Chapter 317

Erik and Pearl sat at dinner that evening. She watched the man that had been her entire world the last year of her life as he ate and made small talk, like he wasn't the monster she knew him to be. He talked about his trip to see Auggie, how he visited the de Young museum in San Fransisco and how he wanted to take her there. How he was really beginning to like Seattle and maybe wanted to look at townhouses there to be closer to Pearl's company. Just rambling happily like he hadn't been on a sadistic sexual tour of the entire west coast while looking to kidnap, torture and potentially murder his little brother and one of her best friends. How could she not see it before? She thought to herself. He was truly sociopathic.

"Pearl?" Erik asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What do you say?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. What were you asking?" She said. "I have a bit of headache and was distracted." She said.

"About us moving into Kensington with Bash before I have to leave again?" He asked.

"Oh yes. Of course. And he is ok with this?" She asked.

"We talked about it before. He is good. It's necessary for him as my right hand and the baby's godfather." Erik said.

"Then we will start soon." She said.

"Lovely." He said. In any other circumstance, she would feel guilty about lying to him. Betraying him with his cousin. But she didn't. And wouldn't. Jim interrupted and told Erik he had a visitor.

He excused himself and went to the foyer. Pearl heard him speaking to someone and realized it was Gail. She walked to the foyer and said hello.

"Hi Pearl. Erik has invited me to chat with him. I have your signed consent to do so. Is this still alright?" She asked, giving Pearl a look that made her feel like this might be a part of the plan she wasn't aware of.

"Yes. Of course." Pearl said.

Gail nodded and looked at her. "We won't be long." She said, smiling at Pearl. She gave her a quick wink and Pearl knew it was ok.

"Right this way." Erik said.

Pearl called Sebastian. "Gail is here." She said.

"How are you? Has he put his hands on you? Are you feeling safe?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. And no, he hasn't. Did you know Gail was coming?" She asked.

"Yes. Erik wanted to talk to her about your illness. She's on board. We are good. I miss you so much, Pearl. It's unbelievably difficult to be away from you. I wasn't expecting it to be so hard." He said.

She missed him, too. "Soon, Bash. This will all be over soon." She said.

"And us?" He asked.

"We have just begun." She said, smiling.

"Pearl, keep yourself safe. Be on guard. I will see you Thursday." He said and hung up.

After about an hour, Erik and Gail emerged.

"Thank you, doctor. That was enlightening. I'm glad to hear that Pearl is making such great progress." Erik said.

Erik walked he to the door, where Pearl had been waiting.

"Thank you, Gail. See you next week?" She asked.

"Yes. I look forward to it." Gail replied and left.

"So, how did it go?" Pearl asked. She knew he only called on her to check up on Pearl's story. He didn't believe she was depressed. He didn't think it was possibly for someone like her to be depressed.

"It went well. She seems to be good at what she does." Erik said.

"Good. Are you coming to bed?" Pearl asked.

"No. Not right now. I have to work in the study for a bit." He said. Again, she hid her relief.

"Goodnight then." She said.

"Goodnight, Nightingale." He said with a smile.