Chapter 155 : Sol Ignis (Part 1)

In the sky above the Northern Region…there were two ancient beings fighting over the fate of this ice land.

[The Ancient Evil Dragon, Fafnir (Muramasa)].


[The Ancient Red Dragon, Ignia].


The two clashed for the first time but the one that Ignia fought...

Was just a mindless dragon's body that fought like a doll.

And the real one…


Was the armored winged warrior who flew straight towards her defenseless back.



Ignia, who noticed his presence, immediately shrunk her body and flew upwards to dodge the approaching strike coming from Muramasa with his katana.


Ignia flipped her body in mid-air, but before she could counter him back…

The mindless dragon's body was in front of her with its mouth open.


And firing its breath towards Ignia.


It was a direct hit.

The smoke from the explosion blinded her vision for a moment, but Ignia remained unharmed even after receiving it.


But a katana approached her from above her head through the smoke.

Ignia moved her body aside to dodge the katana, when the smoke dispersed for a moment


Ignia threw a punch towards Muramasa's face.


But Muramasa managed to block it with his left arm, yet his body was pushed back and created a distance between them.

Ignia felt something on her fist, and she looked at it for a moment.

'This feeling...that doesn't even have a body.' Ignia observed.

"Is that all you can do? Ignia." Muramasa spoke while aiming his katana at her.

But Ignia simply replied with a big smile, "Hah! What a cocky brat, you sure haven't learned your lesson to never underestimate people."

"Then, how about I show you...whether I am strong enough to corner you." Muramasa lifted his katana.

But with that distance, he wouldn't be able to reach her.



Muramasa swung his katana down and then...

'[Meikyou Shisui].'


Something was approaching her.

Ignia felt the danger and immediately moved her body aside, then her long hair was suddenly cut by a hair's breadth.

'What was that?—'


Then Muramasa swung his katana again horizontally.

Ignia dodged it by redirecting her body downwards.

'...I felt something dangerous from that weapon.'

'Something's different...if I get hit by it.'


'It would be fatal for me.' Ignia thought while dodging from another swing of Muramasa's katana.

But then, she realized something.

'Wait—where did his dragon's bod—'


That dragon's body that she thought disappeared from her sight, then reappeared behind her before swinging its fist towards her.


Ignia managed to block it with her right hand, but at the same time.

Muramasa appeared behind her the moment she turned her back towards him.


Then she turned her body to lift her left arm before Muramasa swung his katana towards her.


Ignia widened her eyes.

She saw blood coming out of her hand.

His katana sliced through her skin, though it wasn't enough to cut her arm, he managed to injure the mighty body of the King of Dragons.

Ignia gritted her teeth, "You…dare!" then opened her mouth.

Releasing her fiery breath towards Muramasa.


Muramasa managed to dodge it and at the same time, the dragon's body swung another fist towards her.

At that moment.


His fist was blocked again.

"I shall praise you....unmanned dragon's body, a soulless body that using that katana as catalyst to be your source." Ignia guessed it all.

"Am I right?"

Muramasa looked towards her, "Heh, that is correct."

Ignia laughed, "Hah, it seems you have learned few tricks during these past centuries."


"Then I shall respond to you, with my true ability."

And suddenly her body was clad in into giant fire ball.

The heat that she released was enough to make the clouds gathered underneath her and size of her fire it was like the sun itself.

Until...the fire gathered it all and focused on her right hand that blocked his fist again.

"Come forth..."

The fire slowly turned into something.


After the fire dispersed, a long golden [Halberd] appeared in her hand.

"[The Holy Sun Halberd, Valhalla]."

The golden halberd, have a dragon's head design at the middle between of the blades. It looks like a dragon's that swallow half of the sun which represents its name.

Muramasa who saw that were surprised, "....!?"


"This is what you want right? Show me...that power of yours, Muramasa." Ignia spoke then lifted the halberd.

"Be burned by the sun."

The dragon's eyes on the axe immediate shone and releasing a fiery light like the sun.


Then swung her halberd around her, spinning it together with her body and the light twirling around her.

As if she was dancing in the sky with her red hair that twirled like a blazing flare.



She lifted up her halberd again.

"[Dragon Arts: Scorching Sun]."

Then swung it down.


And releasing a powerful all-direction fiery wave raining down towards Muramasa and his dragon's body.


