Chapter 169

"Fuck." Erik said as they slammed into the wall, bursting through the front door. He was tugging at her panties and trying to get her upstairs at the same time. He couldn't be inside of her soon enough. "This dress is kryptonite." He whispered. Pearl was dizzy with want and she tore his shirt trying to get it off. He growled and threw her on the bed, ripping off her panties.

"Open your legs." He commanded.

She kept her eyes on his and lifted her dress, opening her legs wide, laying back on the bed. He groaned and took off the rest of his clothes. He moved on top of her and ran his hand up the side of her thigh, lifting her dress higher.

"I'm going to fuck you, hard." He told Pearl. The words made her weak and she could feel the pooling forming between her legs. He thrusted into her and pounded relentlessly until she thought she might pass out. He didn't stop. The pain and pleasure were not one without the other and she cried out his name as he continued pump and hit her wall.

"I don't ever want to stop fucking you, being inside of you." He said.

"Then don't." She said, breathlessly. With that, he moaned and rammed his orgasm into her, thrusting and filling her with every drop of his climax.

He collapsed on top of her and held her in his arms, both of them catching their breath and shaking.

Erik woke up early the next morning. He stood over the bed and looked at Pearl, sleeping soundly. She was so beautiful and kind yet desirous and exciting. She was everything a man could ever need and yet there was more to her than that. She was a queen. He knew what he had to do.

"Father, I would like to come to dinner tomorrow. Yes. Mum, too." He said. "Yes. That sounds lovely. I'll be there." He got on his laptop and booked the first flight he could to London. He packed a bag and woke Pearl.

"Good morning, nightingale." He said.

"Good morning." She said. "It looks early. What time is it?" She asked.

"It's seven thirty." He said.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked, looking at his bag.

"Yes. I have to fly home to London for a couple of days. I will be back in time for the Stones concert, I promise." He said.

Dread hit her. This was what Rhys did when he felt threatened or scared. She should have never told him she loved him.

"No. I can go. It's ok. You don't have to leave" she said, starting to get up.

"What do you mean? I don't want you to leave. I don't want to leave. But I need to."

"I know. I'm used to it. It's ok. I understand." She said, putting her head down.

"No. I don't think you do understand. This has nothing to do you with you in a bad way. I'm not leaving because I'm scared or unhappy. I'm leaving for a good reason and I'll explain everything when I get back. I'm leaving you so I never have to leave you again." He said. Pearl didn't understand but she appreciated him explaining what he could. And at least waking her up to say goodbye. She hugged him and nodded.

"I'll be back on a couple of days. I miss you already." He said, walking to the door.

"Erik." Pearl called out. He turned around.

"If you are not long, I will wait for you all my life." She said.

"You won't have to." He said, leaving her there in his bed.

Pearl laid in bed and cried. She hoped he was telling her the truth and that he would come back soon.

"You look like shit." Fi said at lunch that day.

"I don't want to talk about it." Pearl said. "I missed you. I'm glad you are back in LA."

"I live here. And as long as you're here, you're stuck with me." Fi said.

"I don't even have a home." Pearl said, sighing.

"You know what the best way to deal with that is?"

Fi asked.

"What?" Pearl asked.

"Waiter! Four shots of tequila." Fi said.

"Oh yes. Death. Great cure." Pearl said, slamming the shots.

Pearl was exhausted when she got back from lunch. She put in some comfy clothes and turned on the massive television in the family room. What would make Erik need to leave in such a hurry. She tried very hard not to compare him to the others. Erik was a good guy, right? She pulled a blanket over herself and fell asleep.