Chapter 156 : Sol Ignis (Part 2)

In the sky, where the two fought to the death.

'What am I doing...?'

The young man asked no one in particular.


With the sound of two blades clashing.

'My body feels light...'

Within his eyes, the view of the world he saw...moved as if time had slowed down.

'What am I fighting for...?'

Another question appeared in his mind.


And another noise was heard.

When his eyes shifted forwards, he saw a man wearing full armor and holding a katana.

Fighting against him.


'I see...this is...'

During the fight, his mind suddenly went blank.

His fatigue reached its peak, his body covered in wounds, his mana started to deplete again.

Yet, his strength remained unchanged,'s getting stronger with each swing.


Rei swung his sword towards Muramasa while his katana blocked his strike.

In this fight, where one could die anytime…

The one who had the worst condition...

Was now gaining an advantage against his opponent.

Which confused his opponent about his weird state after their battle started again.

'This guy...what just happened in the short time after he went down?!'

Muramasa thought while struggling against his sword attacks.

But when his sword was blocked, he let it go and grabbed his spear that flew beside him.

'[Deadly Strike].' Then Rei thrust his spear in a barrage in every direction.


Muramasa immediately responded to his spear and lifted his katana, swinging his katana to respond to his every strike.

After those barrage strikes, Muramasa suddenly noticed when Rei stopped his movement.


The tip of his spear stopped at Muramasa's chest.

'[One Strike].'


From the tip of his spear, a spiral wave of black flame was created


Then he fired it at point blank position.


Muramasa was hit with it which caused him to get pushed back.

But of course it couldn't deal any significant damage to him since his body was made out of his own aura and magic.

When Muramasa looked at his opponent, he could tell that during the fight, Rei had been deep in his thoughts.

His eyes looked droopy like a dead fish, but his red left eye shone bright and he could feel a hint of both magic and aura mixed together.

Which meant...

'He reached [enlightenment]."

What was [Enlightenment]?

It was the process of breaking through the limits of the human body for aura users.

This happened when someone was finally able to release their aura for the first time.

But what about the second one?

Even after they already learned how to use their aura, there's a limit to what they could do.

So, the second Enlightenment was a process where they reached the peak and broke their limits.

The limits of their aura capacity, capability and efficiency, including the weapon they used.

Their minds became clear and their strength significantly increased.

And they who reached the second Enlightenment…

Could be called a [Master].


[You have acquired skill "Weapon Mastery"]

[Skill "Weapon Mastery" have been activated]

If he used a sword, he could be called as [Sword Master].

If he used a spear, he could be called a [Spear Master].

If he used a bow, he could be called as [Bow Master]

The same applied to others, [Shield Master], [Axe Master], [Arch Mage], and many other titles.

Now, the world has gone in a different direction.

A new title had been created by a single man.

He who was born as a [Blacksmith], fated with so many tragedies.

Yet he broke through, changed the course of fate and was called as [Irregular] in this world.

And the name of this [Irregular] was none other than…

[Kiritsuka Rei].

Rei grabbed his sword and his shield.


Then dashed through the sky towards Muramasa.

Muramasa took a stance in mid-air.

"[Iaido Art:...]."


Then in a flash

"[Meikyou Shisui]."

He drew his katana at high-speed.


And threw an invisible wind blade towards Rei who approached him.

Rei didn't stop, instead he went head on, not using his shield


But with his sword.

He clad his sword with his aura, added with black flame.

'[Sword Arts: Moon Fang].'

Then swung his blade multiple times.


Countering Muramasa's wind blade and...


Flew straight at him with his shield.

"Do you think flying straight towards me is a good idea?" Muramasa took another stance.

Then he flew towards Rei as well.

'[Shield Arts: Rush].' He clad his entire body with his aura along with his shield.

'[Iaido Arts: Swift Cut].' Muramasa then drew his katana while still flying towards him.


The two went past each other.


While injuring each other.


Muramasa was hit by his shield which decreased his strength.


Rei got cut through his left abdomen, which caused his blood to be absorbed by his katana which strengthened it.

The two didn't bat an eye towards their own injuries.

Only focusing on each other.

Rei was about to turn around, but his sword was already exchanged with his spear clad in a spiraling black flame.

Muramasa then took another stance again with his blade clad in his own aura.

'[Spear Arts: Gungnir].' Then he threw his spear at him at full speed.

Muramasa responded by drawing his katana in circular motion.

'[Iaido Arts: Moon Embrace].'