Even Muramasa with that sturdy body, couldn't dodge that in time and got hit directly including his dragon's body.

With the smoke around him, she couldn't tell whether she managed to injure him or not.

But surprisingly,

The one who got hit was not Muramasa, but his dragon's body that was caught by it.

It didn't cause massive damage, but several parts of his dark scale were scorched.

But despite that, Muramasa had disappeared from her sight.

"Seriously, hiding like a is very unusual of you."

Ignia immediately knew what was happening and lifted her halberd up to her back.


Which anticipated Muramasa's katana strike from behind.

"Am I right? Muramasa." Ignia turned her head around to look at Muramasa.

"That was definitely dangerous for me...if I was a bit late, my body would be destroyed completely." Muramasa spoke.

"Well, since your body is made out of mana and will be easier to burn it all without any traces right?~" Ignia replied.

"And it seems like this is your last katana that you forged." Then her eyes fixated towards his katana.

"I have seen most of your works but this is the first time I seen one." Ignia spoke, "And of all the katanas that that you tried on me before..."

"This is the only one that managed to injure me and..."

Ignia spoke while her left arm that got injured from his katana remained the same, it kept bleeding.

"....slowing my regeneration." Ignia glared.



Ignia pushed Muramasa away with her halberd and Muramasa took a few distances away from her.

Then something unexpected happened.

Her blood that dripping down through her injuries from her left arm…


Began to move in mid-air and suddenly moved towards Muramasa's katana.


And absorbing those blood.

Then his katana glowed red, as if reacting towards the blood that it just absorbed.

"Yes, you are right...of all the katanas that I have forged and seen by you, this might be the first time and the last time you will be seeing this." Muramasa spoke.

"This is my masterpiece that I created in solely for you...Ignia, in case you might get into my way." Muramasa replied.

"And the name is..."

"[The Eight-Eyes Snake Katana, Kurotsuchi]."

Muramasa muttered its name. Upon closer inspection, the katana had eight eyes that looked like a snake throughout the blade.

"[Kurotsuchi], in my homeland is called as [Black Soil], this name was inspired by the form of my hatred to this land and to this world."

"Towards the evil that have soiled this land with their own blood which turned the soil into dark color."

"And that is where the power of this katana came from..."

"So, everytime when this blade absorbed its opponent blood, the blade will turned darker and darker."

"As it goes darker, it becomes enough to cut through anything."

"While decreasing one's strength and vitality as it continues to absorb their blood." Muramasa explained.

"Just like every weapon, they have their own purpose."

"To protect, to destroy, to support, and mostly to kill, just as you taught me...Ignia." Muramasa spoke.

"Heh, you sure know that very well...but what is it that you want to tell me?" Ignia replied.

"Like I said, every weapons have their own purpose and use, for example...your Halberd there." Muramasa pointing it out

"It was made by your own horn and claws and your scale....I can feel what is your goal to forge that halberd."

"And that is solely for destruction, like the sun heat that annihilated everything that went pass through it."

"Am I right?" Muramasa guessed it even without having to touch her weapon.

"You sure have a keen eyes, it seems you haven't rusted." Ignia replied, "So? What does make you say that?" Then she aimed her halberd at him.

"Of course, to tell you...that my weapon have different purpose than yours." Muramasa spoke.

"And that is...?"

"And that kill and only to kill." Muramasa spoke as he aimed his katana towards her.

"To kill human, to kill werebeast, to kill elf, to kill dwarf, to kill dragon, kill the world." Muramasa spoke with such intensity from each words he said.

Ignia listened to his explanation and remained calm because she knows the source of his madness, but somehow something irked her.

"It seems there's more to it than that." Ignia spoke.

"Ohh? What make you said that?" Muramasa replied.

"I have seen many blade that have the same purpose as yours, but there's no blade could cut through my scale, not even adamantite, the strongest metal in this world." Ignia stated.

"So...what did you do?" Ignia asked him while glaring at him.

'And the only thing that could have injured me are his flame and...someone with the same race as me.' Ignia thought of it.

'Unless...' Then Ignia noticed something as she immediately looked at Muramasa who somehow noticed what she was thinking.

"Did you?!"

"Yes....unless, this katana was made with the part of an ancient dragon." Muramasa continued what she was going to say.

"Yes, I think the same as yours."

"To forge this katana, I used my own body part."

