Chapter 98 : The Day of the Hunt (Part 2)

Today is the start of their mission to subjugate the two threats to the elf kingdom.

Harson and Silvi followed Iris to Arachne's location at the Eastern side of the forest.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Rei is now stuck with this man—The Royal Guard and the Prince of the Elf Kingdom, Eindride who obviously didn't like being assigned to fight against the monster alongside him.

'...I already have a plan to defeat this monster, but now that this guy shows up, I need to change it.'

Rei thought as they walked inside the forest towards the West, with Eindride guiding in front of him.




NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade], [The Warrior Might], [The Monster Slayer], [Blessing of the Fire Spirit King] !!NEW!!

Level: 65

[HP: 15150/15150]

[MP: 1845/1845]


EXP: 300/70500



STRENGTH : 231 (+10)(+20)

AGILITY : 155(+5)(+45)

VITALITY : 160(+170)

INTELLIGENCE : 155(+15)(+100)

SENSE : 140(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv8; Swordsmanship Mastery Lv6; Battle Instinct Lv7; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv4; Aura Lv6; Cooking Mastery Lv4; Knitting Mastery Lv4; Alchemy Mastery Lv3; Pain Resistance Lv5; Spearmanship Mastery Lv4; Archer Artillery Mastery Lv2; Shieldmanship Mastery Lv2 !!NEW!!

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv6

Horizontal Slash LvMax

Vertical Slash LvMax

Omni Slash LvMax

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Imitation Fire Sword Lv6

Shukuchi Lv8

Weapon Breaker Lv4

Intimidate Lv7

Sprint Lv6

Focused Block Lv6

Spear Arts: One Strike Lv8

Spear Arts: Gungnir Lv4

War Cry Lv5

Artillery Strike Lv4

Weapon Fuse Lv3

Shield Bash Lv1

Shield Rush Lv1

Shield Art : Reflection Lv1

Hell Flame Lv1 !!NEW!!


'Such an insane think my status is this high.'

'Indeed...although there's still many skills that you haven't used.' Ray spoke.

'Then this time, we can use those skills to acquire it.' Rei replied.

During the time when Rei talked with Ray, Eindride glanced over his shoulder while still walking, recalling a memory from the previous night.


Eindride was summoned by the Elf Queen–Erna to have private talk in her room before the day of the hunt.

"What?! You want me to fight along with him?!" Eindride shouted in shock when Erna requested him.

"Yes, since you had faced that monster once, you should be able to help him defeat it." Erna spoke while sitting on her bed.

"But...why? I have a duty to protect this Kingdom and you, why must I bother to help that dangerous human."

"The reason is quite simple, because you both are similar~"

"M-me? Similar? Him? must be joking."

"I am not joking~ you do know I have this special skill that allows me to see the nature of people's souls. I spoke nothing but the truth."

Eindride sighed, "What makes you say that..."

"Because you both are trying your best~ to protect what's dear to you."

Eindride looked at her, "Protect? Him?"

"Who else am i talking about. He is the same as you...desperate to fight something that should be impossible to defeat, just to protect something that's dear to him." Erna explained.

Eindride knitted his brows and looked down, "... that's hard to believe."

"Yes but the more you know him, the more you will understand~ that is why I gave you a mission to fight along with Crimson against that monster that threatened our Kingdom and the World Tree."

"This is not an order...but a request from your sister who wanted to protect her Kingdom and her family...can you do it...Ein." Erna spoke as her face became serious.

Eindride knew the moment she spoke like that, nothing can be changed no matter what he's gonna say.

Then Eindride kneeled in front of her and bowed his head, "You are the Queen of the Elf Kingdom, Viorgrand and I am the Royal Guard of the Queen herself."

"So, whatever your orders are, I will obey you my sister." Eindride replied with sincerity as he looked up at her.

Erna widened her eyes seeing him acting like this then slowly, she leaned closer to him and gave him a hug.

"I can't believe...the little brother that used to call me Nee-chan...has grown up like this~" Erna spoke.

Eindride's face turned red when she teased him like that, "A-ahem...let's not talk about the past now."

