Chapter 322

"You were incredible, M." Sebastian said. However much he had despised his cousin over the years, he still couldn't believe Erik would do what he did. They had set him up and he did it. He did what they knew he would do.

"Setting the clock ahead was a good touch." M said.

"Let's make him sweat for a bit. Then M, you are on again. Remember, we need him to ask to talk to me. Not his father. Not anyone else. And Pearl is a last resort. Only if he insists. I want to keep her home and away from this." Sebastian said.

"I got it." M said.

For the next hour, they watched Erik squirm in his seat.

"This in unreal. Truly unreal. I can't believe this has all happened. Your fiancée. Auggie. Ugh. Poor Pearl, too." Fi said. Sebastian nodded. It was awful.

Finally, it was time for M to come back in.

He sat down in front of Erik again. "Listen. I need to speak to someone. You can't keep me here. It's illegal." Erik said.

"I can keep you here until the DNA comes back. I have probable cause." M said, crossing his arms.

"Well, I can call someone. I know that." Erik said.

"Not your father. Anyone else, I might consider." M said. Erik thought about it. He couldn't call Auggie, of course. Pearl. Pearl would help him. She helped him before. He was just about to ask for her but he knew this was infidelity. There was a strong chance she wouldn't help. And he needed it.

"I want to call my cousin, Sebastian. Please." Erik said. "And my solicitor. I have a right to an attorney."

"You might not want to get a lawyer involved yet, but I can't refuse it, you're right. Talk to your cousin first and then let me know what way you want to go. I will call him and get him here." M said.

Erik nodded. "Thank you." He said.


Pearl got the text from Bash. "Next step complete. He has asked to talk to me."

Pearl felt the tears welling in her eyes. The man she met and fell in love with was not the man she thought he was. He did what they set him up to do. He had to want to hurt her in a terrible way to make it look like he liked her. She was both disgusted and ashamed. And broken. How could she allow this to happen again? She thought. She waited in silence for the next text to come.


Sebastian walked into the interrogation room. Erik looked at him, relieved.

"Cousin. Thank. God. You have no idea how happy I am... " he began.

"Tell me about Anna." Sebastian said. Erik looked surprised. Auggie told then everything, he thought. Fuck.

"Cousin, what are you talking about?" Erik asked.

Sebastian stood up and walked to the door and knocked on it, asking to be let out.

"Wait! Wait. I will tell you everything." Erik said.

Sebastian turned around and sat down. This is what he wanted.

"Ok. Tell me. I can't wait to hear it." Sebastian said, folding his hands.

Erik proceeded to tell him about her finding out his true lineage. Claiming it was all Edward's idea to kill her. He took no responsibility what so ever.

"I don't believe you." Sebastian said.

"Ok ok. I knew about it. I knew the night it was going to happen. I helped the burglar, er, hitman rather, find the house. But I didn't know he was going to kill her. I thought he was just going to scare her, make her afraid to ever talk about what she found out." Erik said. "That's what father said he was going to do." Sebastian nodded.

"So, you aren't the heir apparent?" Sebastian asked. "And she found out." He asked.

"Yes. But I never meant for her to be killed." Erik said.

"But you helped cover it up." Sebastian said.

"Bash, I had to. My father, you know how he is." Erik said.

"In doing that, you took away my rightful place in line. Erik, I am the heir apparent." Sebastian said.

"Yes but you never wanted it. You still wouldn't want it." Erik said. Sebastian couldn't believe it. He was making excuses for taking away his birthright.

"What about the girl tonight?" Sebastian asked. "Did you mean for her to be killed?"

"I can't talk about that." Erik said looking around.

"Just tell me, was it on purpose or was it like the last two girls?" Sebastian asked.

"It was like the last two." Erik whispered.

"And what about Spain?" Sebastian asked. The surprise came over Erik's face again. Auggie had completely betrayed them.

"That is all father. I had nothing to do with that. At all." Erik said, sincerely. Sebastian didn't believe he did. But it didn't matter. He had done enough all on his own.

"You need to take whatever deal they offer you, if any. It's going to mean you tell them about your father's corruption, I would guess. You need to take it, you need to work with them." Sebastian said.

Erik nodded. Sebastian got up to leave.

"Wait. You're leaving?" Erik asked.

"I need to process this. I was just informed right before I walked in. It is a lot." Sebastian said.

Erik nodded.

"One more thing." Sebastian said. "Pearl knows." He said as he was let out, leaving Erik alone and in full panic.