Chapter 170

"Hello son, how is our little Augustus doing at the University." His father asked as Erik sat down at the table.

"He is well. Enjoying his studies." Erik said. "And Florence. Lovely there." Erik smiled, remembering the night he shared with Pearl there.

Erik's mother walked in and sat down.

"Hello Mum." He said, kissing her cheek.

"And I trust the polo match went well. And the ball..." His father said. Erik knew it was coming and that was precisely why he was there.

The maid came in and offered Erik a glass of wine.

"Could you please grab one of the blue moons from the refrigerator that I brought. Oh, and don't forget to add an orange." Erik said.

"Oranges in your beer, Erik?" His mother asked. "Yes, it is quite good." He said, smiling. Erik's mother looked at her son. He hadn't smiled like that since he was a child. It made her happy to see.

"Erik, who is she? I know all about it, you're not even trying to hide it. Out with it, then." His father commanded.

"Her name is Pearl Clarke. She's just acquired Trigon Incorporated. It's a marketing technology firm based out of Seattle and Michigan. I think it could be a great investment opportunity for the royal family. We have been looking for investments in the states and I believe it might be something we want to look into deeper and consider. I want to help her learn and grow her business. She is a brand new business owner and has very little experience and I think I might be the one to help her. Maybe even evolve it into a charity-based, non-profit company in the future. At least that's my hope."

"You have hopes regarding this woman's career?" His father asked.

"It's one of the aspects that I'm interested in regarding her, yes." He said.

Erik's mother chimed in. "There is more, isn't there?"

"Yes, yes I have a personal interest as well." Erik said.

"All I'm asking is that you agree to meet her. I want to bring her to dinner here and introduce her to you both." Erik said. "We can call it a professional meeting regarding her company but I want you to both know the real reason I want you to meet her. I want to be honest with you." Erik said.

"And what reason is that?" His father asked.

"I intend to make her my wife." Erik said. "And the company is significant because it will then be in the crown's interest."

"This is wonderful!" Erik's mother said.

"Wonderful?" Are you out of your mind?" His father said.

"Yes. I am happy for him. I've been wondering if we'd ever see Erik have an interest in a woman" His mother said.

"She is not groomed to be a queen. She doesn't know anything about British customs or societies. I read that she had been divorced!" His father said.

"I assure you, Father, she has the heart and the soul of queen. There is so much goodness inside of her you feel like if you can make her happy, you can do anything. All I'm asking is for you to meet her, give her a chance. If you can't see past the things you call hinderances, I'll renounce my throne." Erik said. "We all know Auggie is better suited for it anyway."

"What is this? You're not giving up your throne! It is your birthright, Erik! Have you gone mad?!"

"No, Father. I am in love." Erik said.

"You're in love with her?" Erik's mother asked.

"Yes, Mother. And I'm not saying I'm going to marry her tomorrow. But I'm telling you that is my ultimate intention and all I'm asking right now from you is a chance to make this work. To at least be willing to meet her and see for yourself what I see in her.

And I will give up my crown if I have to. If you're unwilling well, then so am I. I stand here right now telling you I would give it all up if I had the chance to be with this woman for the rest of my life." Erik said.

"Erik", his mother said, "You are the best fit to be King. It is your destiny and what you were born to do. You are a good man. If you truly see something in this woman that makes you want to finally consider settling down I will meet her. I'll give her a chance. It's not going to be easy and there's going to be a lot of discussions and a lot of planning and a lot of rearranging our lives but if you feel she's worth it, I'll take the chance."

"You have both gone completely mad." His Father said.

"You are my father and I love you but sometimes I wish you weren't so damn stubborn" Erik said. "I'm bringing her here, out of respect for you. You will meet her and if you don't like what you see, I'm going to be with her anyway. I'm including you because I love you, not because I have to. Mother. Father." He said and left.

After Erik left, his mother could sense the tension still coming from his father.

"Edward, listen to me" his mother said. "Erik has this one life, one. He is 33 years old and he's never even come close to finding someone that made him as happy as I saw him today. This is the first time he's ever even spoken to us about a girl. It is our job to trust that after waiting so long, he found someone he feels he can love. Remember when we were children? Remember my upbringing? Remember the first time you told me you loved me and that you didn't care about your family or your crown? You loved me, for me. And you would've risked everything to be with me."

"That is completely different and you know it, Frances. You were not from a different country and you were not divorced." He said.

"No, but I didn't come from money. I didn't come from the kind of family that your parents would've preferred but we made it work. I know you love your son and I know you want him to take over your throne. Erik is his Father's son. He is just like you. Give this girl a chance. He has never asked anything of us. I remember that little boy he once was, so damaged and broken after losing his best friend in school and for what he saw that day at his house. We lost him that day and I didn't think we would ever get him back. He has been so cold and distant for so long. There is a warmth, a fire and a light in him now and that if this woman has anything to do with it I want to meet her and I think deep down you do, too." She said. "Just because it isn't the life that you expected for him doesn't mean it's not the life he deserves to have. Give it a chance, you and I both know we don't want to lose him and we want him to be the next king of England. We have to at least try to make this work."

His father stayed in his thoughts for a long time after she spoke. After what felt like hours, he looked at his wife and said, "Alright. Invite her here. I'm not making any promises but I'll meet her for you and for our son." He said.