"But unlike you who only use the old part that have been removed."

"I used with my own fresh flesh, my scale, my fang, my claws, my horn and...even my own blood." Muramasa spoke.

"You madman..." Ignia spoke.

"Well the sacrifice are worth than you think, and I achieved the strongest blade that could kill someone as me...and someone as you." Muramasa replied with ease.

"That is why I have been silent for more than centuries."

"Bathed this weapon with my blood for that long and it finally done, isn't it beautiful?~" Muramasa lifted his katana while flaunting his weapon in front of her.

Ignia could tell how dangerous it is, but the price of what he did was not someone can do it without resolve such like that.

'How much low have you become like this...Muramasa." Ignia thought of him, until he went back to aim his katana at her.

"But...I bet this guy is getting bored of my blood, so I am glad to be able to meet you again."

"Since it can taste blood other than me."

Suddenly, Ignia shudder for a moment.

"Oh, there's one more thing."

His katana began to leak off a murderous aura as if that thing alive.

"I think, after it tastes your blood, it seems it has now begun to crave for your blood more." Muramasa spoke.

"You are think you would forge a cursed weapon to this level..." Ignia muttered.

"The insane is the world for pushing people like us to the edge after we saved it." Muramasa replied to her words.

"Although, I am thankful for you...Ignia, for accompanying with us and having you as my comrade." Muramasa then get into his stance.

"Which is why!!"

After that, he disappeared from her sight.


And reappeared right in front of her.

"Offer me your strength once again, Ignia!! After your death!!" Muramasa laughed in madness and drew his katana at Ignia.


Then Ignia responded by swinging her halberd at him.


The two clashed their weapons once more and began to move in mid-air, soaring through the sky.

After that, they began exchanging strikes.

Ignia started with swinging her halberd from above to downwards.


Then Muramasa reacted by swinging his katana at her halberd.


Their weapons clashed once more, then with high speed.

Ignia pulled her halberd and spun it around her body as she swung and thrust her weapon.


The shaft of the halberd curved like a whip, striking in all directions towards Muramasa.

Meanwhile, Muramasa calmly swung his katana with the same speed and reacted towards every strike she made.











And it kept going


Until the movement of their hands moving those weapons were not visible to human sight.

Their body moved as well to gain distances and shorten them at the same time while flying.


As they flapped their wings, they flew through the clouds underneath them.


At the same time.


His dragon's body appeared at above them and shot out its breath towards Ignia.


Ignia managed to dodge it during her exchanges with Muramasa, but its breath still goes on and followed her from behind.

Ignia decided to flew in a straight line as the breath kept following her.

Then she curved upwards and flew up with the dragon's breath following her towards the sky.

When the breath was over, Ignia spread her wings and closed it down, as her body fell and dived towards the dragon's body, she spun her body around with her halberd.

'[Dragon Arts: Moon Craddle].'

Then she swung her halberd down and about to strike the dragon's body


But Muramasa appeared before her and blocked her strike with his katana with ease.



The dragon's body behind him proceeded to punch her from above.


Ignia managed to lift her halberd and blocked his punch, but then she widened her eyes...

When Muramasa was approaching her by flying through his dragon's arm.


Then got into a stance while flying and suddenly accelerated himself towards her.


'[Iaido Arts: Swift Cut].'

Muramasa drew his katana in high-speed and swung it while appearing behind her.


Ignia covered her body with her scale and guarded herself from his strike, but...


He managed to cut through her scale on her right abdomen and her blood that spurted out was sucked in and absorbed by his katana.


Another eye on that blade shone which is now two eyes have been activated as the blade's color darkened.

"Thid damned trick!!"


Ignia then pushed the dragon's fist away and flew back to regain her distances away from the two of them.

Ignia who had overwhelmed him few minutes ago, had become into this state where she began to pant and exhausted from two attacks at the same time.

'I never thought fighting two of them could be this exhausting.' Ignia thought of it.

'Even though I brought out Valhalla, knowing that his dragon's body protecting him, it would be meaningless if I didn't hit the real him.'

'And if I show my true form, it will be an easy target for me to get hit by that nasty weapon.' But instead of worrying about it, she was smiling widely.

"It's been so long, doesn't fight someone strong like this."

"Isn't this exciting~!" She set her body blaze in fiery fire that covering her entire body.

While smiling so brightly, like an innocent child that had found a new toy to play with.

