Chapter 463

The morning light came through the window and shone into the large master bedroom suite at Balmoral. Auggie stood at the end of the bed, anxiously awaiting Nora to wake up.

Finally, around 9 am, she rolled over and yawned. "Christian?"

There was a large spread set up in the room with tea and a full Scottish breakfast.

Auggie had on Scottish regalia complete with a kilt.

"Where's Christian? And why are you dressed like that?" Nora asked, sitting up.

"Breakfast is here, please sit." He pulled out a chair for her.

"Alright?" She seemed confused. She put on a robe and went to the bathroom and came back, sitting at the table and grabbing a piece of toast.

He poured her a cup of tea and patiently watched her eat.

"This is weird," she said with a laugh. "But I'm not used to royal life and such so maybe this is a Scotland thing?" She sipped her tea. Isla barged in, holding a garment bag.

"Good morning! I hope you slept well."

Nora looked even more confused.

Isla laid the bag on the bed and pulled out Nora's wedding gown.

"Isla? Are we doing a fitting today? Did I forget?"

"Oh Nora, no. We are doing a WEDDING today." Isla casually said. Nora dropped her toast.

"I will step out while the bride gets ready. Jakob and I will be downstairs in the library." Auggie bowed and took his leave.

"The bride? Isla, what is going on?" Nora felt a wave of panic wash over her.

"Good morning, ladies. May I come in?" Pearl stood at the door with a bouquet of flowers in her hands and velvet box.

"Pearl, yes. Please." Nora stood and curtsied. Pearl walked over to her and motioned her to stand.

"Today, you will become a queen. There will be no more bowing between us." Pearl smiled and hugged her. Nora began to cry, wiping her face.

"Oh no, you can't start crying now, we still have a long day ahead of us." Isla said.

"I, I'm sorry, I don't understand. What is going on?"

"Nora, this is a very special day. It's not a day for the world. For the country. Even for us. It's a day for you and for my son. This is Christian's gift to you, his way of showing you that you matter more than a title. More than anything, anything in the world. And this is us, his family, supporting it. We put it all together. Today is your wedding day," Pearl explained. Nora covered her mouth with excitement.


"No. But not far. We will take you there straight away. Christian is waiting," Pearl proudly said.

Nora jumped up and down and fanned her eyes. "Oh my goodness, this is really happening! Oh. But what about my dad and brother? I really wanted him to be there to walk me down the aisle."

"He's there too, waiting for you," Pearl said. Nora hugged her.

"Thank you," she said.

After a quick shower and helping Nora put up her hair and get into her dress, they were ready.

"You look beautiful." Isla said.

"One more thing." Pearl handed her the box.

Nora opened it to find a beautiful sapphire and diamond necklace inside.

"It is my gift to you. Something blue."

Nora had never seen anything so beautiful in her entire life.

Pearl helped her put it on.

"Perfect. Now let's get you to your wedding, queen Nora," Pearl said. Isla clapped her hands and hugged her.

"Let's go, sister!"


Christian stood next to Erik by the water. John and Marcus walked around, pacing and talking excitedly as Maggie made sure all the last touches were perfect. There were only a few flowers spread about on the ground. The rocky River Dee and view from it was breathtaking, with the green and yellow trees on hills in the distance the perfect backdrop. Security lined the vicinity of the area around, set us as inconspicuous looking as possible.

"I'm a nervous wreck, almost sick really," Christian said. Erik smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "You will make it."

"Was it like this for you?" Christian asked.

"Oh yes. I was a disaster. An absolute puddle of a man but the moment I saw her, the world around me stopped and I knew I was the luckiest man alive. I realized at that moment that being nervous was complete rubbish and that I should enjoy the moment. The moment when a woman I didn't deserve walked to me, beautiful and brilliant, to become mine. That she saw me fit enough to give her whole heart to."

Christian smiled and looked at him. "Erik, thank you. You have come back into our lives and made things so much better; So much easier. We are lucky to have you."

Erik felt his heart filling with love and pride. "I am the fortunate one."

Christian nodded with a smile.

The car pulled up and Auggie stepped outside. Erik put his arm around Christian and said, "Let's begin, shall we?"