Then creating a wind current wall from the cut he performed in an empty space.



His spear clashed with the wind current wall that Muramasa created.

When someone acquired second enlightenment, they also acquired something other than strength.

That is...


He acquired new wisdom.


Muramasa then noticed that he was surrounded...

By multiple flame lances.

While the current wind blocked his spear, Rei took action by creating multiple flaming spears in mid-air in all kinds of directions towards Muramasa.


Then Rei was already holding his bow and pulling the string while creating 5 fire arrows.

'[Fire Lance]...[Fire Arrow]...[Archer Artillery Arts: Homing Missile]...[Archer Artillery Arts: Artillery Strikes].'

The firepower of his fire arrows increased with his aura.


Then he released all of it towards Muramasa. The flaming lances rained down towards him from everywhere at once, while his fiery arrow slipped through beside the current wind that blocked his spear.

He was caged in, Muramasa couldn't move from his spot.

But then…Muramasa released his aura through his body as he took his stance again.

"Impressive." Muramasa praised him.

Then he drew his sword and spun his body around.

'[Iaido Arts: Meikyou Shisui Zen].'

Then an invisible blade was stretched out following his katana movement.


Cutting through all the flaming spears, and his fire arrows.


Causing them to explode right before they could reach him.

It was an overwhelming display of strength, performing such difficult technique.

But that was also the moment...

For Rei to move.


Through all the smoke due to the explosion, Rei emerged from there holding a shield at his front.

Muramasa was already prepared to see him, then lifted his katana.

'Don't think all katanas can do is cut down someone.'

Then thrust his katana towards Rei who was holding a shield.


His katana hit his shield.


But Rei widened his eyes and was surprised after something happened right before his eyes.

Upon taking the hit, his shield suddenly flung back and couldn't properly block that one thrust.

Muramasa took this chance to pull his katana back and took another stance in this close distance.

'[Iaido Arts: Tsubame].'


In a flash, Muramasa drew his blade.


'....?!' Then Rei's body was covered in cut wounds appearing out of nowhere.

It was so fast that he couldn't react to his strike, despite getting his second enlightenment a while ago.

His blood scattered in mid-air, absorbed by his katana, resulting in an eighth eye on its blade to shine and the blade turned darker, almost pitch black.

'My apologies...but this is the end.'

Muramasa spoke, turning the trajectory of his blade and swung it towards Rei's neck.

It was a moment where Rei couldn't do anything.

As his blade was about to reach his neck…

His expression changed, not Rei. But...Muramasa.


Upon seeing the expression of his opponent who was about to die.'

' you look so calm?' Muramasa thought.

Then, his eyes gazed towards Muramasa's.

Despite being fatally injured.

He had these unwavering eyes, as if he didn't fear death.









Muramasa's wings were suddenly torn apart by something from behind.



Muramasa lost his balance and his blade slipped by an inch towards his neck.

His body fell to the ground.

'What?! How...?!'

That's when he noticed, his two wings were struck by two of his arrows that managed to escape from his counter.

'Since when?!'

Rei looked down at him, 'Since the start...right after I throw all my attacks at you, I secretly use one of his skills.'

'[Archer Artillery Arts: Silent Destruction].'


[Archer Artillery Arts: Silent Destruction]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 0

Cooldown: 60 sec.

A skill which engulfed the user arrow with aura, concealing its presence to strike an enemy or even a fortress down without them knowing when it will come. The strength won't change even when its presence is gone.


'That means...all those attacks are just feints?!' Muramasa thought.

Rei didn't stop at that.

The spear that was flung away, went back to his hand and clad with his black flame.

'[Spear Arts: Gungnir].'

Then Rei threw the flaming spear down at Muramasa.



Which struck his abdomen, as his body continued to fall down.


He finally crashed to the ground for the first time.

Rei landed himself down as well, and created a few distances away from where Muramasa crash landed.

Muramasa emerged from the snow that scattered around him after his crash.

There was a hole in his left abdomen, while his wings were torn.

'I cannot regenerate...' Muramasa noticed, 'As expected....that flame is dangerous.'

Rei was in the state where he could pass out anytime now, even after he received healing from Alicia.

His body was covered in injuries, from his shoulders, arms, legs, even his face.

Yet, he stood there calmly and observed his opponent's state.

"So you are using yourself as bait to hide your true attack...such a reckless, more like madness." Muramasa spoke.

"...your weapon was made by your own flesh and have no right to call me crazy." Rei replied.

