Chapter 58

Iris showed up around 11 pm. She said that Jason was impressed with their demo and that Monday he was meeting with his boss and a few members of the team to discuss a contract. She asked if Pearl had a lawyer. Pearl was still paying her divorce attorney but didn't have one that knew anything about this kind of thing. She told he she would look into it all and get back to Jason after Monday. Pearl checked her phone and saw no one had texted or called so she asked if Iris knew how Dylan was. "He was still unconscious when I left at 7." Iris said. Pearl gathered a few things and told Iris she was heading back to the hospital.

"Ok sweetie. John is there now. I will be back tomorrow around 10 am to get you and your things and take you to the apartment that you're staying at on Central Park South. I'll keep in touch. Praying for Dylan."

Pearl thanked her and made her way into the lobby and then headed to the hospital.

"How is he?" She asked John when she got to the waiting area. "He's still not awake yet. They are letting one visitor in at a time now. I was waiting so you could be the first one to see him." John said.

"Thank you." Pearl said as she quickly went to the nurse. "Could I see him?"

"Yes. I'll take you back. He doesn't look...good. I want to warn you. He's on a ventilator."

Pearl nodded and went back, following the nurse. She had her sanitize and put on a gown and mask. Pearl walked in the room and saw him laying there. Her breath caught in her throat and she could feel tears come and roll down her face. He had tubes everywhere. He didn't even look like Dylan except for his hands. She reached out and held one and sat down. "I'll be down the hall if you need me." She said.

"Dylan. Dylan I'm here. I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving town until you can leave with me. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to thank you right now. You saved my life. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve it. I'm so sorry." Pearl couldn't stop repeating it. She was so sorry he was there, like this. She squeezed his hand and sobbed.

A few moments later, she felt him squeeze back. She looked up and saw his eyes opening. He started to pull on his tubes. "Dylan...Dylan! I'm here! You're in the hospital. It's ok." She hit the call light and yelled out for the nurse. The nurse came in and said the doctor was called. "Well, hello there young man, you are a hero" the nurse said. Dylan's eyes were wide open now, searching the room. He looked over and focused on Pearl. She could see a smile and relief in his eyes. "I'm here Dylan. I'm here. It's ok" Pearl said. The nurse asked Pearl to leave when the doctor arrived so they could assess and possibly remove the vent.

Pearl kissed his hand and said she'd be right in the waiting room. She saw John and Blake waiting for her when she came out. "He's awake!" Pearl said to them. "The nurse told us. We are so relieved, Hun." John said and hugged her. Blake put his hand on his nose and started sobbing tears of relief for his friend. It was a moment they all shared that would change them forever.

After another hour, the nurse came out and said they had removed the vent and were monitoring his vitals, making sure he was breathing on his own ok. She said his voice was damaged and he was weak but he looked very good and that the doctor expected a full recovery. She said Pearl could go back in after another hour had passed with stable vitals.

"You should eat. It's 2 on the morning. I know none of us can remember the last time we ate." John said.

"There's a vending machine down that way. They have sandwiches and coffee and things. Let's go check it out." Blake said.

Another two hours passed and Pearl was finally allowed back in the room with Dylan. She walked in eagerly, and went right to him. "Dylan. Dylan it's Pearl" she said, grabbing his hand again. He opened his eyes and looked at her, squeezing her hand.

"Don't..." he tried to say something.

"Dylan don't try to talk, your throat is irritated from the breathing tube."

She noticed a hospital pen and small paper pad on his bedside table. She handed him the pen and he began to write "Don't ever be sorry. I'm not sorry."

He wrote.

She felt tears again stream down her face and told him "thank you. Thank you for saving my life." She said, kissing his forehead.

"Thank you. Saved mine. Day I met you." He wrote.

She wiped the steady waterfall of tears from her face and told Dylan she was going to to get the guys. "I'm so happy you're going to be ok." She said. He smiled and nodded.