Chapter 114 : Victory & Celebration

Finally, the fight was over. The soldiers and the Adventurers team began to clean up the remaining monsters in the Kingdom as they waited for the arrival of the heroes who fought against the natural disasters that threatened their kingdom.

Rei and Eindride continued to walk as Rei slowly lost his strength. After he fought against Jormungand, he switched with Ray as the skill duration was over when he killed one of the invaders down.

'Ughhh...even though I already drank a potion and used [Holy Prayers] using this item.'


[Bracelet of Prayers (Replica)]

Grade: Epic

Type: Accessories


Durability: 100%

A replica of the [Orb of Faith]. It has the same effect from the original bracelet that was blessed by [The Goddess of Light, Theia] herself, it has the power to purify any kind of [Dark Energy] and [Debuff] that came to the user with the power of light. But because it's a replica, the effect is reduced.


[Holy Prayers]

Active Skill

MP Cost : 100 MP

Cooldown : 360 sec.

A skill that allows the user to let out the power of light that could purify every [Debuff] that was caught by the user and everything around it within 1 m radius.




'The injury still remains and the skill doesn't do much while my body becomes heavier, and it seems that even though I switched with Houston, the pain caused by the [Hell Flame] wouldn't disappear.' Rei thought while enduring the pain throughout his burnt right arm.

"Oi! We're about to arrive! Are you with me!" Eindride called him out while he was still walking and carrying this man on his shoulder.

"Stop head hurts."

"If you could still say that, it seems you are fine." He spoke, but Eindride could tell that his breathing was getting heavier and heavier by each step they took.

'Damn it...he's about to hit his limit, we need an emergency medic! Don't you dare die on me after all this!' Eindride gritted his teeth as he tried his best to carry him up.


But he stumbled on a rock which made both of them about to fall forwards, 'Damn it!!'


Before they could face-planted to the ground, someone grabbed them

"What a terrible wound! Are you alright!" It was Iris' personal guard–Harson who helped them as he held onto Rei with his other arm.

Then followed by Silvi the maid and their master, Iris came forward.

"What happened?!" Silvi asked as she quickly tended to his hand.


When she was about to touch it, the burnt arm was still too hot to touch.

"Ugh–what's with the heat!"

Iris then stared at them as she glanced a bit toward her arm. 'Such terrible burnt wound...if I remember, this man is Crimson and the elf beside him is Eindride right?'

"Eindride was it? what happened?" Iris began to ask calmly.

Eindride looked at her and bit his lips, "Crimson was fighting against the Dragon alone, as he used his all and even used that flame to defeat him."

"That flame? What flame?"

"Did you not remember? The Black Flame that is within the Forbidden Area within our treasury."

'The Black Flame? Is this the Flame that was kept within the Elf Kingdom? Does that mean this man could be able to touch and use it?'

"Ugh–!!!" Then Rei screamed in pain as his legs weakened and fell to his knees on the ground.

"Dammit! We must quickly take him to the Kingdom now!" Eindride shouted at them.

But Iris took a step forward to look at his injury, then her eyes met with him.

". . . ."

The two stared at each other, Iris somehow felt something familiar within him.

'No, I must focus...' She then looked at the bracelet she has on her left wrist which is the same bracelet that Rei use.

"No...this item isn't effective." Rei spoke to her while still enduring the pain, while his head rang with so many notifications from his [Pain Resistance] skill to resist the pain.

"Hmmmm...of course it won't work, since this item can purify [almost] everything, which mean it is limited if the user is not a [Cleric] type of job."


"Correct, since this item was originally for someone who has a [Cleric] type of job."

"Because it requires a prayer of someone who follows [The Goddess of Light, Theia] or someone who has her blessing and uses light magic so it can perform [Holy Prayers] to the fullest." Iris explained.

"I never knew about that!" Eindride spoke.

"Of course, since this item is a replica which belongs to all descendants of [Saint] and [Hero], that is why there's two pairs of bracelets here." Iris explained while showing her wrist where she had the same bracelet.

'I thought it was a copy of the think this item has that kind of backstory.' Rei thought while staring at the bracelet in his left wrist.