"Ara~ aren't you a shy boy~" Erna smiled, but she dropped it on the next second, " must be careful, Ein."

"Of course I will...I will definitely exact revenge to that serpent–"

she shook her head, "No, not the serpent."

"Huh?? Then?–"

"It's about...Crimson."


After that, Eindride shook his head.

'Be careful of him?' Eindride asked himself while glancing at Rei who followed him from behind.

'What does that mean...' Eindride thought as he suddenly stopped his movement.

"Stop." he spoke as Rei obeyed him and stopped walking as well


Rei could hear a loud snore that resounded all around the forest.

Eindride quickly jumped up to stand on the tree branch, Rei followed him to jump as well to see what he's up to.


They saw something...

Rei widened his eyes, "What the hell..."

in the distance they could see dried up land...surrounded with dead plants and trees without leaves in their branches.

And in the middle of it, something was asleep.

Something big...a creature, its body was covered in white scales, it has a horn on top of its muzzle and the size of it...

It was as big as the wall around the Elf Kingdom that Rei saw before.

'If that thing attacked the Kingdom...I am sure that this Kingdom will fall if we do not prevent this.'

'So...this is...[Jormungand].'

Finally, the name of [The Serpent that swallowed the World] was revealed.

[The World Serpent, Jormugand], a name came out right above this monster head in red color.

The monster that was supposed to be from the myth from his old world, is now sleeping there soundly.

"Eindride...that's your name right?" Rei asked him all of a sudden.

"What is it?" Eindride answered him coldly.

"Have you faced this monster before?" Rei asked.

Eindride didn't even look at his face as he answered him "Yes, [we] did."

The way he said [we], it made him realize that there's something, a grudge between him and that monster.

"I see...does it usually sleep like this." Rei asked him.

"Yeah, my Queen had said it before, right? This monster is the most dangerous one and at the same time...very docile."

"The reason is that, this monster doesn't attack right when they saw us....instead this monster just continued to sleep."


" if it doesn't want to fight us."

"Then how did you and your comrade fight that thing? How did it start?" Rei asked.

" first we thought we had a chance to win when it was asleep but then..."

Eindride's face become grim when he was about to continue it, "The monster annihilate us in matter of second."

"It was foolish...for not measuring that monster's strength." Eindride admitted.

Rei looked at him.

'That is indeed shouldn't poke a tiger while it is asleep, there's even a warning like that.' Ray talked in his mind.

'But what will be the best approach? I mean attacking while that monster is asleep is the best way to defeat it right?' Rei spoke.

'Of course, but you should observe the monster closely, even without the Queen mentioning it I can tell how hard that scales were.' Ray explained.

'As a [Blacksmith] this is a given, you need to look closely and observe the material you are going to handle whether it's still alive or not.' Ray explained.

'And the good approach use something that is capable to penetrate that scale.' Ray answered.

'And that is...' Rei asked.

Then Ray continued...

Afterward, Rei went back to reality, "Eindride...will you follow what I said."

Eindride suddenly confused, "What do you mean...all of sudden."

Rei then grabbed something from his [Inventory] then pulled out a black looking sword from thin air.

'[Spatial Magic]? And...a black sword?'


[The Golden Fang Sword]

Grade: Epic

Type: Sword


Durability: 100%

A sword that was created by fusing two kinds of sword that contained dark energy coming from an unknown beast that roamed the night and the tooth of an [Earth Dragon] that was harder than any kind of steel. The blacksmith who created this fused the energy into one new energy that is able to contain the power of darkness and earth.



Passive Skill

Due to its dark energy, it could apply [Corrosion] status towards everything it touches, including the wielders' enemies.

[Earth Wave]

Active Skill

MP Cost : 200

Cooldown : 3 min.

The power from an [Earth Dragon] that can create a wave of earth that crushed everything on its way.

[Corrosive Land]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 500

Cooldown : 10 min.

Maintaining the skill: -50 MP/1 sec.

Alongside the two powers from an unknown beast and earth dragon that was fused together, it creates a field that can apply [Corrosion] status on enemies. Allies can gain the [Corrosive] skill on their weapon temporarily (as long the field is still on)


'Never thought I would be using this...and...'

