Chapter 146

The elevator door closed and Erik had his hands on her body within seconds. He kissed her and pushed her up against the corner, grabbing her leg and lifting it, running his hand up her thigh and grabbing her ass. She could barely breathe. The door opened and they walked into the suite. "Oh my god" Pearl said, looking at how luxurious and elegantly decorated the suite was.

He pulled her into a large bedroom and turned her around gently, unzipping her dress. He turned her back around, facing him and moved the straps of her dress down, sliding the dress off of her and onto the floor. She stood there in nothing but panties and heels. He looked at her, taking her in with his eyes.

"My god. You are so hauntingly beautiful. It's breathtaking." He said. She moved to him and took his tie off and began unbuttoning his shirt, then opening it and running her hand down his chest. He closed his eyes with pleasure as she moved it off of his body. He unbuckled his belt and she moved her hands to his zipper, then taking his pants down for him. Then his underwear. She looked at his massive cock. She was suddenly a little fearful, it was larger than anything else she had seen or imagined a man could be, size wise. He picked her up and laid her on the bed, moving her panties off and kissing her mouth, then moving down to her chest. He took his time with her breasts, nibbling and putting each one in his mouth, caressing them with his hands and taking moments to come up and kiss her again. He took her panties and tied her hands with them. Then used his tie to blindfold her. She started to protest and he stopped her by kissing her hard again. "Keep them up over your head." He commanded.

"Ok." She said.

He kissed every inch of her body, running his lips and tongue over her legs, her ankles her arms and even sucking her fingers. Him taking his time and dragging out the need was driving her crazy. He went back down to between her legs and moved his mouth against her, opening her folds with his tongue. She moaned and had to stop herself from moving her hands down to him. He suckled and ran his teeth gently over her clit, causing her to shudder beneath him and cry out for more. He smiled at how much pleasure he was giving her.

"I want you inside me. Please." She pleaded.

"No yet." He whispered. He turned her over and began kissing her back, moving down to the between her cheeks.

"Erik" she began to protest again.

"Shhhh." He said. He lifted her up onto her knees and spread her legs. Running his tongue in between her cheeks and around her hole, while taking his fingers and sliding them inside of her front folds, she shuddered again at the violation and pleasure she felt in both of her intimate places.

"You are dripping wet, Pearl."

"Please. You're going to make me cum if you keep doing that." She said.

He lowered her off her knees and turned her over onto her back. He moved the tie off of her eyes and ripped her panties off of her hands. She immediately reached down and grabbed his ass, pulling him to her. He followed her command and moved on top of her, driving himself inside of her and thrusting hard. She gasped and cried out. He was huge but she handled it better than she thought she would. She was thankful to finally feel the release of the tension, feeling his body fill hers.

"Fuck me. Fuck me good." She whispered. Her words drove him into a frenzy. He pounded into her. "Ahhh. Ahhhh. Oh my god." Pearl cried out. "Don't stop. Hurt me. Please." She begged. He looked at her in disbelief and fucked her even harder. She feared he might split her in two but she didn't care. It was the best kind of pain she had ever experienced. She wanted him to fuck her until she couldn't feel anymore. He was taking away every sad feeling. Every moment of emotional hurt with every violent thrust.

"Harder. Harder." She pleaded, grabbing the flesh of his back and drawing blood. "More." She said.

He lifted her legs and pounded deeper into her, "Pearl, my god. You feel so good. Fuck." He said. She wanted him to hurt her more. She grabbed his ass again and pulled him even deeper. He was in a pounding frenzy and she was now moving her body into his, in rhythm with his thrusts. She felt her orgasm coming and she stopped moving, tightening her walls around his cock and gripping his body with her legs as her climax washed over her.

"Fuck!" Erik cried out. "I can feel you tighten around me. Fuck." He could contain himself no longer. His body tightened and he wrapped his arms around her head and neck, pulling her toward him as his climax came, filling her body with every last drop of his cum. He pumped into her and kissed her mouth, holding her face in his hands. After he caught his breath, he looked into her eyes. "That was the un-fucking-believable. I didn't think sex like that was possible." He said, searching her eyes.

"Pure carnal attraction and friendship, right?" She said with a smile.

He smiled back and kissed her again. "Right. Thank you for giving yourself to me tonight." He said.

"Thank you for everything." She said. He kissed her again and moved off from on top of her, pulling her into his arms. He twirled her hair between his fingers. She started to drift off to sleep and so did he.

"Goodnight, nightingale." He whispered.