Even though she was injured due to the unknown force from this monster, she's not scared in the slightest but instead...

"I am the King of Dragons, The Ancient Red Dragon, Ignia!"

She showed much more spirit than usual with her fire causing massive heat through the sky like the sun itself.

"This could be my shouldn't I be enjoying it!! Am I right?!"

"Muramasa!!" Ignia shouted.

Muramasa, who heard her words and felt her power through his puppet body he created.

Somehow he felt bitter despite being blinded in anger just a few moments ago.

He suddenly took a stance and shown the same spirit as her.

"Yeah! That's more liks it!" Then he released his aura with the same intensity as her while his dragon's body also prepared its attack.

"I will defeat you Ignia!!"

"So die for me!! For the sake of destroying this world and..."

"For her sake." Muramasa spoke.

In the midst of the intensity grew, Ignia suddenly noticed something.


She began to chuckled, "Hahaha...such a party wrecker we have here." She muttered.

"I wanna say the same thing as you, but...I shall let the youngster take over." Ignia spoks to him.

"....?? What do you mean by that?"

Muramasa was confused by her words, until he noticed the same thing as Ignia.


"Yeah....the one who will defeat you is not me."


Something approached Muramasa in high-speed.


Muramasa immediately reacted towards this presence, drawing his katana back and blocked the approaching strike.

"My disciple will be the one~" Ignia ended her words.

When finally, Rei joined the battle.

With a sword in his hand, he pushed Muramasa's back with it.


Rei smirked widely as his blade clashed with his, "Did you miss me?"


Exactly, 30 minutes ago before the start of the fight between two ancient dragons.

In the snowfield, there was the army of the northerns that was led by the Duke Sigebehrt, Vincent.

They were now finally able to relax for a moment after most of the puppet soldiers were defeated by this young man.

Rei was sitting there, exhausted and in pain due to the injuries and the burn from his flame to close the wound.

Everyone who saw him in this state, couldn't even bear to see the scars and the body that had been messed up too much like that.

But Alicia, the [Saintess] gave her best to heal most of his wound and for him to regain his stamina.

"U-ughh...." Alicia tried to focus herself with her healing magic towards Rei.

Rei steadied his breathing while he held back the pain.

Doldain joined them, and stood beside him to cover his back just in case some attack tried to interrupt them.

The healing magic stopped.

"This…is the best I can do." Alicia spoke regrettably.

Rei looked at his hand and sighed in relief when he could move it again, "Thank you." He thanked her but then he immediately tried to get up.

Alicia got up after him and tried to stop him, "You shouldn't force yourself! Crimson-san!"

But Rei didn't stop even though he's still recovering.

"I am just doing the best I could do." Rei spoke and grabbed his sword.

But then Doldain stood before him.

"Doldain...please do not stop me." Rei spoke to him, very determined to go up there again.

Doldain sighed and offered his hand towards him.

"Here, take my hand." Doldain muttered.

"...?" Rei looked at his hand and held it just like what he wanted.



Before he suddenly felt a surge of power making its way into his body and made him released his haki by force.

At the same time, his haki spiked up, and it grew a lot bigger than it usual.

'My MP...have been restored?' He looked at his MP status recovering faster.

"Doldain...this is..." Rei looked towards his mentor, Doldain.

Doldain smiled at him

"It's every mana and aura that I have, so accept it." He replied.

"But...why?" Rei asked.

Doldain then laughed, "Hahaha! I know full well what kind of personality you have."

"And that is your stubbornness that is harder than any adamantite, I have seen." He replied.

"Even if I tried to stop you, you wouldn't listen, but I know full well that..."

"You have surpassed than me long ago." Doldain spoke.


"Your action is something that I could never fight against unbelievable monster that stronger than you."

"So compared of what you achievements and title as the [King of Dwarf], looks like a joke to me." Doldain replied jokingly.

"That's why...I lend you my power to help our king up there, because..."

"You are someone qualified to do it." Doldain spoke.

Rei suddenly felt something squeezing within his heart. "I-i..."

Then someone approached him and touched his back.


Then his haki increased even more.

Rei turned his head around, to see Alicia touching his back.


"I-i'm giving you all of my mana as well!" Alicia spoke.

"That's why...please win this fight!" Alicia smiled and cheered for him.

Rei bit his lips, 'Why...'

