Chapter 115 : Spirit King (Part 1)

A sigh could be heard within the chamber inside the garden.

"Aahhh~ to think the stars of the party would end up running away and having fun together in my Garden~"

The one who sighed and spoke was the Elf Queen–Erna Liv Viorgrand.

"Indeed, I thought it was another think they would do lovey-dovey things while others are having a hard time," Eindride spoke while having a seat by her side.

"Am I right~? Iris-san~ Crimson-san~" Then Erna directed her words towards the two culprits across their table.

Rei and Iris who sat there were avoiding eye contact with them.



"We're sorry." They spoke at the same time.

Erna and Eindride chuckled when they apologized.

"Nevermind that, I'm not mad with the two of you since you both are the savior of our Kingdom~" Erna smiled at them.

"I shall thank you once again to both of you to manage to deal with those monsters on your own." Erna bowed her head towards them, followed by Eindride.

"N-no you don't have to bow your head!" Rei spoke while Iris keep her calm.

Erna giggled, " can do, especially you Crimson, you who fought against a monster that evolved into a divine being."

"Such as a dragon~ I cannot thank you enough for that~" Erna spoke while directing her eyes towards him, followed by Iris.

"It was nothing...I was just doing my best and I think it's just my luck that kept me alive." Rei replied to her words.

Erna widened her eyes and she began to laugh, "Hahaha!~ To think you would act just like what your comrades said about you!~"


Eindride sighed, as Erna continued to laugh.

'What's going on?' Rei asked himself, even Ray sighed as well.

"To think you are this humble despite defeating such a monster on your own, probably in this whole world, you are the first human who wouldn't boast about their achievements! as expected the leader they respected."

"Uhhh...yes?" Rei becomes more confused than ever.

"Did you forget? A divine being, which is a being that closer to a God, which made them impossible to beat."

"You would die the moment you fought against them, but you confronted it and defeated it on your own!"

"Do you honestly think that's just pure luck? Even surviving against them is considered as victory, but to defeat them? You are probably the only one, second only to the Hero who managed to save the world!" Erna explained.

Rei just realized what she meant, even Ray had to nod and agreed to her words along with Eindride and Iris.

'That is true...even though I have the power of Light Magic and Dark Magic on my side, I don't think I am capable of defeating a Dragon by myself.' Iris thought.

"B-but Eindride helped me, so I'm not alone in that fight."

Eindride raised his hand, "No, I admit...the one who contributed the most in the fight was you, managed to cut down a Dragon that I couldn't even scratch." Eindride shook his head in disagreement.

Rei looked at him weirdly, 'Since when did he become this nice.'

Erna clapped her hands, "Now do you understand? What you did is the craziest yet...

it's the most fearless and the bravest thing that a human could ever do and they're not even the Hero of the past."

"Considering Iris who fought against a monster that evolved into a Demon, your contribution is much more than that." Erna spoke with smile.

"But how does that make sense?"

"Of course it makes sense, if we compared the two of them it is visible as day and night."

"A single Demon can destroy a whole city, but a Dragon? They could destroy the entire Kingdom in one night." Erna explained.

Erna sighed seeing how clueless Rei looked right now, but that made her smile seeing how he didn't get so cocky or say proud things to lift himself up.

"So do you still not get it? You saved millions of lives, and you saved me."

"Saved you?"

"Yes, without your instruction to leave your teammates here, I would probably have lost my life to those, I don't know what will they do when they caught me."

'Oh right...there were intruders who invaded the Kingdom.' Rei thought.

"I heard from your teammates and Iris-san's brother...those people were looking for me." Erna explained.

"They were?" Rei widened his eyes to this shocking news, but Iris remained calm.

'I she has already made a move.' Iris thought.

"I don't know why...but it seems she wanted something from me."

"Is it possible they are aiming for those eyes of yours?" Iris spoke.

"My eyes?" Erna asked.

Rei looked at Iris, 'She knew?'

"I mean your eyes are what makes you the Elf Queen, it is the power to discern the truth from someone by simply gazing at their soul." Iris explained.

"Although depending on the person who uses it...I could probably guess what that bitc—I mean that woman was thinking." Iris explained.

'Did she just about to call someone a bitch?' The people inside this room thought the same.

