Chapter 139

"Well, are we going or not?" Pearl asked, finding Erik and Auggie at the door. Auggie looked a little rough and she saw that the maid had made him a large coffee to go.

"Forgive me. I don't mean to stare. In that perfectly pretentious polo match getup, you look absolutely adorable." Erik smiled and led her to the car.

"Thank you?" Pearl said, getting in.

"Thank you for coming." Auggie said. The ride to Rome was about 3 hours long. They stopped for brunch at a small cafe on the way.

"Ugh. I never drink like that. I was absolutely trollied last night. I blame you both." Auggie snarled.

"You sound pathetic. You didn't seem too miffed when I found you in the pool house this morning with two girls. One with her knickers on and one without." Erik slugged him in the arm.

"I was a perfect gentleman." Auggie said, defending himself. "I just hope I'm not too knackered to play today. I'm afraid if I run too hard I'll chunder up this brunch torte and mum will have my arse."

The way he said that was absolutely hilarious. Pearl laughed so hardcore she felt it deep in her belly. It hurt.

"What? What's so funny? Bugger." Auggie said. "I think I need a beer."

They got to the hotel in Rome and it was the nicest hotel Pearl had ever seen. The bodyguards escorted them through a back entrance and up a private elevator that opened into their suite. There was a beautiful patio with the a view of the entire city. Marble tubs and tiles. Two bedroom and a full kitchen and living room. A grand piano sat in the corner. "Wow" Pearl said out loud.

"It's lovely, don't you think?" Erik asked.

"It's definitely lovely." She said. He led her to the main bedroom. "You can put your things in here with mine. Auggie will stay in the other room. We aren't going back to Florence tonight. The ball will run a bit late, I'd imagine." Pearl nodded.

"I need to have a shower and her dressed. Feel free to help yourself to whatever you'd like on the kitchen." He kissed her cheek and was off to the bathroom. She found champagne and orange juice in the kitchen and made a mimosa.

She sat on the terrace and an odd thought occurred to her. She felt so comfortable around Erik. And his family for that matter. Of all the people in the world, he should be the last person she felt relaxed around. She didn't feel she had to question him or wonder where she stood. There wasn't any pressure for sex or some kind of love or emotion. It was just as he said. They both just enjoyed each other's company. He knew of her before they met, but it was for all the right reasons. She took out her phone and checked her emails. One was from Dylan. "Hey there. Hope you are having the time of your life. I miss your face." Pearl smiled. She loved her friendship with Dylan. That had really turned around for her and she was thankful. Iris emailed her updates. The lawyer had some things for her to sign for the probate and the company and it all would be final. Pearl opened the attachment and electronically signed them all. It was done. She was now the owner and president and primary share holder of Trigon Incorporated. She exhaled and told Iris to find out as much as she could to get the ball rolling on a corporate attorney and consultant.

"Well, let's see about Auggie and his balls" Erik said, walking out onto the balcony.

"Whoa. You look like, you look... very handsome."

"You can say sex on legs. I get that a lot." Erik jested.

I fucking bet you do. Pearl said to herself. He had on sunglasses and light gray dress pants and a light blue button down dress shirt, open at the top, with a dark gray blazer. He added a pink pocket square to his jacket to match her dress. "Where did you get that to match?" Pearl asked.

"Silly girl. I have one in every color." He said." Did you make one of those for me?" He asked, looking at her drink.

"Of course." Pearl said, leading him to the kitchen.