Chapter 27

"I can't believe I am so stupid. I'm so glad I'm not exclusive with the prick. I feel bad, Dylan! I felt bad because I slept with someone BEFORE him! What is wrong with me!! Why do men think I'm disposable?? Why am I so unlovable?? Am I ugly? Is my body ugly?" Pearl was hysterical. They had made it back to her apartment, barely. She was moving kicking boxes that were still on her floor and crying. "Pearl you have to calm down. It's not you." "Yes. Yes it's me. I know that now. This proves it. Am I ugly?" Her mascara was running down her face and he felt his heart ripping apart for her. It hurt him, physically to see her like this. She walked over to him. "Tell me the truth. I need it. Is it me?" She moved the straps of her dress off her shoulders and stood in front of him in nothing but panties. "Pearl, don't do that." And he grabbed a blanket and handed it to her. "You don't even want me." She said.

He walked to her, within inches of her face and looked in her eyes. "It's not you. You're intelligent. Witty. And by all standards you are a knockout. Yes I want you. But I'm not going to put my hands on you until you and I decide that's something we want. And I'm definitely not going to do it when you're drunk and in a fragile emotional state." He wrapped her in the blanket. She put her arms around him and hugged him. It wasn't a sexual hug. It was an embrace seeking safety. And comfort. He held her for as long as she'd let him. She moved away and wiped her face. "I'm sorry. I'm just so exhausted. I'm so tired Dylan". "I know you are sweetheart. I know." And he walked her into her room. "Get some rest, ok?" "Will you stay with me? Here?" "I'll stay til you fall asleep, is that ok?" "Yes thank you" and he laid next to her in her bed and held her while she cried. She felt so much weight lifting and it felt good to just let it out. He laid there until he was certain she was asleep. He covered her up and let himself out. What an asshole, he thought. How could anyone have Pearl tell them she loves them and then do that to her? People were ugly. They were cold and cruel. He hoped for that fuckers sake that they didn't cross paths again anytime soon.

Pearl woke up and panic set in. Where was she? Home. Ok. Why was she naked? What happened? Then flashbacks of the previous night came into memory. That's why she never allowed herself to drink that much. Her at the bar. The walk. David. She remembered what she saw. The alcohol definitely made her reaction worse. I mean they weren't committed. Why was she so hurt? She was. She was devastated. She did love him. She felt they had a connection she had never had before. It was one sided. And it hurt. And then Dylan. Oh god poor Dylan. She threw herself at him naked, crying. How embarrassing. Ugh. She didn't want to leave her bed and face anyone.

An hour later she got out of the shower and checked her phone. Three calls from David. Two texts from David. She didn't even want to read them. She knew this was going to happen. Now her job was compromised. Her life was taking a turn back for the worse.

One text from Dylan.

"I know you're waking up naked. I want to reassure you that nothing happened. And don't feel bad. I was happy to be there for you. I would have been hurt too. You're not wrong. Text me if you want to have dinner later. If not, I'll understand. I can bring food to you also. Hope you got some rest."

She didn't feel like going anywhere.

She managed to get one load of laundry done and put away. Thank god they were some comfortable pants and a sweatshirt. She was on her fifth bottle of water when there was a knock at the door. She looked through the peephole and David was standing outside. She had no interest in seeing him. "Pearl. I know you're home. Listen, can we just talk for a few minutes? We have to work together tomorrow I want to talk before hand. Please." She ignored him. He knocked again and waited a few more minutes and left. "Good. Give up easy that's what you men do" she mumbled to herself. She looked again and he was definitely gone. But she saw something white on the ground. She opened the door and saw an envelope. She opened it a saw that it was a letter from David.


I promise last night was not what it looked like. Hannah is a close friend. I've known her since college. She recently had a miscarriage and needed to talk to someone other then her husband. She was drowning and needed support. I promise you what I said to you was real and I meant it. All of it. Pearl, I'm in love with you too. Please find it in your heart to talk to me about this. ~David. "

She didn't know what to believe. All she knew was deceit and lies from men. There was always some friend. Or assistant. Or ex. Sure, he had a good story here. But what if want true? What if there were other stories. She was tired of stories. Of sides of stories. She made up her mind right then and there that she wasn't getting attached again. She wasn't going to put herself in a place to need to hear stories anymore. She was going to be just a selfish as them. She grabbed her phone.

"My bird will be out of his cage, waiting for yours on Thursday."

And she smiled.