"Wait–who are you talking about?" Rei asked her, even Eindride thought the same as he was confused about where this talk was leading to.

"I assume you don't know who's the culprit of this incident, knowing Iris-san didn't talk about it to you." Erna spoke.

"This incident? Do you mean the two monsters that we just defeated or the people who invaded this Kingdom?"

"Both of them."

"Huh?? So then this person is the one who pulls the strings?" Rei was confused about this conversation.

'I thought it was that damned Demon God's fault.' Rei thought.

"Yes...she was the one who created those two monsters from the beginning and also the one who ordered those people to attack the Kingdom." Iris explained.

"Who is be capable of doing such things?"

"She is one of the [Six Underworld Kings], [The Femme Fatale, Minerva]."

'[Femme Fatale, Minerva]?' Rei repeated her words in his mind.

Even Ray was surprised to hear that name, 'To think that one of the [Six Underworld Kings] would have their influence this far.'

'I know you told me that she was a Shadow Queen that control in the underworld, but I still don't know about her? Do you know her?'

'[Femme Fatale, Minerva], I did mention you before, but she is quite the mysterious one among the Six, despite having a name and infamous for her deeds....'

' one knows her.'

'No...rather, when someone knows about her, they all end up dead.' Ray added.


'Unlike the [King of Bandits, Banzana], she doesn't display her ability with force.'

'But with what?'

'Of course...with her intelligence and deceiving skill.' Ray remarked.

'Just like her name, she is a vicious woman who seduces and kills men with her charming skill, she even created an organization that solely followed her like she was the Goddess for them.'

'I see.' Rei listened to him carefully.

'And I also heard...'


'She even killed some guys by cracking their nuts.' Ray explained as it made them both shiver at the thoughts.

' does that mean all the people who met her all died because of her charming skill and this organization she made?' Rei asked.

'Well that's only a rumor, so I was not sure when I heard that she is involved with this case, especially that [Blood Rose] contained a lot of monsters if what is Iris speak is true.' Ray replied.

'And what's more...she was also the one who created those monsters and that's the part that made me confuse.' Ray became serious about this part.

'That is true...but what I am curious about is, what kind of relationship is between her and Iris?' Rei remembered when Iris suddenly was about to cuss out Minerva.

'I don't know...even though I knew her in the past, I don't know much about her, her relationship with others, or anything she hates, she pretty much never talks about it and so I respected her wishes by not asking any questions.'


'But the past is in the past...right now we must focus on the current situation and listen to what she is going to say.' Ray spoke.

Rei nodded, 'Understood.'

Then they got back to reality to continue their conversation.

Erna and Eindride who heard it have this complex looks on their face,

"I did hear from the reports of your friends that these people came from an organization called [Blood Rose], and I heard it is organization that was created by this Minerva herself." Erna explained.

"It seems what you said is true, that [Femme Fatale] is the one responsible for this madness." Erna spoke.

"But what I still don't get is how those monsters were created or more like, how they could even slip into this forest that has been protected by the spirits." Erna questioned.

"I have the answer for that, no…more like I found it by coincidence." Iris spoke calmly about it.

"Oh?? what did you find?"

"I found an Underground Facility within the East side of the forest."

"East side?? You mean there's something like that under the forest without us knowing it?!" Erna was shocked to find that out.

"Well, I just found it during my fight against Arachne, and it seems that monster made a nest within that facility." Iris replied.

Erna and Eindride seemed to look even more serious now.

"Did you find anything about the facility?"

"Well, I can only conclude that the facility has been long abandoned and been made a nest by that monster, though I also concluded that the monster is responsible for the facility being gone in the first place."

"Then the people there..."

"Yepp, being eaten down to their bones." Iris calmly explained.

"How is this possible, to think we don't know the existence of the facility there, this is a National problem that must not be leaked outside." Erna spoke.

"Hmmmm...the only thing I can think of is that someone from your side let someone in and created that facility behind your back." Iris replied.

"Our side? you mean..."

"There's a traitor among us?!"


Eindride immediately banged his fist against the table, "Do not speak such rude things little girl! Us Elves are proud people! We are not humans who would do such a dirty thing!" Eindride shouted.

Iris just calmly glanced her eyes at him, "That is the only conclusion I had for now, you can think whatever you want, but Elves and us Humans are still people who have emotions and desires."