'Indeed...I never knew about that until now.' Ray decided to talk in his mind.

'Houston? You aren't resting?'

'Yeah...I can't, since the pain hasn't subsided yet and it seems the injuries could even hurt my soul.'

'How terrifying...' Rei gritted his teeth a bit, feeling bad that he was at fault that Ray was in that state.

'Don't feel bad, it's just the price to defeat that monster.'

'....yeah.' Rei sighed.

"Now then, lay his body down so I can perform [Holy Prayers] now."

"What??! You can do that?!" Eindride was shocked to hear that, "But I thought you're a [Swordsman]!"

"It's [Magic Swordsman] more exactly."

"[Magic Swordsman]?? Wait, then how can you heal him! When you said that only a [Cleric] and someone who has [Light Magic] blessed by the Goddess of Light are the ones that could heal him!"

"Well~ I am the latter~" Iris smiled at him then she lifted her left hand and a small bright light came out from her palm.

Eindride widened his eyes along with Rei who saw it, especially Ray who saw her through Rei's eyes.

'It can't be...that's....'

[Light Magic].


The light slowly dissipated and smiled, "Now do you believe me?~"

"U-uhh...then I won't ask anymore, please help him." Eindride sincerely asked her with a serious look on his face while Rei found it weird that the man who used to hate him is now asking someone to treat his injury.

"I already planned to help him without you asking me~" Iris spoke while slowly sitting down on the ground with Rei's body that had been laid on the ground as well.

Then Iris slowly touched his arm while enveloping her hand with her mana that turned into white. She lifted his hand that was covered with burn injuries, vein-like filled with magma that could be seen upon closer inspection.

'What horrible injuries...I cannot imagine what kind of pain he is suffering right now, but one thing for sure is that...he could fall unconscious and die from it.'

'Yet, stay awake with sheer will alone.' Iris thought while observing his injuries.

'Now then...let's begin.' She slowly lifted her right hand, "[Holy Light]." Suddenly a bright light appeared on her right palm.

'Condense it and make it smaller.' She thought as the light slowly got dimmer and turned into one small ball of light.

Afterward, she directed the light towards the bracelet on her left wrist.


And it started.


[Item "Bracelet of Prayers (Replica)" Starts to react with the user "Light Magic"]

[Beginning the process, there will be a change from the item!]

[Will you proceed?]


Iris looked at the notice that appeared before her eyes while the bracelet began to be enveloped with white light.

"[Yes]." As she answered.


[Item "Bracelet of Prayers (Replica)" began to change!]

[Skill "Holy Prayers" have been overwritten!]

[Skill "Holy Prayers (Incomplete)" has been created!]

Soon the light from the bracelet glowed even brighter.

[Skill "Holy Prayers (Incomplete) has been overwritten!]


The bracelet began to crack...


and shattered...


Finally, the bracelet that used to have a silver color turned into a bright golden color.

[Skill "Holy Prayer (Complete)" has been created!]

Iris smiled when she saw the notification appear as the bracelet changed into one that it should be.

Everyone who stood there saw it and couldn't believe what they just saw.

[It was like a miracle]

They all thought the same.


But then her celebration was interrupted by a new notification.

[The current item is a (Replica) of the real item, the skill "Holy Prayers (Complete)" have been changed due to the penalty]

'As expected...' Iris thought and expected this would happen.


[Holy Prayers (Complete)]

Active Skill

MP Cost : 500 MP

Cooldown : 360 sec.

A skill that allows the user to let out the power of light that could purify all kinds of [Debuff] including powerful [Curse] or any [Demonic Energy], that was caught by the user and everything around it within 1 m radius. However, it can only be used once and after it is used, the durability will go down to 0 and the item will break.

[Used skill: 1]


'Well it's better than having the effect reduced.' Iris thought.

"I'm gonna start now." Iris spoke while looking at Rei.

Rei nodded, "I'll leave this to you." and showed his full trust to her.

Then Iris smiled, 'To think I would see such eyes that trusted me again...has it really been so long?'