"But I have a question, why didn't you use your [Creation Forge] to created more katanas to block all those attacks instead using techniques." Rei asked since he have been wondering that.

But, indeed it is true that he have been fighting with only this katana.

Muramasa grabbed the helmet that he wore, then released it, revealing his true face again.

Despite the state of his body right now, it was made with aura and magic, and it would be impossible for a normal attack to damage him.

But...Rei's skill, [Hell Flame].

A skill that defied the rule of this world, a fire capable of destroying anything, even the divine beings themselves.

Muramasa smirked widely, "Well, do you think I would tell you?"

Rei didn't replied nor react by those words, 'It's not like he want to...but he can't.'

'So there's only one explanation...'

'That katana have penalty which doesn't allow him to use any other weapon than that.' Rei concluded.

Muramasa could tell of what he is thinking, as he began to laugh to his own state and situation.

"Hahaha! To think my final fight would be someone like you."

Rei looked at him, "Is it that surprising?"

"Yeah, I was hoping it was the [Hero]...the hope of humanity that I heard a few years ago after defeating the [Demon King]." Muramasa answered.

"But to think...the one who comes for my head, would be a [Blacksmith], the same as me." Muramasa spoke, then his eyes gazed at him.

"Ironic, isn't it?"

But Rei remained quiet despite Muramasa wanting to have a conversation with him.

"For some reason...I cannot help but talk a lot when I am with you."

"Is it because we are fellow countrymen? Or we are both [Blacksmith]?" Muramasa continued.

"This is very unlike me, when I met Ignia after so long, the anger within me is hard to if this body doesn't belong to me anymore." Muramasa explained, and he knew the change that he felt after meeting an old comrade.

Then, Rei decided to join in the conversation, "I were just relieving your anger towards your old comrade."

"And what you need is not something to destroy, but something to release that pent up anger and frustration, trusted her as a friend." Rei spoke.

"Do you mean...?"

"Yes, what you a friend who listens to your problems." Rei stated.

Muramasa widened his eyes, "A friend...huh...I see..." and realized it just now.

"You are really different from me." He said and slowly smiled.

"'s already too late...when the world betrays us, my feelings won't change from just a few words." Muramasa spoke and took a stance while staring at Rei.

"If you want to stop me...then stop me by killing me." Muramasa declared.

Rei looked at him, he was also determined about his decision.

"Yeah...." Then, his body suddenly flared up with his flame.

A red flame, a different flame that he usually used this time.

But the flame slowly dissipated in the air and suddenly...

"I will stop you..."


A heartbeat.


Resounding through the whole world to hear.


His chest shone bright and continued to spread across his entire body, covering him in red light.

His hair and red left eyes turned bright red like a flame.

Muramasa saw this, and immediately felt something, 'This is...'

"[Dragon Arts: Ignis Prominence]." Rei stated its name as flames came out from his body.

'[Ignis Prominence]...' Muramasa repeated.


[Ignis Prominence]

Active Skill

MP cost: 0 MP

Duration: 5 min.

Cooldown: 24 hrs.

The ultimate dragon art skill which absorbs the flame (any kind of flame/fire related skill) that the user uses and contains them into the user's heart. The skill allows the user to be in [Invincible] state, increasing All Status by 200% and All HP/MP Cost Skill reduced by 100% with no Cooldown, but it also comes with a price: all the user's HP will be consumed until there's 1 HP left. (Only can be used when the requirements have been met).

-Click More for Detail-


'Yes...I have been saving up this skill for this moment.' Rei thought.

'Because the requirements have been met.'

The requirement details then showed up.



1. The user must have [Mana Heart] that is equal to [9th Magic Circle].

2. The user must learn [Haki], with Strength and Vitality above 300.

3. The user must have at least 1 or more [Flame] related skills.


'Since the requirements have been met...I will be [Invincible] for 5 minutes.'

'[Invincible] state, allows me to be immune against [physical attack], [magic attack], [debuff], and even [penalty].'

'Which means...'

Rei lifted his hand and black flames started to come out.

'[Agni].' His body covered with his black flame, turned into an armor of black flame.

And at the same time...

'Combine...[Blacksmith Flame] and [Hell Flame].'

'Using [Blacksmith Flame] as the base, increasing the heat of the flame, adding [Hell Flame] to increase the destruction level which can be both my shield and sword.'

His fiery red hair, the edges of his hair slowly turned black, and the flame within him had been combined.

The [Penalty], a requirement to use HP for his skill [Agni] and [Hell Flame]...

