Chapter 318

"I'm back! Tell me how much you both missed me." Sebastian said Thursday morning as he walked into the dining room at Highgrove. He had on a suit but it didn't hide his rugged allure. He looked like the actor from Sons of Anarchy, Charlie Hunnam's, identical twin, only with black hair instead of blonde.

Erik and Pearl were having breakfast.

"Hello Sebastian." Pearl said calmly. Seeing him stirred a desire and hunger for him she hadn't felt before. She wanted to jump up and run into his arms but she remained stoic.

"Cousin. How is your father?" Erik asked.

"He is well. How are things here?" Sebastian asked.

"Good. I will be leaving around eight this evening and won't be back until Friday afternoon. I'd like it if you and Jim would get a team together to get Pearl and myself moved into Kensington." Erik said. "And you as well, as we previously discussed." He said, looking up and Sebastian.

"I will get that put together." Sebastian said. He avoided looking at Pearl. Was he having as difficult a time maintaining as she was? She thought. The intensity of her feelings for him increased much over the last two days without him. She not only wanted to be near him to feel safe, but she craved his scent, his arms and his body as well.

"I will be in the study if anyone needs me." Erik said, standing up and walking out of the room.

Pearl looked up at Sebastian and nearly knocked her chair over as she ran into his arms.

"Pearl.." he whispered. She looked up at his eyes and kissed him.

He released her from his arms and guided her back to her chair. He seemed colder than usual.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"We have to be careful right now, more than ever." He said. He ran his hand down her head and hair and walked out of the room. She sighed and collected herself. He was right.

Sebastian closed the door to his room and exhaled, feeling tears welling in his eyes. The way she had ran to him, the desire in her embrace. His heart raced and his body felt a wave of heat. That's all I have wanted, he thought. To see her like run to me like that and to hear in her voice the want, the care. And after he saw it, just a few moments ago, he knew what he needed to help quell the fear he had about her. He was certain of her feelings now and he could barely contain himself. "She is mine" he whispered under his breath.


Erik had his bag packed and carried to the front door. "I will be back tomorrow, my love. Please begin planning the move and we will get to work on it this weekend. I love you." He said.

Pearl smiled and hugged him. "Erik, do you have to go?" She asked. Part of it was to keep the act going but it was also to ask him one last time if he was sure this was the life he wanted. If he truly wanted to betray her this last time. If it was worth it.

"Yes. I have to. But it won't be long like before. Just one night. See you soon, Nightingale." He said, kissing her cheek.

She nodded and watched him walk to the car.

Not if I can help it, she thought as she waved.

Sebastian was ready to go as soon as Erik's car was out of sight.

Pearl looked terrified.

"Pearl, it's going to be ok. Look at me." He said, grabbing her arms and looking into her eyes with his sharp grey stare.

"After tonight, life is going to be better for you than it ever has been, I promise. Pearl, I want to make you happy. To love and protect you and Christian. Always. Every terrible thing, every betrayal, every lie, every bit of pain lead you here, to this and to me. And I swear to you on all that I have, all that I am, that I will honor your journey and your heart. You are so brave. So strong. I ardently adore and love you." He said, pulling her to him and kissing her.

This was dangerous. This was insane, she thought. What if the plan didn't work? What if she never saw him again? What if they were found out as treasonous criminals?

She looked at him. "I'm in love with you. I'm sorry I fucked up so many times before and made those worlds cheap. But it's not a lie with you. This is love, Bash. It's everything I thought it shouldn't be and now I know it is. I looked for fantasy love. I let men read me and tell me what I wanted to hear. But you... you tell me what I need to hear. The truth. And you are what is real about love. Thank you." She said. He wiped the tears that he knew were running down his face.

"Be safe, Sebastian." She said.

"I will come back. I will come back to you. I will be back by your side, no matter what happens." He said. He kissed her forehead and walked out of the door. She watched his car drive off and took a deep breath.

This is what she was always supposed to do. This was her destiny.