the room was opened.

Iris quickly stood up from her seat as she knew whose presence it was.

"Welcome back, My Queen." Iris welcomed her.

Erna entered the room with Rei who followed her from behind.

"Crimson!" His team quickly ran towards him with this worried look on their faces.

While his team approached him, Erna walked towards Iris' group as if she was letting them take their time with their leader.

"Is the problem solved?" Iris asked her immediately.

Erna smiled, "You sure are hasty~ but don't worry, the problem was solved."


"Although your companion here did something quite unbelievable." Erna spoke while touching her cheek with her hand.

"H-huh?? What is it?" Iris asked her as she had a bad feeling about this news.

"Well...the thing that was inside the Forbidden Area, instead of stealing it, he's more like…ummm~" Erna paused, which made Iris anxious.

"He absorbed it~"

Iris widened her eyes as jaw nearly dropped to the floor,


The scream of a little girl was resounding throughout the castle.


Fast forward to several hours later, all the preparations for their departure tomorrow were completed and now they rested in their respective rooms provided by the Queen.

In the middle of the night, Iris, who's wearing her white nightgown, couldn't sleep and decided to take a walk inside the garden castle. It's clear that she's having so many thoughts piling up.

'Tomorrow is the day...' She looked at the beautiful flowers of various colors under the moonlight anxiously. 'To think...Crimson is capable of such a thing...'

She was reminded of what Erna said to her earlier.

[It seems [The Mysterious Fire] within the Forbidden Area, have accepted Crimson as the new owner and most likely, he has the power to control it].

Those words continue to resound within her head.

"Is there someone capable to use that item in the game? be able to absorb it?"

Iris shook her head, "...ever since I hired him, surprises and abnormalities jumped me left and right, barely giving me time to process anything."

"From defeating one of the Six Underworld Kings, fighting with one of the legends, not only that but is also capable of using multiple weapons and using an item that no one ever obtained." Iris mumbled.

"Crimson...who are you?" Iris asked upon herself as she looked at the flowers in the garden.

"What about me?"

Iris flinched and quickly turned around to see the owner of the voice, just in time to see Rei approaching her.

"C-crimson! Since when were you–!" Iris flustered after noticing his presence.

"I just arrived." Rei replied as he continued walking towards her.

"W-wait, why are you here?!"

Rei looked at the garden around him as he walked, "Well I couldn't I took a stroll around the castle and found this garden with you in it and..." he glanced at her, "It seems we're the same."

Iris glanced away, "Y-yes...I couldn't sleep."

"Is it because of tomorrow?" Rei asked her.

"Of course...this will be my second big mission, and…facing a monster so powerful." Iris explained while looking at the flowers on her right side.

"Indeed...that is true, after hearing about how those monsters look, their abilities and everything...this might be a brand new experience for me." Rei replied as he looked in the same direction at her, to the flowers.

"Say, Crimson." Iris called him.

"Hm? What is it?" Rei replied to her.

"Do you feel...regrets after you decided to follow me?" Iris asked while looking straight at him.

"Hmmmm...about that, I think it's already past the time to take back my words." Rei jokes about it.

Iris widened her eyes, then giggled awkwardly seeing him trying to lighten the mood, "E-ehehe~ that is true..."

But her face became serious, "...but I want to hear you regret it?"

Rei paused and became silent for a moment, thinking about it before he answered her question.

"No...I didn't regret it."

Iris bit her bottom lip a bit after hearing his answer, "Are you...not scared of death?" Iris asked him again as their eyes met each other.


The cold breeze passed them by as her hair and the mane on his helmet was brushed by the wind.

Rei took another pause, then he answered her again "I would be lying if I told you that I'm not scared."

"Then...why did you still accept this impossible quest without regret?" Iris asked before adding, "After knowing such monsters exist."

Rei looked straight at her, "The reason doesn't matter, what I choose doesn't affect you entirely and...I know what I'm doing."

Iris looked back at him, "You don't know how much danger we are going to face tomorrow...the monster you're up against is something that shouldn't exist in this world." Iris spoke.

Rei reacted to those words, "You sound like you know more about these monsters than I do."

