Chapter 312

The next morning after breakfast, Sebastian took Pearl out to the field behind the house.

"Are we going on a nature walk?" She asked, pulling her sweater around her.

"Not exactly." Sebastian said with his perfect British accent.

He walked to an open part of the field and handed Pearl a small handgun.

"What is this?" She asked.

"A gun." Bash said, looking at her and then looking forward.

"Bash, I know what it is. I'd like to think I am not a complete idiot. Why is it in my hand?" She asked, looking down at the completely foreign object to her.

"Have you ever shot a gun?" He asked. The answer obvious by the way she was holding it. She shook her head.

"Alright then. I'm going to teach you how to use it. And how to use it well." He said.

"You are?" She asked.

"I am." He said.

He instructed her on how to hold it. It was heavier than she imagined a gun would be.

"Like this?" She asked.

"Yes." He said.

"This little button is the safety. The gun will not discharge unless it is moved to the off position." He was a thorough and patient teacher. After about an hour, she was shooting like she had been doing it for years. He then showed her how to load and unload the clip and empty the chamber. She wasn't intimidated by it anymore and actually liked shooting.

"I think I might like to do this for fun." She said, aiming at the target he had set up several yards away and hitting it better than he thought she would.

"You continue to surprise me, Pearl." He said, proudly smiling at her.

Later at dinner, Jim pulled Sebastian aside and onto the study away for some privacy.

Pearl put the baby down and followed them.

"So you think Edward is behind this, too?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes. We believe he is." Jim said.

"Behind what?" Pearl asked.

"The illegal funding operation scandal currently going on in Spain. Someone is behind conspiring with local politicians to rig lucrative public contracts. It's huge. The minister in Spain is most likely taking the fall but it sounds like Edward has a hand in it." Sebastian said.

"Pearl, this has been a huge thing in Spain. Huge. We are taking about secret parallel accounts, kick backs for contracts, off-book accounts, money laundering. BILLIONS of dollars. If Edward is behind this, it is going to shock the world." Jim said. "And the intel I just received tells me he is." Pearl looked at Sebastian.

"So murder, fraud, embezzlement, and lies." Pearl said. This was the definition of "in over her head."

"Keep digging, Jim. Let us know. For the time being, we are going to go to Buckingham and make an appearance with the baby. Frances has invited us to dinner tomorrow. We have to appear normal." Sebastian said.


"Come here." Sebastian said, standing at the window of the living room. Pearl walked over to him. He put his arms around her and gave her a big hug.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"I just wanted to feel you in my arms." He said. "And let you know you are safe. It feels good."

Pearl nuzzled into him and hugged him back.

"Yes. It does, doesn't it?" She said. He leaned down and kissed her, then pulled her tighter into his arms.

"Sleep with me tonight." He said, smiling.

"You're not forward or anything." Pearl said, laughing.

"Pearl, if I wanted that, I wouldn't ask. Not like that anyway." Sebastian said. "I meant in my bed. Sleeping. Like sleep. God I love having you in my bed. I love feeling you near me, smelling your skin, you hair. Your presence is intoxicating. It make me feel like a man. Alive and strong and protective." He said.

She looked up at him and nodded. He really was the best to sleep with. He held her and cradled her like a baby, and fit perfectly behind her when they spooned. "I love sleeping with you, too." She said.

He walked over and picked up Christian and then took Pearl's hand, walking his family upstairs.