Chapter 29

The next couple of days at work were weird. Really weird. David kept to himself and she buried herself in her work. She had invited Dylan for drinks Tuesday night and she was looking forward to it. She had a new song in mind and wanted to get it finished for their rehearsal Wednesday. He showed up on time and gave her a big smile and hug. "Missed you Pearl" he said. "Same. Thanks again for Saturday. You told me not to apologize so I won't, but just know I appreciate you"

"Anytime" he said.

"So this is what I've got so far. Let me know what you think..." and Pearl started singing the words.

"Second guesses and first hand lies

Losing ground and wondering why

Never felt like home, you knew I'd fly

Never mattered, We wanted the lie..."

"That's really good, Pearl." Dylan said. "I have an idea for the chorus....

"You're done being an island, baby.

And I'm ready to meet your shore.

It's halfway to the right place

And I want to give you more

Stop opening windows to strangers

When I have a key to unlock the door

Pretty eyes, goodbyes and tonight

Taste bitter, and leave me wanting more."

"Dylan that's beautiful." Pearl said. She was really moved by his words.

"I wrote it for you." He said. And continued scribbling. She looked at him. He wasn't a dick at all. He was kind. Sensitive. Loving. Good. He was a good guy. She felt so thankful to be building this friendship and artistic bond. She leaned over and gave him a big hug. "You really are talented, Dylan."

"Thanks" he said shyly.

Dylan left and she settled in for the night. Her phone dinged and she looked down to see a Rhys selfie. He was in a towel in what looked like another hotel room. "I cannot WAIT to see you Thursday, Pearl with the pretty eyes." He captioned. I wonder what lucky lady will be meeting him tonight, she thought.

She finished work and headed out to her Jeep when her phone rang. "This is Pearl"

"Pearl, it's Thomas Powers. We need to talk. Can you be at Randolphs in an hour?" How did he get her number? "I guess. Is David aware of this meeting?" She asked. "No. And I'd prefer him not to be." And he hung up.

Pearl arrived in 45 minutes and was kind of pissed about it. She had rehearsal in an hour and didn't have time for these family dynamic games. She told the host she was there to meet someone and he took her to the table where Thomas was seated. "Pearl, thank you for coming. Would you like a drink?" "Water is fine" she said. "Why am I here?" She asked abruptly. "What you said to me last week stuck with me. I mean it. No one has ever had the balls to talk to me like that. You love him. And he loves you. I met with David on Sunday and we had a brief talk, he didn't seem to want to speak to me about this merger. And that's they you're here." He continued, "I started this merger to hurt David. I was never a good father. I'm sure you're aware of that. But after your seemingly insolent rant, I started to think about what you said. I want to be better. I'm dying, Pearl. David doesn't know. I don't want to tell him. I'm not just going to merge, I'm taking over the entire company. It will look like a merger at first, but I assure you, I own it all. The plan in the beginning was to take it from him. I know how much he loves his job. My thought was that if he hates me for no reason, then I'll give a reason and we can both feel better about it. But then I got the diagnosis"

"So what exactly does that mean?" She asked.

"It means he will own it all. It will be his."

"So what do I have to do with any of this?" She asked. She was obviously missing something.

"I'm not going to give him anything unless you two are married."