Chapter 138

Pearl woke up in her room, wrapped in a towel, her hair still damp. She remembered leaving the pool and wrapping the towel around her and excusing herself to bed. Fi and Louis had already went to their room and the rest of them were close to passing out as well. She remembered Erik coming into her room and lying next to her, bringing her into his arms and telling her how sorry he was about what she had found out. She told him she didn't want to talk about it or think about it and fell asleep. Good god, a prince and a gentleman, what's next? A spell from witch and a white horse?She laughed out loud to herself. She put on some clean clothes and washed her face, putting on a little bit of makeup to make her not look hung over and managed to her a brush through her hair. She walked to the kitchen and found Erik there, having coffee with the maid, reading the paper. "Well well well, if it isn't the Islay scotch loving, Olympic canon ball champion herself. I'll need a proper autograph" Erik teased.

"Ha ha, a prince AND a comedian. I didn't know being funny was in your DNA?" Pearl said, pouring herself some orange juice. Erik feigned an injury to his heart and told her he was offended and that she owed him an apology. "Ok, I'm so sorry, your humorness" he chuckled and almost spit out his coffee.

"Not good enough. I have a better way for you to make it up to me." He said, keeping his eyes on his paper.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Pearl asked, peeling a banana.

"Come with me to Rome." He said, and his tone told Pearl he was serious.

"Today? I don't know. I mean, I..." Pearl felt that the press would be bad for them, him. About her. A divorced rock star that was fake married to a movie star.

"Auggie has a Polo match for charity there. And then there is a ball. I'd like you to be my guest. Our guest. It was Auggie's idea. I'm just the messenger." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't the press eat up the fact that I'm, well, who I am?" She asked honestly.

"Oh come on! We can't be friends? And when Rhys and his little play on you is exposed, I don't think the press will ever have a bad thing to say about you ever again. Plus, you're a business woman now. You own one of the largest companies in North America. You are there seek out charitable options." He said and put the paper back up to his eyes. He was good. Smart. And she had forgotten all about the closing happening with the company. It was a good reason and enough to get her out of the house to see Rome for the first time. She was excited.

"How long before we leave? I need a dress." She said.

"You'll have time in Rome. We have the top floor penthouse of the Hassler. You'll have plenty of space to get ready there. I'll have my stylist bring some dresses and prepare to do your hair and makeup as well."

"Um, oh..ok." Pearl stumbled.

"Good. Wonderful. It's settled then. Get dressed and packed. We will stay there tonight." He said and finished his coffee. "Now, if you'll both excuse me, I have to get my brother from the pool house where he is currently passed out with two naked Italian girls." He said with a wink. The maid giggled and Pearl looked at her and laughed.

"Fi! Wake up! Can I come in?" Pearl banged on her bedroom door.

"Jesus fuck! Stop pounding on the door!" Fi said, opening it. She looked like she had a good time. "I need to talk to you. Quickly." Pearl said.

"Ok, I'll be there in two minutes." Fi said as she closed the door.

"Ok. What's up? This better be good." Fi said as she walked into Pearl's room. Pearl filled her in on the marriage revelation last night. "You can't tell anyone. I need to be the one to tell Rhys that I know. In my own way." She said.

"Understood." Fi said. "And I've decided to stay here a couple of more days, if that's ok?"

"Of course! Please do!" Pearl said. "Oh, but I won't be here tonight. I'll be in Rome, with the Prince Brothers." Pearl said. Fi raised her eyebrow.

"Not like that. It's a charity thing. Also, what does one wear to a polo match?" She asked.

"You're lucky. I have just the outfit." Fi said, smiling. "I was going to wear this to dinner last night but I changed my mind. It's perfect."

She went to her room and came back with a flowy red, tan and pink paisley boho style dress with a built in frilly scarf and a tan sun hat. She also let her borrow a pair of tan Louis Vuitton sandals that tied up the ankles, doing her makeup to look natural and pulling her hair up and into a low, loose bun, and adding her Armani sunglasses as the finishing touch. "There. You look like a woman that should be on the arm of a prince." She said.

"We are just friends. The arm of my friend." Pearl corrected her.

"Of course." She said.

"Thanks Fi." Pearl said as she headed down to the door.

"After you tell him, I'm going to kill him." She said. Pearl nodded.

"The best way to hurt him is to live your life, right now, like this. I'm glad you are going to Rome." Fi hugged her told her she would be there when she got back.