Won't affect him nor reduce his HP to 0 now.

'[Inventory].' Then he also grabbed one of the dangerous weapons he had.


[Axe of the Abyss, Behemoth].

Then his other two legendary weapons flew beside him using [Telekinesis].

[The Dark Aegis Shield, Gorgon].

[The Frost-Hell Keeper Orb, Orthrus].

With three other epic weapons as well.

For his left hand, he held his sword.

Rei completely revealed all his cards that he had saved.

Until this point.

Muramasa saw that and his aura immediately burst out from his body.

"I see...I am quite happy you decided to use your whole power now." Muramasa commented.

"Before this ends...may I know your name?" He asked him once more.

Rei looked towards him.

The same question he always heard everytime he fought a strong enemy.

From [The King of Bandits, Banzana].

From [The King of Destruction, Kajia].

And now, the strongest of all the enemy he had ever fought.

[The Ancient Evil Dragon, Muramasa].

So...he answered him.

"My name is [Kiritsuka Rei], known as [The Knight of Wrath, Crimson]."

"With this body that belongs to my partner, [Ray Houston]..."

"I shall defeat you!"

Like every knight in many stories who fought against evil.

It was such a cliche word and he hated it, yet it couldn't be more fitting for this situation.

Muramasa smiled widely, "I see...Kiritsuka Rei, the [Knight] who will defeat me."

"I, [Muramasa Kengo], the 46th successor of the Muramasa clan, [The Former Hero] and the one who known as [The Ancient Evil Dragon, Fafnir]."

"We shall fight to the death!!~" The excitement that grew within him, to fight someone just as strong.

[The Irregular] and [The Former Hero].

Were having another face to face.







The final stage had started.


Muramasa jumped at him first with high-speed.

Rei did the same.

Then Muramasa drew his blade while Rei swung his sword from above.


The two clashed together, causing a strong shockwave to their surroundings.

Rei then swung his black axe from above as well, adding the weight of his sword.


But Muramasa grabbed his black axe with his bare hand and stopped it from toppling on his sword.

The two leaned at each other trying to force their way, just to get them pushed back to gain distance.

Muramasa released his axe from his hand and Rei pulled both of his weapons.

Muramasa took a weird stance, he only lifted his katana.

'[Iaido Arts: Shura Stance].'

But an illusions of him taking 8 different stances appeared, which made him look like he's having multiple arms and katanas.

But Rei wasn't surprised, he took his own stance by lifting his axe and sword, with his shield and spear flying on his side.

Preparing to clash once more.

Then, they exchanged their attacks at high speed.

Muramasa drew his blade to perform a horizontal cut.

Rei swung his axe to perform a vertical swing.


Then Muramasa swung his blade to perform diagonal left from above.

Rei lifted his sword and swung upwards.


After that, Muramasa thrust his blade.

Rei used his Telekinesis and threw his sword to block the thrust.


Muramasa then spun his body and swung his katana towards him.

Rei did the same and swung his axe to respond to him.


The two continued to exchange their attacks, the clash sound resounded throughout the whole battlefield.

The spectators, the Duke's Army and the Adventurers Guild of Halvenburg came to watch.

The fierce fight between two monsters, the outsider and the one who planted the curse on their land.

Their weapons clashed, causing more shockwaves to be blasted around them.

Vincent couldn't help but be mesmerized. His eyes were fixated towards their fight.

Even his son, Gilbert looked at the fight nervously yet excited at the same time.

Alicia was worried about Rei's condition more than anyone, but she knew she couldn't interrupt his fight and only prayed for his safety.

3 minutes have passed.

Only 2 minutes remaining for [Ignis Prominence] to come to an end.

Rei could tell this when he was still clashing his weapons against his enemy.

So, he put a distance away, "[Absolute Zero]." While casting magic.

An ice spike burst out from the ground in between them, freezing everything that it touched, even the snowfield itself.

Muramasa, who was about to get hit by the ice, struck it down by swinging his katana to cut the ice into pieces.

Finally, they put the distances away from each other.

'Only 1 minute left….'

'It's time to end this...!' Rei immediately released everything he got.

His aura, his magic, and even his flame.

Muramasa saw that, 'So he is going to end this...'

'Alright...I'll respond to you the same!!' Muramasa released all his aura and magic together.

Taking a full stance, a perfect form and the best he could ever do.

Rei used his sword this time,

"[Blacksmith Flame]....[Hell Flame]." Then he clad it in his red flame added with his black flame.