Then Rei pulled another thing again.


It was a bow.

'A bow?' Eindride widened his eyes after seeing something unexpected happen.

'What is he doing with that.'

Rei then grabbed something again and pulled a bag filled with arrows in it then he hung the bag on his back.

It confused Eindride

'He pulled out such a scary looking sword...but now he's pulling out a bow?? I thought he's a Swordsman...or is it just for intimidation?'

'But no matter how intimidating his sword is, it won't work on that.'

"Take your weapon and get ready" Rei spoke to him.


"I will tell you my plan now..."

Eindride gulped as he told his plan



Meanwhile at the East side of the forest, Iris and her team were looking at something odd happening in the forest.

The trees, plants and the ground itself were covered with spider's web

'No matter how many times I am looking at this place...compared to the game, it's much scarier than I thought.' Iris thought while looking at how dark the forest was.

"Ojou-sama, forgive me, may I ask what kind of plan you have for this monster?" Harson asked.

"I do have a plan but first, stop your movement." Iris spoke and Harson immediately stopped walking and straightened himself up


"Look down, you almost stepped on the web there."

"M-my apologies."

"That's fine, but be careful...the web here acted like a sensor for these monsters." Iris explained.

"A sensor Ojou-sama? All of this?" Silvi asked her while walking past Harson.

"Correct, the children and [The Spider Queen, Arachne] herself, are based on Spiders, just like that insect, they could sense their prey when one was caught by their web."

"The difference are the web itself send vibration to these monsters who are waiting for its next prey." Iris explained.

Silvi and Harson were amazed with how well she explained it.

" did you know, Ojou-sama?" Harson asked.

"Yeah, it felt like you have fought this monster a long time ago." Silvi spoke.

Iris froze at their questions, "W-well you could say that I saw the future me is fighting with this thing."

"I see! So that's how you came up with the plan to defeat this monster! As expected Ojou-sama!" Silvi praised her.

"H-hmm~" Iris looked away with an awkward smile on her face

'I cannot say that I fought with them in the game a lot.'

'But just like in the game...this place is covered with their web, very annoying.'

'Not only you can be stuck within it, it also attracts the children of that monster, just like what I explained to them.' Iris spoke while looking at the web around them.

'But won't bring all the children here even if I stuck my hands on the web.' Iris approached the web on her left side which was stuck on the bushes and observed it.

'What we need is to attract all of the children and clear them in one fell swoop, which would lure Arachne to us.'

'That is why...I am making a different method than what's in the game since the Elf Kingdom provided these babies~' Iris thought as she approached Harson.

"Harson, Silvi, it's time to prepare the stuff~" Iris spoke with her mischievous smile.

Harson and Silvi looked at each other before they began to do what she told them to. They rummaged through stuff inside of the bag that Harson brought.



They began to set up the thing one by one by Iris' order on each spot that she needed them to be.


At the same time, when Iris was preparing for her stuff, Rei created his plan as well with Eindride.

While they were both standing on the branches of the trees right above sleeping Jormungand

Eindride shook his head in disbelief, "Seriously, what a crazy plan you have there...I think it's crazier than my plan when I first faced that monster."

"Then I hope you could help me with this." Rei told him.

"I know, since I am the only one who could [use] it." Eindride turned around.

"Don't die." he warned him and left the spot to go elsewhere.

"Now then, let's start with this crazy idea of mine."

Rei took a deep breath and slowly breathed it out, "Fuuuu...."

suddenly, he stabbed the black sword on the branches before grabbing his bow.

"[Beast Will]."




"[Power Muscle]."








"[Blacksmith Will]."




"...finally, [Corrosive Land]."

Rei casted all the buff he had at this moment.



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

Level: 65

[HP: 19150/19150]

[MP: 1845/1845]


EXP: 300/70500



STRENGTH : 231 (+10)(+20)(+121)

AGILITY : 155(+5)(+45)(+126)

VITALITY : 160(+170)(+67)

INTELLIGENCE : 155(+15)(+100)(+31)

SENSE : 140(+5)(+28)


"This might hurt a little, but I cannot say it will injure you." Rei mumbled and prepared his bow and arrow.

