Chapter 28

Pearl cancelled with Dylan for dinner. She just couldn't get herself out of house. She was tired and let down. Dylan didn't need to be around her like that. No one did. She took a hot bath and went to bed early. She knew the next day was going to awful.

She got to the office early. She didn't see David. It was the first time in a long time he wasn't there to greet her in the morning. It hurt. She finished her morning meeting with her assistant and made her way to the break room to get coffee. She was pouring a cup when she someone next to her. She looked up and saw David standing there. "Good morning, Pearl" he looked tired. Not his normal put together look. Pearl didn't respond. She just walked away back toward her office. Seeing him stung. She ached for him still. She was so defeated by this. "Pearl I need you in my office, we have a problem with the new billboards." David buzzed. Great, Pearl thought. Just what I need today. She made her way to his office. He was on a call and he motioned her to come in . "Good. Great. So next Wednesday then? Perfect." She stood and waited. The blinds were drawn on all the windows. She was sure it was because he was avoiding her.

He got up and walked to her. "What's going on with the billboards, David?" He grabbed her arms and kissed her hard. He didn't stop. She pushed him away and they stared at each other, then he kissed her again. This time she didn't push him away. He moved her up against the wall and tore at her panties until they were shredded on the floor. He opened his pants and lifted her onto the wall and pushed his cock inside of her. Hard. Pushing her weight down onto him while he was thrusting up. It was painful and hot. "You can't avoid me. You want me. And I want you. You know I love you." David said, still pumping in and out of her. She couldn't speak. She felt like he was ripping her insides apart and it felt so good she was about to explode. "Hurt me, David. Harder." Pearl whispered. And he fucked her harder. He was pushing down on her so hard while he was thrusting up that he hit something inside of her. Deep. And she came like she had never before. She felt liquid run out over and she clamped down so hard around him that he came too. Pumping cum into her. He held her in the air until he was done. And kept her there so she could feel his cock still inside of her, filled full with his cum. He was breathing are into her neck. "I don't ever want to let you go." He lowered her to her feet. She grabbed her panties and wiped both of their cum off her legs with them.

She stood there and looked at him. "Please Pearl, believe me."

"I need time." And Pearl walked out of his office.