"You could say I have my way to find this kind of information."

"I see."

"Yes, and that is why I'm gonna tell you about my plan." Iris gripped on her hand as she resolved herself.

"What is it."

"I will face the [Arachne]." She answered.

"[Arachne]? Why is that? You should know by now that a Bug type of monster is weak against Fire."

"I know, but I have made my decision to fight them." Iris spoke while touching the flower beside her.

Rei couldn't understand her reason why she wanted to fight [Arachne], he who got [Hell Flame], the skill he got from [the Blessing of the Fire Spirit King], should make everything easier when dealing with that kind of monster.


'Somehow...fhe Gods don't give me an easy way if it was meant to be a trial for me...and her.' Rei thought as he looked at her.

'The moment that [Quest] showed up, it was decided...that Iris would fight with [Arachne] instead of [Jormungand].'

'Is this...our fate?' Rei looked at her when he asked himself.

And finally, he too, made the decision.


'I know, I don't have any choices here but we both are in this together.' Ray replied to his call.

Rei faced Iris, and he took a step forward.

"Huh?" Iris was surprised when he does that


Rei grabbed her hand that was touching the flower before and redirected her gaze to him.


"I have decided." Rei spoke.

Iris' face reddened, "D-decided what?!–"

"Since you have made your choice...then I will made mine."


"I will face...[Jormugand]...






Iris widened her eyes, "What?! Alone?! Are you insane?!"

"No, it's not. This is my decision."

"Yeah! A decision that led you to suicide!"

"No, this is the most suitable solution. After hearing what the Queen said before, we shouldn't bring a group of people to fight against it."

"It's going to make things worse when one of us falls from the miasma and it will burden the whole group." Rei explained

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you need to face it alone."

"I know…but I have to." Rei spoke to her, sounding more desperate at this moment.

"Why did you sound so…desperate.."

Rei bite his bottom lips when she asked him like that,






this is the only way to make myself strong, to prove myself."

"To prove what?" Iris asked him.

" prove that I can protect someone I care about." Rei spoke while looking into her eyes.

" care? Who–" Iris caught onto what he meant when his eyes did not left hers.

'M-me?' Iris asked herself whether it was her that he meant or not.

But Rei immediately turned around, "I will discuss this with my team...and have them protect the Kingdom while we're on the hunt."

"Instead of hunting, they will protect the Kingdom while we're fighting against those monsters. It's a perfect opportunity to increase the kingdom's strength and defense against what befalls them"


"So let's do our best...Iris." Rei spoke while glancing at her with a smile behind that helmet before leaving the garden and Iris who froze on her spot.

That night, something unusual happened to each of them. The way Rei acted was out of ordinary and he wasn't supposed to do it.

The moment Rei left the garden, behind that helmet of his, he was hiding his face...

…that reddened due to how embarrassing it was when he said such things to her, to a girl.

'Ughh...THAT was so cringe.' Rei groaned

Meanwhile Iris, who was left alone in the garden…


Her face heated up as her legs wobbled down after what he just did and said to her before leaving, "W-what just happened?"

The way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her and leaning towards her. "I-it was....amazingly cool."

A new feeling slowly rose between the two who still didn't know of each other's identity.


Morning came and so began the hunt of the day, which is to hunt the so called mythological monsters. This might be the new beginning of all the journey the two of them have had for the past two years.

Rei who is gonna face [Jormugand] alone, stood in front of the gate castle with some new seperate accessories and no changes on his equipment.

Around his neck was a necklace with blue gem and round golden modeling.


[Aegis Necklace]

Grade: Epic

Type: Accessories



Durability: 100%

A necklace that was once the shield of [The God of Wisdom, Athena], that could protect the user from harm. It will create a barrier that could protect the user from physical, magic and mental attack at the same time, including [Dark Magic]


[Aegis Shield]

Active Skill

MP Cost : 50 MP

Cooldown : 180 sec.

Maintaining the skill: -5 MP/1 sec.

Using the power of [Athena], it will protect the user by creating a barrier around the user that could protect them from anything.


'So this is a magic item.' Rei thought while wearing it under his armor.

