Chapter 287

"Hello nightingale." Erik said as he leaned on to give Pearl a kiss. They had been at Portland Hospital in London for several hours. Pearl had fallen asleep. She smiled and then noticed Sebastian asleep on the couch on the far end of her room. She obviously wasn't the only one exhausted.

"How's the baby?" Pearl asked.

"His royal highness, Prince Christian Robert Keats Pilsen-Chamberlain is doing splendidly. All nine pounds and eight ounces of him. With his dark black hair and face exactly like mine and Bash, everyone has been congratulating Sebastian on his new son. And Bash isn't correcting it and is just saying thank you. It's infuriating, truly." Erik joked. Pearl laughed.

"He is beautiful, isn't he?" She asked. "But the name Christian? Where did it come from?" Pearl asked.

"I asked Sebastian to give him his first name. It's an old tradition with the Godfather choosing the name. He delivered him. I thought it an appropriate honor. I hope you don't mind." He said.

"I love it. I don't mind at all. Why the name?" She asked.

"He said that if he didn't believe in god before this, he certainly was a believer now. So he decided Christian was the perfect name. Plus, the royal family hasn't had a Christian for over two hundred years. It was time." He said. "I will go and get him from the nursery. The nurses wanted you to get some rest. Your delivery is quite the talk of the world." He said, kissing her forehead. She smiled and nodded. Erik left and the door shutting woke Sebastian.

"Pearl. Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting up and wiping his eyes.

"I am alright. The delivery was much easier because of your help. Thank you, Bash. For everything. You were so brave." She said. He walked over to her and took her hand. "You were a total bad arse. I am literally in awe of you, Pearl." He said, leaning down and kissing her hand. She pulled him to her and kissed his cheek. "I hope you know how much you mean to me. To us. To this beautiful boy you helped bring into this world." She said. He nodded and smiled.

"And I love the name." She said.

"I hoped that you would. I was taken aback a little when Erik asked me. I wanted to choose a name you would like." He said.

"I do. Thank you again." She said.

Erik brought in baby Christian and handed him to Pearl. She looked down at his beautiful teal eyes and full head of black hair. She giggled to herself. He does look like a combination of Erik and Bash, she thought. How perfect.

"I'm going to go home and shower. And change my clothes. Nothing like birth goo to ruin a good suit." Sebastian said.

Erik hugged him and thanked him again. "You're welcome, cousin. It was my pleasure. Congratulations to you both." He said. "I'll be back tomorrow to see how you are all getting on."

"Please do." Pearl said.

He smiled and closed the door.

"Erik. I can't believe how beautiful and perfect he is." She said. He smiled, pulling a chair up next to her bed.

"I can." He said. "We made him out of love. So much love."

She smiled. "Yes. Yes we did." She said.

Erik had told everyone to wait at the palace for them to come home to meet the baby. It was their duty to formally announce the baby to the public and press on the day they are sent home and the press was insane with this particular birth. It's not everyday that a kidnapped and rescued royal and heir to the throne of England marries an American rockstar and his cousin, also a royal, delivers their baby in the back seat of an Alfa Romero SUV.

It was a bit press worthy, he had to admit. He wanted a few moments of privacy with the little prince before they had to share him with everyone.

Pearl opened her hospital gown and moved Christian to her breast. Erik watched how she naturally did this and how this little human latched on and began to eat ferociously at her nipple. It was the most incredible thing he had ever seen. And in that moment, he knew he wanted to make another one. Becoming a father was the single greatest moment of his life.

"When can we start trying for another one?" He asked.

"Slow down, Prince fertility. I'm still remembering how bad this labor was." She said, smiling.

"Fine. I'll ask the doctor then. Mark it in your calendar, we are doing this again." He said, laughing. She shook her head. "You are incorrigible." She said.

"Indeed I am. But I am in love. And have just fallen in love all over again with the mother that you have become." He said, kissing the top of her head.