Chapter 93

She was pretty buzzed by the time Rhys was done making phone calls.

"I talked to my attorney. He filled me in on what was going on. We have our hands full with David and the company and we are going have to ride it out until we get some clarification. I have some people looking into Ian, also. Is there anything you can remember about him that seemed off?" He asked. She was still sitting on the counter when he returned.

"Yep. Everything seemed off. He's a smug bastard that did nothing but give me shit the entire time. He even said I was a gold digger." She said slammed her drink. "Wait. That's important. He told me you were going to inherit a lot of money. He said I was a gold digger. I thought he was fucking with me until you told me everything the other night. I think this is important intel", she slurred.

"He said that? He knew about my inheritance? How could he know? When did he say that? He asked.

"The night of our first gig with him. I went outside to smoke. He came out and assholed right in my face. First night. I should've known this would happen." She said.

"You've had a rough week, so I'm not even mad about you being drunk right now. You should rest."

She poured him a tall glass of straight vodka and added very little cranberry to it. "No. You should get drunk with me. WE have had a horrible week." She handed him the glass. He looked at her and decided to drink it. She was right. After two more, he was drunk, too.

"Rich people are always drinking scotches at the office in movies. Have you ever drank a scotch at the office in a movie?" Pearl asked as she handed Rhys the vodka bottle. They were both stark naked and in the hot tub, blaring music on the Bluetooth.

"I fully understand why rich people do that now", he laughed. "No shit." Pearl said.

Just then, Jim came outside and when he saw they were naked, he quickly covered his eyes. "It's two in the morning and though we have no close neighbors, I feel blasting 1980s hair metal outside at this hour, at that volume, isn't a good idea."

"Are you a pop music kind of guy, Jimbo?" Pearl asked, offering him the vodka.

"Jim seems more like a classic rock kinda guy. Springsteen stuff." Rhys took the bottle.

"You two were meant for each other", Jim scoffed.

"Don't be so angry, we love you." Rhys said, standing up, completely naked and offering Jim a hug.

"I'll never be able to unsee this. Both of you are a pain in my ass" he said, turning to go back inside. "And I do love me some Springsteen", he said and shut the door behind him.

They both laughed and stayed a little while longer, making sure to turn the music down.

In bed later, they started to fall asleep in each other's arms. "I'm so glad I came home to you to talk today." Rhys said before closing his eyes.

"I'm so glad you believed me", Pearl said back.

"Always", he said and fell asleep.

The next morning, Jim woke them up, telling them they had a visitor. "Thanks Jim, sorry about the full monty last night." Rhys said, sweetly.

"The pleasure was all yours", Jim replied and left.

"Good morning, Pearl with the pretty eyes and love of my life", Rhys said as he kissed her. She smiled.

"Call me that every morning, from now on." She yawned.

They got dressed and headed out to see who was there to see them.

They both stopped in their tracks when they saw Ian, standing there in the foyer.