Chapter 187

The car drove them to Oxford for Erik to speak at the opening of the new business school there. Pearl was merely going along for the ride as an observer but she knew Erik didn't want her out of his sight, even for a moment, after the situation yesterday. He looked so regal in his dark gray suit and green tie that brought out his eyes. She sat side stage as he was welcomed to the podium.

"Thank you. Most of my life has been spent visiting other countries, meeting so many wonderful people, which makes me incredibly fortunate. I meet so many people who give remarkable service to their communities. Some are elected officials, members of the armed forces, charity workers, healthcare workers, teachers and caregivers and many others – people who are deeply committed to public service. Many of them are motivated by dreams and visions of how their societies can be improved. I can see that the research carried out here and the skills taught here are a means of translating those dreams into practical reality, and I am honored have been asked to speak today." He said. The crowd clapped and Pearl watched with complete adoration.

Afterward, he took her to a Thai restaurant for lunch. Reporters and photographers followed them from the car to the door. Everyone in the restaurant was silent when they entered. Erik waved and they were seated.

"That was incredible. I adore watching you in your role as Prince. The country and the world are fortunate to have such a man." She said.

He thanked her and fed her Thai toast, wiping the sauce that dripped from her lip.

"I thought public displays of affection were frowned up, your royal highness?" Pearl asked.

"Forget those rules." Erik said. "I want to take you right now and kiss you until the world ends." He said, kissing her.

"Good morning, nightingale." Erik said as he kissed her cheek. She opened her eyes and fear hit her. She was meeting his father in a few hours and she was terrified.

"Pearl, my love, my life, please stop fretting. You look perfect." Erik said after her third outfit change. Alice had arrived at 7 am to help her and Pearl was thankful for it. She finally settled with a pale pink Valentino wool and silk midi dress with a rounded neckline, long bell sleeves and an A-line skirt. It was modest and formal. She grabbed a simple clutch after Alice helped tie her hair back into a half updo.

"You look lovely, dear. Breathe." Alice said. Pearl nodded and Erik led her to the car.

The ride was stuffy and the nerves between them both were obvious.

They arrived at Buckingham Palace and were promptly escorted inside. The crowd was already forming outside for the commonwealth parade.

Pearl was a ball of nerves. They were lead to a room adjacent to a large dining room. Erik's parents were announced and Pearl thought she might faint.

His father and mother walked over to greet them.

"Father, this is Pearl Clarke." Erik said.

"Your majesty." Pearl said, with a low curtsey. He looked at her and turned, walking into the dining room. Erik's mother stopped and greeted her, offering her a look of apology. Erik clenched his jaw and escorted her to the smaller of the two tables in the room.

They were seated and Pearl sat completely stoic and quiet until Erik cued her to drink or eat. She was terrified.

"So father, the crowd is already growing outside for the festivities today, looks like a wonderful turnout." Erik said, breaking the ice.

His father nodded.

"Ms. Clarke, are you interested in discussing Trigon with our ambassador to the United States?" His father asked Pearl.

"Yes, of course. It would be an honor to discuss ways in which Trigon could benefit and work with the crown." Pearl said.

"I looked into Trigon after speaking with my son. It is considered quite the up and coming digital marketing firm." He said.

"Yes. We hope so." Pearl said, looking at Erik.

"You acquired it by having a relationship with the previous owner's son?"

"Father!" Erik said.

"It's ok, Erik. Yes. I was bequeathed Trigon, a company in which I worked incredibly hard for, for several years. The owner and his son had a difficult relationship and when he found out his son's interest in me, he used me as a pawn to hurt him. He made it impossible for me to give it to him or sell it for five years after his death." Pearl explained. "I assure you, it wasn't something I wanted or asked for. But I intend to put all my energy into making it grow and flourish because of my love for it all these years." She said. Erik was proud of her for telling him so honestly what had happened.

"It isn't an honest way to acquire a business, no matter how much you candy coat it, Ms. Clarke." His father said.

"Most businesses are acquired and ran with more dishonesty than that. At least I am able to own up to my part." Pearl said.

His father seemed unfazed by her attempt to defend herself.

"And what of your recent marriage? It was proven to be a lie. How convenient for you and Erik." His father said.

"Father, that is enough." Erik said.

"I am just trying to figure out what in the bloody hell we now have to deal with when it comes to this woman being a part of your life." His father said. "Has she told you about her father's arrest record for assault and battery? Three felonies! Erik, I will never give this my blessing."

Erik stood up and threw his napkin on the table. "I didn't imagine you would. You are a damn fool and I don't think I want to be a part of family where love is treated like a goddamn business." He said, turning and walking out the door.

Pearl sat at the table, with her head down. "The arrests... the first one was when I found my mother beaten so badly, I had to call the paramedics myself. I was four. The second, was when he drank himself almost unconscious and tried to strangle her to death in front of me. I was eight. The last time, was when I came home ten minutes past curfew and he accused me of being a whore, while beating me unconscious with a boot. I was sixteen." Pearl said quietly. "I don't expect you to understand something like that. What addiction and alcoholism does to a family. But I can tell you, I do. I have never told anyone those things and I hope I never have to again. Erik is a good man, and I am sorry I am not what you wanted for him. But I can tell you that I love him with all of my being. I'm not perfect, but I can promise you that I always will. Thank you for lunch, your majesties." She said and stood, curtsied and walked out.

Erik was by the car outside when Pearl found him.

"I am sorry." She said.

"Don't be. You were wonderful in there." Erik said.

They heard a child scream and turned to see a small boy had fallen in the middle of the street. Erik didn't hesitate for a moment and he and Pearl ran over to him. "It's ok, little chap." Erik said as he bent down to pick him up off of the road and scooted him to the side of the road. He looked back at Pearl and smiled. Just then, a speeding car was negligently heading straight towards him. "Erik! Look out!" Pearl shouted. She lunged for him, knocking him to the side and was hit by the front driver's side of the car, clipping her and spinning her around, knocking her onto the pavement and causing her to crack her head on the hard ground. Erik ran over to her but got no response. There was blood all over her. Erik was hysterical. It had happened so fast. "Help! Someone call the medics! Now!" He cried out. "Pearl, Pearl stay with me. My god! Pearl! Please don't leave me. I'm here. I'm right here."