After all the buff had been casted as well as preparing his bow, Jormungand began to wake up due to the sudden presence around him.


The Serpent opened its eyes and slowly lifted its head,its gaze fell to Rei who is now focusing his aura on the arrow


A rumbling sound was heard when the Serpent moved its body. Rei of course noticed that the monster was awake and yet to make a move.

'Yes, I know you are observing me right? That's right...keep observing me until you're satisfied...'


Rei pulled his string for his arrow that was already filled with his aura and then...

He aimed the arrow towards Jormungand, amd their eyes met each other.



Harson and Silvi were already done preparing the stuff she mentioned, then getting their weapons ready while Iris held onto the string that was stuck around a circle on her spot.

'What is Ojou-sama doing?' Harson was nervous, not looking back at all and only fixed his eyes at his surroundings.

Silvi did the same as him, 'Ojou-sama...we believe in you.'

Meanwhile, Iris wrapped the web string around her wrist.

'This might be the most craziest idea that I ever made...and a suicidal one.'

'This web string could only feel vibrations from the person who touched or moved it but if you apply a mana on your body, it won't cause the vibration.'

'But at the same time, as a Magic Swordsman myself and a Mage, i could use this string to locate the children by pouring my mana and senses into it.' Iris thought while her magic aura slowly surrounded her hand and crawled into the string.


Her magic, no–her mana ran through the web strings and spread to all over the forest around them.

Iris' eyes were closed as she could sense the presence of Arachne's children from where she was standing

' seems they are still asleep, but some of them were awake and observing us from a far.' Iris' eyes could see the silhouettes of some spiders that crawled around the forest.

'Hmmmm...250, no–289 I guess.' Iris counted their number.

'Quite a lot compared to the game, the number was halved since I encountered it before it hatched more children.'

'But today will be the day she lost all her children by me~' Iris thought with a smirk as her eyes changed into red.

'Now the question is, if the web itself could attract some of the children with just a small movement...'

'How do you attract all of them at once?'

Iris slowly moved her hand that was wrapped with the web strings.

'It's simple, since the web string could be used by a Mage or someone with mana to sense the number of the monsters.'

'And mana in itself could attract monsters if it's being exposed to them.'

'What if you combine them all at once.' Iris thought while putting the hand on her chest.

'[Mana Heart] is just like its name, a heart that contains mana...'


With the beat of her heart, vibrations were sent through the web strings.



The children began to sense it and all of them opened their eyes.

'And a web string that was brought close to the heart can attract the children more than our movement.'

'Because they sense a living being with mana, which makes it more delicious for them to prey on.'



After that, the ground began to shake and Harson and Silvi could sense multiple presences just showed up around them now.

All of them were crawling towards them, attracted by Iris who used her [Mana Heart] to beat loudly and it made them crawl quickly at her.

'And that's how you attract 289 Arachne's children~'

The two in different locations had finally attracted the monster's attention to them.

Rei who's currently aiming his arrow suddenly changed his aim upwards




He released the arrow filled with his aura up to the sky.


Jormungand of course changed its gaze on the arrow instead.

The arrow that was shot up to the sky, slowly fell down towards the serpent.


It confused the monster as it still watched the arrow going down.

At the same time, again...

On the other side, the Arachne's children slowly getting near Iris' location.

"O-ojou-sama...this is dangerous! We should–"

"Not yet~" Iris cut off Harson's warning while raising her hand.

"Silvi~ give me the thing~" Iris spoke to her, then Silvi walked slowly to give her something.

A remote with one red button on it.

"Ojou-sama." Silvi called with her concerned look.

"I know~ but believe in me~" Iris replied.


The rumbling sound from their steps could be heard getting closer.

Then Iris stood upfront and looked ahead of her.

Then after that, the two of them smirked.

The arrow was approaching closer and closer to Jormungand...





While the Arachne's Children began to show up from the trees around them...





In that moment...

Their eyes glinted within the shadows.

"Bang." / "Bang~"

Rei and Iris spoke at the same time in different tones.

After that...



The sound of the battle, finally began.

To be continue...