Chapter 188

***Note from the author***

How are you all liking the book so far? Please leave a comment or a review and let me know! Your feedback is important to me and could have an impact on the path of the story! I choose to keep this free for you to read, so know that I appreciate you all being on Pearl's journey with me! Love you all and thank you for reading!


"Go home and get some rest, Erik. You are not well." Auggie said. It had been three days and Erik hadn't left Pearl's side. He was still in the same clothes, he was refusing to eat and had barely slept. His eyes were sunken from the lack of sleep and food and he was extremely pale.

"I promise we will call you if anything changes." Iris said. Dylan offered him a cup of coffee and Jim put his arm around him, telling him he would make sure Pearl was safe while he was gone.

"You are all mad if you think I am leaving this room." Erik said.

John and Janie, Blake, Ian and Fi were all at the Hilton close by. Tony couldn't make it because his mom had fallen ill suddenly. They were each rotating shifts to see Pearl as only five people were allowed in at a time in the private suite. Pearl had been unconscious for 3 days. She had sustained many injuries in the accident. Several lacerations on her head, legs and back, a broken arm, broken femur, shattered wrist and contusions everywhere. The doctors said she was fortunate after her brain scan showed swelling but no bleeding or severe damage, being that the car was going 60 miles an hour when it hit her. They expected a full recovery and her to regain consciousness after the swelling went down. Their positive prognosis meant little to Erik. All he saw was that the woman he loved, the woman that threw herself in harms way for him, saving his life, was laying in a hospital bed suffering. The police said that if the car would have hit Erik head on instead of clipping Pearl on just the one corner, he would have been killed instantly.

He laid his head on her bed and rolled his face over her hand, longing for her touch, her smile, her voice. Anything.

"When I was shot in a robbery in New York several months ago, Pearl never left my side. I jumped in front of a bullet for her and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I know Pearl will feel the same about you when she wakes up. Anyway, she wouldn't leave New York and barely left the hospital until she knew I was going to be ok. I was grateful she was there. I wouldn't expect any less from you for her. Whatever you need, I'm here. I can get you some clothes if you'd like." Dylan said, putting his arm on Erik's shoulder. Erik looked up at him. "One day, I am going to ask Pearl to be my wife. And if it isn't too much to ask, I'd like for you to be my best man at the wedding." He said.

Dylan smiled. "I would be honored." He said.

The hospital became quiet and they could see shuffling happening among the staff. The manager of the unit came in. "Your royal highness, his majesty, the king and her majesty, the queen have arrived and are here to see the patient." Everyone, except Dylan and Erik, stood and moved out of the way. His father walked in, with his mother following behind him. There were a few security guards beside them. Iris curtsied. Jim stood quietly along the wall, trying to resist the urge to pulverize a monarch. Erik had told them what had happened prior to the accident. None of the people that loved Pearl were happy to see him there.

"How is she?" His father asked.

"And you suddenly care, why?" Dylan asked. The security detail walked closer. Dylan threw his hands up. "Fine. I digress. But if you disrespect her in this room while she is laying here, recovering from saving your son's LIFE, it will take more than these little security bitches to hold me back." Dylan said.

"Are you threatening a king?" One of the bodyguards asked.

"I didn't stutter." Dylan said.

"It's fine, leave it alone." The king said, raising his arm. "I asked how she was."

"How does she look, father?" Erik said with emotion. "How does she seem to you? She's in a coma. Several of her bones are broken and her brain is swollen." Erik's mother put her hand on Erik's shoulder.

"Where are you all staying while you are in London?" The king asked.

"We are at the Hilton, your majesty." Iris said.

"Nonsense. Daniel, please assist these people in getting their things from the Hilton. The friends of the woman that saved my son's life will be staying at Buckingham Palace." He said. The man nodded and bowed and escorted Iris, Jim and Dylan out of the room.

Erik looked at his father.

"I am glad you are safe and unhurt." His father said. "I am sorry for how I behaved with Pearl. I was wrong and I am saying to you that I was wrong." He said.

"It took her jumping in front of a car for me for you to accept her? To see her good qualities? To trust your son and his judgement? You realize how fucked up that is, right?" Erik said. Auggie and Frances looked at one another.

"No. I realized it after you walked out, after what she said to us." His father said. He told Erik what happened after he left the table and the room. Erik looked down at Pearl. He knew she had a troubled childhood but he didn't know the details. Until now. His heart hurt for her. Here he was, talking about his traumatic experience as a child when she had the same ones. Only with her own father. God how he wanted her to wake up, to come back to him. He would love her enough to make her feel safe again. He wanted to take away her pain so badly. Both physical and mental.

"She told me she loved you with all of her being and never once disrespected me after what I said to her. She left with grace, never wavering in her feelings for you. That required more courage than I would have had in that situation, speaking to a king, let alone after being berated by him." The king said. "I knew then that her pride meant nothing to her compared to her love for you and respect for your family. Then immediately after, she threw herself in front of a speeding car to save the life of my eldest son and heir first in line to the throne of England."

Erik closed his eyes and felt tears rolling down his face.

"I can understand why you love her. You have my blessing." The king said. He turned and left the room.

"I love you, Erik. Please keep us posted." His mother said, smiling and nodding to him, following his father out.

Erik felt the sobs overtake him. Auggie sat next to him and put his arm around him while he cried until nothing else came out.

"I love you so much, brother. She is going to be ok." Auggie said.

Erik nodded and wiped his face. "She has to be, Augustus."

"I started to warn Dad and mum about the rock star shitshow they were inviting into the palace but I figure they will find out soon enough." Auggie said.

Erik laughed. Then laughed harder, deliriously.

"It's good to see you laugh, brother." Auggie said, still holding him.