Everyone who saw what happened looked at each other as they felt something after they watched them.

Ashley, Sharon, Hiba, and Hilbert walked towards them as well.

"Make sure you come back and celebrate with us!" Hiba spoke while grabbing his shoulder as well along with the others, and sending their mana towards him.


"Me too!"


"Same here!"


"Save this land!"


And the other people come forward to give their mana, their strength towards this young man.


But his question grew after seeing such sight.

He was supposed to be an outsider, and didn't have any connection to this land.

Yet he sacrificed his body to fight a monster that was stronger than him, resulting in many injuries and with no strength left.

But he still tried to stand up to fight again.

And that gave these people the courage and strength to help him.

To save this barred cold land, caused by past mishap.

But Rei...

' you guys hoping me like this?'

Felt different than them, as he never thought these people would support him.

He had no intention of saving these people from the get go.

'Because I am no protagonist.'

He just wanted to defeat monsters to gain new strength.

'Because I want to protect my own people.'

Yet defeating them means getting rid of the curse plaguing this land, ultimately saving them from despair.

'That's why you guys shouldn't look at me liks that, with so much hope...'

'Because, I am not the hero.' Rei felt bitterly, not knowing nor admitting that what he did was the same as those hero he despise of.

Then Doldain tapped his shoulder and smiled at him, "I understand of what you felt, and I know you are not accustomed with people gratitude."

"So, rather than overthinking it...just stand that tall and look straight."

"Because, I will be able to overcome everything that went pass you." Doldain gave him the words that he never thought he could hear it.

Rei looked back at him, "Doldain..."

"Now then, off you go...and protect our king, oh our bravest knight." Doldain jokingly called him that.

But that made him felt ease and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I shall set off now." Rei replied his words, then he turned his face towards Alicia.

"Alicia." Then he called her.

"Y-yes!?" Alicia was flustered when he called her.

Then Rei smiled at her the same warm smile that he used to her before, "Thank you." And thanked her.

Alicia become silent as her face reddened like tomato.

"I know that our encounter wasn't that great."

"But...I am grateful that there's someone out there who's still looking for me." Rei spoke of what he felt.

Alicia could feel the heat went up to her head and end up smoking out from her ears, "Y-yes...I-i mean, you don't have to thank me, I am just trying to repay the debt for saving me." She twirled her hair like a maiden in love, she couldn't help but feel happy.

But that happiness didn't last long as she knew that he might disappear again like that day.

"But...Crimson-san." Then she did something so bold.

Which made Rei stopped for a moment.



That is...where she cupped her hands towards his cheeks.

"Do come back safely okay?" Alicia spoke with smile.

Rei widened his eyes from her action, as he could feel her strength entered his body from the lights on her both hands cupping his cheeks.

Rei looked at her and knew what she felt towards him, but he doesn't have the heart to reply her action.

And he just nodded his head, "Thank you, but I'll try."

He stepped back to let go her hand, '[Fly], [Telekinesis].' Then his body levitated with his weapons flying around him again.

"I will be back."


He said before launching himself up to the sky and through the high-clouds to join the fight between those two monstrous ancient dragons.

Alicia who stood there, wave her hand.

"Go back safely...Crimson-san."


Back to the present.


Muramasa flung his katana to push Rei away.

Then Rei flew back to Ignia's side.

"To think you would come back here, do you have a death wish or something?" Muramasa spoke.

"Well too bad for you, I'm not planning to die here...I come here to end this ill fated relationship." Rei spoke.

"You speak as if you know me, child." Muramasa replied.

"Well I know you full well...Muramasa, the coward who cannot see the reality." Rei provoked him.

But that was somehow effective towards Muramasa, "You...."

Then Rei turned his head around to see his master again.

"Did I make you wait, Master—"

But what he received was not something he expected.


Ignia immediately hit his head with a strong punch, "You idiot disciple!! I didn't tell you to interrupt my fight!"

"OW—!!! Is that how you thanked me!!" Rei shouted angrily at her.

"Thanking you!! I can deal him alone by myself!" Ignia replied angrily at him.

"Well look at your state! You look losing to me here!" Rei replied with so much irritation that can be seen through his expression.

"Like you are no better than me here!! Your body is more messed up!" Ignia was the same as him.

"Then you shouldn't hit me!!" Rei replied.