Causing the two flames to clash together, then combined into one.

'[Magic Sword: Kagutsuchi no Ken].'


The heat caused the snow around him and even the ice that was made from [Absolute Zero] melted down.

Then Muramasa tightened the grip on the handle of his katana. Releasing all the malicious black energy coming from his katana after absorbing the blood of two ancient beings and his opponent.

The eight eyes on the blade began to move as if it's alive.

Now, they had prepared this moment for the last.







The two face each other.













They released their strongest techniques.

And the first one who did it was...


'[Iaido Arts:...



He drew his blade in high-speed, then after that...

A giant snake with Eight-Eyes was form and it was made from dark malicious energy emerged that coming from his blade.


The size was bigger than anything that he had ever seen, bigger than Jormungand that evolved into a dragon and his own dragon form.

'This technique...I developed it to kill Ignia, this is the result of all the wrath, hatred, evil, and malice that I have stored for more than centuries!!'

'How are you gonna counter this! Kiritsuka Rei!!'








Rei is now facing it alone in front of it, with one flaming sword.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, reminiscing the memory he had, the feeling, the sensation of a certain memory coming from a certain man.

Where he swung his swords multiple times, everyday and every night.

And Rei followed that routine until now...

'Right...I am alone now.'

The man was the one who he called as his partner.

[Ray Houston].

'But that doesn't mean...I will keep relying him.'

The image of him relapsed together with his movement.

'I stand here with my own reach the peak, to become the strongest knight.'

Rei lifted his sword as the flames gathered in his blade.

'So...wake up and watch over me again.'

With the effort, he have been through for 7 years.


Just to surpassed him.

'[Sword Art:...'








The two flames dispersed from his sword, and his sword emitting a dark red light.

As the giant snake was about to devour him.

....Sky Decapitation].'







He had finally achieved...


Swung his sword down in a gentle way.









[One with All Weapon].

The weapon he used now...



The snake was suddenly cut into half.







Along with Muramasa behind it, his body was slightly diagonally cut into half as well.






His katana then broke apart.



The castle behind him was cut down as well.


Then finally…a large shockwave spread throughout the cut that he performed.

The very ground itself was carved by his sword while the clouds spread apart revealing the bright sky above them.

Muramasa couldn't react to what happened, 'Wha—....' but he had seen a glimpse of his form after he performed that cut.

He stood there dignified, with his body battered and covered with injuries.

Holding with just one sword.

Yet he stood there unfazed of what happened in front of him.

Muramasa could only say one thing after seeing his techniques.



Muramasa said before half of his body fell down to the ground.


Then the castle behind him began to crumble because of that one cut.

And the one who caused it just stood there while taking a deep breath again.


And sighed.

His sword that couldn't withstand the force, shattered into pieces and turned into ashes.

The dark clouds that had been covering this cold land, slowly disappeared.

Muramasa's dragon's body, which was fighting against Ignia, suddenly fell down and crashed into the ground beside Muramasa.

Ignia looked down and saw her disciple had done something unbelievable.

'Hah~' Ignia laughed as she turned back into her human form.

"You seriously did it~" Ignia uttered after seeing the wild scenery that he had created.

Even Doldain who saw that burst out laughing, "Hahahaha!!! He really exceeded my expectations!!"

"H-he...he WON!!!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"WOOOOOOO!!!!" Then all of them shouted in celebration.

"He really did it!"

"I cannot believe this!"

"We won!!"

So many of them celebrated in joy.

"Ughh....I never thought I could see the light again."

"We are gonna be fine now..."

"I'm so happy!..."

And some had cried in joy.

It was a scenery that had never happened before, they could never imagine being able to see the light again.

They rejoiced in happiness and even danced together.

Only four people wasn't rejoicing at all.






Rei approached Muramasa's body.

Half of it had slowly disappeared.

"'s you...." Muramasa spoke to him, with his gentle tone while his face cracking like a mirror.

"Why a winner like you had come here..." he said.

Rei looked down at him, despite he won the fight, he didn't look happy at all.

"Of course, I am seeing you off..." Rei said.

"Seeing me off?..." Muramasa laughed a bit, "How kind of it because you pity me?"

Rei shook his head, "I never even once pity my opponent." Then showed the resolve in his eyes, which could also mean.

That he respected him.

Muramasa was surprised to see it.

"That technique...that you use, it's basic sword technique...called [Vertical Slash], am I right?" He spoke.

