Chapter 145

After spending a small fortune at Gucci, Prada and Louis Vuitton, they were ready to check in to their hotel and get ready. Pearl had heard from Erik. He was almost finished with dinner and wanted them all to meet him at his suite at the Danieli. They had a suite at the Gritti, compliments of Holden Tomlinson.

Pearl looked in the mirror. "The Prada Duchess dress." Fi said, smiling. "There isn't much to it."

She smiled. It was a black dress with deep V neck top that had cross fabric barely holding in her breasts and a full skirt with an open back. It was elegant and daringly sexy. Pearl loved it. "This is a four thousand dollar dress." Pearl said.

"Yes. And you're wearing it for a goddamn royal. I'd say it's worth it." Fi said. Pearl wanted to feel bad for using Rhys and his card. But she couldn't find one bit of feeling bad inside herself. Pearl put on way too much black eyeliner and shadow but the smoky eye looked perfect with the smoky color of the dress. Her hair was big and curled and she barely recognized herself. She looked good. Very good.

They made their way by boat to the Terrazza Danieli, the rooftop restaurant at the hotel Erik was staying at. They walked in and saw that Erik had reserved a large area for them, with the usual security detail around. "Hello little nightingale." He said, greeting her. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." Pearl said. "How was dinner with your uncle?" She asked.

"Good." He said. "I told him about you." He smiled. Pearl looked a bit surprised. He pulled her chair out for her and she sat down.

There was a jazz band playing and the view was incredible. Pearl sat down and Erik looked at her and keeping his eyes on her. Pearl looked up and noticed him, and this time, instead of blushing, she looked back at him and bit her lower lip. His eyes changed and looked more intently at her. The waiter interrupted and Erik ordered two bottles of Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1985. The man loved his wine, Pearl thought. One bottle cost more than her dress.

"Are you hungry?" Erik asked them, but keeping his eyes on Pearl.

"Ravenous." Pearl said. Erik cleared his throat and looked like he was going to jump across the table at her. He ordered several small plates for them to dine on. Pearl was on her second glass of wine when a younger gentleman came up and apologized for interrupting. "The gentleman, his highness, was hoping you would sing a song with us." He said, looking at Erik. Pearl looked at him curiously.

Erik smiled at Pearl. "It's time I heard the voice my brother keeps going on about." He said. She smiled and stood up. As she walked past him, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down to him. "I've never seen anything more alluring and intoxicatingly seductive as you tonight, in this dress." He whispered. She leaned in closer. "Good." She whispered into his ear, touching the top of his earlobe with her bottom lip. She could see his jaw clench. He reluctantly let go and she made her way over to the band. They chatted a little and agreed on a song. The bar was filling up and most of it was standing room only now, which Pearl was sure had to do with the fact that royalty and movie stars were there. She was learning that word traveled fast when it came to Erik. Add Louis and Fi, and it was a huge draw.

The band began to play the intro to Etta James' "Sunday Kind of Love." Pearl chose it because of what Erik told her the other night about real love being formed in friendship and not idealistic romantic expectations. She wanted him to know it really made her see things differently. She was thankful for it. She began to sing in her sultry voice.

"I want a.. Sunday kind of love

A love to last past Saturday night

And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight

And I want a Sunday kind of love

Oh yea yea.." she looked over at Erik. He was watching her and only her, intensely. The entire bar was, actually. It was quiet. She had gained their attention and they were enjoying her voice. It made her feel amazing.

"Oh I'm hoping to discover

A certain kind of lover

Who will show me the way

And my arms need someone

Someone to enfold

To keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold

Love for all my life to have and to hold

Oh and I want a Sunday kind of love

Oh yea yea yea..." she sang her heart out.

After the song ended, everyone applauded and Erik walked over to her, kissing her in front of everyone. Pearl felt panic set in.

"That was the incredible. Incredible!" He said, hugging her. He was so excited about her. When she was around him, she was the center of the world, even though she knew she wasn't for him. He has so much going on, but made her feel important. Not because he was trying. There were no forced romantic gestures. No bullshit. He was excited about HER. And that was it. It was something she didn't have to question at all. She smiled shyly and thanked him.

"Wow! That was unbelievable." Fi said when Pearl sat back down at the table. Pearl wasn't sure if she was talking about her song or Erik's kiss.

"You've got a helluva voice, pretty bird." Louis said.

They ate dinner and ordered another bottle of wine. Fi was really into Louis and it appeared the feeling was mutual. It made Pearl happy to see her enjoying her time there. Pearl got up from the table and walked over to the side of the roof and leaned over the railing, looking out at the water and boats and lights of the city.

"So beautiful." Erik said, standing next to her.

"This city is incredible." Pearl said.

"I was talking about you." Erik said. Pearl smiled.

"I can see why you are such an overnight success with your band. You have an incredible voice." He said.

"Thank you." She said. "I talked to Rhys today."

He lifted his eyebrow.

"You were right. All of it. I'm not married." She said.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through a deception like that." He said.

"Thank you. But I'm not." She said, moving closer to him. She stood directly in front of him, looking into his eyes. "I'm asking you. I'm asking you to touch me." She said.

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking for any hesitation in her eyes.

"Yes." She said confidently.

His eyes looked like they had fire behind them. The look he gave her the night before was there again only more intense. "I want you in my bed, now. And for the rest of the night." He said, holding her chin and tipping her face to look at him.

He finished his wine and she followed suit. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the bar, not even taking the time to tell Fi and Louis where they were going.