'And...why does he look familiar?' Iris wondered but shook her head since her memories have been jumbled after returning into this world.

As their eyes met each other, Rei felt his conscience begin to fade, 'Is it me?...or did her eye colors...change.'

After that, he fell unconscious.

Then she began to use the skill, "[Holy Prayer]." When she used it, her hand was enveloped with light and her surroundings were also caught in it.

The sight was beautiful and enough to make them feel light's warmth.

Eindride could feel it along with Silvi and Harson who saw it.

Then a dome of light surrounded them all as if it was protecting them, and it finally began.

The miracle that would happen before their eyes.

Rei's right arm, covered with burnt injuries that turned into scorched black with lava veins.

The black part began to crack like an egg, and began to disintegrate, leaving his arm.


Iris added healing to treat his injuries at the same time, as his normal skin began to show up when the black part had slowly disappeared as if the wound was never there.

It was like a miracle, not even Eindride who lived longer than any of them here ever saw such a thing unfold before their eyes.

As the treatment is nearing its end…


The bracelet began to crack.


And shattered into dust.

Rei's breathing had begun to steady as he was sleeping there peacefully after a long fierce fight and enduring the pain he had received.

Iris sighed, 'Fuuu...I guess it went well.' Then her eyes went to look at the condition of his arm.

'Hmmm...for a warrior, he had a slim arm despite having this much muscle.' Iris observed it and she began to feel curious about this man who slept on the ground.

Then her hand began to reach towards her helmet, trying to take it off.

"What are you doing?" Eindride asked her as he immediately noticed her reaching her hand at Rei.

Iris then smiled at his response, "Nothing, I just want him to feel at ease with his helmet there something wrong with it?"

"No, but I assume he had a reason to hide his face from all of we better respect his wishes for that." Eindride spoke coldly at her, which seemed to trigger her servants to begin to act.


Silvi and Harson immediately grabbed the hilt of their swords, until Iris lifted her hand.

"Don't." Iris ordered them with such a cold look on her face.

They immediately backed away.

After that, her expression change into a smile, "Indeed, it seems it was pretty rude of me~"

Eindride found it creepy to see her expression just changed like that, 'How can a child change expressions so quickly like that...' Eindride thought while slowly carrying Rei by his shoulder.

Iris stood up and turned her back to them, 'To think I am so curious about someone who I don't know...but when I hold his hand.' her cheeks reddened a bit.

'Why do I feel the nostalgic warmth…from long ago.'

Leaving her question hanging heavy in the air, but they continued to walk towards their last destination.

The Elf Kingdom, Viorgrand.

When the gate was opened, they were greeted with a lot of loud cheers from the people who's excited to see the heroes who fought two monsters that threatened their Kingdom and the state of their forest.

The roads were crowded by the elves who survived during the attack.

They could see who was the one waiting for them to come back.

The Elf Queen herself, Erna, had been waiting and stood there with a smile long with their comrades waiting beside her.

"Welcome back, Heroes of Viorgrand, I cannot thank you enough." Erna thanked them with such joy and bowed her head a bit to show her gratitude for them.

'If I remember...she is..' Iris then bowed her head to respond with gratitude, "You don't have to thank us, my Queen, since I already stated that I will help your Kingdom in the name of the alliance."

When they looked into their eyes, Erna noticed something. " seems we have something to talk about in private." Erna spoke as she deliberately directed her words towards Iris alone.

Iris seemed to notice but she didn't waver and only smiled, "Yes, it seems we have."

Then the Adventurers team began to rush towards them as they quickly surrounded Rei who was sleeping on Eindride's shoulders.

"Is Crimson okay?!" Fang asked first since he was pretty worried to see their leader in this state.

Eindride sighed and closed his eyes, "He is fine, right now he is just sleeping to conserve his strength...we already took the necessary measures to heal his injuries but his stamina ran out after enduring the pain for so long."

Eindride explained as they put on grim looks on their expression.

"I see." Fang responded while clenching his hands.

"You don't have to worry, Crimson knows the situation be proud, since he cannot stop praising how good of a teammate all of you are." Eindride spoke while he walked past them.