But Rei didn't answer him, knowing that his opponent guessed it right.

"The technique similar to a first form of basic swordsmanship in our country." Muramasa thought.

"And similar to mine...but, the differences is the essences of it."

"I can feel the effort...and the dedication that you put on perfecting that technique."

"Different than mine, using dark magic and gathered all the malice that I stored....yours is beautiful." Muramasa praised him.

But Rei didn't respond to his words at all.

"May I know...what is the name?" Muramasa asked.

"Sky Decapitation." Rei finally answered him.

"Sky Decapitation...." Muramasa repeated as he looked up the sky have been cleared from the sword technique that Rei performed.

"The name fit perfectly..." he uttered.


Ignia landed on the ground and stood beside Rei to see him as well.

Muramasa shifted his eyes to look at her, "If it isn't strange for you to see me off as well..." Muramasa spoke.

Ignia smiled, "Of course, since this will be the last time I am seeing my old disciple."

Muramasa widened his eyes and chuckled, " still think of me as your disciple?"

"I guess I am a lucky be respected by a strong warrior as you...and still being a disciple of the great King of Dragon herself." Muramasa joked light-heartedly.

His disappearance slowly sped up.

The two could only watched him disappear, until...


They picked up the presence of someone approaching, when they turned their back they saw...

Doldain and Alicia approached them.

"Crimson-san...may I?" Alicia spoke as she knew what she must do while walking past both of them.

Rei nodded and letting Alicia stood before Muramasa.

"....? You are...?" Muramasa looked up, but her face somehow blurred due to the sunlight above her head.

"May I...pray for you?" Alicia spoke.

Muramasa couldn't see her face clearly, but somehow he felt something familiar from her.

"Hah...seriously, to think a little priest like you would want to pray for an evil being like me..." Muramasa muttered

Alicia then crouched down and held his hand that was cracking bit by bit.

" one was born evil, only they could choose their own path." Alicia spoke.

Muramasa heard her words, it became more familiar to him.

"...aren't you afraid of getting punished by your god for saying such blasphemous words?" Muramasa spoke.

Alicia smiled, "I actually don't believe in a god...ever since the day I was captured by bandits and tortured by them."

"Although the god did answered me...but the one who saved me was none other than this man behind me." Alicia answered him, with a hint of sadness but her smile retained the same.

Muramasa blinked his eyes and laughed after hearing her story, "Hahaha!...a priest who doesn't believe in a god yet capable of using miracles."

"And...prayer." he said while her hand emitted bright light that slowly covered his disappearing body.

He could feel the warmth coming from her hands holding his, 'How warm...'

"May I know your name?" Muramasa asked as her face slowly became visible due to the light.

Then his eyes widened when someone he's more than familiar with, the image of the woman he loved…

Was relapsed together with Alicia.

"Alicia....Alicia Eckhart."

Muramasa widened his eyes and almost couldn't believe his eyes when he saw her image in Alicia.


Muramasa laughed for a moment, "Seriously...fate is surely strange..." he muttered while closing his eyes.

Slowly his body was broken piece by piece, but it dissipated into dust, his body turned into a small ball of light.

Like a fairy snow light.

Then Alicia closed her eyes, and held her hands together, "May you find your peace…and be with the light."

Her body shone as well and performed a miracle which caused the snow around them to melt.

Ignia, Doldain and Rei were surprised to see such a scene as the pillar of light was stretched to the sky.

The snow which withered the land, suddenly grew green grasses around them.

Beautiful and colorful flowers, popping out and rising from the ground.

Creating a garden of flowers underneath them as if the god's gave their blessing to these land from a prayer of this young girl.

'This is...' Ignia who saw that, 'The power of [Saintess]?!'

'Aria...' she called the same name that Muramasa uttered.

Rei was more surprised to see such power from her.

'Her power was not that strong until now...'

'Did she...awaken her power?' Rei thought of it, which could only mean one thing.

' she truly the protagonist of this world?'

The course of the world had changed into another route...









At the capital, within the Welford's Manor.

A young girl was sitting and writing something on her desk.

The window was opened so she could feel the breeze of wind from outside.

The young girl had dark hair, the shade of a night sky, and sky blue eyes while wearing a general outfit for a woman, with two different colored gloves, black for the left hand and white for the right hand.

The girl sniffed the air a bit when she caught a whiff of something within her room, coming from the window.


[Hanamachii Yomi].

"A scent of flower?'

[Iris May Welford].

Had come for her debut as a noblewoman.

To be continued...