"It's common sense and nothing we could change about that." Iris replied.

Eindride gritted his teeth, "Then how is that someone able to avoid my sister's vision!"

Erna thought the same.

Iris closed her eyes for a moment, "Even if you ask me, I wouldn't know the answer."

"But I already can guess that person already died long ago, being eaten by those monsters or they are lucky and able to escape and hide within millions of others who live in this Kingdom." Iris concluded.

"That's the only answer I can give you." Iris ended her explanation and that gave them more pressure that weighted on their minds.

Even Rei could tell from a glance.

"Then...what happen to that facility you mention?" Eindride asked her.

"Hmm? I left it untouched of course~ although some parts got destroyed from my battle with Arachne, so don't hope too much to get any leads." Iris explained.

Erna sighed, "I see, but thank you for the information, it seems we need to increase our defense even more because of these events and investigated that facility right away."

"But since we had lost many talented people during the expedition fighting against those monsters."

"It will be hard to increase our defense right now."

Iris then glanced at her, "may I suggest hiring an Adventurer or creating a Guild in this Kingdom?"

Erna blinked her eyes, "Is that possible?"

"I can ask His Highness the King for his permission if I want to~ and besides he would probably ask for what I want as a reward~" Iris explained it nonchalantly.

'If I remembered correctly from her memories!' Iris thought.

Erna and Eindride blinked their eyes to hear such an unbelievable suggestion.

"Well I must think about that later on, since we must first finish the alliance oath between our Kingdom and yours." Erna sighed as she rested her back on her seat.

"Indeed, that is true~" Iris nodded.

"Speaking of which, what is your plan after this sir Crimson?" Erna called.

Rei blinked his eyes, 'Sir?' As he was confused for her to call him with such honorifics.

"What do you mean?"

"I am asking what you are gonna do now~ since you had finished your quest with this young lady~"

Rei then went quiet all of sudden, having a sudden deep thought. 'Indeed, my job is over since I was told to be her bodyguard, and accepted another quest which is subjugating the monster that endangered the Kingdom.'

'I have acquired what I need, the only thing I need now is...'


[Quest : "True Flame"]

The God of Fire–Ifrit, giving player "Rei" another quest, to gain [True Flame]. It is said that this flame is the hottest and the purest kind of flame.


Skill : Blacksmith Flame LvMax [1/0]

Title : Blessing of the Fire Spirit King [1/1]

Item : The Fire Essence of The Fire Dragon King [1/0]


● Unique Skill : [True Flame]

● Title : [The One Who Become Fire Itself]


'It's only a matter of time to level up [Blacksmith Flame] but… [The Fire Essence of The Fire Dragon King], is it an item?...I don't even know how to get this nor how to find it.' Rei wondered.

Rei looked at them, "I do have a plan after this..."

"Ohh? What kind of plan do you have?~ I am quite curious~" Erna spoke with a flirty tone like she used to do as if she tried to entice him with her seduction.

Of course, Eindride noticed that and even Iris.

But somehow, the current Iris who didn't have any relation with Rei right now…

Felt something.

'Hm? Why do I suddenly...feel irritated?' A familiar feeling that she had long gone, came back within her.

Her eyes shifted at Rei who hid his face with his helmet all the time. Of course, she's curious about his identity.

Rei suddenly felt a weird gaze coming from Iris' direction, but he couldn't say anything for some reason.

'Uhhh...why do I feel pressured now.' Rei couldn't even shift his eyes towards her gaze as if the body won't allow him.

Of course the siblings saw it and they were smirking to each other, "Ohhh~"

Erna, who knew the real age of Rei's body, could only think of this as a cute young love between them, though she knew that Iris wouldn't know.

Erna giggled, "Fufufu~ well I was thinking of hiring you here as one of the Royal Knights."

"...?!" It was a shocking thing to hear for all of them, but then what's more surprising was...

…their answers.

"My Queen."


"Please do not make a joke like that." Eindride and Rei rejected it immediately while staring at her blankly.

"Ehh??" Erna blinked her eyes in confusion when she got rejected not only from Rei but also from her brother.

"Like I told you, I have some plans to do after this, since my journey isn't over yet." Rei spoke while folding his arms.

