Chapter 321

Erik woke up and looked around, his vision blurry. The back of his head throbbed. After a moment, he realized that he was in a police interrogation room.

Bloody fucking hell. He thought to himself as he shifted in his chair.

Sebastian, Fi, Q, Angela the escort, the two cop actors, Blake and Rowan were all seated behind the two way mirror. The cameras were rolling and it was about to begin.

Erik heard the door handle move and saw the same man that hit him in the head walk in. M was an American. A tall and muscular man, older with a weathered face and a raspy voice. His presence was beyond intimidating.

He sat across from Erik, remaining silent.

"I want to speak to my father. And my solicitor." Erik said. "How long have I been here? I'm dying of thirst. And if that clock is correct, it's been hours. Hours!"

M put a bottle of water in front of Erik. Erik took a drink and looked at M. "Thank you." He said.

M picked up the bottle and then placed three photos in front of Erik, still silent.

Erik looked away and refused to look at them. M held them up and followed Erik's eyes with the close up of Angela's bloody head with her eyes half open and dead looking.

"I need to make a phone call." Erik said. M shook his head.

"I'm the prince of fucking England for god's sake!" Erik shouted.

"No, you aren't." M said, in a clear American accent.

"You're American." Erik said.

"You're right." M said.

"Why would you say that I am not the prince? Do you not believe me?" Erik said, acting annoyed.

"I don't believe you, actually. And your brother seems to believe he isn't a prince either. But that's not why I'm here." M said.

Erik felt his heart sink to his stomach. Auggie talked. He fucking told the Americans about their lie, he thought.

"Do you know who this woman was?" M asked. Erik felt his pulse race. He said "was". She was dead.

"I've never seen her before in my life." Erik said.

M pulled something out of a bag he carried in. It was a clear bag with a red silk dress inside. He placed it on the table. Erik's eyes grew large and M could see his jaw clench. He was scared.

"I'll ask you again. Do you know who this woman was?" M said. Erik did not answer. M then took out another object wrapped in plastic and placed it on the table. It was the riding crop.

"She was an American, working for the EUR division of the CIA. She was there as a spy and her subject was... you." M said.

Erik's face turned pale. He looked like someone had just walked over his grave. He still didn't respond.

"So, you have a couple of options here. One, you stay silent and involve your father and we test the DNA that was found on this dress and riding crop against yours, and convict you outright, embarrassing your family and your country and taking your title and throne. Two, you start to talk to us and tell us what's been going on with you and your family and work with us on some kind of arrangement that might keep you out of prison for the rest of your natural life. Hell, maybe even keep your crown. Your choice." M said. Erik shifted his weight in his chair.

M waited a few minutes and gathered his things.

"I have to agree to give you my DNA." Erik said as M opened the door. He held out the water bottle. "Already got it." He said and closed the door.