'It has an amazing effect and to think it could increase both my Vitality and Intelligence with that number.' Rei thought of it.

'Yeah, but take a look on another accessories you have.' Ray suggested as Rei looked upon the other accesories he wore, a bracelet that have green gem embedded on it.


[Bracelet of Prayers (Replica)]

Grade: Epic

Type: Accessories


Durability: 100%

A replica of the [Bracelet of Prayers]. It has the same effect from the original bracelet that was blessed by [The Goddess of Light, Theia] herself, it have the power to purify any kind of [Dark Energy] and [Debuff] that came to the user with the power of light. But because it's a replica, the effect is reduced.


[Holy Prayers]

Active Skill

MP Cost : 100 MP

Cooldown : 360 sec.

A skill that allows the user to let out the power of light that could purify every [Debuff] that was caught by the user and everything around it within 1 m radius.


'To think they have a magic item that was once held by the past [Saintess], even though it's a replica it's still amazing.' Ray explained after Rei appraised it.

'Indeed, but to have two of them is quite insane.' Rei thought while his gaze went towards the other team who's going to fight [Arachne].

Iris was wearing a set of light armor on her body and shoulder, a rapier that was once he forged for her and a pair of accesories, the same bracelet as he wore right now.

Then Rei used his appraisal on the armor that she wore as his eyes glinted for a moment.



[Armor of Radiant (Replica)]

Grade: Epic

Type: Armor


Durability: 100%

A replica of the [Armor of Radiant]. It has the same effect from the original armor that was blessed by [The Goddess of Light, Theia] herself for [the Hero], it have the power to increase [Light Magic] of the user to defeat their enemy. But because it's a replica, the effect is reduced.


[Holy Body]

Active Skill

MP Cost : 200 MP

Duration : 300 sec.

Cooldown : 600 sec.

By using the armor that was blessed by [The Goddess of Light, Theia], it will temporarily increase the user's [Light Magic] by 20% and INTELLIGENT by +50.


' think she has two replicas from the item used by [the Hero] and [the Saintess].'

'She looks as if she was a hero that descended into this world to fight evil.' Rei praised while staring at her.

Iris then walked to stand beside him along with her group.

Her group consisted of Harson and Silvi who wore different types of items that have [Poison Resistant] on them. Including a bag that was carried by Harson.

'What are they planning with that?' Rei thought while looking at it. Shortly after that, they were approached by the Queen–Erna and her Royal Guard–Eindride.

Along with the Adventurers team that was left behind to protect the Kingdom.

"I assume you are ready."

Rei and Iris looked upon her and answered in unison,"Yes."

Erna looked at the two, especially towards Rei as she sighed, "I can't believe you offered to fight against that monster alone and letting your team protect the Kingdom, you are quite insane from how calm you are being right now."

"It is for their sake, since if they caught the miasma, who knows what will happen and they have come to a decision." Rei spoke while looking at his team who stood behind her.

Fang and Andrew waved their hands as they knew what he thought.

"It seems they trusted you a lot." Erna spoke.

"Well they are the people I have been working with ever since I came here, even though we only have been together for a few months, I was the one who taught them to be strong." Rei explained.

"Hmmm, that is true...they don't seem like any other ordinary Adventurers I have ever seen but going to fight that monster alone is reckless."

"I am fine–"

"That is why I proposed to give you some help." Erna suddenly cut off his words, then as soon as she spoke those words, Eindride took a step forward.


"Yes, I shall lend you the Royal Guard as an exchange."

"W-wha–are you sure?!" Rei replied to her in surprise.

"Yes, we talked about it together last night, I knew you're going to pull an insane strategy like this after I have read your soul once~"


"No buts~ make sure you get along with him Crimson~" Erna spoke.

Eindride and Rei glared at each other with a distasteful look.

'Ughh...why does it have to be him.' Rei grumbled.

'This is her order...I cannot disobey her.' Eindride grumbled well.

For once in their life time...






The two are thinking the same thing...





'Don't get in my way.'

At that moment, Erna didn't regret her decision while standing behind them with a smile.

'I hope these two can get along together~'

But in reality the two of them are glaring to each other....

To be continue…