It hits them right in their heart, especially Fang and Andrew who had been trained by him for 6 months.

To think they could achieve such a feat, they bowed to Rei who was unconscious.

"Thank you very much!!" Showing their gratitude and not feeling shameful to be seen by the crowd like that.

Eindride could only smile as he carried this man, 'You have such a good comrade...Crimson.'

After that, they all come back together to the castle in one piece.


At night, in the Royal Castle along with the whole city that had been rebuilt.

They began their feast.

The kingdom is filled with beautiful lights, singing and laughter, as if the attack never happened in the first place.

It didn't take that long, but the Kingdom had already rebuilt most of the parts that had been destroyed due to the invasion.

The citizens became very lively as they celebrated their victory against the monsters and the invaders together.

Some of them gathered in the Center Plaza, where they all prayed for the people who had lost their lives due to the battle.

Of course this is all the situation from the outside of the Royal Castle.

Meanwhile, in the Ball of the Royal Castle. They had already begun their celebration as well.


With the Elf Queen–Erna leading the celebration, they clinked their glass.

Fang was having a drink together with his team, along with Andrew who's always surrounded with his girls having to fight over which one was going to feed him.

Eindride was busy telling the story of his fight with their leader, Rei who fought against Jormungand.

Especially Lena and Kagura, they are more excited to hear the story of their leader than the party itself while Erna also joined in to listen.

Silvi and Harson could be seen having a drink together with Albert who is quite enjoying himself with the food and drink.

All that's left was the stars of the party...

At the Castle's Garden, Rei was found standing there while looking at the night sky alone.

"To think we could kill a Dragon..." Rei mumbled, his right arm was covered with bandages and hung over his shoulder.

He was still wearing his armor, despite after that fierce battle.

'Indeed, it feels like a dream to me.' Ray mumbled.

"It has been two years, yet somehow it feels longer than that."

'Well the time within the dream domain and the world are different, so that's probably it' Ray explained.

'Yeah, maybe..." Rei replied to his words.

"Oh right, we haven't checked the title we're given! I wonder what title they will give this time?"

"Since I got 3 rewards for Skill, then that means I got another 3 titles!" Rei spoke very excitedly alone.

"What kind of title did you mean?" A girl's voice came out all of sudden.

"Of course! Title for my achievements quest!" Rei was still in the midst of celebrating, but then he realized it wasn't Ray who he spoke to.

"Huh—?" Rei immediately turned his back around.

"Hello~" And found Iris approaching with a smile towards him.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" Rei asked, immediately feeling nervous.

"No–rather! H-how long have you been listening!"

"Hmmm~ well I couldn't catch all of that, the only thing I hear is the [Title] you mentioned~ it's not like I have a bunny ear~" Iris explained as she finally stood right in front of him.

"Ahahaha..." Rei laughed awkwardly.

"So?~ What kind of title did you mention?~" Iris seemed to be curious as to what he meant as she leaned her face closer to his.

Rei immediately stepped back and flustered due to her getting closer, "N-nothing..."

"Ara~ you do know I am the client here right? Hiding something from me is not good."

"Uhhhh..." Rei couldn't help but avoid eye contact from her and gulped.

'To think there will be a change in the past because of what that girl did.' Iris thought while smiling.

'I don't know if there's someone so strong like him in the past, did he die a misfortune death?'

'But now...since I am in charge of this body, I should take some countermeasures for the upcoming future.'

'I shouldn't let my guard down, just because I defeated demons twice.'

'...this body is relatively weak, despite having strong mana.'

'But I have plenty of time to hire strong people and strengthen my magic.'

'And with the system that helps me.' Iris glances her eyes to her side to see the status that has been finalized.



