Chapter 94

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here until tomorrow." Rhys was clearly ready for a confrontation.

"I know. I came to talk to you, Pearl. Can we talk in private?", Ian asked.

"Anything you need to talk to me about can be said in front of Rhys", Pearl said.

They invited him to sit down in the living room. He fidgeted a little and began to talk.

"You're going to be getting some photos, Rhys. Photos of Pearl and I that were set up to look like something is going on between the two of us. I am here to tell you that they are not what they seem. There is nothing going on between the two of us. This was all a set up. All the way back to me auditioning for the band."

"What? What are you talking about?", Pearl asked, confused and angry. She stood up and paced the room.

"It's Carys." Ian said, looking at Rhys. "I've been seeing her for years. Same as you. Only I was in love with her and you just tossed her around whenever you felt like it. I went into this thinking you were a total slime-ball based on what she had told me about you. She set all this up. She wanted me to make Pearl fall for me. Sleep with me. Compromise the band. She thinks Pearl is only with you for your money. But Pearl wasn't buying my act." Ian looked at Pearl. "You fucking hit me, man! I saw how much you loved Rhys and that you guys were good to each other. Rhys wasn't how Carys made him out to be."

"This was all premeditated by Carys?" Rhys looked stupefied.

"Yeah. I went back to see her after New York and told her I didn't think her plan was going to work. She was furious with me. She slipped when she was shouting at me and said she would never get you back with Pearl in the picture. Turns out she was the one interested in your money, not Pearl. I decided to come here and come clean, accept you firing me and breaking the contract, if you feel it is necessary now."

"How did she know about the money, Rhys?", Pearl asked.

"I told her. I found out about my Mom awhile ago and we were talking one night and I let it out. I never talked to her about anything personal but it had just happened and was heavy on my mind." Rhys put his head down, looking guilty. "I never thought her to be capable of something like this."

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea what I was getting into. I was blind, I loved her." Ian looked sincere. "And there's more."

"What else is she planning, Ian. You need to tell me", Rhys stood up and got in his face.

"She feels that you picked some nobody over her and as Carys Mack, the sitcom sweetheart, nobody does that. She thought she was going to be with you and have it made for the rest of her life. She is ruthless. She wants revenge. If she can't have you, no one can. And she's planning revenge. I'm just sorry I fell for her shit and got involved."

"What is she planning?", Rhys asked again, knowing Ian was avoiding the question.

"She's planning on going to the press and telling them you attacked and raped her. And she has a friend that's going to do the same. She says she has evidence to prove it.", Ian said.

"Rhys? Rhys wouldn't hurt anyone. He's the kindest person I know. And there are many people to back that up. I can't imagine anyone would believe that." Pearl said, looking at Rhys.

"Is it Gabriella?" Rhys asked Ian. Why is he asking that? Pearl wondered.

"Yes." Ian answered.

"I'm calling my attorney." Rhys said and left the room.

Pearl didn't know what to think. What was going on?

"So I'm assuming I'm out. I'll call Jason and let him know." Ian said.

"No. I mean, it's a band decision but I don't want to fire you. You're great at what you do and you came here today to confess. You didn't have to do that. I think you're a better ally now than adversary. You're done with her?" Pearl asked, she had an idea.

"Yes, I am so done with her."

"But would she confide in you if you went back to her? Maybe saying that you would continue spying?" she asked. He smiled, knowing what she was asking.

"Yes. I'm sure she would" he said.

"Then that's what you'll do. You want to make this right? Beat her at her own game." Pearl said and Ian nodded his head.