"I see, then that's too bad~" Erna just shrugged her shoulders, "But that doesn't mean I'm giving up, if the Human Kingdom doesn't satisfy you I will always welcome you here, the Saviour Knight of our Kingdom~" Erna spoke with a sincere smile towards him.

Of course Rei smiled as well behind his helmet, "I'll think about it."

"Oh! Also! I have something to tell you~"

"Hmm? What is it?" Rei asked.

"[The Fire Spirit King, Salamander] wanted to meet you~" Erna spoke.



Then they proceed to make their way to the place that no one had ever set foot in other than the Royalty themselves.

[The Great World Tree, Yggdrasill].

Rei and Iris both arrived under such a massive tree that soared high to the sky that was enough to cover it whole while they stood right above the massive roots that spread around the forest.

But it wasn't dark at all, instead there were glittering lights raining down like snow that brightened up the whole area.

Rei widened his eyes after seeing it, along with Iris who was also her first time to come upon this place even though she had her past memories.


"It's...beautiful~" The two of them commented while Erna and Eindride stood right in front of them, leading the way to the tree.

"The two of you come~" Erna spoke while she began to walk with Eindride on her side.

Rei and Iris decided to follow them both as they approached the tree closer.

Rei suddenly sensed something around him, 'Hmm? Something...was flying?' Rei thought while he looked around, seeing the glittering lights slowly approaching him and Iris.

'This is...' When he looked closer, a small creature could be seen within the light.

A small human with pointy ears and small wings like a butterfly.

'This is...a [Fairy]?' Rei was fascinated to see them but they soon flew away when Rei and Iris were even closer to the tree.

"Here we are~" Erna spoke to them as she stopped walking while extending her hand as if presenting something to them.

"Hmm? Here?" Rei couldn't see anything, only the massive tree in front of him.

He's confused since he thought there was something else.

"Come on in~"

'In??' Rei blinked but he approached her, standing near the tree.

And then...


Eindride pushed him from behind.


"Good luck~" Erna spoke with a smile.

"Y-you trickster—!!" Rei shouted as he disappeared into thin air when he came into contact with the tree.

"Ein-kun~ make sure you guarded this place until he came back."

"As you wish, my Queen." Eindride bowed his head, then Erna approached Iris.

"As for you..." But her approach seemed to be more serious as she grabbed Iris' shoulder, "We need to talk."

Her tone was much more serious and cold, and that made Iris widened her eyes as she already knew this was gonna happen.

"Understood." She spoke calmly and followed Erna, leaving the tree together.



Rei found himself standing in some blank white space, no rather than standing...


He's more like flying in the air.

"That damned elf! To think he would push me like that!!" Rei spoke angrily.

'Calm down, we need to deal with this first.' Ray came out and talked to him.

"Uhhh...true, where are we?" Rei asked as he looked around.

He couldn't see anything but white blank space, although it's much different than what he experienced.

"It's warm." Rei commented.

"Of course it is, thou art in the Spirit World now."

'[Spirit World]? wait–who are..."

When Rei turned around, his complexion began to turn pale as his body stunned while a massive shadow casted upon him and something big appeared in front of him.

A gigantic lizard as big as the mountain, just like Jormungand that he fought before but this one much bigger than that. The body was overflowed with magma-like veins along with the fire that scattered around its back.

"Did thou hast forgotten where did thou come from?" The large lizard spoke to him in such an old-fashioned way.

Of course, Rei was about to grab onto his inventory but...

[Access Denied] appeared in front of his eyes.

"This place is mine domain, thou shalt not be allowed to wield weapons within here." The lizard spoke.

"I shall introduce myself, my name is [Salamander] the current Fire Spirit King who is also formerly known as [The Beast Spirit]."

"Nice to meet thou, mortals from another world." Salamander introduced himself while knowing his real identity.


Far away from the Kingdom, a person stood on a branch of a tree, watching to see the kingdom alight with such joy, holding a festival to celebrate their victory.

"Following them was the right choice~ it is shame that they end up dying in a such pitiful way."

"But I never thought I could see such a fight from up close."

The man spoke, while grinning with his sharp teeth could be seen in the dark.

"Kekeke~ how amusing, to think that he could defeat a Dragon! I am curious to fight you...[The Wrath Knight, Crimson]."

Then the male disappeared within the darkness, as his laugh resounded within the forest.

To be continued…