NAME: Iris May Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]; [The Tyrant Queen]

[Level: 58 => 80]

[HP: 10840/10840]

[MP: 2890/2890]


EXP: 0/100250



STRENGTH : 166(+15)




SENSE : 128(+15)


Magic Mastery Lv6; Sword Mastery Lv7; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv7, Light Magic Lv6; Magic Eyes Lv6; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette LvMax; Knitting Lv7; Cooking Lv6

Status Appraisal Lv6

Foresight Lv6

Restraint Lv7

Intimidate Lv7

Shadow Movement Lv7

Shadow Blade Lv8

Heal Lv7

Holy Light Lv5

Sword Dance Lv7

Vital Strike Lv8

Omni-Slash Lv8

Dark Pulse Lv6

Silent Field Lv2

Holy Wall Lv6

Take Over LvMax [Unlocked]

Enchant : Strength Lv3

Enchant : Shield Lv3

Enchant : Speed Lv3

Divine Art : 13th Pillars Lv3

Divine Art : Nemesis Lv1 !!NEW!!


'To think I would level up 22 times, surely a big change~ though I haven't opened the Quest that she got from the Demon God, I wonder what it will be?' Iris thought.

At the same time, Rei was staring at her quietly.

'Is she…deep in her thoughts?' Rei thought as silence fell in between them.

'Nevermind that...I never thought I'd level up quite a lot after defeating that Dragon.' Rei looked away as well to see the status that had been displayed beside him.



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade], [The Warrior Might], [The Monster Slayer], [Blessing of the Fire Spirit King] !!NEW!!

[Level: 65 = 89]

[HP: 11090/11090]

[MP: 2090/2090]


EXP: 300/70500



STRENGTH : 255 (+10)

AGILITY : 179(+5)



SENSE : 164(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv8; Swordsmanship Mastery Lv8; Battle Instinct Lv7; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv6; Aura Lv6; Cooking Mastery Lv5; Knitting Mastery Lv4; Alchemy Mastery Lv4; Pain Resistance Lv8; Spearmanship Mastery Lv5; Archer Artillery Mastery Lv3; Shieldmanship Mastery Lv4; Dual Wield Lv1 !!NEW!!

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv6

Horizontal Slash LvMax

Vertical Slash LvMax

Omni Slash LvMax

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Imitation Fire Sword Lv6

Shukuchi Lv8

Weapon Breaker Lv4

Intimidate Lv7

Sprint Lv6

Focused Block Lv6

Spear Arts: One Strike Lv8

Spear Arts: Gungnir Lv5

War Cry Lv6

Archery Artillery Arts: Artillery Strike Lv5

Archery Artillery Arts: Cracker Lv2 !!NEW!!

Weapon Fuse Lv3

Shield Bash Lv1

Shield Rush Lv1

Shield Art : Reflection Lv1

Hell Flame Lv2 !!NEW!!

Magic Sword : Kagutsuchi no Ken Lv1 !!NEW!!

Sword Arts: Sky Decapitation Lv1 !!NEW!!

Shield Arts: Grand Cross Lv1 !!NEW!!

■■■■■■■ Lv■■ !!NEW!!


'I think I need to raise my Intelligence since most of the skills now require an MP.' Rei thought.

Then the two of them sighed, 'Well I still have something to do to prevent the worst scenario.'

They thought the same as their eyes met once again.

"Hmm?" They blinked their eyes, and chuckled when they saw each other's reaction.

"Should we go back? Iris." Rei offered.

"No honorifics? Aren't you quite bold~"

"Well, weren't you the one who wanted me to call you that."

Iris' cheeks reddened, "A-ah d-did I?" Iris tried to remember it since she still hasn't gotten used to the new memory from the other soul.

"Heh, how odd. Somehow when I talk to you's as if you have been switched by someone." Rei joked, completely unaware that what he said was the truth.

Of course it made Iris nervous, 'he…is quite observant.'

"Y-you think so?" Iris stuttered a bit as she replied.

'Well her eye color is changing, maybe she has something going on with her.' Rei noticed, "Though I won't pry about it too much, consider it my way to repay you." Rei spoke.

Iris found it surprising that he didn't push her to reveal her identity, and that made her smile.

"I see."

Rei then looked up to the night sky along with Iris. They're still unaware of the identity that they hid from each other but one thing's for sure…

…is that they managed to survive that fight together and continued to live under the night sky together.











At the same time...

Time continued to tick, to start a new path...

That would start with tragedy...

To be continued…