Chapter 270

"Good morning. He are you feeling?" Sebastian asked.

"I am truly sorry about last night. I don't know what came over me." Pearl said, looking defeated.

"Please, no need to apologize again. I understand. I am heading out for a bit. I will be back before you leave today to check on you." Sebastian said.

Peal nodded and went back to sleep. She was exhausted.

Sebastian gathered his bag and headed to a hotel across town where Erik was staying.

"Cousin. How is she?" Erik asked. He looked terrible.

"She is a wreck. And I am furious with you." Sebastian said, sitting down. "Why is this just now coming out? Why isn't this something that was discussed with her before the wedding, cousin? Because not telling her this beforehand sounds like deliberate deceit."

"I know. But there was a gag order. And it was closed. Sealed. I thought I would never have to deal with it again. It was over. I did warn her about my past. I told her everything but the specific details." Erik said. "I have no idea how that slimy little prick found out about it. I mean it, everything was sealed."

"Erik. You have to understand her perspective here. It was a shock. She is still processing it." Sebastian said. "And I looked into it. It sounds like things got out of hand one night. Alcohol and drugs were involved. That wasn't in the injured girl's statement but it's a reason for things to get out of hand, real fast." Sebastian said.

Erik nodded. "That's why I decided to change my life, my lifestyle, my friends. Everything. I was a different man when I met Pearl." Erik said, looking down.

"Your father covered all of this up for you." Sebastian said.

"He was more concerned about the crown's reputation than anything. It had to be handled. I didn't care. I felt awful about it. I still do. I was a stupid kid doing stupid things and dealing with trauma from my past. I didn't know that would happen. It went too far. But I wanted the punishment I deserved. We hadn't had much of a relationship since, my parents and I. Well, not until Pearl anyway." Erik said, standing at the window. For all the anger Sebastian had toward his cousin, he believed him.

"Well, you need to find a way to make Pearl understand why you chose not to tell her." Sebastian said.

"I warned her. I told her I wasn't a good guy. That I didn't do romance and I told her she should be careful being around me. But I fell in love with her. She is different than any woman I have ever met. I have to talk to her. I have to make this right." Erik said, looking at Sebastian with desperation in his eyes.

"Yes. You do." He said. "Because this isn't about you now. She is taking everything that has been done to her and putting it all together. It's making her feel that she has some kind of curse on her to be miserable. Like she deserves it. She keeps choosing these damaged, deceitful men. It's slowly taking over her mind now. You don't have much time to change it now."

Erik shook his head. "I love her so much. More than anything in this world. I never wanted to hurt her. I never imagined hurting her. I didn't want to be one of those men." He said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Nothing is perfect. No one. And she chose you knowing you had serious trauma in your past. I know her. She will understand, but you have to give her the ability to choose. You have to be honest with her. No one has, ever." Sebastian said. "She's leaving for Detroit this afternoon. I'm going to check on her before she leaves."

"What is she doing now?" Erik asked.

"Sleeping." Sebastian said.

Erik nodded. He picked up his phone and called Jim.

"Yes. This is Erik. Do you have a key card for Pearl's room? Yes I am on my way. Thank you." He said.

"Erik, what are you doing?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm going to give her the ability to choose." He said, grabbing his wallet and key. "I'm going to get my wife back."

Sebastian looked at him and nodded. He didn't know what she would do but he knew that Erik had to try. He was the father of the child she carried and he knew she truly loved him. But only Pearl could decide their fate. And it was time for her to start making the decisions in her life.