Chapter 403

The car stopped in front of Thomas and Dana's house.

"Thank you for having dinner with me tonight." Christian said.

"Thank you, seriously, for inviting me." Nora said.

"I needed to see you like this, without having to pretend. Without having to worry. I needed be myself so I could see how that felt." He said.

She nodded.

"So you could be sure you still liked me?" She asked.

"So I could make sure you could like me." He said.

"It was a shock, it still is. I'm still working it out, in my mind." Nora said.

"I know. I understand." He said.

He opened his door and got out, walking around to open hers.

"I had a lovely time tonight. Thank you again." She said.

"Nora, I want to see you again, if that's ok." He said.

She smiled. "I fly home tomorrow. But… I took the week after next off for your visit. I'm planning on it." She said with a smile. He watched her walk up to the door and go inside. He smiled and took a deep breath. This was going to be the beginning of long and bumpy ride.


Christian got back to the palace and sat down in his office. He closed his eyes and pictured her face, her smile. The scent of her hair. The way her body trembled as he ran his hands along her lips, tracing down her throat and along her curves. He wanted her, but he also wanted to be a gentleman. A real date. Watching her walk into that house and not into his bed. He shook his head and went to his room. A cold shower was definitely in order.


He climbed into bed and checked his phone. Nothing from her.

Stop being insane, Christian, he thought.

He covered up and tried to fall asleep. Just as he started to drift off, his phone beeped. He opened the message.

"I feel like I'm going crazy. Can't sleep until I tell you goodnight. So, goodnight. I miss you."

He smiled.

"I can't sleep either. Goodnight, I miss you." He texted back.

Fuck it, he thought.

"Get a cab and come to the palace. There is a side entrance. Have them drop you at the curb, I'll be waiting there for you." He sent it.

He put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and went downstairs.

"Omw." She sent. He smiled.

"Good." He sent back.

15 minutes later, there she stood. He ran to her and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm glad you came." He said.

"Me too." She whispered.

He pulled her inside and past the guard at the door. They went to his room as quickly as possible.

Once inside, he closed the door and stood there, looking at her, breathlessly.

He grabbed her and kissed her, pulling her to him and taking off her coat, letting it fall to the floor.

"I need you. I need you now." He said, moving the straps of her tank top down and cupping her breasts.

He had her clothes off within seconds, lowering her onto the bed.

"Fuck me, Christian." She whispered, driving him insane with want. Moving his pants down and off, he hovered over her, sliding inside of her and causing her to gasp.

"Christian…" she moaned.

"Yes…. Yes Nora." He whispered.

And the rest of the night, they spent making love with only short intervals of sleep in between.


Knocking at the door woke him up.

"Your majesty? Are you coming to breakfast?" It was Gilley. Someone must have sent him up.

"Your majesty? It's almost 9 o'clock!" Gilley said, his voice cracking.

Christian looked over to see Nora sleeping soundly beside him. He smiled and covered her all the way up.

He opened the door, still completely naked, his hair a total disaster.

"Yes, Gilley?" Christian said.

"Oh my, well, I can see you've overslept." Gilley said, covering his eyes. "Your mum and Dylan were wondering if you were coming down for breakfast." He said.

"Yes. I'll be down in a few minutes. Tell them I needed to sleep a little longer today." Christian said. He closed the door. Gilley stood there for a few moments and walked back to the dining room, shaking his head.

"Christian, what time is it?" Nora asked, yawning.

"845 am." He said, kissing her.

"Shit! I have to go. My flight leaves at 1130 and I have to get my things from Dana's house. Shit!" She said. Christian picked up his phone and called Derek.

"Yes. We need to sneak her out and get her to Heathrow by 1100. Yes I know. Thank you." Christian said.

"Thank you." Nora said after he hung up.

"My pleasure. Soooo much pleasure." He said with a smile. She swatted at him and put on her shoes.

Derek knocked as Christian kissed her. "I will see you in less than two weeks. If I can make it that long." He said.

"I will count the days. Thank you, for everything." She said. She put on her coat and Derek whisked her away.

Christian smiled and fell back onto the bed, the sheets carrying the scent of her skin.

A knock again at his door.

"Your majesty…"

"I'm coming, Gilley!" He shouted.

He threw on a pair of sweats and the wrinkled up hoodie that fell on the floor from last night. His hair was an absolute wreck and he smelled like sex and sweat. He didn't care.

He walked into the dining room and poured a cup of tea, as he whistled a Norah Jones song. His hair was standing up all over as poured the sugar in and danced as he stirred it. He noticed a silence in the room. He looked over and saw his mother, Dylan, Isla, Sophie, Phillip, Auggie and Maggie all sitting at breakfast, staring at him in silence.

"What?" He asked.

"What? Christian, look at you. Are you alright?" Pearl asked.

"Seriously Christian." Isla said.

"Yeah? I'm great actually. Never better." He sat down at the table and grabbed a croissant, shoving it in his mouth. "I'm starving, though." He said with his mouth full. Pearl's eyes widened and Auggie looked at him with both disgust and curiosity.

"No suit today?" Auggie asked, clearing his throat.

"Nah. Just woke up and came down. What's on the ah-gen-da today, Augmeister." Christian asked. Everyone looked at one another, confused.

"Augmeister? Cute. Funny. Ok, well, you have a call at 11, a visit to the museum at 2 and dinner with the ambassador to Uganda at 530." Auggie said.

"Great. I'm going to shower. I'll be there for the call at 11." Christian said, pointing finger guns at Auggie and Phillip. He slammed his tea and stood up. He turned to Sophie. "Also, please don't tell people we are dating. It's not only completely untrue but also rather embarrassing for you. It's a bit desperate, isn't it? Anyway. See you in a bit." He said, grabbing another croissant and walking out.

"Who in the bloody hell was that?" Phillip asked.

"I have absolutely no idea." Pearl said.

"I like him." Dylan said with a smile, pointing a finger gun at the door. They all looked at him and sat in silence.