"But you deserved it!! You idiot! Dumb! Stupid disciple!!"



The two panting at each other, exhausted from getting angry and excited over something stupid in this situation.

Even Muramasa who was about to burst out and approached them, stopped to watch the scene they made before his eyes.

Rei sighed and simply looked at her as he knew the reason why she was angry.

But he doesn't have much choice either.

"Master, please give me a chance to help you for this once." Rei spoke to her.

Ignia looked at him and sighed, "You know full dangerous this is."

"I know." But Rei being stubborn and knew full well what will happen if he force his way here.

Ignia gritted her teeth and wanting to stop him.

But...she gave up and sighed, "You...really one hell of an idiot." She spoke while lifting her halberd.

Rei chuckled at her words, "Yeah, I've been told that many times."

Ignia then flew by his side, "Then I'll let this slide just once, after will have hellish training with me again."

Rei then shudder for a moment.

"Your asnwer?" Ignia asked him while smirking, as she knew what makes him suffer for punishment.

Rei sighed, "Y-yes ma'am."

Ignia smiles, "Good~"

"Now then for the plan, you will be fighting his real body here, while I take care his dragon's body, are we clear now?" Ignia explained her plan.

"Nice and simple, I see." Rei replied.

"You know me well now."


Her body was clad in fire and she transformed into her dragon form again, her halberd gone.

*"Now then, shall we continue the party? Muramasa."*

Rei lifted his sword while preparing his other weapons flying beside him.

Muramasa who saw the two of them together was laughing, "Hehe...HAHAHAHA!!! What a rubbish master and student relationship!"

"Do you think you can defeat me with that?!" Muramasa released his haki as the dragon behind him roared towards them.

But Ignia grinned widely while showing his sharp fangs.

*"Well I wonder myself, but you're missing one thing."* Ignia spoke and lifted her hand so Rei could stand on top of her hand.

"What?" Muramasa questioned her words until suddenly...

*"That is..."*

She grabbed Rei entire body with her right hand.

"*He is a bit of an IRREGULAR!!"*

Then she swung her hand in full force to throw him towards Muramasa.


Rei launched himself with her support and swung his sword in full force from above in a vertical line.


Muramasa lifted his katana.


Blocking his strike while his body was pushed back.

"Kugh—?! You—?!"

With that full force of her throw and Rei accelerated himself with his magic [Fly] and [Telekinesis], resulting him getting pushed back.

Muramasa who couldn't withstand the weight and force caused him to fall together with Rei.

The dragon's body that saw the two fell together, was about to fly down to follow the real Muramasa.


But Ignia punched the dragon's face and stopped him from leaving.


*"Where are you going?!~ You have a date with me!~"*



The two went past the clouds while clashing their blades together.


Muramasa pushed his sword away and flew back to create a distance.

After that, they arrived at the lower part of the sky where he could see that his puppets had been destroyed.

And the culprit was this young man, flying in front of him with his battered body.

"We are the same!!! why won't you understand!!" Muramasa shouted at him with anger.

"You were thrown into this world, forced to fight as a play thing for the gods!!!"

Rei, who listened to those words, remained silent and calm despite that.

"It is true, I don't understand nor I know how you felt about the gods for using us as their plaything." Rei replied.

"Then?! Why?!" Muramasa shouted at him.

"I knew it all along since they have watched me struggle, my fight and everything from the moment I stepped into this world."

"But the reason why I didn't hate this world because this world had accepted me compared than my old world." Rei replied to him.

"This world isn't that bad as you said, what you've seen was the bad side of this world which made you forget that there is good things as well."

"Such as two sides of coin." Rei spoke.

His words just made him angrier.

"You...don't you dare spout that nonsense just like she did!" Muramasa shouted "You know nothing about us!"

The way Muramasa acted was strange this whole time. Rei knew it from the moment he exchanged his sword with him just now.

"Yes, I don't know...but I do know that you are suffering." Rei spoke while lifting his sword.

"So, let's end this....Muramasa." Rei spoke while releasing his black flame through his sword.

Meanwhile, Muramasa released his haki.


Then he flew towards Rei to face him once more.

"Then try to kill me!! Irregular!!" Muramasa shouted.

As the end is coming near.








"Yeah, I will kill you...Muramasa."

Rei's eye, which the red one began to lit.

"So, rest assured."

And another awakening had begun.

To be continued...